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Is rolling GREED just as bad as rolling NEED if you don't need the gear?


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Thing is, companions make it all much more complicated.


As a generally unselfish person, I go with most unwritten rules about group looting. If someone wants something, they get it. I'm not gonna cry about it, I'll just run the instance again until I get the stuff I like.


I'm also not condoning ninja behaviour in any way.




A companion is, in a sense, an extension of my character. Upgrading your character is all about increasing your survival in combat. Upgrading the companion is simply an extension of that, no? Whether or not it's my avatar that wields the blaster, the companion's stat bonuses affect my character.


Therefore, if it upgrades my companion, and thereby my character, why should one not Need on an item?

While I agree with this, let's consider something else:


Your companion isn't there.


In other games (with dual-spec), do you roll need for something that helps the spec you're NOT playing at the time?


That's usually not acceptable.


So if your companion isn't there, how is that much different?

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But shouldn't people have a bit more respect for the people they group with?


So they want to roll greed on an item to sell it at a vendor for probably 2K, that is fine, but at some point, where does the respect come into play? I could have rolled greed on many items to sell, but out of courtesy to my group, I click pass and allow it to go to someone who actually deserves it and will make better use of it for their character.



Dude, don't over think it. No one cares if you roll greed to vendor it. That's what everybody does. Why would you pass on something so someone else can vendor it? Don't you need credits too? Jesus, people it's not rocket surgery.

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But shouldn't people have a bit more respect for the people they group with?


If nobody selects "pass" then everybody has a chance to get the item. There's nothing wrong with selecting greed imo. If you want to have a chance at the item then don't select pass, simple as that.

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While I agree with this, let's consider something else:


Your companion isn't there.


In other games (with dual-spec), do you roll need for something that helps the spec you're NOT playing at the time?


That's usually not acceptable.


So if your companion isn't there, how is that much different?


Rolling need on offspec is a practice first shunned by World of Warcraft, and was adopted quite quickly. The community themselves instantly decided, ok, to keep from having mass chaos 24/7, only the spec you come as is rollable for loot.


This is a COMPLETELY different game with a COMPLETELY new and different companion mechanic. I am sorry but I do not believe the example fits for both games.

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I roll need if I need something to improve my play experience.

I roll greed if I am going to vendor it for credits.

I only ever pass if I know for a fact someone already rolled need before I rolled or if it is not worth any credits.


Exactly my approach. It just makes sense to ppl with more then 100 IQ to think this way.

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need is needing it for the TOON you are PLAYING not for your companions nor alt. greed is for anything else. no matter how you rationalize taking gear away from another players toon to gear up your companion it will still get you blacklisted. yes there are some of us who still blacklist. so if you continue this behavior and cant get a group. it isnt the lack of server population it is because no one wants to play with you.


i just pray any of you who need for your companions group with someone who rolls need and gets that rare piece of gear you been farming for only to have that same person give it to THEIR companion or alt. karma is a great thing. once it bites you a few times you will learn how to play with others.


coming to the forums to get approval for this type of behavior only shows that deep down you know it isnt acceptable.


wow didnt teach alot of you how to play with others in these games. well now you are with the big dogs and we bite.

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But shouldn't people have a bit more respect for the people they group with?


So they want to roll greed on an item to sell it at a vendor for probably 2K, that is fine, but at some point, where does the respect come into play? I could have rolled greed on many items to sell, but out of courtesy to my group, I click pass and allow it to go to someone who actually deserves it and will make better use of it for their character.


If a member needs or deserves it, then they will roll need which will over roll your greed roll.


This is the point of the system. If you dont need it but its just for trash and selling. then roll greed. If everyone rolls greed just to sell. the highest roll wins and that person gets it to sell.


Rolling need on an item in a flashpoint of group instance for companions is a problem in my opinion. I roll greed for my companions, or i ask the group if i can need for companion. But otherwise, its a greed roll.

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Rolling need on offspec is a practice first shunned by World of Warcraft, and was adopted quite quickly. The community themselves instantly decided, ok, to keep from having mass chaos 24/7, only the spec you come as is rollable for loot.


This is a COMPLETELY different game with a COMPLETELY new and different companion mechanic. I am sorry but I do not believe the example fits for both games.

And yet it does. The spec you are NOT using isn't helping the group, so you don't get loot for it, and in this game your companion isn't helping the group, so you don't get loot for it.



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i ALWAYS pass on stuff i dont need, there are plenty of other ways to get credits! If there is no one else in my group that can use the item, i will need on it. the cardinal sin however, and one i have seen many times, is someone that can't use the gear, rolling need! people that do this should be strung up by their genitals honestly, its the height of rudeness.
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And yet it does. The spec you are NOT using isn't helping the group, so you don't get loot for it, and in this game your companion isn't helping the group, so you don't get loot for it.




Which brings us to the inherent design flaw. We pretty much have to use our companions while not doing group content but we cannot use a very nice means of aquiring gear for them. Otherwise we are stealing from everyone else. Everyone could just collect greens from quest rewards, but that's not the point I think.

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If you need it for your character then need. Otherwise I always chose greed. Companions doesn't count. If you need it for a companion the chances are everyone else could do the same.


If you want it for a companion then ask if you can roll need for that reason.

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I roll need for myself.

I roll greed for companions or because I want to sell/disassemble the item.

I will pass on a greed item if someone in the group asks politely and had a good reason, if the reason is good enough I may even pass on gear I would otherwise need.


I think that's plenty courteous. Try talking to the people in your group, rather than expecting them to read your mind to know which items you want.

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And yet it does. The spec you are NOT using isn't helping the group, so you don't get loot for it, and in this game your companion isn't helping the group, so you don't get loot for it.




And honestly stop using the word "spec". Wrong terminology.

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Is this thread still going on.


You're press need if you need it, you press greed if you just want to sell it and you pass if credits are meaningless to you.... simple enough


There is a gray area with companions... I usually (when it happens) ask if I can need for a companion.


The answer has always been yes, but you ask just to be polite.

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But shouldn't people have a bit more respect for the people they group with?


So they want to roll greed on an item to sell it at a vendor for probably 2K, that is fine, but at some point, where does the respect come into play? I could have rolled greed on many items to sell, but out of courtesy to my group, I click pass and allow it to go to someone who actually deserves it and will make better use of it for their character.


You're missing the point of Need Vs. Greed. Need always trumps greed. So if someone is going to use it as an upgrade they should click Need. If no one has a use for the item and everyone clicks Greed, then it goes randomly to the highest roller to sell. So, if you click Greed, there should be no problem, because you won't get it unless no one else has a use for it.


If someone DOES need it and the click greed, well, that's there fault for not clicking the right button, but if the item isn't Bind on Pickup you can always give it to them.


I only pass if I really don't want an item even to vendor.

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choose NEED on items that are an UPGRADE for your main toon.

choose GREED for anything that is not.


Its too easy.


If something is not an upgrade, but you really want it for the appearance or its a huge upgrade for your favorite companion, i think it is okay to ASK if you can roll Need and state why. I dont always feel comfortable doing this with strangers but usually with friends its np.


I have no idea what the "disassemble" button does, as i've experimented with it and it seems to carry the same priority as Greed.


They should add a "Companion Needs" button, imo. It would have priority over Greed but Need would still be first priority.

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