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GTN poorely developed


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biggest problem I had with the GTN? I had some artifact fabrics I wanted to sell from some Underworld Trading runs. But I have to search for the fabric first. So I search UT materials and find nothing.. hmmm... so I search UT for ALL fabrics.. nothing.. hmmmm.... so I then search through EVERY crafting material section on the GTN.. OHHHHHH!!!! blue and purple fabric is under diplomacy!!!!!!



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Yep. the harder it is to use, the harder it is for crafters to sell items. Also someone mentioned that it's not really galactic wide, it is regional. I haven't confirmed this, but if it is true, that's just an awful design.


Ideally because the sellable items in this game are all pretty much the same, I'd like to see it remember the prices I set, or at least allow me to create a price list. I'd also like to see a GTN terminal on my ship, so I don't have to run back to the republic fleet every time I have stock to sell. (and I'd like to see terminals on planets too, preferably in cantinas where available, it gives people a good reason to use cantinas).


This way I could research prices once, and then create a price list for green, blue, purple items that I craft. I have no problem with items I just pick up and sell on the GTN not having a price list. But it's annoying trying to remove that 1 from the sell for box. (having to highlight it and tap the delete key).


Right now the GTN is really pedestrian in a lot of ways, but with some polish I think it will be great.


Putting a GTN in the same room as the cargohold on all ships would be ideal.

Edited by CriticalMasses
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I'd settle for WoW's AH in usability, but I still think WoW devalued sellers compared to buyers with only letting things be posted for 2 days. Either you were hardcore serious about playing the markets or you couldn't because keeping with a 2 day posting period is a demanding effort. That's one thing they overlooked when they said "Let's make this a more casual friendly game" I'm hoping not only does SWTOR's GTN catch up to WoW in terms of using the interface, but exceeds it and makes a better system.


There is no real economy in WoW and crafters are crafters in that system anymore only because it gives them a buff or are completionists.


Basically WoW's AH is just the minimum level at which a newer MMO should aspire to then move up from there. Not the be all and end all it can be.


Want a great economic system in an MMO, check out EVE, it's hard to understand and the usability isn't as nice as WoW, but it works and man is there ever a flourishing economy in that game. This game doesn't try to nor is it designed to ever reach that level, but there's still lots of stuff you could learn and take from it.


That being said, very first order of business is getting to WoW's level of usability and then we can do more things with it. This GTN blows. It really is the worst thing in the game right now.

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The GTN is so cumbersome to use, I just list stuff for the default rate. It does need to be WAY better to use. I'm surprised anything is selling on there the way it is.


So you are why I have to sell an item at 1778 credits instead of the 3000 it is worth and will bring?

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gtn may be hard to use on purpose.


for, the easier it was made to use auctions in wow, the worse the market manipulation has become.


there were people just buying other people's stuff and bumping up prices and selling them from higher prices by cornering the item market. there were those who mass bought materials and mass manufactured items and sold them from minimal margins en masse, making huge profits but totally eliminating any potential profit for others.


all of these were possible due to usage of stuff like auctioneer addon and crafter addons. it just automatized all of these, and one person was able to manipulate and flood auction house as s/he wanted.


in the end crafting was totally pointless for any person who did not do the same.


if it took this much hassle to use auction house in wow, it wouldnt be like that. sure, they can use 3rd party software to do that - but if they do, it becomes a bannable offense.

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gtn may be hard to use on purpose.


for, the easier it was made to use auctions in wow, the worse the market manipulation has become.


there were people just buying other people's stuff and bumping up prices and selling them from higher prices by cornering the item market. there were those who mass bought materials and mass manufactured items and sold them from minimal margins en masse, making huge profits but totally eliminating any potential profit for others.


all of these were possible due to usage of stuff like auctioneer addon and crafter addons. it just automatized all of these, and one person was able to manipulate and flood auction house as s/he wanted.


in the end crafting was totally pointless for any person who did not do the same.


if it took this much hassle to use auction house in wow, it wouldnt be like that. sure, they can use 3rd party software to do that - but if they do, it becomes a bannable offense.


You don't think this is what happens in the real-life economy? Basically, in my opinion, the more real-life like they make the economy the better. If somebody wants to corner a market then good for them, they take all the risk and sometimes reap a giant reward. But they can also be caught when the burble bursts and they go broke. Kind of like the large banks of the world, it's just that people in the game won't be labeled "too big to fail" and won't receive a government bailout.


Plus, SWTOR does not currently support add-ons so people would have to do the legwork that the add-ons you mentioned did for them.


By the way, while we are fixing the GTN, lets get rid of the asinine suggested retail value. This is causing the market for ALL items to be severely undercut by people that don't want to research the value of an item, which hurts the crafters of those items.

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If another game has a better market interface than WoW then state which game that is so the devs can check out that game's interface. Don't just hate on the people coming over from WoW who see that this is obviously a broken feature in this game. The point is that WoW's market interface worked, and SWTOR needs to catch up in that department.


EVE Online has the best market of any online game I've ever seen. Logical category browsing, simple search, advanced search, filters by anything imaginable (including usable skill pre-reqs, etc), market history up to 5 years back, market trend graphs, saved searches and shopping lists, and an option to export market data into a file outside the game. Ability to post both sell and BUY orders, with duration of up to 3 months. Ability to search for any item on the market, from anywhere, just by right-clicking an item link. All in a conveniently resizable and minimizable window.


If you want a model for player-driven MMO economy, look no further than EVE Online.


Just looking at the screenshots from the market guide is enough to make an AH goblin like myself giddy with anticipation of profit: http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Market_guide

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You don't think this is what happens in the real-life economy? Basically, in my opinion, the more real-life like they make the economy the better. If somebody wants to corner a market then good for them, they take all the risk and sometimes reap a giant reward..




there is no fun in real world economy. 4 ultimate investment companies control majority of all corporations on the planet. however the article for this is not inside the subject of this forum.


'real life' economy does not give any chance for the small time people (aka 90% of the people) to do anything. powerful few corporations dominate every sector and get their way. other people just scrape by.


just like how it ended up in wow.


But they can also be caught when the burble bursts and they go broke. Kind of like the large banks of the world, it's just that people in the game won't be labeled "too big to fail" and won't receive a government bailout


there has been no megacorporation in the history of the planet that went bankrupt after a bubble burst. even if a megacorporation, by scarce chance, goes bankrupt or becomes unviable, the majority shareholders just set up another corporation with the same staff and almost the same name and just keep going. many times, name does not even get changed - it is just sold through various legal maneuvers.


so, we dont need this bullcrap in our game. when i attempt selling something in ah, i have no need of getting my gameplay hampered with 0.5% profit over the product i created, just because a few 'real world economy !' naives have yet to learn how 'real life works' and how it is distasteful - or want to copy it in game.


if it was any profitable or fun, everyone would be playing stock market right now. we are not.


Plus, SWTOR does not currently support add-ons so people would have to do the legwork that the add-ons you mentioned did for them.


the function for this is directly proportional - the easier you make it to use gtn, worse it gets.


so, making it easier to use without addons would approximate to spamming/manipulating becoming easier. making it easier further, would just up the ante.


allowing addons after that, would just allow people to process 4500+ auction listings in 30 minutes every 1-2 hours and then mass buy/sell. totally screwing up the auction house and in game economics.




i have done that. in argent dawn eu, a major server ( 1st rp server in wow ever, eu's biggest rp and, in some respects pve server due to the popularity) approx 5 toons were playing the entire auction house. i attempted to do the same and always had to fight with those 5 toons. everything was automated. items i was putting was getting bought at most 1 minutes after their listing, by the same toon, en masse, and then i would see those items for sale the next day, from higher prices. temporarily i thought this was a good thing, since it caused stuff to sell - but illusion lasted short, since profit margins remained continually minimal and there havent been any people other than those 5 toons engaging in such trading. all the rest items were stuff people looted and put on ah etc.




By the way, while we are fixing the GTN, lets get rid of the asinine suggested retail value. This is causing the market for ALL items to be severely undercut by people that don't want to research the value of an item, which hurts the crafters of those items.


there is NO value to be researched for any item. the market of this game is new, the people determine the value. it doesnt do any good or bad to have a suggested retail value. tho at least it evades people from mistakenly listing stuff for 1 credits etc.

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Agreeing that the default value needs to be removed. For me, right now, when someone posts at the default value, I buy it and flip it for its actual value. So I'm enjoying this "problem" while it exists, but it really shouldn't be there.
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there is no fun in real world economy. 4 ultimate investment companies control majority of all corporations on the planet. however the article for this is not inside the subject of this forum.


'real life' economy does not give any chance for the small time people (aka 90% of the people) to do anything. powerful few corporations dominate every sector and get their way. other people just scrape by.


Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett, Sam Walton. All people who made billions and were nobodies even though nobody has a chance in real life because of the megacorps "holding them down". Yes, there are 5 or 6 mega energy companies, 4 or 5 mega media companies that own all your media content and now about 7 or 8 huge banks that are deemed "too big to fail", but that doesn't stop people from being able to be successful on their own. That is just a cop-out for people who aren't either smart enough or hard working enough to justify their lot in life.



there has been no megacorporation in the history of the planet that went bankrupt after a bubble burst. even if a megacorporation, by scarce chance, goes bankrupt or becomes unviable, the majority shareholders just set up another corporation with the same staff and almost the same name and just keep going. many times, name does not even get changed - it is just sold through various legal maneuvers.


Tell that to people who owned Lehman Brothers, which failed hard; and basically every other major bank on the planet if the government had not stepped in to bail them out. And of course the owners of a failing business will restructure it. If they don't they fail - which is what is basically happening to RIM (Blackberry makers), they aren't adjusting with the times and Google and Apple are basically killing them. Point is, savvy people survive, people that don't change die.


if it was any profitable or fun, everyone would be playing stock market right now. we are not.


Plenty of people enjoy playing the stock market and those that are good at it are profitable. Typically those that aren't profitable at it don't enjoy it and those that are profitable do enjoy and tend to spend many, many hours analyzing information in order to know what moves to make.



there is NO value to be researched for any item. the market of this game is new, the people determine the value. it doesnt do any good or bad to have a suggested retail value. tho at least it evades people from mistakenly listing stuff for 1 credits etc.


Even though the game is new an economy is forming. If people aren't researching what people are buying items for then they have no idea what items are worth, thereby stunting the growth of the economy and the game. Yes, even when the economy stabilizes people do get into "undercutting wars". This is typically when you see one person buy up all the product and corner the market at their prices. This is not a bad thing. I see it as a very good thing as this is the introduction for most people of how an economic system actually is.


MMO's are actually great at showing the two dominant market theories in work. AH's and GTN's show capitalism at work. Most guilds share resources between members which is a form of socialism (what is funny is that in WoW, guildleaders could control the guild vaults, basically making them like the Kremlin in Soviet Russia by determining who got what and how much and when).

Edited by HogtownDaddy
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Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett, Sam Walton. All people who made billions and were nobodies even though nobody has a chance in real life because of the megacorps "holding them down". Yes, there are 5 or 6 mega energy companies, 4 or 5 mega media companies that own all your media content and now about 7 or 8 huge banks that are deemed "too big to fail", but that doesn't stop people from being able to be successful on their own. That is just a cop-out for people who aren't either smart enough or hard working enough to justify their lot in life.


really. this will be offtopic, and i have long ceased to re-educate people who have been extremely conditioned with the 'anyone can make it' illusion, but, i will make an exception here and reply. i feel some kind of responsibility towards this swtor community, for some reason.




how many bill gates are there ? 100 ? 200 ? or, the people who qualify in the same situation are just in the range of 30 to 40 or something, u.s. wide ?


the rest ? do you know how many people have tried and didnt make it with startups even in the 90s ? ill tell you - there are hundreds of thousands.


and, these were lucky people - they were born with the inclinations that were in demand in their time - information technology. and were lucky to be able to get an education for that end, having the family circumstances and funds to be able to do so. and they were right at the time a NEW field/market that was not totally cornered/controlled by established megacorps was coming into being - the internet.


for the majority 85% of population, these are just dreams. most have to work in two jobs just to sustain their family right from the start. no college, no other thing.


and no - a 0.5% from among these striking luck and being able to rise from the ashes does NOT make it a rule or norm.


and, as in all cases of 'wild west frontier' situations, after the first phases of freedom in such new frontiers, hierarchical megacompanies enter the market and reestablish hierarchy there - either through acquisitions/purchases, or through setting up their own strong arm through new subsidiaries they founded - exactly how it happened in the last 5 years on the internet.



but the story of a handful who 'made it' gets continually perpetuated by the media/system as an example.


let me tell you one thing :


if, these were common occurrences, there would be no news value or story value to them so that people would show these people as examples.


so, please spare us the ayn rand crap.




ill simply summarize :


there is no way it will be any different if gtn is easier to use. it always happens that way. it happened in the same way in star wars galaxies too, despite it was a totally open, uncontrolled, unregulated market at the start - and buying/selling was actually harder too ! (you had to sell your stuff through your own vendor set up in your city. for that people had to come to your city - until they put up a central ah). and yet first 1 particular person, then two others have grabbed entire production market for stuff - weapons, armor and so on. so much that other people were having to sell their stuff with those names slapped on their items.


'real life economics' is the enemy of crafting and its fun in gaming. it has no place. any random person who is attempting crafting should be able to have a chance at selling his/her item in gtn with a rational profit margin, without any kind of repression from those who exploit it.

Edited by Enako
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EVE Online has the best market of any online game I've ever seen. Logical category browsing, simple search, advanced search, filters by anything imaginable (including usable skill pre-reqs, etc), market history up to 5 years back, market trend graphs, saved searches and shopping lists, and an option to export market data into a file outside the game. Ability to post both sell and BUY orders, with duration of up to 3 months. Ability to search for any item on the market, from anywhere, just by right-clicking an item link. All in a conveniently resizable and minimizable window.


If you want a model for player-driven MMO economy, look no further than EVE Online.


Just looking at the screenshots from the market guide is enough to make an AH goblin like myself giddy with anticipation of profit: http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Market_guide


^this. a hundred million times this.


Eve is the pinnacle of trade and economy in the MMO market today, and has been for like 5 years.


The fact that Bioware has copied an auction house type of trade system is incredibly disappointing.


I shall detail my disappointment in the following points.


Three main points of disappointment:

1. The auction house is at least 7 years old.

2. Auction house sucks and there are better systems out there.

3. A great economy will help retain players.


1. The auction house I believe might even predate wow (not too sure of the history here). I have always found these types of systems to be a pain and only slightly more efficient than its predecessor (spamming WTS and WTB in the trade channel). Only being able to list items for 2 days just doesn’t make any sense to me. If I got an item and I want to sell it, then I’m probably going to want to have it on the market until it sells not just for two days at a time. If I’m going to accept some market micromanaging then it’s going to be changing the price to keep it competitive, not having to relist the stupid thing every two days.


2. As previously stated the auction house system is OLD and sucks for the reasons stated and lots more I didn’t. Can’t bioware come up with something better? Apparently not, but at a minimum they should have chosen a better system to copy. Anyone ever played a game called EVE? Eve has by a wide margin the most robust economy system and interface available. It is ridiculously deep and the game has even been described as an economic simulator with some pew pew on the side. You can change sell order prices, view historical prices and volume, PUT UP BUY ORDERS, and a ton of other stuff that makes it awesome. I am an EVE vet which probably means I’m a bit spoiled in what I’m used to for an economy, but that’s no excuse for what we’ve been given to deal with.


Now am I saying we should have Eve’s economy, absolutely not. Eve has also been described as having a learning curve that goes straight up, which I can vouch for, but there are a ton of great elements that could be incorporated.


3. It’s been stated multiple times on the forums that even if content goes to crap, a lot of players will stick around for trading/economy and such. A lot of people enjoy playing markets and it keeps people playing the game so it makes sense for bioware to want a good system.


As far as I can see everyone would win with a better market system.

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3. It’s been stated multiple times on the forums that even if content goes to crap, a lot of players will stick around for trading/economy and such. A lot of people enjoy playing markets and it keeps people playing the game so it makes sense for bioware to want a good system.


if a lot of people enjoyed playing markets, eve would be the biggest mmo on the planet. it isnt.


the truth is, a lot of people DO 'play market' every day in their jobs. when they come home after work, they dont want to do any more kind of detailed, intricate, time consuming and demanding mundane stuff.

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The GTN is the worst feature in game. Clearly they didn't bother spending much time on it. As someone mention searching by slot is needed.


And PLEASE change the 2 days limit. That is just stupid. I get sick of my stuff expiring and not selling within 2 days so end up just selling it to vendors to get some money back.

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really. this will be offtopic, and i have long ceased to re-educate people who have been extremely conditioned with the 'anyone can make it' illusion, but, i will make an exception here and reply. i feel some kind of responsibility towards this swtor community, for some reason.




how many bill gates are there ? 100 ? 200 ? or, the people who qualify in the same situation are just in the range of 30 to 40 or something, u.s. wide ?


the rest ? do you know how many people have tried and didnt make it with startups even in the 90s ? ill tell you - there are hundreds of thousands.


and, these were lucky people - they were born with the inclinations that were in demand in their time - information technology. and were lucky to be able to get an education for that end, having the family circumstances and funds to be able to do so. and they were right at the time a NEW field/market that was not totally cornered/controlled by established megacorps was coming into being - the internet.


for the majority 85% of population, these are just dreams. most have to work in two jobs just to sustain their family right from the start. no college, no other thing.


and no - a 0.5% from among these striking luck and being able to rise from the ashes does NOT make it a rule or norm.


and, as in all cases of 'wild west frontier' situations, after the first phases of freedom in such new frontiers, hierarchical megacompanies enter the market and reestablish hierarchy there - either through acquisitions/purchases, or through setting up their own strong arm through new subsidiaries they founded - exactly how it happened in the last 5 years on the internet.



but the story of a handful who 'made it' gets continually perpetuated by the media/system as an example.


let me tell you one thing :


if, these were common occurrences, there would be no news value or story value to them so that people would show these people as examples.


so, please spare us the ayn rand crap.





Nothing in that post is educating anybody. Most of what that post implies is that success is bad! and anybody who has more than someone else is bad too! So I guess if you want to start educating people then you need to list ways to fix the system. So take you best stab at being the new Adam Smith. But I'm going to go ahead and give you some advice, you won't change anything by just criticizing, youactually have to have a way to fix the problems if you want things to change.


And by the way, keeping the GTN clunky and difficult to use will only make it more difficult for you to make a profit off of your items you are selling. That's because people won't look at what something can sell for, they will keep posting it at the suggested retail price the game provides them with. Which will in turn make it easier for those that want to manipulate the market because they are going to figure out how to do it anyway. And those people are obsessive enough about it to jump through any hoop... just like in real life.

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Is anyone else affected by the not so easy to use GTN? I mean, why isn't there a simple search field to begin with? Maybe I want to sell a specific item and only care to see whether there are any other sellers or what's the going rate. Why oh why to I have to go through half a dozen filters before hand?

BioWare, please make a note of this and patch it up.


If I don't see some major improvements to the GTN by the end of the first month I'm going to be upset. The interface is terrible and access to the network at local terminals only puts a huge damper on player sold items.


I'd like them to let people list things on the GTN right from their inventory screen. So when you're questing you can find something, right click it, choose list on GTN, and press a button and the item is removed from your inventory and up for sale. You can't check prices, you can only set a price and throw it on the GTN.


Obviously it would be to your advantage to go to a GTN terminal and check prices ahead of time and list it that way but I think making it extremely easy to list things on the GTN will go a long way to helping users find buyers for their goods. A lot of stuff isn't listed simply because it's more trouble to go through the steps to get it listed than it worth. Travel to a GTN and do all the steps necessary to sell it...or go to this vendor and get cash in hand right now? Vendor is simply the smarter choice right now.


Not sure why there is a 1 hour wait to receive funds from sale and I hate it. I also hate how when I buy something and I'm standing infront of the GTN terminal I have to turn around and run to a mailbox to get my item...that is stupid. Just give me the item. Delivering it to the mail box is fine if I'm shopping remotely.


Which is another thing they should add. You should be able to browse and shop remotely from most anywhere. When you buy something remotely it would be delivered to your mailbox in one hour. Same as the way credits are delivered when you sell something. The delay on a remote purchase would actually make sense as it would reward people more for shopping in person and people who can wait an hour can shop where ever they like but have to wait to get the items. Heck, make it 2 hours, or 5. Make it work somehow.


I'm not even going to go into the dialogue boxes you use to search. Just fix the above first then we can work on how to make finding things and research easier.

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I guess no one on these forums has ever seen, used, or developed a "programmer's GUI." Yeah, it's bad. It was made by a programmer and not an architect. It has basic functionality and logic that works in the programmer's mind but in no one else's. It will be fixed. Stop being little girls about it.
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Nothing in that post is educating anybody. Most of what that post implies is that success is bad! and anybody who has more than someone else is bad too!


it basically says 'there is no success'.


for those who are not already in-power, success is something that comes through luck. if you do not have luck, 'hard work' brings nothing. its not pilgrim's time anymore. we are living in 21st century.


anyone who has more than someone else, may be bad, or good, depending on who they are. those who have the most, are inherently bad, of course. because, to remain on the top, they have to make sure others do not get as big as they are.


this has not changed at any point in world history. it will not change anytime soon. it wont be different because people want it to be different either - power.


So I guess if you want to start educating people then you need to list ways to fix the system.


there is no way to fixing things in which unlimited amassing of anything is allowed - be it wealth, be it power. actually wealth is power.


that was the case back in medieval history, that was the case in roman empire, that was the case forever. whenever you allow people to amass unlimited amounts of anything, a hierarchy of power comes into play. there has been no exceptions to this. and if you dare limit the maximum amount of wealth an individual can command, then a lot of self-centered, childish, 'i want to believe' types will come up and yelp about their 'freedoms', and claim that the 'invisible hand' of the church of ayn rand will 'fix things'. despite it has not fixed anything throughout any point in history - invisible hand is up our ...... for a long time, and it has no intention of leaving there.


no different than a 6 year old believing that things will 'just happen'.



And by the way, keeping the GTN clunky and difficult to use will only make it more difficult for you to make a profit off of your items you are selling. That's because people won't look at what something can sell for, they will keep posting it at the suggested retail price the game provides them with. Which will in turn make it easier for those that want to manipulate the market because they are going to figure out how to do it anyway. And those people are obsessive enough about it to jump through any hoop... just like in real life.




if gtn is as it is now, both those who are wanting to screw up the market and me will be on the same boat. and no son of god will be able to automate their mass buying/selling and screw the market single handedly.


just try doing it yourself. you will have to point and click for hundreds of times per half an hour. you will have to stare at the gtn screen for half a day.


if it was as such, noone would be screwing the market in wow. automation/ease of use brings it.


im manufacturing 6-10 items, and putting them one by one on the gtn. and they are selling actually faster than anything i produced regularly sold in 5 years of wow playing.

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Most of the "new to me" systems in this game took a bit of getting used to, being a former WoW player, but I did get used to them.


The GTN is one of the few exceptions. It is extremely clunky.


1: Not being able to list multiple auctions at a time (like one can in WoW) means it takes forever to put up multiple things.


2: Being unable to overwrite or delete the minimum price "1" until after you've entered another price is super annoying, and I can't imagine why they implemented it like that. Just make price a required field when attempting to list an auction, with any non-zero number a legitimate entry.


3: Having 2 required fields to find an item is time consuming. I understand that it can reduce server load, since you don't have to search every item available, but it's still frustrating, especially when you know precisely what you want and have to navigate dropdown menus and THEN type in the name.


4: No itemlink from your inventory/chat to the search-by-name frame, unless I'm missing something.


I mean really, WoW got it right. Copying something that works isn't bad when the only other option you can come up with doesn't.

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