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*A jaded sense of fun - Sign if ure going to keep playing after Jan. 21


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I love it. This game has issues and whatnot, obviously, any level 50 knows that. But this is launch, most of these issues will be fixed. Anyone here from STO launch, or WoW launch? The games had SO many issues, far more than TOR has. You see how quick they got on top of the queue issue? They're listening, and they're trying, just give them a chance.
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If Bioware adds some way to actually lower the graphics settings below their current state so it'll actually run with more than 10 fps on my machine, then yes, definitely!


...If they don't add the ability to significantly lower certain graphcis settings (render distance for example), then my account will remain unsubbed however. I love the game, I really do, but I can't play a game with such poor performance.

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Will be playing for atleast 6 months if all I do is do classquest for every class.

Luckily I will do tons of other things aswell so I will be playing this game for years to come.


Now give me guild claimable "keeps" a ´la DAOC and I will be very happy.

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To be honest I wasn't sure after playing in Beta if I would subscribe, and wasn't even sure after a few days of early access either. However, I've been sucked into the story and now honestly even if I don't PVP or Raid or do any End Game I can totally see myself immediately rolling another class just to play thru their storyline and see the differences especially for a different faction.


So basically I am going to subscribe and I imagine it will take me at least a few months to get to level 50 several times on various classes so I'll most likely be subscribed for 3 to 6 months if not longer.

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Graphics =/= gameplay


I don't care how amazing a piece of artwork is... it's not going to keep my attention very long if it can't do anything worthwhile.



Just like... say that hot girl? Sure she's nice to stare at, but if she won't have fun or put out, there's not much point is there?

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Even though I can get very annoyed at some things, mostly just the whole character responsiveness thing. I still enjoy the game to no end, granted I haven't reached 50 yet but I have reached 41,31,20 on my characters.


To me it feels like the game has a lot of potential and I have a lot of patience to wait and see what they do with it.


Also, directed at the OP, I agree completely with being rather confused as I too was very boggled when I first ventured onto the forums after playing for several days. Though boggled but not surprised. As this has been a reccuring thing in all mmo releases I've joined in on.


But I do back up constructive criticism and thus far the only constructive thread I've seen is the Player responsiveness discussion thread, #4 right about now iirc.


..went rather off-topic there didn't I, oh well.

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Problem is with very linear game play, movement around zones is very restricted, whereas in other MMO's, WoW and Rift come to mind, the zones are wide open, and even though quests generally take you to one area or another, you are pretty much free to wander around the zone at will. Also the lack of what should be standard features in this day and age of MMO's, which yes, many of which came from WoW. Dungeon finder, dual spec, achievements, fluid combat, etc. These do not shrink the community, and do not discourage world play. In fact personally I like dual spec and dungeon finder for the very fact that it allows me to go out away from whatever capital city and actually play the game while trying to get into dungeons/raids.


The lack of these features at launch is not an issue of the game just releasing, it is an issue with the developers choosing not to implement them. No one is upset over the lack of content at this point, at least not many that I see, and most aren't stressing about the bugs. We all realize that more dungeons, more planets, more raids, bug fixes etc. are going to be implemented over the coming years.


It is the above features that eventually make or break a game. If this game is reduced to running through hallways for quests (be them the city environments, or forced linear outdoor ones), non fluidic game play and combat, and having to sit in a capital city for extended periods of time trying to get a group, while at the same time being unable to go out and do crafting, questing, world pvp, and other such things, it is not going to last long. Also the reason people benchmark against WoW is because it is the largest subbing game of its type, and is arguably one of the most feature and story rich games available, and it has plenty to do. The reason WoW is falling out of favor is that despite new content, its pretty much the same game, in the same world, with the same classes, the same pvp. It is not because the game is not fun, it's just aged now.


When Titan comes out, I guarantee you it will have all the features players want and demand from an MMO, plus some truly new innovative ones, all with a fresh new story line and lore for players to discover, and will be as big a hit as WoW for that very reason.

Edited by JesterXL
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I'm in for the long run! Although I sat back in my chair and pondered last night 'I'm playing this too much and I need take a couple of days off' I'm on my holidays so its understandable to be hooked for hours on end.


Love the game and I have positive high hopes for SWTOR's future.

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I love it! I will play it through on all classes all the way to lvl 50 and beyond.


The forums are filled with trolls and whiners, don't judge the game after the forum. It's just like the WoW forums, utterly garbage.

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