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A civil discussion re: CC


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Not sure if it's possible to have one but I'll start. Many players have voiced the same concern: the "stunfest" needs to be addressed.


Examples of how CC was addressed in my prior MMO experiences:


UO: main CC was paralyze, and was broken by the CCd player by opening trapped pouches. Would a similar item based CC break system work?


EQ: many CCs in the game (e.g. Roots, snares, paralyzes, etc) but most were countered via gearing with enough "resist" gear and would require a debuff to stick. IMO this worked fairly well. Could adding debuffs or resist gear work in SWTOR?

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Not sure if it's possible to have one but I'll start. Many players have voiced the same concern: the "stunfest" needs to be addressed.


Examples of how CC was addressed in my prior MMO experiences:


UO: main CC was paralyze, and was broken by the CCd player by opening trapped pouches. Would a similar item based CC break system work?


EQ: many CCs in the game (e.g. Roots, snares, paralyzes, etc) but most were countered via gearing with enough "resist" gear and would require a debuff to stick. IMO this worked fairly well. Could adding debuffs or resist gear work in SWTOR?


CCs don't seem all that bad in my opinion at the moment. The only time I feel they get out of control is when I have over 2 enemy players on me. I deserve to die anyway at that point I figure unless they just really suck. What in your opinion makes CCs unbearable?

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CC are fine, there's so many classes relying on controls, i don't want this game to become like rift where they renders CC useless and melee classes steamroll on everyone.


IF anything, adds CC resistance to expertise but don't change the system.

Edited by Fufy
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Not sure if it's possible to have one but I'll start. Many players have voiced the same concern: the "stunfest" needs to be addressed.


Examples of how CC was addressed in my prior MMO experiences:


UO: main CC was paralyze, and was broken by the CCd player by opening trapped pouches. Would a similar item based CC break system work?


EQ: many CCs in the game (e.g. Roots, snares, paralyzes, etc) but most were countered via gearing with enough "resist" gear and would require a debuff to stick. IMO this worked fairly well. Could adding debuffs or resist gear work in SWTOR?


Your post makes the assumption there's something wrong with the current system.

I'm not at all convinced of this.


I was a doubter, but the resolve system is a unique and apparently functional solution to CC balance.


In small group combat the CC is extremely moderate compared to even WoW, while not feeling totally ineffective - and in zergs, well zerg is zerg: You get trained you're gonna die CCd or not.

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I honestly haven't noticed the CC all that much. It tends to help that most classes have only a single CC they can use in pvp. Compare that experience with classes like warlocks, mages, or rogues in WoW pvp, where you're often facing multiples stuns, disorients, and/or roots back to back.
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The anti-cc spell needs reducing to 30s CD max.


Snares need to be reduced by about 90%.


Less knockbacks, and knockbacks can't cause environmental damage.


Right now my experience of PVP is basically this:




Safe to say after I finsh the PVE questing side of this game (Not far off) I will be unsubbing.


Never thought I'd see a game that makes me miss WoW's PVP.

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Not sure if it's possible to have one but I'll start. Many players have voiced the same concern: the "stunfest" needs to be addressed.


Examples of how CC was addressed in my prior MMO experiences:


UO: main CC was paralyze, and was broken by the CCd player by opening trapped pouches. Would a similar item based CC break system work?


EQ: many CCs in the game (e.g. Roots, snares, paralyzes, etc) but most were countered via gearing with enough "resist" gear and would require a debuff to stick. IMO this worked fairly well. Could adding debuffs or resist gear work in SWTOR?


best pvp game i ever played had the perfect amount of CC.




Asherons Call

Darktide server

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The thing that gets me is that the resolve system makes no sense if you are getting healed and then it is completely overpowered.


Knockbacks are ridiculous. No one enjoys being repositioned by someone else, and the part where you can't get to score in huttball without being knockback fodder.

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CC are fine, there's so many classes relying on controls, i don't want this game to become like rift where they renders CC useless and melee classes steamroll on everyone.


IF anything, adds CC resistance to expertise but don't change the system.


In this game melee has almost all of the good CC and all of the CC breaks so what you are saying does not many any sense. Melee rule this game because they have the best toolset period.

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In this game melee has almost all of the good CC and all of the CC breaks so what you are saying does not many any sense. Melee rule this game because they have the best toolset period.


What kind of crack are you smoking? Play a Marauder (Sent) or Juggernaut (Guardian), and say melee has all the CC.



However, if you were talking about Rift (such as a direct reply to the quote), then never mind.

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The CC are probably okay in a relatively open field like Voidstar or Alderran. Sure you can get tossed off the bridge and die in Voidstar but the opportunity goes both ways. I find it odd that all the non-melee classes have longer knockbacks compare to melee when knockbacks pretty much win you Huttball.


The problem with CC comes in Huttball where CC is grossly imbalanced toward KBs. Getting rooted/snared into fire/acid is actually okay since again this is an equal opportunity situation. However in Huttball, let's say you see a ranged guy on high ground and you're a melee (otherwise you can just trade hits from range). If he knocks you off, you're probably dead because you're like 30 seconds away from wheenver he is and he can do whatever he wants up there. On the other hand, even if you knock him off, the most you can do then is jump down and chase after him! In fact, the ranged guy, if he has LOS, can just start hitting you back from below. This makes KBs horribly imbalanced toward melee. It wouldn't be so bad except Huttball is most likely the most played WZs out there.


To even attempt to balance this you'd need like a buff for melee that does triple damage if they jump down from high ground on their next attack in the next 5 seconds, not usable from stealth. I.e. you knock someone down, you jump down and kill them in one hit. Sounds extreme? But if the ranged guy knocked you off, you're pretty much dead.

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