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What was Bioware´s rationale on not implementing Day/Night and Weather cycles?


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As we still dont have a search function in the forums, i apolagise if this topic has been answered before. :)


Dynamic weather systems and night/day cycles add a unique layer of immersion to an otherwise static gameworld. Should bioware be putting their efforts to better use in other features or should these 2 systems be eventually implemented?

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As we still dont have a search function in the forums, i apolagise if this topic has been answered before. :)


Dynamic weather systems and night/day cycles add a unique layer of immersion to an otherwise static gameworld. Should bioware be putting their efforts to better use in other features or should these 2 systems be eventually implemented?


Not to put words in anyone's mouth, I believe their rationale was along the lines that they wanted to control the environment and atmosphere of every scene in the game. In my opinion this is a pretty common approach I see from Bioware, being so obsessed with story, in a lot of their games they default to what the writer wants to present rather than what the player wants to see.


I'm not defending that decision in any way. Dynamic weather and lighting would add greatly to this game, and it can be done without killing the atmosphere (but not FPS). It's really just a shortcut if you ask me.


It'd be great if they add it later.

Edited by daemian
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From my experience,


Weather typically bogs down most machines. They most likely held off to get the game up and running and intend to add it later.


A few MMOs I have played went this route.


Or.....everyday when we adventure in SWTOR land is a beautiful day.

Edited by Amiracle
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It is something you think you would miss, but after playing the game for a bit you really don't notice. Most MMOs don't even make it dark enough at night to notice the difference anyway (e.g wow where terrain is just as bright at night) :)


If I was making an MMO though, I'd have day/night, weather and also have different stuff spawn at night :D

Edited by NasherUK
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If you want day and night cycles. Go outside.


If you want weather. Go outside.


If you want to play at night, go to Nar Shaddaa.

If you want to play during the day, go to Taris or Balmorra.



I never heard Luke Skywalker say, "gee Han, what a beautiful sunset ... lets watch it before we head to Hoth."


I care about Lightsabers, the force, laser pistols, and bad guys ... if I want sunsets and rain, I'll go outside and experience it in the real world, not in a video game.

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My understanding was that the developers wanted you to experience each area under specific lighting conditions that went with the tone of the story. I am sure the reduced development time and graphical load were not lost on them either. Edited by Matte_Black
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Because they spent most of their cash on voice acting because they are banking on it keeping customers?


Funny i don't enjoy wow because it doesn't have a good story. I enjoy ths game because it has an excellent story. Guess they didn't 'clone' that part of it or the pandas.[/Quote]


WoW has a great story, not our fault you are too damn lazy to read and have to have it read for you.

Edited by Gunryu
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If you want day and night cycles. Go outside.


If you want weather. Go outside.


If you want to play at night, go to Nar Shaddaa.

If you want to play during the day, go to Taris or Balmorra.



I never heard Luke Skywalker say, "gee Han, what a beautiful sunset ... lets watch it before we head to Hoth."


I care about Lightsabers, the force, laser pistols, and bad guys ... if I want sunsets and rain, I'll go outside and experience it in the real world, not in a video game.


I´m currently questing in Hoth and its nowhere near the hell hole that is seen in the movies or described by the ingame npc´s. Dynamic snow storms would go a long way to enhance the experience... tho i admit it would be challenging computer spec wise.


Same thing with Tatooine and its sand storms, and as others have pointed, the sunset over the desert is a pretty iconic Star Wars image.

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Most MMOs don't even make it dark enough at night to notice the difference anyway (e.g wow where terrain is just as bright at night) :)


If I was making an MMO though, I'd have day/night, weather and also have different stuff spawn at night :D


Like EQ? They had that one zone since original (next to freehold pass, can't remember the name) that had regular level 12 stuff spawn during the day, but high level undead (35+ as I recall) at night. You had to be careful when you went through there. If at day, you could run right down the path, but at night you were better hugging the walls.


They also had better dynamic nighttimes then most of the other MMOG's. At night, you really couldn't see more then 1 foot without a wisp or torch, and even those only gave you limited visibility. I think sometimes their nighttime went too far.


Fog also cut visibility by extremes in that game.

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