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Click-to-cast healing?


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f# key to target, then # to cast... failing to see where the ###-ton of keystrokes is...lazy...and the mouse style click play is overworking oneself


And when you have more people in your party then Fkeys?


Are you really going to bind a target key for every person in your raid?




I think the people that don't understand this request should just but out and go back to being a mediocre healer in 4 man groups.

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and you don't know how to tab target? :eek::eek:


you answered yourself by not reading my post... tab will swap through the mob/pvp targets on the fly... the f keys target party members... and if you are running a raid and healing everyone without any other healers in the raid, you are the one doing it wrong...just because you think the way you operate is the correct, doesn't mean it's the gospel


i never came in here to say anyone was flatout wrong, and don't expect someone that gets butthurt over discussion to try to derail the thread to satisfy their own ego as a 'elite healer'... just because wow had it doesn't mean that it's needed or mean it will ever be in the game... keep comparing and downtalking people instead of learning...that will get you everywhere in game, and in life


and for the record i understand your posts just fine, they translate to 'i want swtor to be just like wow, because i think i know how to play all mmos'

Edited by kemmadar
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  • 3 months later...

Without mouse over healing you leave healers as the only one unable to keep a boss targeted during an encounter. This can be pretty important when you need to quickly react to cast bars, buffs, or other events.


Focus target perhaps?


I'm a healer and I dont like not having a mouseover capability when casting heals in raid frames, however its not the end of the world. I can see the boss as my focus target and I can react quickly using keybinds, whilst hovering over the raid frame ready to heal the person needing it most.


Moving the UI around to ensure the raid frame is in its most optimal position for you might help you loads.

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Is there no option to assign your heals to click-to-cast or mouseover? I've only been playing this game for a few days, and I was noticing how clunky most of the combat mechanics were, but I'm enjoying the game enough to overlook it.


The interface feels really clunky coming from an environment with click-to-cast heals to an environment without it. I had to retrain my healing style to function wihtout it. I feel it when I'm healing 16 man content and have to rapidly swap targets. My reaction time just isn't as quick.


Here's the Dev response to questions on the topic from the Austin Guild summit.



Q: Click to cast for healers? % bars for target of target or focus targets? A: Health % is in target of target. Click to cast is not in 1.2, maybe in 1.3 –1.4. In terms of target of target – you can see your primary’s target’s target of target and also your party member’s target of target even if you use ops frame in party. Unfortunately ops target of target is not in 1.2 but will be in later patches.

Q: any simple macros? A: its on the list, no eta. No macros that affect combat directly. We don’t want a higher barrier of entry to combat. Mouse over healing is not considered as a macro.


There is a way to use click-to-cast in game currently but you use a gaming mouse or be able to program similar macros in program like AHK. The second option is in a grey area with the ToS.


Here's a set-up vid for click-cast heals on the Razer Naga:

The second video in the series shows how to do it for spells, like reviv, with target reticles:

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Easiest fix to all of this! Razer Naga!!!! And now with 1.2 you have the focus target ability. Either way if you can't heal with a Sorcerer you shouldn't heal in this game at all. Its as easy to heal with this class as it is to heal with any class in WoW. If you think healing with this is hard though...PLEASE by all means try healing with an Operative/Smuggler. I'd like to hear what you have to say about that lol.
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  • 2 weeks later...
The UI functionality requested in the original post was and is available in the stock WoW UI.


It has nothing to do with "addons", and whatever your opinion on that particular subject, it has zero bearing on this discussion.



Now; Many MMOs have click-to-cast or mouseover casting as a UI option. I also think the SWTOR UI should have this option, because requiring a ****-ton of keyclicks to perform a simple action is not useful.


So after stating that wow was better than SWTOR at launch.

You want us to believe you that a ton if clicks equals 2 ?

Are we suppose to take you seriously ?

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So after stating that wow was better than SWTOR at launch.

You want us to believe you that a ton if clicks equals 2 ?

Are we suppose to take you seriously ?


I don't think that person is monitoring this thread anymore as it was posted four month ago. Derp.

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So, in a 20 man raid enviroments, which F key selects my 15th party member?


Clickcasting GREATLY increases reaction speed and allows for a far greater margin of skill. I'm not asking for healbot here, I just want to be able to set up my heal button to go off when I left click on a unit frame. It saves 2 clicks EACH HEAL. If you don't understand how this allows healers to be more efficient, well, just play a DPS class. I'd rather not have you doing anything meaningful in a group with me, as you're obviously just stubborn.


As far as WoW being the only game you've seen this in, have you ever played any other MMOs? It's pretty much been the industry standard to have the option for, I don't know, the last half decade? Rift, Aion, everything that made any kind of a splash AT LEAST allowed for mouseover macros. It's nothing other than clunky mechanics to not allow it. There is no more skill in having to click on a unit, press my heal, then click on another unit to press another heal. The only thing this does is prevent high speed, fast reaction combat. After all, you have to make sure the healer has time to select each unit each time.


Stubborn or ignorant.

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Right clicking a target will use whatever is in slot 1, so if you mainly want to use healing that slot could be made to heal, but that would also get rid of your offensive move in that slot, which I guess would result in a similar problem
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easy solution...stop using the mouse to play the game and use the keyboard...it might take some time but once you realize you have 10fingers available to do the healing for you instead of having to click every person and heal that you need to cast, you will realize the true power of the force.


Not everyone plays using the mouse for the same reasons. I use a USB number keypad for movement and hotkeys with my left hand and click with the mouse with my right because I get horrendous migraines if I sit any way but perfectly upright with both arms balanced directly to each side of me.....ergonomically, that is. Using a keyboard extensively for anything but typing is not in the cards. I've been a raid healer in EQ1 and EQ2 respectively, and EQ2 had click through casting as part of the actual game. It was not an addon. Perhaps clickthrough casting as EQ2 did it is not quite what's referred to here, but in EQ2's case it simply meant I could cast on the target of my target without constantly retargeting. IE, I could debuff the tank's target without retargeting from the tank to the mob back to the tank, etc. Having never touched WoW with a ten foot pole, I can't speak to the functionality of it's clickthrough casting, was it the same, in which case....what's the problem with the developers adding that functionality exactly? I CAN and have hotkeyed focus target and use it, certainly, and I use the fkeys for targeting group/raid members....but not all of us aren't using a keyboard extensively simply because we need to L2P. If you've never had a migraine....well, I'd rather be shot than abandon my mouse for keyboard casting. Just because you, personally, find using a keyboard easy and effective doesn't mean the entire population can say the same.


Until I can get something like my USB number keyboard with MORE keys that I can slide over to the left and use more easily (no, doing that with the keyboard would then prevent me from, well, typing with it), I don't have a lot of options. It hasn't seemed to me though, that most people are asking for addons. Clickthrough casting was added with INGAME support for many MMO's. And not just for healers. DPS in EQ2 targeted and cast THROUGH either tanks, offtanks or DPS whose job it was to maintain the next target. And I don't think anyone said much about hating it after it was in.

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Can someone please explain to this old man as to what click-to-cast healing is? Seems that I am the only one who uses spells with the mouse cursor and not hotkeys.

Click-to-cast healing is a preference some people have from previous games. Personally I prefer mouse-over and keyboard but it's a similar principle both relying on mouse-over support in the target frame.


Essentially the way it works is instead of left-clicking OP Member 15 and then clicking (or using the mouse to click) your healing spell, you can simply hover over their name in the OP frame to select your target. This is much more efficient because it means it removes the need to physically click to highlight the person you want the spell to effect.


The difference between click-healing and hotkey healing is simply what you 'press' to activate the healing skill. With click-healing you will need a multi-button mouse and will have assigned different healing spells to each of the spare buttons so when you hover over your target you press the button you want to heal them on your mouse. Hotkey healing is similar but also works for basic mice without many buttons, you hover over your target and then press 1, 2, 3 or whatever your healing spells are assigned to on your keyboard.


It's pretty much a standard in AAA MMOs these days and it should be a toggle option in TOR. We don't need full macro support or addon support in TOR but we should have a UI check which allows mouse-over targeting.

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WoW is the only game I know of that allows that kind of add-on functionality, and it bred some of the laziest healers I've ever had the displeasure of playing with.


IF you can't be bothered to move your finger to the proper F# key, and then hit your heal hotkey, I don't want you healing me.


I completely agree. I often find it funny how many people complain about how much any other MMO is not like WoW on the forums when all I typically see within the game (along with those in LoTRO) are people who are mature, enjoy the game and the story, and don't mind going the extra mile to help out anyone at any time. WoW is a breeding ground for immature gamers with no gaming ethics, lazy people who can't do anything without it being made completely idiot proof, and scammers all trying to claim your hard earned cash.

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WoW is the only game I know of that allows that kind of add-on functionality, and it bred some of the laziest healers I've ever had the displeasure of playing with.


IF you can't be bothered to move your finger to the proper F# key, and then hit your heal hotkey, I don't want you healing me.

Agreed. It takes an extra fraction of a second to hit 2 hotkeys instead of 1. OP is just being incredibly lazy.

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  • 2 years later...



I heal as sorcerer, i just put a bar on left side of screen with healing spells and ajusted the party and raidframes on the left botom side of the screen together with my companio0n. and guess what. i heal as pro as on my drood or shaman. Stop wining this game is not WoW, it is much broader and more complicated. This is what makes it fun. At first i started because it was fre and now i pay just as much as i did for wow, simply because it is better :).




PS Here is 9 years of wow experience, since 2004, so ye i have played wow since beta(not during)...

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I heal as sorcerer, i just put a bar on left side of screen with healing spells and ajusted the party and raidframes on the left botom side of the screen together with my companio0n. and guess what. i heal as pro as on my drood or shaman. Stop wining this game is not WoW, it is much broader and more complicated. This is what makes it fun. At first i started because it was fre and now i pay just as much as i did for wow, simply because it is better :).




PS Here is 9 years of wow experience, since 2004, so ye i have played wow since beta(not during)...


And you're still too dumb to read the date. 2012 necro :rolleyes: /slowclap

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