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Why can't I Search these forums?


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So, like a good netizen, I wanted to make sure the question I was asking hadn't been answered before, and tried to search for it... only to find that I am apparently forbidden to search!


I try to go to http://www.swtor.com/community/search.php


and I get:


Ancaglon, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:


Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?

If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.


I have logged an in-game ticket about this also, but got a canned "we've passed this onto the developers" message...

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The official answer is that the Search ability is offline for maintenance (coming up on one month of maintenance, gotta be a record).


I'd link to the post but I can't search to find it...


I think the real reason is one of the devs forgot to go to Toshi Station to pick up the power converters...

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I am guessing they disabled the search to save bandwidth on the site during launch.


This is correct.


if you search just about any topic on google and include swtor in the search terms, it usually comes up with results from this forum.


I'll do you one better. Go to google and include this in your search site:swtor.com


All the search results will be from here.

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Why use this forum to search?


Its faster to use google to do so as it provides better results. This forum is being handled to cover millions of users, there is no way that the forum will be able to handle all the search results (as this is modification of Vbulletin forum software) and all search results get saved to the Backend DB that runs the forums (from my experience, im not sure how Bioware Setup theirs)


And they may limit your search results if it ever comes back online (200 results maybe)



Just got to google.com > in the Search: site:swtor.com <search term>


Remove the brackets around search term



Like this for example:

site:swtor.com error code 9000



What's nice is that you can do search results on smaller search strings (less than 3 letters in a word). By default, Vbulletin would not allow you to do so.

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Sure, I get that, but then search on google really isn't an option. If I try 10 searches and each one gets "thread not found" then google search isn't viable. I'd do better combing the forums.


I also can't look at posts I have made through my profile, so I have to come back each time to search for it. Is that just me, or are others seeing that too? Since I can post, I assume I'm not banned or anything. Doubt anything I've said would get me in trouble.

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Sure, I get that, but then search on google really isn't an option. If I try 10 searches and each one gets "thread not found" then google search isn't viable. I'd do better combing the forums.


How is Google "not an option" : without search, how are you doing any better? Unless the same question you asked is on the first couple of pages in a forum, your question may be buried under several pages and your answer not even found.


Google is currently better than what we have now (which is no function)


I also can't look at posts I have made through my profile, so I have to come back each time to search for it. Is that just me, or are others seeing that too? Since I can post, I assume I'm not banned or anything. Doubt anything I've said would get me in trouble.


Again, if the search function was offered, there would be no way for the forum to function properly. with over 10000's post a day, each SEARCH request is saved to the forum's DB (I've run several Vbulletin based websites). The server load would be insane.


and they'd probably limit your results to the first 200 results (from the most recent). So looking for older answers, would require you to use other means to find it (Like using Google). So if 1000 people posted about "Kaliyo" you'd only get the most recent 200 results.


And as long as your name is displayed here and indexed by Google, you can find your threads and those you participate in in Google:


site:swtor.com Crowdpleazr



google is far better than any forum software search function. On bigger and busier forums that I visit, I've had to search forums for posts dating back several years. Care to do that with a forum that gets nearly 15K posts over 1000 newly created threads a day?

Edited by DeeLyte
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