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Why are a "select few" getting to play , when we purchased the same thing?


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They preluded to you getting in 1-5 days early. If you don't get in early its a scam. They know this and everybody will be in by the end of this weekend i guarentee
How is it a scam? You pre-ordered to get your copy of the game guaranteed. That pre-order money gets applied to the cost of the game. Surely there needs to be some sort of negative transaction involved to be considered a scam? There was no guarantee about getting in to EGA. It was stated that it's up to 5 days..that includes 0 days. It isn't even 5 days yet...nor 0 days. If you don't get in on the 20th, then we'll talk.


People seem to forget what the term 'pre-order' means. It means you're freaking pre-ordering the game. Which is what ALL of you did when you pre-ordered. No scam..you got your pre-order.

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Staggered early access was always the plan, it was thoroughly advertised/publicised and made known.


To whinge about it now, when it is too late is just stupid...



not at anytime was it made known to a person who went online to amazon and purchased it, not at any point was i MADE aware of this biased system that creates an unfair environment, on a game i payed the exact money for, and the exact product, a PREORDER.

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the confirmation email is sent to you AFTER, and note this AFTER you pay for the product.


Then you should have *********** returned it when you read the *********** e-mail. No one was holding a gun to your face and saying you must enter it. You could get a refund and all your money back. It's no one's fault you can't read English or research a game before buying. If you feel Amazon cheated you, sue Amazon, but please, disappear from here, we hate you.

Edited by DrAidennwitz
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Actually i will play by the rules set by fair trading, and what they are doing is breaking those rules, by misrepresenting a product so they can make a easy sale.


please site these "rules set by fair trading" and then point to an infraction

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as title says.


Discrimination much?


add in the other problems, lvl issues , especially on pvp servers, economies ruined , players having clear advantages.I could go on and on, there are millions of problems with this staggered launch, its mindblowing that nobody in any of these companies didnt realize the problem this was going to create.



You will find alot of people no longer buy things from the companies assiocated with this game, i know that for a fact, because i already have friends who refuse to play anything EA has there name on, which is this, even though its star wars and they like it, they wont play due to EA, now, all i can say is WOW, way to go with this latest debarcle.



this is Coming from a very pissed of customer


Next time pre-order earlier.



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How is it a scam? You pre-ordered to get your copy of the game guaranteed. That pre-order money gets applied to the cost of the game. Surely there needs to be some sort of negative transaction involved to be considered a scam? There was no guarantee about getting in to EGA. It was stated that it's up to 5 days..that includes 0 days. It isn't even 5 days yet...nor 0 days. If you don't get in on the 20th, then we'll talk.


People seem to forget what the term 'pre-order' means. It means you're freaking pre-ordering the game. Which is what ALL of you did when you pre-ordered. No scam..you got your pre-order.


Nah, actually it includes at least 1 day, the devs said so.

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Actually i will play by the rules set by fair trading, and what they are doing is breaking those rules, by misrepresenting a product so they can make a easy sale.


And yet in a few days we will see you in the game, they will have your money.

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Then you should have *********** returned it when you read the *********** e-mail. No one was holding a gun to your face and says that you must wait. You can get a refund and all your money back. It's no one's fault you can't read English or research a game before buying. If you feel Amazon cheated you, sue Amazon, but please, disappear from here, we hate you.


Returned it? i had already payed for it


How i was supposed to know a major gaming company was going to scam people like they have regarding the preorders

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that is total ********* , you didn't pay to get online on the 20th, you paid to get early access. That's why we pre ordered , that was the whole point of the pre order.


actually the point is that you have your copy. Many places are sold out and WILL NOT have copies on the 20th for the rest of the people who didnt feel like playing. Guess what, you get to play on the 20th when poor little Fred over there has to wait for them to get more!

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How is it a scam? You pre-ordered to get your copy of the game guaranteed. That pre-order money gets applied to the cost of the game. Surely there needs to be some sort of negative transaction involved to be considered a scam? There was no guarantee about getting in to EGA. It was stated that it's up to 5 days..that includes 0 days. It isn't even 5 days yet...nor 0 days. If you don't get in on the 20th, then we'll talk.


People seem to forget what the term 'pre-order' means. It means you're freaking pre-ordering the game. Which is what ALL of you did when you pre-ordered. No scam..you got your pre-order.


Are you a ****** seriously? Early access means before launch. Just **** and RP more pls

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Returned it? i had already payed for it


How i was supposed to know a major gaming company was going to scam people like they have regarding the preorders


you were offered early game access, early game access is not over....your argument is invalid until december 20th 2011

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no its people getting an advantage , which they should not be getting, we all purchased a PREORDER , why in the hell are people playing and some are not?


I couldn't get past two comments of your butthurt. Nobody has any advantage, people can't spend their whole waking lives playing games. What do these people gain? Levels, and when they hit cap... then they wait for you guys. Your pre-order was for the 15th, WELL IT AIN'T COME YET, so sit back, and glue your fingers together.


Last thing, what would you RATHER have, a BAJILLION PEOPLE (Real estimates!) staying home on release day and once all the servers boot up just sodomize them incessantly, have crashes and people ************ WAAA, WHY CAN'T I PLAY, fighting over NPC spawns, WAITING TEN MIN?UTES JUST TO SLAM ON A BUTTON FASTER THEN THE NEXT GUY so you can 'tag' the named npc you need to kill. OR would you like to create your character, have a dispersed population, yet still have enough people in your same level to make grouping a simple task?


Next time your brain crashes together two neurons to form a thought, keep it to yourself dummy.

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That image means nothing



again i will state, not at any point did the provider or the box tell you" people who preorder the game before you , will be playing before you" not in anycase has this been said or presented on the actual box.



And i purchased it online, i did not go into the store


So to get this right;

  • you went to the store, but didn't go to the store as you bought online.
  • You have a box, that I am not sure you can actually buy yet.
  • You have been charged already for the box, that you have
  • You failed at reading the FAQ and the website for the game
  • Whomever you "bought" the "box that you have" from failed to tell you that you need to register to join the early access for an unreleased game early?
  • Bioware have targetted you for "special" attention


Is that about right?


When EXACTLY did you actually go to the store (online) that had sold you the box you have received for the unreleased game (it releases on the 20th by the way)?

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not at anytime was it made known to a person who went online to amazon and purchased it, not at any point was i MADE aware of this biased system that creates an unfair environment, on a game i payed the exact money for, and the exact product, a PREORDER.


ALRIGHT...ENOUGH I let this slip for too pages now...but for the good lord's sake man...it's spelled PAID..not payed

Edited by cipero
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Actually no, i am taking the matter further, because whats happened here is not right


IT isn't right that they adhered EXACTLY to what they have advertised for months, with privately owned software and hardware?


You'd be the first person to claim THAT, I'm sure. Should we call Guiness?

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not at anytime was it made known to a person who went online to amazon and purchased it, not at any point was i MADE aware of this biased system that creates an unfair environment, on a game i payed the exact money for, and the exact product, a PREORDER.


That is just a lie, I was well aware when I pre-ordered from amazon that early access would be staggered by priority of those that registered their pre-order code first. Just because your ignorant inst anyone's fault but your own. ;)

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Returned it? i had already payed for it


How i was supposed to know a major gaming company was going to scam people like they have regarding the preorders


What gaming company? Bioware does not own Amazon.


Also, you can return any product you're not satisfied with within 7 days to Amazon. Actually, it is said on the product order page, that they can invalidate your code should you decide to return it to get your money back.


Go away, troll.

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not at anytime was it made known to a person who went online to amazon and purchased it, not at any point was i MADE aware of this biased system that creates an unfair environment, on a game i payed the exact money for, and the exact product, a PREORDER.


all it says is that you get early access on the website, refers you to swtor.com/faq you chose to ignore that. stop being a child. good night all this is really pointless because you are going to cancel or forget all about this once your in the game.

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lol your joking if your holding onto that as refering to, people who preorder first will be playing on a server first, and gaining a unfair advantage


The unfair advantage argument is fallacious.


I have seen new servers open up in other MMOs months after launch and it is not very long before the "elite" players on the new servers have caught up "competitively" with the older server’s elite players and then transfer. I have seen economies temporally borked by exploits, yet they recover much quicker than you may think.


If this “advantage” of playing before others was so catastrophic, no one would ever bother joining an MMO other than at launch time.

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