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Is rolling GREED just as bad as rolling NEED if you don't need the gear?


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OP is doing it wrong. Needing for companion gear is the disrespectful thing. Need is need for your character, Greed is a chance to get it to sell or whatever, pass is if you dont want it at all. Seems simple to me and anyone else who has played an MMO before.
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But shouldn't people have a bit more respect for the people they group with?


So they want to roll greed on an item to sell it at a vendor for probably 2K, that is fine, but at some point, where does the respect come into play? I could have rolled greed on many items to sell, but out of courtesy to my group, I click pass and allow it to go to someone who actually deserves it and will make better use of it for their character.


Then they would roll need presumably....

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When I play with friends and/or guildies:

Need on things I can use on my character

Greed on things for my companion

Pass on everything else


When I play with people I just met:

Need on things I can use for my character

Greed on everything else


Additionally, when playing with strangers, I like to set a commendation rule before starting. We usually agree on everyone going "greed" to even the odds. If someone breaks the rule, we call them a buttwipe. If they do it again, we remove them from the group before starting the next quest.

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Well there is no absolute right or wrong here. If in doubt then just agree loot rules at the start of the party! If you are the party leader its your rules if people dont like them they should leave.


Like I said before in my opinion needing for companions is wrong the only time you can use them most of the time is solo and there is no need for good gear the quest reward stuff and random stuff that drops is perfectly acceptable. I don't see how someone needing for a companion is different to someone else needing as they need credits to get the next speeder rank, or a crafter needing to reverse engineer to level their crafting!

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If they actually need it they should roll need. Rolling greed is saying "I don't need this item and will sell or vendor it". Rolling need is "I NEED this item and will wear it for my character or companion". There is nothing disrespectful about rolling greed. It in no way steals the item from someone who actually needs it unless they don't roll need and you win. Even then you can still potentially give them the item unless it was bound on pickup.


People roll need on stuff for their companions really? Sounds kind of lame to me.

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I tend to roll need if I:


A) need for my character.


B) is a custom Item I want for my companion.

Otherwise I just hit greed.

Also if it was a custom I wanted for my companion I usually give other party members some credits (last time I was in a group of 2 got a cool custom helm for my companion I hit need for my companion he hit greed and I gave him 5k so everyone wins, we were both level 30 ish). That way my desire for cool gear isn't as if I am some greedy guy that is just plain greedy. :)


Edit: if it is a Custom for comp I wait to see if anyone else hits need first if so I hit greed

Edited by DarthNovas
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The way I see it, either YOU need the gear or don't. I am not talking about needing it for your companion or to sell on GTN, but needing to put on your character. The way I play, if it goes on my companion, I roll need, if it doesn't, I just roll pass.


That is the funny thing though. I am level 43 and out of all the heroics/flashpoints I ran, I think I only played with one person who actually passed on gear. Everyone else tends to roll greed if they don't need the gear and in many times, actually win.


Is there any point in the game where you are blocked from winning gear that doesn't pertain to your character?


sorry but i wouldnt want to play with you in a raid or any group for that matter. Nothing personal.


NEED only for your own toon. GREED for whatever else.


I thought it was pretty standard MMO courtesy...which i have found almost non existent in this game so far. ie, players taking objectives that you have basically called for by fighting the group of mobs right in front of it, lack of respect when in need of help, players ninjaing gear for companions, etc.

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Greed is fine, because the other will roll need (If they know what they are doing) if they NEED it.

I have had two people announce in general since I started playing they were forming greed only groups.

Though his heart is in the right place, it is not a way to run a group when someone is playing for a piece of gear and they are the only class in that group that can use it.


I usually start groups so I can have control.

And if anyone NEEDS for a companion, it's an instant kick without as much as a 'thank you'.


Companions are not paying members of this game, and fall lower on the totem pull then a live player in that group who is paying to play.


And no I don't take the complaint that the player with the companion is a paying customer. My meaning is he can roll need on class items, but not items that don't fit his specific class that he is playing in the group with.

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The way I see it, either YOU need the gear or don't. I am not talking about needing it for your companion or to sell on GTN, but needing to put on your character. The way I play, if it goes on my companion, I roll need, if it doesn't, I just roll pass.


That is the funny thing though. I am level 43 and out of all the heroics/flashpoints I ran, I think I only played with one person who actually passed on gear. Everyone else tends to roll greed if they don't need the gear and in many times, actually win.


Is there any point in the game where you are blocked from winning gear that doesn't pertain to your character?

I hope I don't party with you.


I only roll NEED on an item I can use OR an item my companion uses ONLY IF there is no PLAYER (not player companion) that NEEDS it. Also before I roll need for my companion I ask the group if it's ok.


I have never had an issue where they said no. I have had issues where an inquisitor rolled need on a strength lightsaber. ~facepalm~



Other than that I roll GREED!!! GREED!!!

Edited by DarthKhaos
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But shouldn't people have a bit more respect for the people they group with?


So they want to roll greed on an item to sell it at a vendor for probably 2K, that is fine, but at some point, where does the respect come into play? I could have rolled greed on many items to sell, but out of courtesy to my group, I click pass and allow it to go to someone who actually deserves it and will make better use of it for their character.


Let me put it this way.



Need: You need it for your character. Your compnions are never used in a flashopoint so most people will be quite annoyed if you need for companios too.

If you want to need on gear for your companion, make sure peopl know that before you start the flashpoint run.


Greed: You dont need the gear for use, you just want to vendor the item.


Pass: You dont care and wont use your inventory space for it, or you have enough money and wont mind the others to get it, or the money you get for the item is simply so little that you wont waist space on it.

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But shouldn't people have a bit more respect for the people they group with?


So they want to roll greed on an item to sell it at a vendor for probably 2K, that is fine, but at some point, where does the respect come into play? I could have rolled greed on many items to sell, but out of courtesy to my group, I click pass and allow it to go to someone who actually deserves it and will make better use of it for their character.


First only those who pressed need will roll for the item.

If no one pressed Need, those who pressed Greed will roll for the item.


Pass means you don't want that ugly item in your inventory at all. If everyone passes the item stays in the corpse.


Need's and Greed's do NOT roll against each other.

Edited by Viikuna
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I fail to see this logic because in many heroics/flashpoints, I have been left out of gear for my Vanguard such as Assault Rifles/Trooper Helmets because a Smuggler wanted that rifle and helmet for their companion Corso Riggs.


If you pressed pass or greed, that gives others the hint of you not wanting the items for other than money or not at all.


And that Smuggler might have seen you pass/greed for it and thought you don't want it at all, so he pressed need.

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First only those who pressed need will roll for the item.

If no one pressed Need, those who pressed Greed will roll for the item.


Pass means you don't want to ugly item in your inventory at all. If everyone passes the item stays in the corpse.


Need's and Greed's do NOT roll against each other.


It's easy to see those who are out for themselves and not just doing something as simple as needing for a companion and claiming ignorance to their actions.


They usually wait to roll last.

Waiting to see what everyone else rolled.


But it really boils down to common sense.

We all have been doing MMOs for many years and know it's wrong.


So IMO there is no room for excuses.


And if you are new to MMOs and do it. That just tells me you lack common sense and decency for your fellow person.


And that also gets a boot.

Zero tolerance across the board.

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Press need if you need

Press greed if you do not need it and only want to vendor it.


Press need for your companion when you see the person in the group who could use it for their actual character press greed. So when the trooper/BH presses greed for the + aim helmet, you can press need.


Another way would be just to ask if somebody has a problem with it.



This way everybody has fun and you won't end up on banlists and such. This is not wow, guilds are making banlists again. Will be hard to find groups if you annoyed 50% of the already small playerbase of the servers (smaller servers then WoW I think).

Edited by Bolson
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Ugh so many people rolling need even for their companions. I'd never want to party with you. Why? Because you basically have companions for all armour and weapon types. And they're not needed at all.


You need when YOU need it. You greed when your companion needs it or you want to sell it. Simple as that.

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The way I see it, either YOU need the gear or don't. I am not talking about needing it for your companion or to sell on GTN, but needing to put on your character. The way I play, if it goes on my companion, I roll need, if it doesn't, I just roll pass.


That is the funny thing though. I am level 43 and out of all the heroics/flashpoints I ran, I think I only played with one person who actually passed on gear. Everyone else tends to roll greed if they don't need the gear and in many times, actually win.


Is there any point in the game where you are blocked from winning gear that doesn't pertain to your character?


Need shouldn't be used for your companion over someone else's main character.

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