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Bioware, You Want to Resuscitate This Game? Then Implement The Following.


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Edit: I am now understanding that some people disagree with the premise that this thread begins with: that the game is in need of "resuscitation." Please ignore that point momentarily if you disagree.

It's hard to ignore that your thesis is based on a highly flawed premise. To objectively read your thesis would be impossible.

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OP, I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said. My main concerns for this game basically mirror all the issues you brought up. I believe that Bioware needs to address a good 90% of said issues before the free month is up if they do not want their game to die. As it stands, SWTOR only holds ~1.6-1.7 million subs, and that number will DRASTICALLY decrease in a few weeks from now if the game remains in it's current state.


Believe it or not, I really would like to see SWTOR succeed, and I'm quite sure Bioware does as well. However, their window of opportunity to make this happen is quickly closing.


Personally, as of today I'm going back to WoW. Am I leaving SWTOR for good? Maybe. Ultimately, that is a decision Bioware is going to make for me. Simply put, if, by the time the free month is up, Bioware still hasn't addressed most (if not all) of the community's main concerns, WoW is where I will be staying, and I will not look back to SWTOR.


Now's the time where Bioware will show how much they truly care about the success of their first (and potentially last) MMO.

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Note: This is simply a list of issues that we all recognize exist. We all want the best for SW:TOR which is why we bought it in the first place, and if Bioware wants send a signal that it is dedicated to this game, then it would be wise to begin communicating and recognizing issues.


Edit: I am now understanding that some people disagree with the premise that this thread begins with: that the game is in need of "resuscitation." Please ignore that point momentarily if you disagree.


Well, for those of who may know me (because they despise me) from my rampant pre-launch criticisms of this game, including ones derived from beta experience, it's happening. Most of the beta testers' concerns were not addressed, and that leaves us with the current state of the game.


SW:TOR is a game with great potential. That being said, MMOs only get one shot, and this is SW:TOR's. Bioware MUST implement the following (a consolidated list of fixes that I have heard demanded by numerous people within the community) before the free 30 days game-time period ends.




- Chat bubbles (with the option to disable for those of us who are introverted within the community, myself included.)

- Add a combat log. I will say this again. ADD A COMBAT LOG. IT IS A *MUST!* A combat log is needed for damage/healing/tank mitigation parses. If you are serious about having guilds progress in non-mediocre PvE content, these are essential.

- ADD TARGET OF TARGET into the game. Over-haul the UI in general.

- Fix bugs in general, but most importantly the ones pertaining to the mail system (where an item can be lost forever if the bug occurs.)


- Add a fail safe (purchase confirmation) to item purchases and skill learns. Many people have lost commendations/credits for accidentally misclicking while using a high-sensitivity/DPI mouse and purchasing the wrong item.

- Overhaul the auction house system (GTN.) Add a search option, remove the 50 item limit on your auctions, and add bid/buyout functionality that isn't feudalistic and outdated.



- Implement a threat parse so that tanks can actually gage how much threat they have on targets. Right now, they are in the dark and they have a disproportionally stressful job. I can personally testify that I don't know a single person, nor do I think such a person exists or is common, that appreciates the current system of things pertaining to threat.

- An LFG system over-haul. I'm not saying it should be automated and teleport you to the location of whatever it is you're doing like WoW does, but there needs to be increased support for this. Perhaps introducing a channel with some extra features dedicated to creating groups would do it.

- Improve your servers so that you do not have to create two separate instances for a mere 50 people in a SINGLE sub-zone. That is just asinine and removes the social/community atmosphere from the game. I bought an MMORPG, not a single-player Mass Effect RPG.

- Fix accessibility to PvP gear. As it stands, many are reporting it is MUCH TOO EASY to acquire.

- Allow people to queue for SPECIFIC WARZONES.


- A customizable UI with third party add-on support. All healers (experienced healers) that I know cringe at the lack of a customizable UI. Click-to-heal made healing fun. Bioware MUST implement this.

- >>>>>>>Ensure mouse-over heal support.<<<<<<<

- A fix to optimization issues. Great machines are not running this game so great.

- A fix to delay issues that are not related to latency. People have "50 ms" latency and have a 3-4 second delay on select abilities.

- Better customer support. Hire MORE people, HAND THEM a company policy book, and GET them helping people out. No excuse for not having enough people when you knew how much traffic there would be on launch day.

- Buy a better swtor.com server. No reason why your WEBSITE should have queues when practically every MMO, including ones that have been less or more successful, did not have queues at launch, nevermind post-launch.

- Increase the number of players allowed on a server. Don't hide subscription numbers by artificially inflating server size. Reportedly, only 2000-2500 players are allowed per server, which is horrible. Bump that number up significantly, even if it is done gradually, or you're in trouble. The game world is already pretty empty in some places as is.

- Re-instate the appearance unifier, even if temporarily. No reason why a battle-hardened Trooper should look literally like a clown with a rain-bow themed assortment of ballistic armor plates.

- Have community managers COMMUNICATE to the player base that Bioware understands our issues and is working diligently on fixing them. As of now, it appears as though y'all are pretending NOTHING is wrong. Wake up.

- Dissolve the universal PvP bracket. Put in SPECIALIZED PvP brackets instead. A 1-49 bracket and then a 50 bracket would be a great start, but preferrably, just do a 1-30, 30-49, and then a 50 bracket. If the player base grows further (big if here), then dissect the brackets further and specialize them to an even greater extent. A level 50 has much more utility and more abilities in its arsenal than a level 15. Even if they have the same stats, that is UNFAIR because the level 50 has a vested advantage. That's why there should always be brackets, albeit with the boost system retained.

- Work towards providing the PvP community with something with more longevity and something that fosters community. That something is an arena system with arena maps. This would go a LONG way for the PvP community.

- Address content-related player concerns. Let us know what the horizon is bringing, and by this I mean, RELEASE MORE OPERATIONS/WARZONES and RATED WARZONES and give us an estimated time of arrival that is not too far off.

- A space overhaul. Not sure if the Hero engine can handle it, but space combat is just abysmal after the first few flying sortees. Something closer to SWG space but IMPROVED because this is 2011 and not 2004 would be required.




Let me know if I missed something. The aforementioned were the most common issues presented to myself by other members of this community.



If you support this list or want to petition me to add something to it, please say so.


TL;DR: pick a random spot on the list and read it. See if you agree.



That's the list. It's your choice to make this game or break it, Bioware.

Ball's in your court.

It's a check, but will it be a check-mate?


There is definitely quite a few things in there I do agree with....I think some obviously should have priority over others...Like Ability Delay/Lag and etc


I'm confident most of all this will be changed/fixed in the near future, but I'd honestly like to see that stuff fixed and so forth before adding new content...I dont think new FP's are needed just after a couple of weeks...


Polish the stuff we got then move on...Let MORE people actually get to 50 and get a chance to experience hard modes and NM before worrying about more FP's...Im sure people can wait 60 to 90 days from launch to get more content


EDIT: One thing I would like added is a revamp to the mod system...Bring it back to where basically everything was moddable...Try being a Sith Marauder...We have crap for gear...If we went back to grinding MODS in end game and etc, we could wear whatever we wanted...Keep green items out there and still gear with preset mods for the folks that dont get the system at first or for awhile

Edited by fallenvirtues
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I've never seen so much blatantly illogical trolling in one single place. Double kudos to people responding with even more outlandish "ideas".


Here's the problem with your so-called list. Most of it is vague, lots of it has no real applique to the way the game is played, and too much of it is just whining. I hear over and over again that the beta testers complained about this stuff and weren't listened too, and yet not a single thing on your list is game breaking. Huh.




What is this, Hello Kitty Online? You lead off your list of "things needed to keep the game from dying with chat bubbles?


I understand the sort of upset that leads to this kind of histrionic ranting, but look over the forums. There are hundreds of posts like this, demanding various things. Bioware never has, and never will, take features feedback from forums. Period. They may deign to respond here and there or implement a nerf , but there is no one going over your list and thinking "Hmm , better hop on that".


Most of your list is crap that will be addressed in the first 3 to 5 months. People will say "WoW had it blah blah launch should have had it" and yet we all know EA wanted it out by Christmas so things got left and now have to be added back in. Deal with it.


Stripped of that, your list is whining about things *you* like not needed features.


I was about to write more or less the same things (in a far worse english), but i gave up.

Kudos to you, my friend.



Also to the whiners: why just not admitting this isn't the game for you instead of listing ten thousand crappy ways to change it?


I'll spare you the "this is not the MMORPG you are looking for" joke.

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Which they already blew. Sorry the game will just get thrown with the other failures Rift, Aion etc..


I hope a few enjoy it atleast.


You may be correct, but I think they have at least until the end of the free 30 day period to resuscitate this game.


You people can really talk out of your a**. Rift is a very solid game with a stable player base.

SWTOR had the smoothest launch in MMO history and this game definitely doesn't need any "resuscitating" just because you say so.

A lot of your point are valid, OP, don't invalidate them by blowing everything out of proportion and presenting your opinion as a fact.

Edited by Gradivus
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Answer Questions, Reassure the Community, Say that we're looking into the Bugs, Working on Enhancements... Its not hard.


Contact is the key? Dont just shut us out & have forum moderators move posts around and copy and paste the same crap into peoples post redirecting them to a post with over 40 thousand replys that will never get read...



You guys harping this must have never played a MMO before. Devs do not interact with players unless there is a dire emergency. Every MMO is the same, as soon as beta ends your cries fall on deaf ears. "Oh but WOW has blues posting all the time", those are community managers those are not devs, they have no input on how the product unfolds and only respond with statements cleared by Public Relations.

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I was completely unaware that this game was in need of resuscitation. My entire guild and everybody I've talked to absolutely loves the game.


This. These forums are freaking poison and in no way reflect the majority. I can't wait until all these QQ'ers leave this game and leave us who love it in peace.

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OP, I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said. My main concerns for this game basically mirror all the issues you brought up. I believe that Bioware needs to address a good 90% of said issues before the free month is up if they do not want their game to die. As it stands, SWTOR only holds ~1.6-1.7 million subs, and that number will DRASTICALLY decrease in a few weeks from now if the game remains in it's current state.


Believe it or not, I really would like to see SWTOR succeed, and I'm quite sure Bioware does as well. However, their window of opportunity to make this happen is quickly closing.


Personally, as of today I'm going back to WoW. Am I leaving SWTOR for good? Maybe. Ultimately, that is a decision Bioware is going to make for me. Simply put, if, by the time the free month is up, Bioware still hasn't addressed most (if not all) of the community's main concerns, WoW is where I will be staying, and I will not look back to SWTOR.


Now's the time where Bioware will show how much they truly care about the success of their first (and potentially last) MMO.


Have fun playing WoW, most of these so called "issues" are wants, not needs. There's a few things on that list I'd like to see implemented or fixed as soon as possible. I'm not going to quit playing SWTOR because BioWare didn't add them in within some unrealistic time frame.


I also highly doubt SWOTR"s subscriptions numbers are going to drastically drop if these features and fixes aren't implemented within 17 days. I'd say at most a couple thousand, and that's being generous will quit the game.

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Viewing multiple sections of the WoW forums momentarily, including the General section; no Armageddon posts in sight. I can not say the same for SW:TOR forums.



"You can avoid reality, but you can't avoid the consequences of reality." - Some forum sig.



The consequences are dire in this case.


LOL @OP saying "the majority of the player base"...


Based on what OP? The amount of negative threads in the forums? Really? Youve played MMO's at launch before right??


You have ZERO idea what your talking about. Id say the "MAJORITY" is pretty damn happy with the game from what ive seen and heard.


The title of your thread also negates any logical debate and automatically dismisses you as a voice of reason. When will you detractors learn that if you want to make a point or bring up issues with the game to stop being so damn dramatic with your thread titles. Resuscitate? Really?


All that being said, its a shame because you have some good points and there are some things that I agree with in your list. However none of that is ground breaking stuff considering the game is in its infancy and has started out very strong.

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This. These forums are freaking poison and in no way reflect the majority. I can't wait until all these QQ'ers leave this game and leave us who love it in peace.


Why? I personally find it delicious that people who hate the game so much is still feeding money to BW and it all goes into the development to the game. Let them stay I say

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Which they already blew. Sorry the game will just get thrown with the other failures Rift, Aion etc..


I hope a few enjoy it atleast.


You're wrong ...


The ADHD and self-entitlement generation is killing video games today, not the games themselves. SWTOR is the best game I've played since Burning Crusade expansion from World of Warcraft.


Everyone that blasted their way to 50 are expecting a perfect game. Common sense tells me that there will be some issues. This game has no where near the issues I've seen in other game launches, and I've been there for ALL of them since Ultima Online. Patience is needed here. If you don't have any, then leave.


But I do agree with one thing ... a damage combat log is needed.

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Resiscitate? LMAo that implies the game even eneds it? The game sold truck loads and sales keep growing....


love how the chicken littles come here make like the sky is falling with ZERO fact.


This is a game thats easy to run on a wide range of hardware, because a few bozo's dont know how to maintain a PC they need to optimize more? This is a BS point. This game is a piece of cake to run.


Come back in two months, I GUARANTEE the subs for this game will be under 750,000. Its sad, too, cause I f*cking LOVE Star Wars and am really enjoying this game, but without any sort of love for people who want to tank/heal/customize their UI to do those things better, the playerbase WILL taper off toward endgame (if not sooner!)

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i think the game is fine for those of us that enjoy playing it the way it is and dont want easy mode warcraft.


chat bubbles- what? who wants chat bubbles, this aint superhero squad online. out of every single complaint I have ever heard in a mmo about a feature that was not there, chat bubbles has got to be the stupidest complaint. you couldnt come up with something better, this was your number 1. chat bubbles, words magically hanging in the air so everyone can read.


dps meters/threat meters whatever are coming.. although personally I wish they wasnt. I would like people to learn to play their class without looking at a meter to see if they are under threat. threat meters hamper dps and allow bad tanks to be bad and the good tanks get lazy and just do enough to stay above the top dps.


with that being said, if its implemented fine by me also, not gonna cry over a useless feature added or not.


most of the things you want added is meant to make the players lazy and dumb down the game just like every single complaint about wow that has been made in the last 5 years, they dumbed down their game and many people didnt like it. why would you want bioware to do the same thing. wow is quickly losing all their american subs because of this, they are only real big in china now, which is why they are putting out a kung fu panda expansion and you want swtor to follow in its footsteps, no thanks bioware, stick to the proper vision dont listen to wow monkeys.


dont allow people to q for one specific warzone. keep it random, or else you would just see premades going into one warzone and farming rep every night just like alteraac valley was. keep it random, its more fun that way for the average player.



bioware dont make this game any more like wow, dont add easy mode, dont dumb down our game. let the people that dont like it leave, they are a poison to your game, they will do nothing but complain about every single thing you do and destroy your community.

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Note: This is simply a list of issues that we all recognize exist. We all want the best for SW:TOR which is why we bought it in the first place, and if Bioware wants send a signal that it is dedicated to this game, then it would be wise to begin communicating and recognizing issues.


Edit: I am now understanding that some people disagree with the premise that this thread begins with: that the game is in need of "resuscitation." Please ignore that point momentarily if you disagree.


Well, for those of who may know me (because they despise me) from my rampant pre-launch criticisms of this game, including ones derived from beta experience, it's happening. Most of the beta testers' concerns were not addressed, and that leaves us with the current state of the game.


SW:TOR is a game with great potential. That being said, MMOs only get one shot, and this is SW:TOR's. Bioware MUST implement the following (a consolidated list of fixes that I have heard demanded by numerous people within the community) before the free 30 days game-time period ends.




- Chat bubbles (with the option to disable for those of us who are introverted within the community, myself included.)

- Add a combat log. I will say this again. ADD A COMBAT LOG. IT IS A *MUST!* A combat log is needed for damage/healing/tank mitigation parses. If you are serious about having guilds progress in non-mediocre PvE content, these are essential.

- ADD TARGET OF TARGET into the game. Over-haul the UI in general.

- Fix bugs in general, but most importantly the ones pertaining to the mail system (where an item can be lost forever if the bug occurs.)


- Add a fail safe (purchase confirmation) to item purchases and skill learns. Many people have lost commendations/credits for accidentally misclicking while using a high-sensitivity/DPI mouse and purchasing the wrong item.

- Overhaul the auction house system (GTN.) Add a search option, remove the 50 item limit on your auctions, and add bid/buyout functionality that isn't feudalistic and outdated.



- Implement a threat parse so that tanks can actually gage how much threat they have on targets. Right now, they are in the dark and they have a disproportionally stressful job. I can personally testify that I don't know a single person, nor do I think such a person exists or is common, that appreciates the current system of things pertaining to threat.

- An LFG system over-haul. I'm not saying it should be automated and teleport you to the location of whatever it is you're doing like WoW does, but there needs to be increased support for this. Perhaps introducing a channel with some extra features dedicated to creating groups would do it.

- Improve your servers so that you do not have to create two separate instances for a mere 50 people in a SINGLE sub-zone. That is just asinine and removes the social/community atmosphere from the game. I bought an MMORPG, not a single-player Mass Effect RPG.

- Fix accessibility to PvP gear. As it stands, many are reporting it is MUCH TOO EASY to acquire.

- Allow people to queue for SPECIFIC WARZONES.


- A customizable UI with third party add-on support. All healers (experienced healers) that I know cringe at the lack of a customizable UI. Click-to-heal made healing fun. Bioware MUST implement this.

- >>>>>>>Ensure mouse-over heal support.<<<<<<<

- A fix to optimization issues. Great machines are not running this game so great.

- A fix to delay issues that are not related to latency. People have "50 ms" latency and have a 3-4 second delay on select abilities.

- Better customer support. Hire MORE people, HAND THEM a company policy book, and GET them helping people out. No excuse for not having enough people when you knew how much traffic there would be on launch day.

- Buy a better swtor.com server. No reason why your WEBSITE should have queues when practically every MMO, including ones that have been less or more successful, did not have queues at launch, nevermind post-launch.

- Increase the number of players allowed on a server. Don't hide subscription numbers by artificially inflating server size. Reportedly, only 2000-2500 players are allowed per server, which is horrible. Bump that number up significantly, even if it is done gradually, or you're in trouble. The game world is already pretty empty in some places as is.

- Re-instate the appearance unifier, even if temporarily. No reason why a battle-hardened Trooper should look literally like a clown with a rain-bow themed assortment of ballistic armor plates.

- Have community managers COMMUNICATE to the player base that Bioware understands our issues and is working diligently on fixing them. As of now, it appears as though y'all are pretending NOTHING is wrong. Wake up.

- Dissolve the universal PvP bracket. Put in SPECIALIZED PvP brackets instead. A 1-49 bracket and then a 50 bracket would be a great start, but preferrably, just do a 1-30, 30-49, and then a 50 bracket. If the player base grows further (big if here), then dissect the brackets further and specialize them to an even greater extent. A level 50 has much more utility and more abilities in its arsenal than a level 15. Even if they have the same stats, that is UNFAIR because the level 50 has a vested advantage. That's why there should always be brackets, albeit with the boost system retained.

- Work towards providing the PvP community with something with more longevity and something that fosters community. That something is an arena system with arena maps. This would go a LONG way for the PvP community.

- Address content-related player concerns. Let us know what the horizon is bringing, and by this I mean, RELEASE MORE OPERATIONS/WARZONES and RATED WARZONES and give us an estimated time of arrival that is not too far off.

- A space overhaul. Not sure if the Hero engine can handle it, but space combat is just abysmal after the first few flying sortees. Something closer to SWG space but IMPROVED because this is 2011 and not 2004 would be required.




Let me know if I missed something. The aforementioned were the most common issues presented to myself by other members of this community.



If you support this list or want to petition me to add something to it, please say so.


TL;DR: pick a random spot on the list and read it. See if you agree.



That's the list. It's your choice to make this game or break it, Bioware.

Ball's in your court.

It's a check, but will it be a check-mate?


While everybody might not agree on every single point, this list is invaluable. It is not just the primary source of forum criticism; this is spreading to the game's channels as well. Dissatisfaction is mounting for the exact reasons the OP lists.

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I really do not get why all the hate for the OP? All what he suggest is either optional (do not like, do not use it) or necessary (e.g. bugfixing, instancing etc.).


And I really have to laugh to the argument it will make SWTOR a WoW in space. Imagine a BMW makes a new car without external lights. Yes, external lights are standard, so are things OP suggests. And now imagine someone suggesting that BMW really should add external lights to the car as Audi has it. And what would a BMW fanboy answer? But it would make an Audi from my BMW! If you do not like it, go buy Audi. How dare you touch my BMW!

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wow is quickly losing all their american subs because of this, they are only real big in china now, which is why they are putting out a kung fu panda expansion and you want swtor to follow in its footsteps, no thanks bioware, stick to the proper vision dont listen to wow monkeys.

Actually, MoP is to attract more Americans. You know... American KIDS.


Same reason they are implementing pet battles.


The game will cater to children. And millions of Americans in their 20s that never freakin' grew up and think it's hilarious to act like children while living in mommy's basement.

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I think OP is looking for features in another game. Target of Target? Why? Can't you just look at the boss and see who he's hitting? USE YOUR EYES.


I've been trying to do this as best I can on my healer, but no, with all the ability effects going off, people moving around, and damage/heal numbers popping I can never really tell who the boss is targeting. I have to rely on watching health bars drop, which even then doesn't always work when there is multiple enemies or an AoE effect happening. Seriously how much work could it POSSIBLY take BW to show me who someone is targeting?


Also, target of target works the other way around too. In Heroic mode FPs you want to focus targets; its way easier to see who your Main Assist is hitting with Target of Target rather than just trying to guess and accidentally pulling an Elite mob onto your squishy Smuggler ***.

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Note: This is simply a list of issues that we all recognize exist. We all want the best for SW:TOR which is why we bought it in the first place, and if Bioware wants send a signal that it is dedicated to this game, then it would be wise to begin communicating and recognizing issues.


Edit: I am now understanding that some people disagree with the premise that this thread begins with: that the game is in need of "resuscitation." Please ignore that point momentarily if you disagree.


Well, for those of who may know me (because they despise me) from my rampant pre-launch criticisms of this game, including ones derived from beta experience, it's happening. Most of the beta testers' concerns were not addressed, and that leaves us with the current state of the game.


SW:TOR is a game with great potential. That being said, MMOs only get one shot, and this is SW:TOR's. Bioware MUST implement the following (a consolidated list of fixes that I have heard demanded by numerous people within the community) before the free 30 days game-time period ends.




- Chat bubbles (with the option to disable for those of us who are introverted within the community, myself included.)

- Add a combat log. I will say this again. ADD A COMBAT LOG. IT IS A *MUST!* A combat log is needed for damage/healing/tank mitigation parses. If you are serious about having guilds progress in non-mediocre PvE content, these are essential.

- ADD TARGET OF TARGET into the game. Over-haul the UI in general.

- Fix bugs in general, but most importantly the ones pertaining to the mail system (where an item can be lost forever if the bug occurs.)


- Add a fail safe (purchase confirmation) to item purchases and skill learns. Many people have lost commendations/credits for accidentally misclicking while using a high-sensitivity/DPI mouse and purchasing the wrong item.

- Overhaul the auction house system (GTN.) Add a search option, remove the 50 item limit on your auctions, and add bid/buyout functionality that isn't feudalistic and outdated.



- Implement a threat parse so that tanks can actually gage how much threat they have on targets. Right now, they are in the dark and they have a disproportionally stressful job. I can personally testify that I don't know a single person, nor do I think such a person exists or is common, that appreciates the current system of things pertaining to threat.

- An LFG system over-haul. I'm not saying it should be automated and teleport you to the location of whatever it is you're doing like WoW does, but there needs to be increased support for this. Perhaps introducing a channel with some extra features dedicated to creating groups would do it.

- Improve your servers so that you do not have to create two separate instances for a mere 50 people in a SINGLE sub-zone. That is just asinine and removes the social/community atmosphere from the game. I bought an MMORPG, not a single-player Mass Effect RPG.

- Fix accessibility to PvP gear. As it stands, many are reporting it is MUCH TOO EASY to acquire.

- Allow people to queue for SPECIFIC WARZONES.


- A customizable UI with third party add-on support. All healers (experienced healers) that I know cringe at the lack of a customizable UI. Click-to-heal made healing fun. Bioware MUST implement this.

- >>>>>>>Ensure mouse-over heal support.<<<<<<<

- A fix to optimization issues. Great machines are not running this game so great.

- A fix to delay issues that are not related to latency. People have "50 ms" latency and have a 3-4 second delay on select abilities.

- Better customer support. Hire MORE people, HAND THEM a company policy book, and GET them helping people out. No excuse for not having enough people when you knew how much traffic there would be on launch day.

- Buy a better swtor.com server. No reason why your WEBSITE should have queues when practically every MMO, including ones that have been less or more successful, did not have queues at launch, nevermind post-launch.

- Increase the number of players allowed on a server. Don't hide subscription numbers by artificially inflating server size. Reportedly, only 2000-2500 players are allowed per server, which is horrible. Bump that number up significantly, even if it is done gradually, or you're in trouble. The game world is already pretty empty in some places as is.

- Re-instate the appearance unifier, even if temporarily. No reason why a battle-hardened Trooper should look literally like a clown with a rain-bow themed assortment of ballistic armor plates.

- Have community managers COMMUNICATE to the player base that Bioware understands our issues and is working diligently on fixing them. As of now, it appears as though y'all are pretending NOTHING is wrong. Wake up.

- Dissolve the universal PvP bracket. Put in SPECIALIZED PvP brackets instead. A 1-49 bracket and then a 50 bracket would be a great start, but preferrably, just do a 1-30, 30-49, and then a 50 bracket. If the player base grows further (big if here), then dissect the brackets further and specialize them to an even greater extent. A level 50 has much more utility and more abilities in its arsenal than a level 15. Even if they have the same stats, that is UNFAIR because the level 50 has a vested advantage. That's why there should always be brackets, albeit with the boost system retained.

- Work towards providing the PvP community with something with more longevity and something that fosters community. That something is an arena system with arena maps. This would go a LONG way for the PvP community.

- Address content-related player concerns. Let us know what the horizon is bringing, and by this I mean, RELEASE MORE OPERATIONS/WARZONES and RATED WARZONES and give us an estimated time of arrival that is not too far off.

- A space overhaul. Not sure if the Hero engine can handle it, but space combat is just abysmal after the first few flying sortees. Something closer to SWG space but IMPROVED because this is 2011 and not 2004 would be required.




Let me know if I missed something. The aforementioned were the most common issues presented to myself by other members of this community.



If you support this list or want to petition me to add something to it, please say so.


TL;DR: pick a random spot on the list and read it. See if you agree.



That's the list. It's your choice to make this game or break it, Bioware.

Ball's in your court.

It's a check, but will it be a check-mate?



I agree with everything said here. This games core is great. Now its time to bring it up to speed in terms of features that every new MMO should have. Also you cant invite from the guild list?? LOL ***. So many new mmos screw this up.

Edited by lordgracy
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