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MorningMusume's Mean Mitigation Spreadsheet


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Thanks a bunch for your time and effort put into this spreadsheet. Keep up the good work. =)


Much love,

Fellow Powertech Tank.


Side note: Any chance you can upload a .xls of the latest version? =)


I will probably not support excel or open office anymore, too much effort fixing visual stuff. You can download a copy from Google Docs, just go to File/Download as. It will work, will have the cells a bit misplaced. Relative Stat Values is the only thing that doesn't work in the downloadable version.




-Now supports almost every possible dps skill, except Thermal Detonator. DPS builds don't have enough testing tough, can be full of bugs.


-Added a new option for base stat values -AIM-. Easier to compare with or without Steely Resolve. Just tell the spreadsheet if the AIM value you introduced has Steely Resolved included or not.


-Rail Shot per minute formula updated to a more real approximation.


-Minor bug fixes.

Edited by MorningMusume
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-Added a new tab for Builds, that will make easier save and compare multiple different builds.


-Extra dmg from +25% crit was being calculated wrongly for Immolate and Thermal Detonator.

-+3% Tech crit from Prototype Cylinder was being applyed even if the talent wasn't taken if you used Combustible Gas Cylinder.

-DPS Bonus Sets work again if selected.

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I'm working right now on a Simulation program, that will help modeling dps/threat rotations as closer as we can get to reality. I did minor fixes to the spreadsheet, but I'll probably stop developing it unless someone reports a bug. Latest changes:


-Minor visual modifications, rotation results now hide some non-relevant stuff.

-Simulated for a few hours the number of Rail Shot crits from Charged Gauntlets. Now is a bit lower and closer to reality with a good rotation.


A sneak-peek of my simulation program, for now only works with builds like 31/8/2 and on non-tanking scenarios. I did a comparison with the same results from my spreadsheet.


The stats used on both the spreadsheet and the simulator are:




The simulator is also configured with this rotation, fight duration and number of fights:




Is probably not the best configuration of the rotation, as I haven't play much with that, but it will work as an example. The simulation uses heat on real time, and makes decisions about what skill to use every GCD based on that priority list.


DPS Spreadsheet: 964.69 DPS

DPS Simulator: 898.05 DPS


A 7% difference.


Let's see how it affects every skill, the simulator has Explosive Fuel included on the average, and the spreadsheet estimates it apart, so in theory the simulator has to be an higher value.




Average Dmg Spreadsheet: 614.48

Average Dmg Simulator: 610.05


A 0.7% difference.




Average Dmg Spreadsheet: 1895.99

Average Dmg Simulator: 1845.91


A 2.7% difference.




Average Dmg Spreadsheet: 3194,82

Average Dmg Simulator: 3214,44


A 0.6% difference, but higher on Simulator than on Spreadsheet.




Average Dmg Spreadsheet: 1472,64

Average Dmg Simulator: 1298,32


A 13% difference, I need to take a look at this skill when I have time. Must be wrong on Spreadsheet or Simulator. Anyway is a low number of uses, so the variation is higher on simulation. Edit: I think the Simulator doesn't make use of the Puncture talent




Average Dmg Spreadsheet: 2063,99

Average Dmg Simulator: 2061


A 0.1% difference. Has a really big number of hits (12 per cast), so variation must be lower.




Average Dmg Spreadsheet: 1184,91

Average Dmg Simulator: 1195,80


A 0.9% difference, higher on Simulator too.




Average Dmg Spreadsheet: 1147,86

Average Dmg Simulator: 1152,30


A 0.4% difference, higher on Simulator.




Average Dmg Spreadsheet: 223,08

Average Dmg Simulator: 230,99


A 3.5% difference, higher on Simulator.




Average Dmg Spreadsheet: 141,40

Average Dmg Simulator: 146,76


A 3.8% difference, higher on Simulator.


Now, the averaged ideal rotation versus the real rotation of a simulation. Number of uses of skills per 2 minutes rotation.



SKILL                      -SPREADSHEET-  -SIMULATION-FLAME THROWER              7,27                   6.5          ROCKET PUNCH		     13,33                   12.5RAIL SHOT		              8,00                    7FLAME BURST		        8                      6.5UNLOAD		                6                      6HEAT BLAST		       8,00                   7.5RAPID SHOTS		      16,12                  21.5IGC (PROC)                     27,91                 30.9GAS CYLINDER (DOT)		40		        39



A small lose on almost everything on favor of Rapid Shots (makes me think the simulation doesn't have the ideal rotation coded, I'll need to tweak the conditions). IGC procs are higher tough.


And the first of the 300 fights used to simulate this. The first number is the time on seconds. The last character is the type of damage (Kinetic, Elemental, Weapon Damage).



0 You gain Explosive Fuel0 heat: 16 Rocket Punch Hit for 1196,86 K0 heat: 16 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 311,01 K 1,5 heat: 27 Rail Shot Miss for 0,0 WD3,0 heat: 22 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K You gain Thermal Sensor Override.4,0 heat: 17 Flame Thrower Crit for 1408,53 E 5,0 heat: 12 Flame Thrower Crit for 1408,53 E 6,0 heat: 7 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 6,0 heat: 7 Flame Thrower Crit for 1408,53 E 6,0 heat: 18 Flame Burst Hit for 970,52 E7,5 heat: 5 Heat Blast Crit for 1583,60 E9,0 heat: 0 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 9,0 heat: 16 Rocket Punch Crit for 2263,36 K9,0 heat: 16 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 311,01 K 10,75 heat: 27 Unload Crit for 235,90 WD 11,00 heat: 27 Unload Crit for 220,01 WD 11,25 heat: 22 Unload Hit for 154,00 WD 11,50 heat: 22 Unload Crit for 246,89 WD 12,0 heat: 22 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 11,75 heat: 22 Unload Hit for 143,83 WD 12,00 heat: 22 Unload Hit for 145,15 WD 12,25 heat: 17 Unload Crit for 250,91 WD 12,50 heat: 17 Unload Hit for 160,81 WD 12,75 heat: 17 Unload Crit for 240,71 WD 13,00 heat: 17 Unload Hit for 145,75 WD 13,25 heat: 12 Unload Crit for 252,58 WD 13,25 heat: 12 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 13,50 heat: 12 Unload Crit for 257,24 WD 13,7 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Crit for 173,78 WD 13,9 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 107,52 WD 14,1 heat: 7 Rapid Shots Hit for 112,49 WD 14,3 heat: 7 Rapid Shots Crit for 163,15 WD 14,5 heat: 7 Rapid Shots Hit for 106,05 WD 15,0 heat: 7 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 15,0 Explosive Fuel fades.15,2 heat: 2 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,17 WD 15,4 heat: 2 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,91 WD 15,6 heat: 2 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,72 WD 15,8 heat: 2 Rapid Shots Crit for 185,30 WD 16,0 heat: 2 Rapid Shots Hit for 93,20 WD 16,5 heat: 16 Rail Shot Hit for 1150,65 WD18,0 heat: 11 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 18,0 heat: 22 Rocket Punch Crit for 2280,26 K18,0 heat: 22 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 19,7 heat: 17 Rapid Shots Hit for 120,61 WD 19,9 heat: 17 Rapid Shots Hit for 103,74 WD 20,1 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 107,27 WD 20,3 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 121,48 WD 20,5 heat: 12 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,73 WD 21,0 heat: 12 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 21,0 Debuff_Combust fades.22,0 heat: 32 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 23,0 heat: 27 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 24,0 heat: 22 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 24,0 heat: 22 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 24,0 heat: 9 Heat Blast Hit for 1013,34 E25,5 heat: 20 Flame Burst Hit for 1013,49 E27,0 heat: 15 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 27,0 heat: 26 Rocket Punch Crit for 2266,86 K27,0 heat: 26 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 311,01 K 28,75 heat: 37 Unload Crit for 231,46 WD 28,75 heat: 37 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 29,00 heat: 37 Unload Hit for 141,57 WD 29,25 heat: 32 Unload Hit for 137,33 WD 29,50 heat: 32 Unload Hit for 153,12 WD 30,0 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 29,75 heat: 32 Unload Hit for 148,75 WD 30,00 heat: 32 Unload Hit for 148,54 WD 30,25 heat: 27 Unload Crit for 236,41 WD 30,50 heat: 27 Unload Hit for 157,88 WD 30,75 heat: 27 Unload Hit for 147,42 WD 31,00 heat: 27 Unload Hit for 154,42 WD 31,25 heat: 22 Unload Hit for 147,70 WD 31,50 heat: 22 Unload Hit for 143,90 WD 31,5 heat: 38 Rail Shot Hit for 1142,27 WD33,0 heat: 33 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 33,2 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Crit for 156,84 WD 33,4 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Crit for 192,20 WD 33,6 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 101,65 WD 33,8 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,37 WD 34,0 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,52 WD 34,0 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 34,7 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Hit for 96,99 WD 34,9 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Hit for 117,96 WD 35,1 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Hit for 92,30 WD 35,3 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Miss for 0,0 WD 35,5 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Crit for 172,77 WD 36,0 heat: 18 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 36,0 heat: 29 Rocket Punch Crit for 2244,00 K36,0 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 37,7 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Crit for 164,22 WD 37,9 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Hit for 112,32 WD 38,1 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Hit for 112,61 WD 38,3 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Hit for 96,37 WD 38,5 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Hit for 93,54 WD 39,0 heat: 19 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 40,0 heat: 39 Flame Thrower Crit for 1408,53 E 40,5 Debuff_Combust fades.41,0 heat: 34 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 42,0 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 42,0 heat: 29 Flame Thrower Crit for 1408,53 E 42,0 heat: 16 Heat Blast Crit for 1578,58 E43,5 heat: 27 Flame Burst Crit for 1572,84 E45,0 heat: 22 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 45,0 heat: 33 Rocket Punch Crit for 2252,19 K45,0 heat: 33 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 311,01 K 46,75 heat: 44 Unload Hit for 141,76 WD 47,00 heat: 44 Unload Hit for 160,44 WD 47,25 heat: 40 Unload Hit for 150,66 WD 47,50 heat: 40 Unload Hit for 139,69 WD 48,0 heat: 40 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 47,75 heat: 40 Unload Crit for 251,05 WD 48,00 heat: 40 Unload Miss for 0,0 WD 48,25 heat: 36 Unload Hit for 155,58 WD 48,50 heat: 36 Unload Hit for 156,81 WD 48,75 heat: 36 Unload Hit for 160,45 WD 49,00 heat: 36 Unload Hit for 139,97 WD 49,25 heat: 31 Unload Hit for 160,52 WD 49,50 heat: 31 Unload Hit for 136,25 WD 49,7 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Hit for 93,86 WD 49,9 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Crit for 188,29 WD 50,1 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 118,15 WD 50,3 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 93,04 WD 50,5 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 107,16 WD 51,0 heat: 26 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 51,0 heat: 37 Rail Shot Hit for 1200,02 WD52,7 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Crit for 187,57 WD 52,9 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Hit for 106,47 WD 53,1 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 113,74 WD 53,3 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 98,27 WD 53,5 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Crit for 175,84 WD 54,0 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 54,0 heat: 38 Rocket Punch Hit for 1211,18 K54,0 heat: 38 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 55,7 heat: 33 Rapid Shots Crit for 151,30 WD 55,9 heat: 33 Rapid Shots Hit for 100,76 WD 56,1 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 115,96 WD 56,3 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Crit for 173,31 WD 56,5 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Crit for 177,76 WD 57,0 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 57,0 heat: 15 Heat Blast Hit for 987,05 E58,5 Debuff_Combust fades.59,5 heat: 30 Flame Thrower Crit for 1408,53 E 60,0 heat: 30 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 60,5 heat: 25 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 61,5 heat: 20 Flame Thrower Crit for 1408,53 E 61,5 heat: 36 Flame Burst Hit for 979,49 E63,0 heat: 31 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 63,25 heat: 42 Unload Crit for 234,07 WD 63,50 heat: 42 Unload Hit for 153,62 WD 63,75 heat: 42 Unload Hit for 156,30 WD 64,00 heat: 42 Unload Hit for 142,63 WD 64,25 heat: 38 Unload Hit for 148,65 WD 64,25 heat: 38 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 64,50 heat: 38 Unload Hit for 144,49 WD 64,75 heat: 38 Unload Hit for 139,61 WD 65,00 heat: 38 Unload Hit for 138,65 WD 65,25 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 154,12 WD 65,50 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 148,11 WD 66,0 heat: 33 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 65,75 heat: 33 Unload Miss for 0,0 WD 65,75 heat: 33 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 66,00 heat: 33 Unload Crit for 252,82 WD 66,2 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Crit for 177,17 WD 66,4 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 117,43 WD 66,6 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 118,45 WD 66,8 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 93,35 WD 67,0 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,12 WD 67,5 heat: 39 Rocket Punch Crit for 2258,91 K67,5 heat: 39 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 311,01 K 69,0 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 69,2 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Crit for 161,95 WD 69,4 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Crit for 176,98 WD 69,6 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Crit for 159,76 WD 69,6 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 69,8 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 93,16 WD 70,0 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 92,43 WD 70,5 heat: 40 Rail Shot Crit for 1883,36 WD72,0 heat: 36 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 72,0 heat: 23 Heat Blast Hit for 962,73 E73,7 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Hit for 116,19 WD 73,9 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Hit for 106,44 WD 74,1 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Crit for 177,20 WD 74,3 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Hit for 114,55 WD 74,5 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Crit for 150,25 WD 75,0 heat: 13 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 75,2 heat: 8 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,61 WD 75,2 heat: 8 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 75,4 heat: 8 Rapid Shots Crit for 160,10 WD 75,6 heat: 8 Rapid Shots Hit for 93,30 WD 75,8 heat: 8 Rapid Shots Hit for 99,59 WD 76,0 heat: 8 Rapid Shots Crit for 191,65 WD 76,5 heat: 19 Rocket Punch Crit for 2241,13 K76,5 Debuff_Combust fades.76,5 heat: 19 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 78,0 heat: 14 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 79,0 heat: 34 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 80,0 heat: 29 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 81,0 heat: 24 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 81,0 heat: 24 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 81,0 heat: 35 Flame Burst Hit for 1017,14 E82,7 heat: 30 Rapid Shots Hit for 112,97 WD 82,9 heat: 30 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,78 WD 83,1 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Hit for 118,05 WD 83,3 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Crit for 165,12 WD 83,5 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Crit for 163,49 WD 84,0 heat: 25 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 84,25 heat: 36 Unload Crit for 216,68 WD 84,50 heat: 36 Unload Hit for 153,77 WD 84,50 heat: 36 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 311,01 K 84,75 heat: 36 Unload Hit for 141,28 WD 85,00 heat: 36 Unload Hit for 151,32 WD 85,25 heat: 31 Unload Hit for 146,66 WD 85,50 heat: 31 Unload Hit for 148,28 WD 85,75 heat: 31 Unload Hit for 139,18 WD 86,00 heat: 31 Unload Crit for 242,94 WD 86,25 heat: 26 Unload Crit for 252,17 WD 86,50 heat: 26 Unload Miss for 0,0 WD 86,50 heat: 26 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 87,0 heat: 26 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 86,75 heat: 26 Unload Hit for 160,96 WD 87,00 heat: 26 Unload Hit for 158,79 WD 87,0 heat: 37 Rocket Punch Hit for 1184,06 K87,0 heat: 37 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 88,5 heat: 24 Heat Blast Crit for 1572,63 E90,0 heat: 19 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 90,0 heat: 30 Rail Shot Hit for 1088,45 WD91,7 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Hit for 100,76 WD 91,9 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Crit for 179,42 WD 92,1 heat: 20 Rapid Shots Hit for 115,08 WD 92,3 heat: 20 Rapid Shots Hit for 102,60 WD 92,5 heat: 20 Rapid Shots Crit for 175,34 WD 93,0 heat: 20 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 93,2 heat: 15 Rapid Shots Miss for 0,0 WD 93,4 heat: 15 Rapid Shots Crit for 181,57 WD 93,6 heat: 15 Rapid Shots Hit for 108,79 WD 93,6 heat: 15 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 93,8 heat: 15 Rapid Shots Crit for 190,53 WD 94,0 heat: 15 Rapid Shots Hit for 114,01 WD 94,7 heat: 10 Rapid Shots Hit for 96,19 WD 94,9 heat: 10 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,07 WD 95,1 heat: 5 Rapid Shots Hit for 104,12 WD 95,3 heat: 5 Rapid Shots Crit for 156,76 WD 95,5 heat: 5 Rapid Shots Hit for 92,73 WD 96,0 heat: 5 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 96,0 heat: 16 Rocket Punch Crit for 2244,33 K96,0 Debuff_Combust fades.96,0 heat: 16 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 98,5 heat: 31 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 99,0 heat: 31 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 99,5 heat: 26 Flame Thrower Crit for 1408,53 E 100,5 heat: 21 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 100,5 heat: 37 Flame Burst Crit for 1576,76 E102,0 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 102,25 heat: 43 Unload Hit for 153,71 WD 102,50 heat: 43 Unload Hit for 138,50 WD 102,75 heat: 43 Unload Crit for 217,79 WD 103,00 heat: 43 Unload Hit for 149,63 WD 103,25 heat: 39 Unload Hit for 149,82 WD 103,50 heat: 39 Unload Crit for 234,16 WD 103,75 heat: 39 Unload Hit for 156,91 WD 104,00 heat: 39 Unload Hit for 157,30 WD 104,25 heat: 34 Unload Crit for 257,11 WD 104,50 heat: 34 Unload Hit for 146,60 WD 105,0 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 104,75 heat: 34 Unload Crit for 221,23 WD 104,75 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 105,00 heat: 34 Unload Crit for 236,96 WD 105,0 heat: 21 Heat Blast Hit for 980,95 E106,5 heat: 32 Rocket Punch Hit for 1195,71 K106,5 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 108,0 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 108,0 heat: 38 Rail Shot Hit for 1207,30 WD109,7 heat: 33 Rapid Shots Hit for 117,46 WD 109,9 heat: 33 Rapid Shots Hit for 94,70 WD 110,1 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Crit for 151,90 WD 110,3 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 92,69 WD 110,5 heat: 28 Rapid Shots Hit for 96,84 WD 111,0 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 111,2 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Crit for 182,96 WD 111,4 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Crit for 181,60 WD 111,6 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Hit for 117,77 WD 111,8 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Hit for 114,55 WD 112,0 heat: 23 Rapid Shots Crit for 147,19 WD 112,7 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Crit for 183,24 WD 112,7 heat: 18 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 112,9 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Miss for 0,0 WD 113,1 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Hit for 101,28 WD 113,3 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Hit for 95,33 WD 113,5 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Crit for 191,64 WD 114,0 heat: 13 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 114,2 heat: 8 Rapid Shots Hit for 103,42 WD 114,4 heat: 8 Rapid Shots Hit for 113,32 WD 114,6 heat: 8 Rapid Shots Hit for 114,75 WD 114,8 heat: 8 Rapid Shots Hit for 98,72 WD 115,0 heat: 8 Rapid Shots Hit for 96,49 WD 115,5 heat: 19 Rocket Punch Crit for 2283,37 K115,5 Debuff_Combust fades.115,5 heat: 19 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 117,0 heat: 14 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 118,0 heat: 34 Flame Thrower Crit for 1408,53 E 119,0 heat: 29 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 120,0 heat: 24 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 120,0 heat: 24 Flame Thrower Crit for 1408,53 E You gain Explosive Fuel120,0 heat: 11 Heat Blast Hit for 994,46 E121,5 heat: 22 Flame Burst Hit for 1006,88 E123,0 heat: 17 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 123,0 heat: 28 Rail Shot Crit for 1955,78 WD124,5 heat: 39 Rocket Punch Crit for 2276,52 K124,5 heat: 39 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 311,01 K 126,2 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Crit for 153,57 WD 126,4 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,45 WD 126,6 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Crit for 187,68 WD 126,8 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Crit for 163,66 WD 127,0 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Crit for 168,56 WD 127,5 heat: 24 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 127,75 heat: 40 Unload Hit for 146,49 WD 128,00 heat: 40 Unload Crit for 217,07 WD 128,00 heat: 40 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 311,01 K 128,25 heat: 36 Unload Hit for 137,40 WD 128,50 heat: 36 Unload Crit for 257,10 WD 128,75 heat: 36 Unload Crit for 245,43 WD 129,00 heat: 36 Unload Crit for 231,41 WD 129,25 heat: 31 Unload Crit for 220,57 WD 129,50 heat: 31 Unload Hit for 154,09 WD 129,75 heat: 31 Unload Crit for 257,94 WD 130,00 heat: 31 Unload Hit for 140,51 WD 130,5 heat: 26 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 130,25 heat: 26 Unload Crit for 246,39 WD 130,50 heat: 26 Unload Hit for 153,46 WD 130,7 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 96,72 WD 130,9 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Crit for 156,54 WD 131,1 heat: 21 Rapid Shots Crit for 148,83 WD 131,3 heat: 21 Rapid Shots Hit for 109,57 WD 131,5 heat: 21 Rapid Shots Crit for 186,83 WD 132,2 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Hit for 100,34 WD 132,4 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Crit for 172,75 WD 132,6 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Hit for 118,37 WD 132,8 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Hit for 99,83 WD 132,8 heat: 16 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 311,01 K 133,0 heat: 16 Rapid Shots Hit for 106,82 WD 133,5 heat: 11 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 133,5 heat: 27 Rocket Punch Crit for 2250,75 K133,5 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K You gain Thermal Sensor Override.135,0 Explosive Fuel fades.136,0 heat: 17 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 136,5 heat: 12 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 136,5 Debuff_Combust fades.137,0 heat: 12 Flame Thrower Crit for 1408,53 E 138,0 heat: 7 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 138,0 heat: 18 Rail Shot Hit for 1160,05 WD139,5 heat: 13 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 139,5 heat: 5 Heat Blast Hit for 965,71 E141,0 heat: 16 Flame Burst Crit for 1531,38 E142,5 heat: 11 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 142,5 heat: 27 Rocket Punch Hit for 1195,56 K142,5 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 311,01 K 144,25 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 141,33 WD 144,50 heat: 33 Unload Crit for 235,05 WD 144,75 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 156,82 WD 145,00 heat: 33 Unload Miss for 0,0 WD 145,00 heat: 33 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 145,5 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 145,25 heat: 28 Unload Hit for 138,63 WD 145,50 heat: 28 Unload Miss for 0,0 WD 145,75 heat: 28 Unload Hit for 145,03 WD 146,00 heat: 28 Unload Hit for 141,74 WD 146,25 heat: 23 Unload Hit for 146,89 WD 146,50 heat: 23 Unload Hit for 143,30 WD 146,75 heat: 23 Unload Hit for 157,89 WD 147,00 heat: 23 Unload Hit for 161,77 WD 147,00 heat: 23 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 311,01 K 147,2 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Crit for 162,99 WD 147,2 heat: 18 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 311,01 K 147,4 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Hit for 114,46 WD 147,6 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Hit for 93,63 WD 147,8 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Miss for 0,0 WD 148,0 heat: 18 Rapid Shots Hit for 100,68 WD 148,5 heat: 13 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 148,7 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Hit for 111,11 WD 148,9 heat: 13 Rapid Shots Hit for 93,99 WD 149,1 heat: 8 Rapid Shots Hit for 112,73 WD 149,3 heat: 8 Rapid Shots Hit for 92,22 WD 149,5 heat: 8 Rapid Shots Crit for 156,73 WD 150,2 heat: 3 Rapid Shots Hit for 96,14 WD 150,2 heat: 3 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 150,4 heat: 3 Rapid Shots Miss for 0,0 WD 150,6 heat: 3 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,90 WD 150,8 heat: 3 Rapid Shots Hit for 98,63 WD 151,0 heat: 3 Rapid Shots Hit for 104,22 WD 151,5 heat: 0 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 151,5 heat: 16 Rocket Punch Crit for 2250,13 K151,5 heat: 16 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 311,01 K 153,0 heat: 22 Rail Shot Crit for 1782,01 WD153,0 heat: 22 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 154,5 heat: 17 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 155,5 heat: 38 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 156,0 Debuff_Combust fades.156,5 heat: 33 Flame Thrower Crit for 1408,53 E 157,5 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 157,5 heat: 28 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 157,5 heat: 20 Heat Blast Hit for 969,29 E159,0 heat: 26 Flame Burst Crit for 1512,94 E160,5 heat: 21 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 160,5 heat: 37 Rocket Punch Crit for 2244,69 K160,5 heat: 37 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 311,01 K 162,25 heat: 43 Unload Hit for 151,47 WD 162,50 heat: 43 Unload Hit for 144,94 WD 162,75 heat: 43 Unload Hit for 159,03 WD 163,00 heat: 43 Unload Hit for 149,63 WD 163,00 heat: 43 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 163,5 heat: 39 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 163,25 heat: 39 Unload Hit for 155,55 WD 163,50 heat: 39 Unload Crit for 242,24 WD 163,75 heat: 39 Unload Hit for 153,23 WD 164,00 heat: 39 Unload Crit for 246,78 WD 164,25 heat: 34 Unload Hit for 150,80 WD 164,50 heat: 34 Unload Hit for 148,15 WD 164,75 heat: 34 Unload Hit for 137,36 WD 165,00 heat: 34 Unload Hit for 143,59 WD 165,2 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Crit for 162,43 WD 165,4 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,60 WD 165,6 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 120,53 WD 165,8 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 104,49 WD 165,8 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 311,01 K 166,0 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 118,21 WD 166,5 heat: 24 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 166,7 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Hit for 94,44 WD 166,9 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Hit for 92,84 WD 167,1 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Crit for 146,88 WD 167,3 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Hit for 112,12 WD 167,3 heat: 19 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 167,5 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Crit for 181,34 WD 168,0 heat: 30 Rail Shot Hit for 1165,68 WD169,5 heat: 25 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 169,5 heat: 41 Rocket Punch Crit for 2281,94 K169,5 heat: 41 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 171,2 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Hit for 96,11 WD 171,4 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Hit for 121,69 WD 171,6 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Hit for 96,87 WD 171,8 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Hit for 97,99 WD 172,0 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Crit for 183,30 WD 172,5 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 172,5 heat: 19 Heat Blast Hit for 1007,85 E174,0 Debuff_Combust fades.175,0 heat: 34 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 175,5 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 176,0 heat: 29 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 177,0 heat: 24 Flame Thrower Crit for 1408,53 E 177,0 heat: 35 Flame Burst Hit for 985,27 E178,5 heat: 30 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 178,5 IonGasCylinder (Shock) fades.178,7 heat: 30 Rapid Shots Hit for 104,06 WD 178,9 heat: 30 Rapid Shots Hit for 97,06 WD 179,1 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Hit for 119,96 WD 179,3 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Crit for 159,69 WD 179,5 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Miss for 0,0 WD 180,0 heat: 36 Rocket Punch Crit for 2276,70 K180,0 heat: 36 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 181,7 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,77 WD 181,9 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,69 WD 181,9 heat: 31 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 182,1 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,61 WD 182,3 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,79 WD 182,5 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 100,62 WD 183,0 heat: 26 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 183,0 heat: 37 Rail Shot Hit for 1167,08 WD184,7 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Hit for 109,78 WD 184,9 heat: 32 Rapid Shots Hit for 101,64 WD 185,1 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 104,26 WD 185,3 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 110,70 WD 185,5 heat: 27 Rapid Shots Hit for 118,42 WD 186,0 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 186,25 heat: 38 Unload Hit for 161,02 WD 186,50 heat: 38 Unload Hit for 152,11 WD 186,75 heat: 38 Unload Hit for 145,61 WD 187,00 heat: 38 Unload Hit for 145,87 WD 187,25 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 153,99 WD 187,50 heat: 33 Unload Crit for 251,71 WD 187,75 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 158,83 WD 187,75 heat: 33 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 188,00 heat: 33 Unload Crit for 244,57 WD 188,25 heat: 28 Unload Hit for 158,60 WD 188,50 heat: 28 Unload Crit for 254,15 WD 189,0 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 188,75 heat: 28 Unload Hit for 155,76 WD 189,00 heat: 28 Unload Crit for 251,85 WD 189,0 heat: 39 Rocket Punch Crit for 2265,97 K189,0 heat: 39 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 190,5 heat: 26 Heat Blast Hit for 976,72 E192,0 heat: 21 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 192,0 Debuff_Combust fades.193,0 heat: 41 Flame Thrower Crit for 1408,53 E 194,0 heat: 37 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 195,0 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 195,0 heat: 32 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 195,0 heat: 43 Flame Burst Hit for 954,89 E196,7 heat: 39 Rapid Shots Hit for 112,34 WD 196,9 heat: 39 Rapid Shots Miss for 0,0 WD 197,1 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Miss for 0,0 WD 197,3 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Hit for 97,06 WD 197,5 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Hit for 113,40 WD 197,5 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 311,01 K 198,0 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 198,2 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 107,13 WD 198,4 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Crit for 166,04 WD 198,6 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Miss for 0,0 WD 198,8 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Miss for 0,0 WD 199,0 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,41 WD 199,0 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 311,01 K 199,5 heat: 40 Rocket Punch Hit for 1203,51 K199,5 heat: 40 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 201,0 heat: 36 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 201,2 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Hit for 96,51 WD 201,4 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Hit for 104,41 WD 201,6 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Hit for 118,63 WD 201,8 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Hit for 107,55 WD 201,8 heat: 31 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 202,0 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Hit for 114,40 WD 202,75 heat: 42 Unload Hit for 143,16 WD 203,00 heat: 42 Unload Hit for 160,31 WD 203,25 heat: 38 Unload Hit for 156,47 WD 203,50 heat: 38 Unload Hit for 160,15 WD 203,50 heat: 38 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 204,0 heat: 38 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 203,75 heat: 38 Unload Hit for 142,23 WD 204,00 heat: 38 Unload Hit for 162,39 WD 204,25 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 161,52 WD 204,50 heat: 33 Unload Crit for 217,46 WD 204,75 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 153,58 WD 205,00 heat: 33 Unload Hit for 150,97 WD 205,25 heat: 28 Unload Hit for 136,57 WD 205,25 heat: 28 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 205,50 heat: 28 Unload Hit for 137,66 WD 205,5 heat: 20 Heat Blast Hit for 1009,92 E207,0 heat: 15 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 207,0 heat: 26 Rail Shot Crit for 1891,50 WD208,5 heat: 37 Rocket Punch Hit for 1191,30 K208,5 heat: 37 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 210,0 heat: 32 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 210,0 heat: 43 Flame Burst Hit for 979,75 E211,7 heat: 39 Rapid Shots Hit for 112,04 WD 211,9 heat: 39 Rapid Shots Hit for 117,90 WD 212,1 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Hit for 109,81 WD 212,3 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Hit for 100,53 WD 212,5 heat: 34 Rapid Shots Hit for 97,50 WD 213,0 heat: 34 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 213,2 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Crit for 157,40 WD 213,4 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Crit for 166,25 WD 213,6 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 106,74 WD 213,8 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Crit for 151,19 WD 214,0 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 93,42 WD 214,7 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Hit for 116,71 WD 214,9 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Crit for 192,83 WD 215,1 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Crit for 159,59 WD 215,3 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Hit for 103,08 WD 215,3 heat: 19 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 215,5 heat: 19 Rapid Shots Hit for 98,26 WD 216,0 heat: 19 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 217,0 heat: 39 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 218,0 heat: 34 Flame Thrower Crit for 1408,53 E 219,0 heat: 29 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 219,0 heat: 29 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 219,0 heat: 40 Rocket Punch Crit for 2251,76 K219,0 heat: 40 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 220,5 heat: 28 Heat Blast Hit for 966,31 E222,0 heat: 23 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Crit for 197,54 K 222,0 heat: 34 Rail Shot Hit for 1055,81 WD223,7 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Crit for 172,37 WD 223,9 heat: 29 Rapid Shots Hit for 105,48 WD 224,1 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Crit for 151,73 WD 224,3 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Miss for 0,0 WD 224,5 heat: 24 Rapid Shots Crit for 147,27 WD 224,5 heat: 24 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 311,01 K 225,0 heat: 24 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 225,0 heat: 35 Flame Burst Hit for 978,32 E226,7 heat: 30 Rapid Shots Crit for 165,50 WD 226,9 heat: 30 Rapid Shots Hit for 109,38 WD 227,1 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Miss for 0,0 WD 227,1 heat: 25 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 227,3 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Hit for 114,97 WD 227,5 heat: 25 Rapid Shots Miss for 0,0 WD 228,0 heat: 25 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 228,0 heat: 36 Rocket Punch Hit for 1208,67 K228,0 heat: 36 Ion Gas Cylinder Hit for 195,83 K 229,7 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Hit for 119,38 WD 229,9 heat: 31 Rapid Shots Miss for 0,0 WD 230,1 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Crit for 146,45 WD 230,3 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Hit for 115,81 WD 230,5 heat: 26 Rapid Shots Crit for 190,46 WD 231,0 heat: 26 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 231,25 heat: 37 Unload Hit for 157,05 WD 231,50 heat: 37 Unload Hit for 139,19 WD 231,75 heat: 37 Unload Crit for 223,38 WD 232,00 heat: 37 Unload Hit for 150,59 WD 232,25 heat: 32 Unload Hit for 143,95 WD 232,50 heat: 32 Unload Hit for 145,65 WD 232,75 heat: 32 Unload Hit for 137,20 WD 233,00 heat: 32 Unload Miss for 0,0 WD 233,25 heat: 27 Unload Hit for 161,59 WD 233,50 heat: 27 Unload Crit for 240,18 WD 233,50 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 311,01 K 234,0 heat: 27 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 233,75 heat: 27 Unload Crit for 250,68 WD 234,00 heat: 27 Unload Hit for 142,89 WD 234,2 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 108,86 WD 234,4 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 103,52 WD 234,6 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 108,52 WD 234,8 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 109,24 WD 235,0 heat: 22 Rapid Shots Hit for 120,02 WD 235,0 heat: 22 Ion Gas Cylinder Crit for 311,01 K 236,5 heat: 38 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 237,0 heat: 38 Ion Gas Cylinder (Shock) Hit for 124,39 K 237,5 heat: 33 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 238,5 heat: 28 Flame Thrower Hit for 886,90 E 238,5 heat: 20 Heat Blast Hit for 967,96 E


Edited by MorningMusume
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Quick question, when calculating the Mean Mitigation value how does that account for different attack and damage times, which may or may not be able to be Dodged or Shielded? Do we know if mob attacks are all able to be Dodged/Shielded?
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Quick question, when calculating the Mean Mitigation value how does that account for different attack and damage times, which may or may not be able to be Dodged or Shielded? Do we know if mob attacks are all able to be Dodged/Shielded?


For what we know, all normal boss attacks are able to be dodged/shielded. Probably some cast don't, I haven't done a serious study. But anyway you can't reduce elemental/internal damage via gear, so the Mean Mitigation for that is a constant, and you can see it already on the elemental/internal reduction (19% buffed).


For example I took a look at Gharj, everything he does is Weapon Damage except the knockback to the air, that is Tech (and can't be dodged or shielded, but is reduced by armor).


Edit: BTW I fixed the Puncture talent on the Simulation and now the dps is 941.08, only a 3% apart from the spreadsheet :D

Edited by MorningMusume
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I know it’s recommended that we go Absorb > Def> Shielding but I am finding it difficult to get Aim-End stuff with absorb. It seems like all the top craftable Belt / Wrist / Ear / implants and offhand shield are all defense based. I have had to resort to buying my Aim – End items with Augment slots so I can put Absorb in them. Is this an itemization issue or am I just unlucky?



Right now with full set of Deflecting Mods from Freeing the Fallen and shield/absorb Enhancements from 2+ poisonous quests.


Shield 289

Def 271

Absorb 164


I could swap out my 2 x Aim-End +49 defense implants but the best Aim-End Absorb I can find is +25-+29 absorb.

Edited by Brakner
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I know it’s recommended that we go Absorb > Def> Shielding but I am finding it difficult to get Aim-End stuff with absorb. It seems like all the top craftable Belt / Wrist / Ear / implants and offhand shield are all defense based. I have had to resort to buying my Aim – End items with Augment slots so I can put Absorb in them. Is this an itemization issue or am I just unlucky?



Right now with full set of Deflecting Mods from Freeing the Fallen and shield/absorb Enhancements from 2+ poisonous quests.


Shield 289

Def 271

Absorb 164


I could swap out my 2 x Aim-End +49 defense implants but the best Aim-End Absorb I can find is +25-+29 absorb.


Stuff is pretty bad itemized in this game, so you aren't just unlucky.


If you can't stack Absorb without losing too much stuff, you need to make the decision if you need more dps or more mitigation. As I do only hard modes, I think that I don't need more mitigation, if I lose a chunk of dps with it.


Also so much Accuracy makes me a sad Powertech :(

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Stuff is pretty bad itemized in this game, so you aren't just unlucky.


If you can't stack Absorb without losing too much stuff, you need to make the decision if you need more dps or more mitigation. As I do only hard modes, I think that I don't need more mitigation, if I lose a chunk of dps with it.


Also so much Accuracy makes me a sad Powertech :(


yeah, it's really hard to shrug off all the accuracy they've placed on gear in favor of more important stats.

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How would something like http://www.torhead.com/item/82UJQ3J/experimental-shield-overcharger affect the calculation's? Mind you the one i have has no augment slot but instead a guaranteed proc giving 395 absorb rating every 20sec for 6sec when you shield an attack. I reckon this might be the BIS Relic for ST, it dropped from the 4th boss in Karagga's palace on HM.


With this relic and the on use relic that gives 220 absorb and shield rating i can get my absorb up to 67% or 62% without the on use.


Does this mean that shield rating get's about the same value as absorb or is absorb still the way to go?

Edited by muggeh
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The spreadsheet is not prepared for that kind of procs, didn't know they existed until now. You can average it for an approximation as Absorb Proc * Duration / (Cooldown + Average time to get a Shield proc).


You can try to use 395 * 6 / (20+5) or 95 Absorb average. Add that to your stats and see what it tells you.


You can also add 395 and write down the relative stat values before and after, then average them based on the time is up, for example if you consider the relic is up 6 seconds, and down 19:


Relative_Stat_Value_Averaged= (6*RelativeStatValue395 + 19*RelativeStatValueBase)/(19+6)

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Well i did some testing basically letting a mob hit me and it looks like the 20sec cd starts as soon as the effect starts not when it drops off, so that gives me by your method of calculation an average of 119.2 absorb rating. Which gives shield rating a value of 0,94 and absorb 1,02 which seems quite a bit closer then earlier but absorb still wins.


Thanks for the help :)

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It's because your chance to shield is already much higher than your chance to dodge/etc. Increasing the absorb rate is the best route to go. (in case anyone else was wondering, i'm not crazy enough to start talking to myself yet) Edited by Umpire
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Great info... thanks.


I'd like to see some sort of discussion on the importance of endurance. At level 50, using mostly crafted gear with augments, my mitigation is quite high, but my endurance is low compared to those wearing the upper tier equipment. In one case, I looked at a guy who had 2k more hp than me, but his defense rating was only 10% (mine is near 20). No idea what his shield/absorb rating was.


When you think about it... even in a worst case scenario, that 2k hp is really 4k hp, because everyone has around 50% armor.


So... how do I balance all this? Where is the sweet spot when it comes to endurance? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Edited by XAubrey
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At the moment endurance kinda just comes on our gear. I'm almost at 20k hp without trying for it, and im far from optimally geared. Nightmare modes I might start worrying about HP but at the moment it's a side concern because there's so much of it already.
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