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What was Bioware´s rationale on not implementing Day/Night and Weather cycles?


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I don't recall them ever going into the detail you have described. For the day/night cycle issue, they just said it would take a lot of resources implying that they couldn't divert resources to do it at that time.


As for weather effects, I don't think I've ever heard of an official response to that one. Maybe I missed it.


Suffice it to say that weather effects ARE in the game already. They are just very seldom seen (to mark an exhaustion zone, or on the top of a mountain) and are very crap.


Yeah, they did go into it into more detail at one point during one of the builds, I just don't recall which one. It was something that kept coming up after every forum wipe at least once.

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Me, the definitive authority on RP? Far from it.


However, my statement IS true. Chat bubbles and sitting in chairs are not necessary for RP to happen


Just like having flashpoints and operations aren't necessary for SWTOR to be considered as an MMORPG.


And yet, they are expected. Wouldn't you agree?


My point is that whilst it is true that certain things AREN'T an absolute necessity, that isn't enough justification to leave them out. In fact, feedback shows that they would be appreciated if they WERE included.

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Yeah, they did go into it into more detail at one point during one of the builds, I just don't recall which one. It was something that kept coming up after every forum wipe at least once.


The fact that it kept coming up suggests that perhaps it is something that Bioware should investigate further now that the game has gotten past the launch milestone.


The HeroEngine can apparently cater for day/night cycles (

). Day/night cycles are apparently part of the each zones environment scheme. And each zone can apparently either have same settings to others, or entirely different ones. This implies that different planets could have different day/night cycles.


This is why I find their whole reasoning as odd to say the least.

Edited by Tarka
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It isn't WoW. I love the list of featured need to be an MMO.


You need weather effects, emotes, mailboxes, raiding, warzones (tiered warzones at that), crafting, level-grinding, quests, classes, races, etc.


Personally in my opinion an MMO needs a massive amount of players together in an online game. Persistent characters are arguably a must as well. All else defines what KIND of MMO it is. I've certainly played MMO's without half the things on that list, and most of them were better than WoW IMO.


The standard list of features for theme-park MMO's are NOT requirements to make an MMO as has been proven by EVE, Wurm Online, Planetside, Darkfall, and any other MMO that dares to offer something unique.


You can say. "A game needs X to be a decent theme-park" but it irritates the crap out of me when people say "A game needs X to be an MMO" and start listing WoW features.



I was merely giving examples, but let's use your list, shall we?


Weather effects - While I do not see how this does or does not make a game an MMO as I have played SP games with them and MMO's without them, I will concede these are not present in TOR


emotes - Present. and you can even do them on vehicles after the next patch! :)


mailboxes - Present and working


raiding - Present, working, and being expanded on in the 1st content patch this month


warzones - Present and working


crafting - Present and working


level-grinding - Present


quests - Present


classes - Present


races - Present


massive amount of players together in an online game - Present. Might not be as many in one area as you would like but it is there


Persistent characters are arguably a must as well - Present.


So, again, what elements are necessary for this to be an MMO are not present on TOR?

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The fact that it kept coming up suggests that perhaps it is something that Bioware should investigate further now that the game has gotten past the launch milestone.


I'd imagine they probably are but considering everything else right now that they need to work on I would wager it's low on their list.


Would I like a Day/Night cycle? Yeah

Do I NEED a Day/Night cycle? Not really

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Just like having flashpoints and operations aren't necessary for SWTOR to be considered as an MMORPG.


And yet, they are expected. Wouldn't you agree?


My point is that whilst it is true that certain things AREN'T an absolute necessity, that isn't enough justification to leave them out. In fact, feedback shows that they would be appreciated if they WERE included.


Ah, but the flashpoints and operations ARE necessary for TOR to be an MMORPG. Group activities and content are part of being an MMO.


And please, you can;t be serious in likening Chat bubbles and sitting in chairs to CONTENT,

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I'd imagine they probably are but considering everything else right now that they need to work on I would wager it's low on their list.


Would I like a Day/Night cycle? Yeah

Do I NEED a Day/Night cycle? Not really


I agree that there are a lot of things they should work on and prioritize first, but I think all we are saying is.. this game would be a lot better with weather effects, I like a day and night cycle as well.


Maybe within a years time they can add them?

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As we still dont have a search function in the forums, i apolagise if this topic has been answered before. :)


Dynamic weather systems and night/day cycles add a unique layer of immersion to an otherwise static gameworld. Should bioware be putting their efforts to better use in other features or should these 2 systems be eventually implemented?


Maybe we should add bathrooms and eating to the game too. Because I've never once decided to stop playing a game because my character was too wet. It adds nothing but additional performance load on the system.


BTW there is snow on Hoth and other ice planets. Try walking into the exhaustion zone too...

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I think weather and time of day, while many will feel isn't that important to their leveling /getting things done, is much more important than they realize.


I do think they need to fix in-game performance issues first, but after I really hope they take a look into this. I don't feel like my character at my level enters a world when he zones in off his ship, it just feels like the same stage I entered weeks ago.

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I didn't expect the amount of aggressiveness a simple question like this could elicit.


What amazes me the most are the players that claim that the game can either have Jedi´s, Troopers and other "iconic" star wars memorabilia but not weather or a night/day cycles, because having both is simply too mind boggling to consider...


The next patch will bring such amazing iconic moments as being able to emote from your mount, because that is clearly compatible with Jedi´s and light-sabers.

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There is no weather or time... in space.


Read a book!

So I'm guessing this is the future of MMOs.

voice packs over 20GB .

Linear storyline.

Backward MMOrpg system.

Pro PvP design by some of the world's best experts.

Barely any end game contents.

And no dynamic weather on a 150mil+ game who took 6 years to develop.

Edited by maximusedward
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So I'm guessing this is the future of MMOs.

voice packs over 20GB .

Linear storyline.

Backward MMOrpg system.

Pro PvP design by some of the world's best experts.

Barely any end game contents.

And no dynamic weather on a 150mil+ game who took 6 years to develop.


What are you Kurt Vonnegut, all stories are linear.


Again, read a book.

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Is there even a rain map in this game?

Besides the forums where it rains QQ.


It rains in Dromund Kaas (the Imperial capitol), almost constantly. Though the graphics for it are pretty mild, there are rain drops streaking across the screen and lightning flashes in the sky.

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So I'm guessing this is the future of MMOs.

voice packs over 20GB .

Linear storyline.

Backward MMOrpg system.

Pro PvP design by some of the world's best experts.

Barely any end game contents.

And no dynamic weather on a 150mil+ game who took 6 years to develop.


Points in order


1: inconsequential unless you are playing on a comador.

2: addressed in earlier post.

3: What is this?

4: Opinion.

5: Another Opinion.

6: I have dynamic weather outside. I don't need it in my game.


What's Next?

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It rains in Dromund Kaas (the Imperial capitol), almost constantly. Though the graphics for it are pretty mild, there are rain drops streaking across the screen and lightning flashes in the sky.


Much more informative and accurate than the previous poster.

Ill check this map out and roll in the rain with my droid.

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