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My server used to be full every night.


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My server (Anchorhead) used to have a 10+ minute queue every night, but over the last week, it's slowly gotten shorter.


Now the server is at heavy at it's worst, and as of right now (2 am) it's standard.


Are that many people really quitting?


I love this game, but I don't want to see it tank, especially not this fast, but that's what it looks like so far.


For many people today is their first day back at work and school after the Christmas period. Are you that surprised your server has less players on at 2am? 2am? Most people start work and school somewhere between 8 and 9, so it's highly unlikely they are going to be playing at 2am.

Edited by Mandrax
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My server (Anchorhead) used to have a 10+ minute queue every night, but over the last week, it's slowly gotten shorter.


Now the server is at heavy at it's worst, and as of right now (2 am) it's standard.


Are that many people really quitting?


I love this game, but I don't want to see it tank, especially not this fast, but that's what it looks like so far.


May have gone to another server. I rolled on the server in my signature the first day of Early Release. However, everyone came there and rolled Empire. There are like no Republic players to fight at all. Every Warzone was Hutt Ball and would be 16/16 Empire players. So I went and rolled on another server. Now my BH sits unused, in a guild I started, because of the faction imbalance.

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Maybe do one instance after dailies but yeah, that's pretty much what we've been doing for longer than a week now. :)


Who thought the end game would be different? lol.


Its an MMO so the same basic content is there, anyone who bought this game thinking there would be no grind at end game should seek help.

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I wouldn't worry too much about the vocal unsubbers on the forums here. People who are unhappy with a product or service are ten times more likely to comment on them, both fast and loudly. Most of the people I talk to about it are busy enjoying and playing the game.


It's the first week after the holidays, and some unsubs are to be expected. My server seems to have been increasing in numbers regardless of the lower queue times (depending on the time of day).

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I wouldn't worry too much about the vocal unsubbers on the forums here. People who are unhappy with a product or service are ten times more likely to comment on them, both fast and loudly. Most of the people I talk to about it are busy enjoying and playing the game.


It's the first week after the holidays, and some unsubs are to be expected. My server seems to have been increasing in numbers regardless of the lower queue times (depending on the time of day).


How much you want to bet these same people "quitting" right now will be complaining a year from now still paying the sub. Just because they threaten to unsub doesnt mean they will. Even if everyone on the forums quit tomorrow there would still be 900k+ people paying. Thats why most companies ignore the drama on forums and will not post. Look at the guy trying to calm the people down over the whole ilum container looting stuff.

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Do you have a source for the info in your first paragraph?


I used to use the queues as sort of a measure for how many people were playing and how popular the game is.


After looking around the forums, it's clear that this game is going to be bleeding subscribers until it's dry.


No pop caps are up, high school and below went back to school this week and others went back to work.

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