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What was Bioware´s rationale on not implementing Day/Night and Weather cycles?


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Then that's possibly something down the road.

But I would rather serious issues be taken care of first before we start worrying about the minor ones.


I appreciate what you're saying, after all I would agree that there ARE more important issues that also need addressing. But keep in mind that there isn't just one team working on SWTOR, there are more than a few. All working on different areas of the game.

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...but I do remember Luke climbing a hill just to watch a beautiful double sunset.



He wasn;t watching the sunset. He was, as Yoda puts it in ESB, "looking to the future" the sunset was a thematic thing, and such. As it effects the movie, it is a minor thing and if Lucas were to remove it in his Definitive Special Special Blue Ray Experience DVD's, it wouldn't be missed.

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Please, can some one explain to me what, exactly, having fake rain happen every once in a while or there be a day/night cycle for the planet, adds to the game? I keep hearing people here say how horrible it is its not in the game and how it would add to the game, but, having been in MMO's that had them and then here, i see NO DIFFERENCE


Then why do you care? If there's NO DIFFERENCE than it shouldn't matter to you one way or the other if it's in the game.

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He wasn;t watching the sunset. He was, as Yoda puts it in ESB, "looking to the future" the sunset was a thematic thing, and such. As it effects the movie, it is a minor thing and if Lucas were to remove it in his Definitive Special Special Blue Ray Experience DVD's, it wouldn't be missed.


He was looking into the future... before he even knew what the Force was or that he himself was a force-user.

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Lets see how many times you can say this exact same sentence after going through the same side quests like million times.


Well, I was in three beta weekends. Played the Consular each time. Guess what my first character was in EGA? A Consular. Didn;t bore me at all. Was I able to go through the quest requirements faster? Yea, but the dialogue scenes were fun each time, even if I did take the same answers most of the time. And I plan on making another Consular later as a Shadow, since my current is a healer, and I want to try Shadow tanking out as well down the line.

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My thought on day and night cycles is this: it isn't really immersive at all unless night is really NIGHT, as in, dark and impossible to see without a light source. I don't expect any MMO will do that again. And if night isn't really night, but is just a dark sky texture with the rest of the world just as well lit up as it is during the day (like WoW, EQ2, etc.) then it isn't really night anyway.


This. I played WoW for 5 years, and can say that the day/night cycle never impressed me and was rarely even noticed. The night was far too bright.


Same goes for more engrossing games like Oblivion and Skyrim, which is why I installed mods that make night darker.

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TOR was laucnhed with no RP in mind (there's not even speech bubbles or sitting on chairs or an RP forum), and that's the reason many will leave.


Disregarding a major part of people who actually help creat a community is another idiotic move by BW/EA. Fortunately, they won't get away with it.


Also, don't forget that this game is badly optimized. There's not even AA. Imagine if there were day/night cycles or weather.


In general though, all MMOs should have 24h day/night cycles, like WoW. It enhances the experience and binds the player with the digital world in an amazing way, as Blizzard's title showed.


Chat bubbles? Sitting in chairs? Seriously? Anyone who thinks that is a high priority in a game, should leave.


Neither are necessary for RP to happen.


And a Day/night cycle is not needed for immersion either.

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What? No weather cycles? I guess I never noticed all these months, maybe it's not important to me. It's actually funny that I HAVEN'T NOTICED THERE IS NO RAIN OR SNOW ON TATTOINE. I guess I never even bothered to read the other 10 threads a day about this before and after launch.


It's so game breaking, how can I go on without make believe weather?:rolleyes: It ruins my immersion.:mon_trap:

Edited by urtha
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Or being able to do emotes while mounted.


Oh... wait. Bioware was all over the emotes while mounted thing.


I'm not saying they haven't brushed up on some fairly minor things, but to say the "important things" were ignored in favor of voice acting in reference to weather effects...


I'm sorry when I think important things I think, ironing bugs out of existing content such as raid frames not working properly in PVP, or the fact that random chat channels don't work each time you log in, and adding more things to do. A lot of people are concerned with lack of endgame content, while I'm not one of them, that is a serious issue. I personally would like to see more mini-games than space combat like pazaak or swoop bike racing.


Basically when people say "What am I going to log on and do today?" there should be lots of options and all of them should work properly.


I don't log on each day and think. "Boy oh boy! I really hope I see a rain effect today!!!" Polish like this is the lowest priority. While I would rate voice acting as very important for a story driven game.

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WoW did a fine job immersing me in the world. It had great aesthetic tools and RP social tools. That's why its world felt so alive.


In TOR the world is silent and static...


Really? What RP Social tools? I never saw any when I was on Argent Dawn (US). I needed to download an addon to use, and spam General chat to find an RP guild for some RP.


Aesthertic tools? again, which ones?


Only place Azeroth felt alive was Ironforge/Ogrimmar during Vanilla, Shattrath during TBC, Dalaran during WOTLK, and Stormwind/Ogrimmar during Cata because all the players were sitting there.

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I'm assuming the fact there are many other things unfinished within this game that would take priority. It definitely would be cool if each planet had it's own unique day/night cycle and of course weather eventually. WoW didn't have it for a long time so don't expect it immediately.
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Agreed, and sad thing is people try and defend this, I mean, I like the game it has one of the most boring static game worlds I have ever seen, and yes it takes me out of the game, immersion is a big part of a games enjoyment. It feels so dated in areas.


Also learn comprehension i was not the one who was arguing against Day/night.


I didn't say you were the one arguing against day/night. And you tell me to learn reading comprehension? :confused:

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Chat bubbles? Sitting in chairs? Seriously? Anyone who thinks that is a high priority in a game, should leave.


Neither are necessary for RP to happen.


And a Day/night cycle is not needed for immersion either.


And you're the definitive authority on all things RP are you?


I really don't think Bioware would appreciate you telling people to leave their game just because their needs differ to yours.

Edited by Tarka
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I love a great story, As a matter of fact I am a huge bioware fan and have enjoyed every game they have made thus far. Perhaps you didn't take the time to actually read what i wrote. I didn't say they should have left story out of this game I am simply pointing out the FACT that too much focus was OBVIOUSLY spent on story while BASIC features of any AAA MMO were ignored. There is no denying this, unless of course this is your first MMO.


I just feel Bioware mislead there customers advertising this as a MMO when it clearly is not, Its basically a single player co-op game with a chat box.


How is it NOT an MMO?


Instances and raids? Yep, they're there. I've run all of em with groups form Esseles to Cadimimu and will be hitting the Jedi Prisoner in a few levels


AH? Yep. Might be somewhat clunky right now, but it is there


Chat capabilities? Yep, they're there. And less offensive than in other MMO's


Lots of people online at once in the same areas? Yep. I keep seeing people all the time. Even had a few ninja things on me


Player driven economy? Yep. See the AH mentioned earlier


Crafting? Yep It's there too


So, what, pray tell, is required for it to be an MMO that is NOT present?

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So, what, pray tell, is required for it to be an MMO that is NOT present?


It isn't WoW. I love the list of featured need to be an MMO.


You need weather effects, emotes, mailboxes, raiding, warzones (tiered warzones at that), crafting, level-grinding, quests, classes, races, etc.


Personally in my opinion an MMO needs a massive amount of players together in an online game. Persistent characters are arguably a must as well. All else defines what KIND of MMO it is. I've certainly played MMO's without half the things on that list, and most of them were better than WoW IMO.


The standard list of features for theme-park MMO's are NOT requirements to make an MMO as has been proven by EVE, Wurm Online, Planetside, Darkfall, and any other MMO that dares to offer something unique.


You can say. "A game needs X to be a decent theme-park" but it irritates the crap out of me when people say "A game needs X to be an MMO" and start listing WoW features.

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If a person cannot appreciate the subtle difference between having a seemingly lifeless and static world, and having one that is more dynamic and includes certain elements that we see in "real life", then perhaps they never will.


Gee, that really answered my question. Thanks for your brilliant insight


Honestly, it adds NOTHING to the game experience.


Never have I played a game, nor has anyone I've ever known, played a game, and thought "Ooh, this game is fun, but you know what would make it more fun? If it rained sometimes!"

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While it has been awhile I believe they did answer this question during Beta so I'm gonna try and recall as much as I can.


The reason they don't have things like a Dynamic Weather system or a Day/Night Cycle is the amount of system resources something like that would take.


They would need a separate time setup and weather program for EVERY planet in the game. Now for us that wouldn't be an issue since we would only be seeing each planet as it loads for us. But for them that would be a huge hit on the servers(I think) as each one has to keep track of each cycle and and random variables for the weather for every planet. How much of a hit to the servers would something like that be? Hard to say without even knowing what the current stress on the servers is like.


The reason other MMOs can do the Day/Light cycles more easily is because they have only one world to worry about. SWTOR you have multiple and depending on how much processing power it would take on top of what it already has to deal with, it might be too much.


Is that to say we'll never see it? Who knows.


Like I said, this is what I remember being said originally when this was brought up in Beta.

Edited by Dragunslayer
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He was looking into the future... before he even knew what the Force was or that he himself was a force-user.


Have you never looked off into the distance and thought about what was to come? Stared out the window at work ad daydreamed about what you'll do when you go home?


Same thing. The sunset does not need to be there for Luke to accomplish this. He could have been staring off at the darkened sky of Tatooine, or up at the stars, or at C-3PO and been doing the same thing.

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While it has been awhile I believe they did answer this question during Beta so I'm gonna try and recall as much as I can.


The reason they don't have things like a Dynamic Weather system or a Day/Night Cycle is the amount of system resources something like that would take.


They would need a separate time setup and weather program for EVERY planet in the game. Now for us that wouldn't be an issue since we would only be seeing each planet as it loads for us. But for them that would be a huge hit on the servers(I think) as each one has to keep track of each cycle and and random variables for the weather for every planet. How much of a hit to the servers would something like that be? Hard to say without even knowing what the current stress on the servers is like.


The reason other MMOs can do the Day/Light cycles more easily is because they have only one world to worry about. SWTOR you have multiple and depending on how much processing power it would take on top of what it already has to deal with, it might be too much.


Is that to say we'll never see it? Who knows.


Like I said, this is what I remember being said originally when this was brought up in Beta.


I don't recall them ever going into the detail you have described. For the day/night cycle issue, they just said it would take a lot of resources implying that they couldn't divert resources to do it at that time.


As for weather effects, I don't think I've ever heard of an official response to that one. Maybe I missed it.


Suffice it to say that weather effects ARE in the game already. They are just very seldom seen (to mark an exhaustion zone, or on the top of a mountain) and are very crap.

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And you're the definitive authority on all things RP are you?


I really don't think Bioware would appreciate you telling people to leave their game just because their needs differ to yours.


Me, the definitive authority on RP? Far from it.


However, my statement IS true. Chat bubbles and sitting in chairs are not necessary for RP to happen

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I really wish they would add Weather.


Rain , thunderstorms and fog are amazing, as well as snow and dust storms.


It really adds immersion to any game its in. We as humans, psychologically connect to different weather patterns in different ways.


It is a lot more noticable in the cities, but you can see the sense of calm that comes over everyone on rainy days. It is almost as if, seeing the water fall from the sky, we get a primal feeling of reassurance that there will be water to drink, and subconsciously we become more calm and relaxed.


Every game that has added weather and did a good job at it has been hailed as a success by the masses. Look at Skyrims weather, or that other MMO that we won't mention.


Yeah it will probably be difficult to add, yeah it might slow people with horrible PC's down, but in the end it will be WORTH IT

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