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Datacron Placement and pathing issues


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Ok so, I just spent the last 2 hours trying to get the +3 Aim Datacron in Nar Shadda (Nikto Area) And I would get just feet away from it, and the pathing would kick me to the left, off the wire, every time. I'd even gone so far as to jump to the RIGHT, and I'd still get kicked to the left, on the last "rug" or whatever it is that is hanging off the wire.


I tried walking. Kick to the left. I tried running. Kick to the left. I tried jumping. Kick to the left. I tried jumping to the right. Kick to the left. I was AIRBORNE in a jump, and got kicked to the left off the wire.


This is an issue I have noticed with a number of other Datacrons. Some of the pathing to them.. just didn't work well and made getting them either difficult, or in this case, what appears to be, impossible. One in particular comes immediatly to mind, the one in Coruscant where you have to run across the pipes, there is an area there, where as you cross about 10 feet of pipe, every "zone notice" on Coruscant rolls by.


Seriously I understand the idea behind making them hard to get to, but really.. if you are going to make them hard to get to.. at least make the bloody pathing to them work properly please.



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I kind of thought they would have just been located in very out of the way areas to start with, which encourages the same exploration aspect that "put it in out of the way and get to it by using your old Mario Brothers expertise" does, without the *** moments. Problems like yours just add to the *** expressions you get to practice - just be sure and change them up now and again or maybe learn a new expression or two for varities sake.
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Ok so, I just spent the last 2 hours trying to get the +3 Aim Datacron in Nar Shadda (Nikto Area) And I would get just feet away from it, and the pathing would kick me to the left, off the wire, every time. I'd even gone so far as to jump to the RIGHT, and I'd still get kicked to the left, on the last "rug" or whatever it is that is hanging off the wire.


I tried walking. Kick to the left. I tried running. Kick to the left. I tried jumping. Kick to the left. I tried jumping to the right. Kick to the left. I was AIRBORNE in a jump, and got kicked to the left off the wire.


This is an issue I have noticed with a number of other Datacrons. Some of the pathing to them.. just didn't work well and made getting them either difficult, or in this case, what appears to be, impossible. One in particular comes immediatly to mind, the one in Coruscant where you have to run across the pipes, there is an area there, where as you cross about 10 feet of pipe, every "zone notice" on Coruscant rolls by.


Seriously I understand the idea behind making them hard to get to, but really.. if you are going to make them hard to get to.. at least make the bloody pathing to them work properly please.




Are you referring to the datacron on top of the light pole in the middle of the area? If so, it sounds like you are running on the far right hand clothes line. Even if you could reach the end of the rope, you wont be able to jump high enough to reach the platform where the 'cron is. You need to run across the line directly to the left of the clothes line. That one will take you all the way to the top of the light pole.


I personally have not had any craziness or bugs or pathing restrictions with any datacron on the Kaas City server on the Republic side from Ord Mantell/Tython all the way through Tattooine.

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Are you referring to the datacron on top of the light pole in the middle of the area? If so, it sounds like you are running on the far right hand clothes line. Even if you could reach the end of the rope, you wont be able to jump high enough to reach the platform where the 'cron is. You need to run across the line directly to the left of the clothes line. That one will take you all the way to the top of the light pole.


I personally have not had any craziness or bugs or pathing restrictions with any datacron on the Kaas City server on the Republic side from Ord Mantell/Tython all the way through Tattooine.


Hmm.. I saw that line but didn't see how to get to it. I'll have to go back and check it out again, and yeah, I was on the right hand cloths line, the one you can access by jumping onto the strung tarp.


Thanks... I'll go look and see what I can find.


Re: Bugs on the Coruscant city Datacron - The one in The Works where you have to run across all the pipes to get to it. There is a point in the run, where as you are crossing over an alleyway (near the first broken pipe that you send the siesmic scanner droid into), you get spammed with Zone Notices. Nothing game breaking, and doesn't cause any real issues except a very minor amount of graphics lag as all the notices are trying to show up at once, but literally, every zone on Coruscant appears to be crossed at that one tiny 10 foot section of pipe lol.



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I also feel that some of these Datacrons are ridiculously hard to get. One I am trying to get now, requires you to climb boxes, then run across a beam, jump up to a pipe, jump to another pipe, jump to a light, jump across to another light, jump to a pipe, run across it, jump to another pipe, jump from there to a wall structure, jump to another pipe, jump to another wall structure, jump to a pipe, run along it, jump to another pipe, and all during this.. if you over jump, or under jump (things you have no control over really), you fall, and you have to start all over from the beginning.


At any time, your character can easily launch to far from a standing stop, or not launch far enough, and the sad part is, you really never know which it is going to be, because it isn't consistent.


Seriously, this kind of crap doesn't make a game fun or interesting, it makes it extremely frustrating and aggravating and lends one to think you would like to personally force choke the developer(s) who thought up such an asinine idea for the placements of the Datacrons in the first place.

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ng, it makes it extremely frustrating and aggravating and lends one to think you would like to personally force choke the developer(s) who thought up such an asinine idea for the placements of the Datacrons in the first place.


Speak for yourself. I get a kick out of going for some of the harder datacrons (and really, if you think the ones you're complaining about are hard, you're in for a shock... those are the easy ones).

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Speak for yourself. I get a kick out of going for some of the harder datacrons (and really, if you think the ones your complaining about are hard, you're in for a shock... those are the easy ones).


If these are the "easy" ones, then quite frankly, most people will never even attempt the harder ones.


Location: 2516, 3102

In the Shadow Town Area head to coordinance 2300, 3077 and start climbing up the boxes. Once you reach the top walk down the hallway and make the first right you see. At the end you go to the little pile of boxes. From there you are going to jump onto a lot of beams / pipes (this is the hard part). As you first jump on the beam you want to keep headin North until you see a pipe connected to the wall. You want to jump on top if it and climb that pipe. From there you jump on top of a lightpost and onto the square spotlight which can be used like a platform. Then you jump onto another pipe which streches out between two walls. You want to go left and drop down onto another pipe below. From there you go south where on your right there’s guess what?…more pipe jumping. Just keep going in that direction until you get on the balcony. There you take the elevator and follow the incredibly long path to the Datacron which should be the coordinace of 2516, 3102 on your map and minmap.


As I said before... it's neither fun, nor enjoyable, and most people won't find it to be anything more than extremely aggravating. Especially as the Jump mechanics of this game are extremely spastic at best.


So yeah.. while you might enjoy it, you would be the very rare one of the bunch I am fairly sure.



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