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Bioware, You Want to Resuscitate This Game? Then Implement The Following.


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Just my two cents....


You've basically stated that this game is dead and the only way to fix it is to implement your suggestions.


People will criticize you mostly because of the angle of this thread.


Most people appear to agree with the changes listed in the thread. The premise is slightly controversial, but that's irrelevant to the thread's point.

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How am I the same? This is the second time I've been accused of this for merely defending Xugos and his points.


So what if he did something in his past, how does that ruin the points he makes?


All you are trying to do is discredit him for some reason.


Well hate to break it to you, I'm not Xugos and I have yet to be discredited.


You can't argue with my points because you know I will beat you. Give up, this game needs the change.


Coming from someone who would GLADLY accept the changes the OP mentions... the game in its current state is perfectly playable, interesting and good to play in my spare time. I dont understand this dying need for MMO gamers to have the perfect game... no other genre is treated with such sad addiction where players need to JUSTIFY playing a game. or fear its death to the point where they cant see any good.


All the games that have "died" are still playable and enjoyed by many. LOTRO and RIFT are examples of successful mmos, both of which didnt offer anything this game doesnt at first.


Or do some rift lovers want to pretend all its UI features were theyre from day 1, or that its day 1 end-game was actually good? if so .. EPIC FAIL.

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For the love of god, the game hasnt even been live for a month and people are making these totally unecessary threads. I wonder how much of a kick the employees get out of reading threads like this.


I'm not ganna lie. We're scared for it.


We only want this game to succeed and we played those that haven't that we also direly wanted to succeed.


The problems always lie within the foundation of the game. Get those right and people will be patient for the content.


In addition, you will always lose the honeymooners after the additional month. It is up to BioWare to leave an impression to get them to come back whether that is instantly or within months when more content is released.


Coming from someone who would GLADLY accept the changes the OP mentions... the game in its current state is perfectly playable, interesting and good to play in my spare time. I dont understand this dying need for MMO gamers to have the perfect game... no other genre is treated with such sad addiction where players need to JUSTIFY playing a game. or fear its death to the point where they cant see any good.


All the games that have "died" are still playable and enjoyed by many. LOTRO and RIFT are examples of successful mmos, both of which didnt offer anything this game doesnt at first.


Or do some rift lovers want to pretend all its UI features were theyre from day 1, or that its day 1 end-game was actually good? if so .. EPIC FAIL.


I would because all of them are beneficial. I don't think necessarily all are MUST HAVES NOW, but most of them are.


We aren't necessarily looking for a perfect game - no game is. We just want things that should of been there day 1. The reason we are pushing for it NOW is because the majority of players won't wait. They are in their testing phase and this is a decisive time for the game. More subs means more money which leads to higher quality development in the end.

Edited by Treyzorz
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I don't support the tone of the OP but I do support the features that he says should be implemented. I am truly enjoying this game but there are several features from mainstream MMOs that need to be implemented.


Good post OP. +1

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Besides, defending the topic creator is pointless because he is CLEARLY a WoW fanboy regardless of his points.


Comparing Voidstar to Strand of the Ancients? SERIOUSLY? Voidstar is more like an FPS demolition mode that was present in STAR WARS: Jedi Outcast series ....


His points are largely stupid in the marority of posts.


HIs WANTS are valid... but not critical, refining the end game, and fixing latency issues, and a better UI are very important.


But dont kid yourself and pretend this game is NOW dying because of this. when the majority arnt even near 50 still.


UI works for me, I guess im not reliant on automated services so much, its not LIKE mmos are complicated gameplay wise to warrant custimized UIs ...

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Wow, this my eyes are starting to hurt by seeing Trey post all his comments.


That felt weird being directly addressed.


Yeah, I'm getting worn out and am starting to make mistakes in my post. It's soon time for me to break for a while.


I'm defending this strongly like I do anything else I'm passionate about. I want it to succeed.

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Wow, this my eyes are starting to hurt by seeing Trey post all his comments.


Mine hurt from watching people irrationally thrash around in response to my (the community's) proposed changes. You'd be an example of this.



Trey's comments are largely constructive and serve a purpose greater than demagoguery.

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Obviously you lack MMO experience because a monthly subscription rarely leads to more content on a monthly basis. Played WoW? We got two weeks of content without going into hardmode. Aion? You brought up Aion. That has had two content patches and an expansion. Add-ons are abused. I loved recount so everyone could see me being better than them, but it also lead to scrubs linking it every pull. Omen? Sure. I think they should just add a threat meter in the game, but then people like you will still qq.


Asheron's Call, one of the big 3 that pretty much started mmos had free monthly story changes, quests, dungeons, terrain seasonal changes free.. every month for 13 years. Sorry that you have only experienced greed, but accepting it as normal is what allowed them to do it.

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Mine hurt from watching people irrationally thrash around in response to my (the community's) proposed changes. You'd be an example of this.



Trey's comments are largely constructive and serve a purpose greater than demagoguery.


Lol, now he answers me huh?


Do you even play the game?


I have SAID multiple TIMES that MOST of the list is not needed, you just put it in because you want a WoW clone, see your OWN review.


I am simply stating the fact that people skipped past your paragraphs and read the list. If anyone actually read what you posted (if you havent changed it by now, like you usually do) they would probably not agree with you (read peoples posts).


Using words like "Resuscitate" "Make or break" "30 days" and blindly believing there is a mass exodus after the first 30 days if NOT ALL changes are made.


Which if you knew anything and I mean anything about game development, you should know this will not happen in 30 days.

Edited by darthdoll
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Lol, now he answers me huh?


Do you even play the game?


I have SAID multiple TIMES that MOST of the list is not needed, you just put it in because you want a WoW clone, see your OWN review.


I am simply stating the fact that people skipped past your paragraphs and read the list. If anyone actually read what you posted (if you havent changed it by now, like you usually do) they would probably not agree with you (read peoples posts).


Using words like "Resuscitate" "Make or break" "30 days" and blindly believing there is a mass exodus after the first 30 days if NOT ALL changes are made.


Which if you knew anything and I mean anything about game development, you should know this will not happen in 30 days.


It does strike emotion into the players but he is not without truth.


It didn't take but a 30-60 days before Warhammer met its fate. We don't want it to happen again.


SWTOR may have more time due to it being MUCH more polished than Warhammer ever was, but you don't understand how spoiled we are as MMO gamers truly are.


And when you are spoiled and play something new, the negativity out weights the positives. Now don't go and use this comment against me, but consider the majoirty of the playerbase right now and what they are feeling.


Their free subs are slowly running out.

Edited by Treyzorz
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Lol, now he answers me huh?


Do you even play the game?


I have SAID multiple TIMES that MOST of the list is not needed, you just put it in because you want a WoW clone, see your OWN review.


I am simply stating the fact that people skipped past your paragraphs and read the list. If anyone actually read what you posted (if you havent changed it by now, like you usually do) they would probably not agree with you (read peoples posts).


Using words like "Resuscitate" "Make or break" "30 days" and blindly believing there is a mass exodus after the first 30 days if NOT ALL changes are made.


Which if you knew anything and I mean anything about game development, you should know this will not happen in 30 days.






You were saying?

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It does strike emotion into the players but he is not without truth.


It didn't take but a 30-60 days before Warhammer met its fate. We don't want it to happen again.


SWTOR may have more time due to it being MUCH more polished than Warhammer ever was, but you don't understand how spoiled we are as MMO gamers truly are.


And when you are spoiled and play something new, the negativity out weights the positives. Now don't go and use this comment against me, but consider the majoirty of the playerbase right now and what they are feeling.


Their free subs are slowly running out.


The only negative feedback I see is from the forums, and on Ilum. Ilum is the players fault though because they chose not to attack (different thread for that),


I agree, everyone is spoiled except most of the non WoW players. They usually seem to have a even head.


I played WoW for 1.5 years and I hated every bit of it, I can wait for changes to be made and so can others, what maybe you dont realize is that people are sick of WoW and hate the idea of pandas, so they might stick this through no matter what.


But for anyone to assume the list could be fixed within 30 days does not know about game development.


I thought Warhammer lived past 3-4 months until it was failing. Still a decent player base right now if I am not mistaken.

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Besides, defending the topic creator is pointless because he is CLEARLY a WoW fanboy regardless of his points.


So a person liking WoW, can render valid points invalid? That statement makes YOUR entire point invalid.


Comparing Voidstar to Strand of the Ancients? SERIOUSLY? Voidstar is more like an FPS demolition mode that was present in STAR WARS: Jedi Outcast series ....


It's a valid comparison. If you can't see that its because your Anti-WoW goggles are blocking your view. It is a 2 path, multi-tier door destruction battle with a single final door... how is this not obvious?


HIs WANTS are valid... but not critical, refining the end game, and fixing latency issues, and a better UI are very important.


I agree that several of the wants are not critical. I argue that the only critical problem is the bad combat system. people will wait for bugs to be smashed, and content to be expanded. However, if the game feels bad to play, people will not wait. At current, the combat feels pretty bad.


But dont kid yourself and pretend this game is NOW dying because of this. when the majority arnt even near 50 still.


As previously stated and restated and then restated again. The game is not dying or dead right now. If some fundamental flaws are not fixed it will die soon as in less than a year... probably less than 6 months.


UI works for me, I guess im not reliant on automated services so much, its not LIKE mmos are complicated gameplay wise to warrant custimized UIs ...


A barely functioning car gets you to work... but its not fun to drive. Automated services? Hah, how about a UI that WORKS. Lets just get to that point before we talk about additions.

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You were saying?


Lol, really? going to post that?


Ok, for one thats not digital sales.


Two, everyone pre-ordered for a spot in early access, its funny you trying to prove the game is failing when it clearly is not. 1.5 million and growing.

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...and look what was the result. A mess of a UI, with a no doubt stuffed suggestion box of what each and every player wants to better their own experience.




Simply put, Bioware has tried to sell a closed, limited and arguable non-functional interface to a consumer base that has had free reign over their canvas and its not going over well is it?


So what is it, exactly that makes the interface non-functional or closed and limited? The interface has worked fine for me since Day One.


The only actual interface bug I was aware of was the issue with cooldowns swapping to the wrong keys when going into and out of the cover bar.


What are these arguably glaring and intolerable affronts to UI bliss that you are dealing with, pray tell?

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The only negative feedback I see is from the forums, and on Ilum. Ilum is the players fault though because they chose not to attack (different thread for that),


I agree, everyone is spoiled except most of the non WoW players. They usually seem to have a even head.


I played WoW for 1.5 years and I hated every bit of it, I can wait for changes to be made and so can others, what maybe you dont realize is that people are sick of WoW and hate the idea of pandas, so they might stick this through no matter what.


But for anyone to assume the list could be fixed within 30 days does not know about game development.


I thought Warhammer lived past 3-4 months until it was failing. Still a decent player base right now if I am not mistaken.


Warhammer went from about the number of servers SWTOR has right now, to about 2-4. Not a strong playerbase.


How do you play a game for 1.5 years and hate every bit. >.>


WoW has milked it dry, definitely, but that is where SWTOR must come in to pick up those leavers. To do that, many changes are in order but must be done in a timely manner.


Warhammer lost A LOT in the first 30-60 days and the rest followed because the dooms-day happened and everyone felt there was no hope.


We know it takes time, but what we are trying to say is...you don't have time. It must be done with no sleep. We've all had periods where work has forced us into that.

Edited by Treyzorz
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