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What Determines SWTOR's Failure?


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To each his own i guess, for me i don't consider it a failure at all.


Yes it could be better, yes there are a few problems, bugs, missing features etc... ok yes there are more than a few problems :jawa_tongue:


Still... i have fun playing it, i enjoy many of it's features (those that actually work) and with the regular patches and the upcoming 1.2 i think this game has a bright future.

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The failure is already showing look at this forum and the people talking about the game. Everything I'm hearing says it simple, it's not a good game, it's not fun, I want something that's new and innovative, GW2/Tera are going to be better.


That's all I hear, both in game and out of game. The group from SWG that I play with? They hate the game and are looking forward to Secret World, a few are thinking about going back to AoC due to how the game just feels better for RP. PvPer's I know hate the game, they feel it's too much of a zerg rush. The Raiders and PvE players? The raids are broken and no one wants to do PvE content.


Those are your three main groups right there. Role Players, PvPer's and PvE Players and none of them are happy. All of them are looking at and talking about other games much more then TOR. A good chunk of them have said it, even if BioWare can fix the game and add new things in why should they stay? BioWare is going to be adding in things that other games have for the next two years.


So yes I feel TOR has been a failure, even if they do fix the game no one is going to come back when all you hear about is how bad the game is.




There's a strong selection bias on forums. People who are bored or who want the game to be better have time to sit around here and complain about it. People who are actually enjoying themselves playing the game are well, playing the game, and not reading forums.


The forums then act as a giant echo chamber (or etalon if you prefer) which amplifies only those voices which are negative, and anyone who has nice things to say just gives up, and goes back to playing the game feeling the complainers on the forums aren't worth the effort.


That isn't to say there aren't legitimate complaints or serious issues. But SWTOR needs about 1.5 -1.6 millions subs for the year to be worth continuing in its current state with 400 devs and so on. 100k people who are very unhappy can make a lot of noise, but are on the scale of things a small portion of the potential playerbase. The question and this is the great challenge, is whether or not the 100k represent where everyone else is going to end up, or whether or not they are the 5-7% who will be just unhappy with the game because they have too much time, or too little, or want a different experience.

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Failure is a completely subjective measure for MMOs. One persons fun is another persons tedium. One persons assessment of failure is not congruent with another persons assessment of success, no matter how similar the method of assessment might be. Edited by Andryah
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1. EA/Bioware lost money due to high development costs ($300 million) so SWTOR is a financial failure!


The fact is the game has sold at least 1.5 million copies already recouping about $90 million. Even if they don't sell another copy and 50% of the buyers unsubscribe they still recoup all their costs in little over a year and this doesn't even take into account the additional money brought in by the CE editions or DD editions


You're not taking into account the continued cost of maintaing and updating the game as well the fact that sales are decreasing at an alarming rate compared to just a month ago.


2. The game will fail because tons of people are unsubscribing and SWTOR will just die from lack of players!


The fact is not every game is WoW, every game doesn't need 11 million players to stay alive. There are plenty of MMOs that not only survive but thrive with only a few hundred thousand players and are in no danger of being shut down. Star Wars Galaxies lasted over 8 years with a rather small player base compared to WoW. Even if 90% of all the current SWTOR players quit it still would not die. If you judge the success or failure of a MMO on whether it knocks WoW off the MMO mountain then every MMO is a failure in your eyes.


You're right. Not every game is WoW. But this game had a $300 million development cost. It was supposed to be the mmo regardless if Bioware wants to admit their ambitions or not. This was supposed to be the WoW killer and thus far, it is a huge let down.


We're running into the same problem that games like Aion and Rift had and, to be honest, Bioware has nobody to blame but themselves. Bioware refused to listen to their beta testers when they had the chance. For a company that used to have the highest reputation in the industry, they've fell a long way and don't really even seem to care.


3. SWTOR is failing so bad it will be Free To Play in "X" weeks/months!


The fact is a game going Free To Play doesn't constitute a failure. In fact most MMOs that switch from a subscription based business model to a Free to Play + Microtransactions business model see a surge in their player base. Examples being LOTRO and DC Universe Online, which is a perfect example as it had a great release then lost most of it's subscribers in the first few months then late last year they went free to play + microtransactions and then gained over 1 million new players. Farmville works on a free to play + microtransactions model and has a player base of over 110 million players with an average 32 million players playing online at any given moment. Zynga makes over $500 million a year just from Farmville. A game being or becoming free to play hardly constitutes a failure in fact it is probably just the opposite.


The game going F2p would constitute a failure. To actually make decent money as a F2p game, you have to have an item mall with items in it that people will actually buy. This means the game becomes not so much about skill but more so about how much money someone has IRL. Nobody wants to play this type of game as you can see with the failure rate of the Asian mmo market. Lotor and DCU are subpar games at best and do not even compare to AAA status that really only 2 mmo on the market can claim to have (this being one of them). And Farmville? Are you really comparing a $300 million dollar game to Farmville?


So exactly what has determined that SWTOR will fail and/or die? What massive MMO expertise do you bring to the table that allows you disregard the above facts? What makes SWTOR a failure? Because you or many of you have decided to quit playing? I hate to break it to you but SWTOR will still be alive and well for years to come whether you are here or not. :eek:


The above "Facts" that you've posted are myths. Tor is a failure (thus far) because Bioware refuses to listen to the people that actually play the game. Issues that continue to be issues we're brought up to Bioware in early beta and Bioware chose to ignore their testers. Tor had the potential (and still does) to be that top mmo in the genre, but the game is being held back by the pride (and inexperience) of it's developers.


Tor will be alive for years. Maybe not "well" though. It's up to Bioware where they choose to take this game. But I'm going to tell you right now that people aren't going to put up with the horrible customer support (most don't even speak English) and the lack of communication between the developers and the paying customers. Bioware really does need to learn who pays their salary.

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not as epic/grand as WoW in almost many aspects.


but judging SWTOR would be better done 6 months from now


The game is fun for about an hour and then I log. I play maybe 6-8 wargames, say hello to my friends and I log. There is just no "feel" for this game anymore. I did both HM raids to end boss 3 times each, and Ilum is a drag.


All I do is WZ's and even that is dreadfull. When I have to try to enjoy this game, thats not good.

Edited by Drahh
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I am a star wars and bioware fan and this game really hits rock bottom in some aspect.


1. It's not finished.

2. An endless amount of bugs.

3. Some of the animations are missing.

4. Combat gameplay solutions are not innovative.

5. (Performance issues.)


The game has some really good aspects, but all of the unfinished parts are just too much. That's why SWToR is a failure even if the developer companies don't admit it.

Edited by Terko_Koslah
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I am a star wars and bioware fan and this game really hits rock bottom in some aspect.


1. It's not finished.

2. An endless amount of bugs.

3. Some of the animations are missing.

4. Combat gameplay solutions are not innovative.

5. (Performance issues.)


The game has some really good aspects, but all of the unfinished parts are just too much. That's why SWToR is a failure even if the developer companies don't admit it.


It shouldn't have been released. It was rushed out the door for Christmas. EA didn't care if it was finished. Bioware didn't care if it was finished. See we, the paying customers, are the beta testers. It used to be that games were released and there was no such thing as a patch. Now games are released half finished and the customers are used as the testers. The entire industry is broken.

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Don't know what exactly will cause the failure of this game(I have some "ideas") but I know what can help stave it off a bit.


Gimme back my SWG and I will stop posting about all the things I, and my fellow SWG brethren, are finding wrong about this game.


PRE-CU/CU/NGE, don't care which one. Give it back and I will leave these forums forever.

Edited by Kunra
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I actually love this game. Yea it has its bugs and issues but what game doesn't? I'm pretty sure WoW, when it first came out had its share of bugs and issues. Give EA and Bioware a break, this is Bioware's first MMO, so bugs and issues are to be expected. if you hate the game then leave and go play WoW, personally I think WoW is stupid but thats my opinion.
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Don't know what exactly will cause the failure of this game(I have some "ideas") but I know what can help stave it off a bit.


Gimme back my SWG and I will stop posting about all the things I, and my fellow SWG brethren, are finding wrong about this game.


PRE-CU/CU/NGE, don't care which one. Give it back and I will leaves these forums forever.


I doubt that any game company will make games for such a small amount of players these days but i guess you can always hope.

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I don't think the game is a failure, I think the Dev's have been a bit misguided with the way they think player's respond to content....If you push people Into end game content, player's will play it....


And that is the real issue with this game ATM. It has great End Game content and a lot of it....BUT...


That is all there is to do...There is no Sandbox, and people have very different opinion's of what Sandbox is.


For me It's...


An actual crafting system, where i take my character somewhere AND CRAFT.

A space game that im free to explore in.

Worlds that im free to explore in, without buffer's guiding me down a set route.

A social system I can play a part in, or even a Role, like entertainer/crafter (see SWG).

A PVP system that make's you suffer when you lose, and reward's you when you win, that give you a sense of pride and accomplishment, not trinkets and bags.


The bug's that are in the game do not bother me, they will get ironed out eventually, Ultimately this game need's a Community/Economy and Social scene and until the Devs realize this, (and I'm far from the only person that believes in these Game mechanic's...Idea's similar are all over the forum's) this game is doomed to fail....!!


It won't yet, but it's on the Horizon.

Edited by Nippon
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There are too many reasons why it fails for me to list, but to put it simply, to me it fails because there are too many crucial things wrong to continue paying $15 for it.


It's as simple as that. The game is fun, but the fun only lasts temporarily. And in an MMO that is not a good thing.


Same... that and the fact BW refuses to acknowledge there's an issue dealing with how assets are being handled with the HEROengine.


Feb 24th Q/A:


TheJestersHat: What is BioWare planning to do about performance issues that people get with Warzone, open world PVP, and general FPS issues?


Damion Schubert: We have an internal strike team that is fully devoted to ensuring that the game runs better and faster, especially on low end machines, and we consider this team's work to be a crucial internal initiative. You should see evidence of this work as soon as Patch 1.1.5, when we will be introducing a new 'very low' setting to shader quality, which should drastically increase the number of mid-to-low machines the game can run well on, especially in Warzones and Operations.



Since the FPS issues are related to assets handling, etc. His response was an utter joke. Mid to low end? X 4, X 6, and X 8 are all being affected.

















Here's my prediction - as soon as D3 hits - this game is over. No one will be waiting around because of SWTOR's "potential." D3 will be merely the first domino.


D3 - Easter... June latest.


GW2 will possibly be released around July.



Mists of Pandaria will go into beta testing around June with a Fall 2012 release.

Edited by Sizzurps
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I actually love this game. Yea it has its bugs and issues but what game doesn't? I'm pretty sure WoW, when it first came out had its share of bugs and issues. Give EA and Bioware a break, this is Bioware's first MMO, so bugs and issues are to be expected. if you hate the game then leave and go play WoW, personally I think WoW is stupid but thats my opinion.


2004 =/= 2012 70 mil=/= 300 mil

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It's all I have left since this game doesnt give me what was taken from me.


Then why'd you start playing? BW has always been 100% truthful about what this game is and is not supposed to be.


If you wanted a SWG type game wait for one to come out, don't get on Random Game X and then complain it's not the type of game you want.

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Same... that and the fact BW refuses to acknowledge there's an issue dealing with how assets are being handled with the HEROengine.


Feb 24th Q/A:


TheJestersHat: What is BioWare planning to do about performance issues that people get with Warzone, open world PVP, and general FPS issues?


Damion Schubert: We have an internal strike team that is fully devoted to ensuring that the game runs better and faster, especially on low end machines, and we consider this team's work to be a crucial internal initiative. You should see evidence of this work as soon as Patch 1.1.5, when we will be introducing a new 'very low' setting to shader quality, which should drastically increase the number of mid-to-low machines the game can run well on, especially in Warzones and Operations.



Since the FPS issues are related to assets handling, etc. His response was an utter joke. Mid to low end? X 4, X 6, and X 8 are all being affected.

















Here's my prediction - as soon as D3 hits - this game is over. No one will be waiting around because of SWTOR's "potential." D3 will be merely the first domino.


D3 - Easter... June latest.


GW2 will possibly be released around July.



Mists of Pandaria will go into beta testing around June with a Fall 2012 release.


While I don't always approve of the way you say stuff, I have to agree with this.


I read that question and answer and was like ".....***? How does that in any way have anything to do with what people are having issues with?"

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