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Solution to the Inquisitor and BH problem


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In case you weren't aware, on demand busrt is the important thing in PvP. Two seconds of Mind Crush is no where near as important as being able to throw out repeated instant TW (which is boosted by Psychic suffusion, as is Force in Balance).


I can assure you it hits pleanty hard and makes up for only staying 16 in Balance. My Sorc with the mirror spec can hit for 3k back to back to back with all the dots rolling behind it and of course nonstop channeling force lightning.


If the target doesn't have a pocket healer they melt in seconds, if they do it forces dedicated heal dumps to keep them up, which is in of itself controlling a battlefield.


And did I mention I can full heal in seconds?

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In case you weren't aware, on demand busrt is the important thing in PvP. Two seconds of Mind Crush is no where near as important as being able to throw out repeated instant TW (which is boosted by Psychic suffusion, as is Force in Balance).


I can assure you it hits pleanty hard and makes up for only staying 16 in Balance. My Sorc with the mirror spec can hit for 3k back to back to back with all the dots rolling behind it and of course nonstop channeling force lightning.


If the target doesn't have a pocket healer they melt in seconds, if they do it forces dedicated heal dumps to keep them up, which is in of itself controlling a battlefield.


And did I mention I can full heal in seconds?


ROFL telekinetic wave isn't good burst w/o 30+ telekinetics have you even looked at your talent tree? it does about 500 more damage than disturbance, that's such a garbage spell to waste so many talent points on - you're literally giving up all of your good instant damage for 500 extra damage every 6 seconds on a PoM proc. also you're like totally blind and completely ignored the fact that YOU'RE MISSING OUT ON SUCH A RIDICULOUS AMOUNT OF TALENTS OTHER THAN "2 SECONDS ON MIND CRUSH" ***


you can't cast "repeated instant tw" you don't have the talent for that and even if you did, you have to actually cast disturbance for it which is total garbage


also no, you can't "full heal in seconds," Deliverence heals for about 2.1k (I have much better gear than you btw). I have 15k health. ROFL.


I do not understand why players insist on trying to be different with their garbage specs. This happens in every game.

Edited by CHRISGG
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ROFL telekinetic wave isn't good burst w/o 30+ telekinetics have you even looked at your talent tree? it does about 500 more damage than disturbance, that's such a garbage spell to waste so many talent points on - you're literally giving up all of your good instant damage for 500 extra damage every 6 seconds on a PoM proc. also you're like totally blind and completely ignored the fact that YOU'RE MISSING OUT ON SUCH A RIDICULOUS AMOUNT OF TALENTS OTHER THAN "2 SECONDS ON MIND CRUSH" ***


you can't cast "repeated instant tw" you don't have the talent for that and even if you did, you have to actually cast disturbance for it which is total garbage


also no, you can't "full heal in seconds," Deliverence heals for about 2.1k (I have much better gear than you btw). I have 15k health. ROFL.


I do not understand why players insist on trying to be different with their garbage specs. This happens in every game.


Pressence of Mind: Your Telekintetic throw has a 30% chance when delaing damage to make your next Force-Damaing attack with an activation time activate INSTANTLY and deal 20% MORE DAMAGE.


This works with Chain Lightning and Telekinetic wave. This is why the Current Sorc pvp cookie cutter and non 31 madness pve spec ALL have Wrath and Chain Lightning. This is why I also picked up your mirror of Psychic Suffusion. FURTHERMORE, it has NO proc limit. It can proc BACK to BACK instantly, and has a rather good chance of it too, especially when Psychic projection procs. The only limit is the coolodwn on TW, but you can simply weave it between FiB and MC for multiple massive blasts of damage.


You are the one who is stuck in a Pve dps spec mindset. No one will argue that 31 Balance Madness is higher straight up DPS in the long run, but in PvP, where versatility is paramount, this combo bost TW and CL to the point that it OUTPREFORMS 31 Telekinetics and Lightning at all times. This been proven over the course of beta many times over.


And if you REALLY want to drop the healing, you can go 0/13/28 and smoke a 31 Balance spec as well in raw dps.

Edited by Varnithis
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LOL. BH suck at the moment. Pathetic CC and moderate damage. We can survive longer, but hit people with wet towels.


Perhaps it's just you. 99% of the QQing in most threads would stop if people actually stopped to realize that they just aren't as good as they think they are. They also expect the class to carry the player instead of the other way around.

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We all know the Inquisitor and BH nerfs are coming, but I thought of a better solution.


Instead of nerfing the Inquisitor and BH why not just make the Republic classes a bit stronger/more flexible, to equal those classes.


If you start nerfing classes then its going to turn into an even bigger "lets all swing at each other for 20 min, before some1 dies"


Your whole post illustrates ignorance, you refer to sith classes as if they are separates as opposed to the EXACT mirrors that they are, by definition you also mean Trooper and consular and thats literally 50% of the game right there. If one side is getting a nerf then the other will as well. Anybody calling for nerfs at this stage just doesnt have a clue about the nuances of the classes and is suffering from grass is always greener syndrome.

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pressence of mind: Your telekintetic throw has a 30% chance when delaing damage to make your next force-damaing attack with an activation time activate instantly and deal 20% more damage.


This works with chain lightning and telekinetic wave. This is why the current sorc pvp cookie cutter and non 31 madness pve spec all have wrath and chain lightning. This is why i also picked up your mirror of psychic suffusion. Furthermore, it has no proc limit. It can proc back to back instantly, and has a rather good chance of it too, especially when psychic projection procs. The only limit is the coolodwn on tw, but you can simply weave it between fib and mc for multiple massive blasts of damage.


You are the one who is stuck in a pve dps spec mindset. No one will argue that 31 balance madness is higher straight up dps in the long run, but in pvp, where versatility is paramount, this combo bost tw and cl to the point that it outpreforms 31 telekinetics and lightning at all times. This been proven over the course of beta many times over.


And if you really want to drop the healing, you can go 0/13/28 and smoke a 31 balance spec as well in raw dps.


in pvp, where versatility is paramount, i'm going to give up most of my good instant cast damage via the insane dot buffs at the end of the balance tree, instant cast+stun force lift, and a 9 second cooldown 2 second duration root just so every 6 seconds, i can use my presence of mind procs on something that does 500 damage over disturbance, and less damage overall than mind crush. That is literally the only thing i'm gaining.



Edited by CHRISGG
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And if you REALLY want to drop the healing, you can go 0/13/28 and smoke a 31 Balance spec as well in raw dps.


0/13/28 is an ok spec, but i think the tri-spec is garbage, you're losing too much damage just for few healing abilities that you'll use sporadically, but i think that's just a matter of playstyle i guess.


Also, going 31 madness/balance is stupid for PvP, severe the force/creeping terror will never equal the instant CL/TW + a 50% faster WM/FL.

Edited by Fufy
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Sorc = fix the skills that are not properly mirrored to the sages to be properly mirrored


Bh/Trooper = Increase the Ammo/Heat on Nade launcher/Tracker Missle so spamming them becomes inefficent.


Sorc/Sage = Alter some of the "longer duration" (like whirlwind) CC to mezz effects rather than stuns.



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Your whole post illustrates ignorance, you refer to sith classes as if they are separates as opposed to the EXACT mirrors that they are, by definition you also mean Trooper and consular and thats literally 50% of the game right there. If one side is getting a nerf then the other will as well. Anybody calling for nerfs at this stage just doesnt have a clue about the nuances of the classes and is suffering from grass is always greener syndrome.


NOW NOW don't forget that TROOOPER has such a huge delay in MV compared to BH DFA despite that we've proved that wrong in a thread using video editing software and stop watches.

Edited by Shammus
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in pvp, where versatility is paramount, i'm going to give up most of my good instant cast damage via the insane dot buffs at the end of the balance tree, instant cast+stun force lift, and a 9 second cooldown 2 second duration just so every 6 seconds, i can use my presence of mind procs on something that does 500 damage over disturbance, and less damage overall than mind crush. That is literally the only thing i'm gaining.




No. You give up all that so you can use the buff form Rejuvination to spot heal anyone on your team who might need it, weave in Massive AoE burst by doing a TW >MC >FiB > TW combo when needed, and not be totally reliant on DoTs that can be easily shielded against, healed through, or just plain cleansed by a team with a brain.


And you very obviously severely under estemate the power of TW/CL when boosted by these talents. It goes from being 500 more damage than disturbance to critting for 4k EASY against up too five enemies. Hell I don't even have great gear and I've seen walls of almost 5k per target with all the buffs from a group.


Do I lose out on some sustained single target pressure? Sure. What are your aoe options? Oh right, tabbing through targets to dot them up and Force in Balance. I love fighting deep Madness/Balance Sorc/Sages. They panic when I just remove all their dots, and if they try to CC me too apply them, well, i can easily sit out the first stun while they dot me up, and when they are forced to use whirlwind/Forcelift, thanks for the full resolve bar bro! Meanwhile, in the time it takes you to ramp those dots up with no talent sin your heal tree, i could have blasted 2/3rds of your health off, before accouting for FL and dot ticks.


This is very simple math. On demand burst woven correctly will always beat slow stacking CLEANSABLE dots.

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I know some people who are convinced SI and BH are stronger than Trooper and JC and nothing I say can convince them otherwise.


Sometimes you have to just accept a lost cause and try to pretend you don't see the posts or hear them ranting in the next room.


Numerous times my Full Auto has to go through 2 full animations to cast. It starts the animation to cast, but nothing really happens, then if I don't hit the button (spam it) it goes right onto cooldown without ever firing off, but if I spam it, it then fires, a sweet 6 second setup just for Full Auto. Samething for our instant cast lighting aoe, have to whip the gun out then cast it, vs arm out firing right away. Then add in rocket punch actually covering some distance to your target. The animations for the Trooper take longer, which is a big part of the issue, but rocket punch is also much more useful.

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2100 with no gear and only the bolster buff maybe. I seem to heal for 3000 but more often, critical heal for 5000 behind a big fat shield.


You just come off as a troll who won't try to compromise or offer meaningful counterpoints at this point.

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I'm done arguing with captian ego. I've had pleanty of success with the build I posted, and no amount of lmaoing and one line snarky retorts is going to change that.


Yeah, of course a dedicated healer and running 0/13/28 would be better in a major rated team setting. But since you are apprently a Youtuber with videos and everything you can't be wrong and there's no point in arguing with forum trolls with an ego.


To be completely fair, your videos are entertaining and you do know how to play your setup. I just don't appreciate the single minded "Forum Tunnel Vision" from "bigshots" like you.


We'll see how everything sorts out once rated WZ's are implemented and real measure of success can be gained.

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I don't see the reason why people are saying BHs and Inquisitors are OP.... the Fact is they're not....if anything I do agree that they do have an advantage due to better animation start times (which needs to be addressed to better balance the pvp mirror) but otherwise they do the same amount of dmg output as there mirror class on your faction.


Also I've been pvping quite alot and i barely have any problems with these classes...the only class i believe is COMPLETELY broken atm is the Operative/Scoundrel class, they just do WAY to much burst damage and can tank a bit to much before they go down but that's another discussion entirely.

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Also I've been pvping quite alot and i barely have any problems with these classes...the only class i believe is COMPLETELY broken atm is the Operative/Scoundrel class, they just do WAY to much burst damage and can tank a bit to much before they go down but that's another discussion entirely.


Uh huh, that's kind of the operatives thing... burst and lots of it, otherwise they're useless as dps since they're melee (and the "semi ranged" tree they get is so far below sub par...). Snipers /gunslingers are *********** monsters, but they don't get representation because people seem to have trouble figuring out (or just not wanting to deal with) the "cover" mechanic, while they can do just as much (and more) burst then an OP without having to stealth (which fortunately they can't anyway).

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i pretty much have faith in chris being the most knowledgeable person on the forums // perhaps in the entire game on class mechanic issues


you'd learn something reading his posts, just because people are being sardonic doesn't mean they aren't laying down the knowledge

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in pvp, where versatility is paramount, i'm going to give up most of my good instant cast damage via the insane dot buffs at the end of the balance tree, instant cast+stun force lift, and a 9 second cooldown 2 second duration root just so every 6 seconds, i can use my presence of mind procs on something that does 500 damage over disturbance, and less damage overall than mind crush. That is literally the only thing i'm gaining.




That is stupid. Sever force is inferior to TW in many respects. TW does damage to multiple targets and can be used instantly for burst on demand. Sever force is good for dot stacking, but TW ultimately provides more bang for your buck, whether you are interested in medal farming (a dot spec can never farm damage medals as well as TW hybrid spec), or assist-training targets.


Balance / madness spec is questionable after the force suppression talent. In fact, anything after insta-cast force lift is questionable. PoM / Containment are the only things you need in that tier. The rest of the points can be dumped into telekinetics for much better toys - root on force wave, blind on force armor, etc.


In short, TLDR, Hybrid telekinetics / balance spec > full balance for pvp.

Edited by Ashnazg
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you realize BH is a mirror of the trooper. If they nerf them, you get nerfed as well.


In theory yes.

In reality no.


Longer cast animations for trooper means higher chance to not do any dmg when using a skill.


For example full auto. On trooper it takes 1.5 seconds to pull your gun out and actually get your first hit off with the skill. The bounty on the other hand does not have that problem.


Even in a pve setting there's a difference. If you are fighting a weak mob that can be stunned for the duration of it, with a trooper the enemy aggros you before you even hit the enemy. It shoots you right as you hit the button which means you lose cast time which means you hit the enemy 2 times instead of 3.


Until skills of each class actually hit at the same rate as when you hit the skill, the side with the faster hits (empire classes) will always have the advantage.

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