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EU competitive PvP server


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As a former Anarchy-Online, Neocron 1/2, Warhammer, Aion, GW, AoC, etc, etc, etc player I have to say the pvp community from AO was probably the best ever I've encountered and the classic Tnet and Campalot Bot Admins / Faction PvP Leaders / World Objective PvP & LC PvP Raid Leaders & Callers have rolled on TOFN for both sides..


That is where I will call home and enjoy the epic world pvp that is sure to ensue.. let the good times roll.

Edited by Aethyrprime
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I'm coming from WAR and there open PvP was a big deal. From what I understand in WoW open PvP almost never occured and people just stood around capitals queuing for scenarios/battlegrounds/arena so I do believe TOFN will have an edge over other servers in the open PvP aspect.


People queued from capitals to do pvp in wow because there was no real alternative. If they implemented open world pvp in here properly I don't see why people won't do it, regardless of server, just because they came from a different game.

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People queued from capitals to do pvp in wow because there was no real alternative. If they implemented open world pvp in here properly I don't see why people won't do it, regardless of server, just because they came from a different game.


Well if people are stuck in the mindset from WoW that might be a problem at first but I hope you are right for the good of the game.

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Saying WoW players are just "bg queueing noobs" to paraphrase is pretty ********. 99% of wow players are PvEers who never left a city regardless, and only ran BGs for fun. The 1% of decent PvP players who played wow would probably have OWPvP'd if it had existed.


What I'm getting at, is that the onus is on the game to drive open world PvP, not the players. I've never seen an "open world PvP initiative" that was actually any good. Rewards motivate people to play, even though many people claim to be motivated by PvP. No matter how you cut it, Bioware need to fix it, because people never will.

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That's very unfair and generalized opinion about LoL server. I've played there for 2 days so far and all I met was friendly players, 99% of english in general, and very pleasant experience overall. Just because 1 guy on the forums does not so good job trying to recruit people to the server doesn't mean everyone is like that.


I know, and i'm terribly sorry for that, i really am. It's just that, you come into a nice polite little thread, to get a better understanding in order to make one of the hardest and least fun decisions in an MMO (what server to play on), and then you see guys like Realz and his minions pounding their chest, claiming superiority. As much as i tried to remain non-biased, even at a subconscious level, my opinion was swayed. He might be the vocal minority, but i have no way of knowing that, just like i have no way of knowing if english will remain the main spoken language on TOFN. Hope i made myself clear, and sorry to those that i offended.

Edited by LaurRo
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I know, and i'm terribly sorry for that, i really am. It's just that, you come into a nice polite little thread, to get a better understanding in order to make one of the hardest and least fun decisions in an MMO (what server to play on), and then you see guys like Realz and his minions pounding their chest, claiming superiority. As much as i tried to remain non-biased, even at a subconscious level, my opinion was swayed. He might be the vocal minority, but i have no way of knowing that, just like i have no way of knowing if english will remain the main spoken language on TOFN. Hope i made myself clear, and sorry to those that i offended.


No probs, wasn't offended. It's pretty clear that Realz did piss poor job advertising that server, I'm just saying 1 guy shouldn't be the main reason behind a choice. Still though, I think choosing any of the LoL and ToFN will get you to more or less the same results.

Edited by Makhbet
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I know, and i'm terribly sorry for that, i really am. It's just that, you come into a nice polite little thread, to get a better understanding in order to make one of the hardest and least fun decisions in an MMO (what server to play on), and then you see guys like Realz and his minions pounding their chest, claiming superiority. As much as i tried to remain non-biased, even at a subconscious level, my opinion was swayed. He might be the vocal minority, but i have no way of knowing that, just like i have no way of knowing if english will remain the main spoken language on TOFN. Hope i made myself clear, and sorry to those that i offended.


Hell Yeah, I can 100% honestly say I switched my mind when choosed the server (at first was thinking on LoL) because of that Realz guy... **** noob

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Anyway, WAR e-peen aside. Honestly the extended WAR communities, regardless of the fact that we do smack a lot about the old days, are probably the best PvP community that has existed over the last few years, being the only community that has proven desire for and skill at various forms of PvP - battlegrounds, open world, organised, anti-zerg, etc. Anyone could do far worse than rolling ToFN to follow that community. On the other hand, WoW is also a game with plenty of good PvPers regardless of what people like to think about them; there's just as much skill there too, though likely a bit less appetite for world PvP. LoL could also be a good server.


At the end of the day, you can only make a broad decision based on this stuff. What actually happens once you get in game depends on who you hang around with.


GL brahs


Best post in a thread.


But... *** happened to the real CD!?

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K8P didnt world first most of that stuff, US did :) You EU firsted it. I know, because I was leading the EU second (although I was Order and hence outnumbered doing it... didn't have a nice easy faceroll zerg to take keeps with :p). Eltharion also EU firsted a Keep siege, and it wasn't until some guy from the leadership on your server PM'd me asking how that you starting taking Keeps :)


You also didn't pioneer "bombing". You just gave it a stupid name. We called it "the obvious way to kill zergs". You're naive to think that other people with a clue weren't doing that everywhere else :)


Anyway, WAR e-peen aside. Honestly the extended WAR communities, regardless of the fact that we do smack a lot about the old days, are probably the best PvP community that has existed over the last few years, being the only community that has proven desire for and skill at various forms of PvP - battlegrounds, open world, organised, anti-zerg, etc. Anyone could do far worse than rolling ToFN to follow that community. On the other hand, WoW is also a game with plenty of good PvPers regardless of what people like to think about them; there's just as much skill there too, though likely a bit less appetite for world PvP. LoL could also be a good server.


At the end of the day, you can only make a broad decision based on this stuff. What actually happens once you get in game depends on who you hang around with.


GL brahs


Nah it was on KEP not the US servers. I remember when the US claimed the world first king kill; utterly unaware it had happened on KEP something like 3? months previously :)


The resulting forum thread was very funny with the US claiming our servers king kill didnt count!


The world first city siege was also amusing - although not at the time - as it was KEP that discovered as order ... you couldnt get in to defend your city due to a bugged door. Talk about lack of testing! We had to have Mythic devs trying to fix the code on the fly as it turned out destruction couldnt get past stage 1 due to bugs even without any order defenders being able to get in. This was around October or November 2008 if I recall correctly.

Unfortunately that proved the last straw for many destruction players so our server lost alot of players. :(


Tough server to be on was KEP as an order player; during september 2008 we had destruction players hitting rank 40 while order were mmm maybe not even 31 or in tier 4. How farmed did we get when we first got there! That magus Rift any number of players+dual marauder aoe demolition bug hurt! Fortunately the magus only got Rift around level 30 so it wasnt a huge issue in T3 - T4 was another matter! - but thats what caused me to start doing Rain of Fire in response in the scenarios. Before that of course you had a bugged dot line that you could use instead, till it got fixed (nerfed).


The US didnt have bombing; after they finally let the EU onto the PTS so we could play against Mythic devs and US warbands they were amazed at how they got slaughtered by bombing. Mythic devs then stated on vent that they had never encountered that style of play before and that it wasnt on the US servers.

By this point it had been going on EU servers for months. Poor Karak Norn when Karak Eight Peaks transferred there following the server closure hadnt seen bombing either and it did cause so much forum fun!


Btw I was also order and found that I was about the only player during the daytime in early october 2008 defending keeps against Koluns 3 warband destruction zerg for a couple of weeks. It ended with him refusing to attack keeps where I was defending. Gotta love Rain of Fire :); it made you a 1 man army. One fortress attack I got 600 kills, solo. They were really determined to take that fort!


Whats amazing is how long it took to nerf RoF and later on Scorched Earth. Hopefully SWTOR will have a quicker dev response!

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Whats amazing is how long it took to nerf RoF and later on Scorched Earth. Hopefully SWTOR will have a quicker dev response!


I remember leveling my BW and getting 3 - 4 times the damage and kills of everyone else due to first scorched earth, then ROF with the various tactics and talents that boosted it. You'll never laugh as hard in your life as when you watched entire RusCorp warbands retreat from one Bright Wizard.

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I remember leveling my BW and getting 3 - 4 times the damage and kills of everyone else due to first scorched earth, then ROF with the various tactics and talents that boosted it. You'll never laugh as hard in your life as when you watched entire RusCorp warbands retreat from one Bright Wizard.


it was ... a little crazy. I can understand why pugs quit over it - must have been a nightmare playing against any half decent bw even when the bw wasnt in a premade.

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As a former Anarchy-Online, Neocron 1/2, Warhammer, Aion, GW, AoC, etc, etc, etc player I have to say the pvp community from AO was probably the best ever I've encountered and the classic Tnet and Campalot Bot Admins / Faction PvP Leaders / World Objective PvP & LC PvP Raid Leaders & Callers have rolled on TOFN for both sides..


That is where I will call home and enjoy the epic world pvp that is sure to ensue.. let the good times roll.


Coming from a background of AO and WoW myself, it is easy to say AO has been the greatest pvp community in my eyes and hopefully I will meet more old school AO'ers from back in the day though I have yet to decide which server I'm definitely going to due to login queues.

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I think there are people of all nations that lack of education, not only Spanish ppl.


So true. Some people abuse their native language terribly in writing. In my opinion, mentally-held-back abbreviations and 'hip' gang-style jive bother me far more than (well, perhaps not but at least as much as) an occasional sentence in a language foreign to me.

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Just a quick update. I got early access, chose TOFN. First thing i see, drama over who chose the server first: spanish/italian community or the PvP initiative. Many of the spanish people acting very rude and entitled, speaking in general in their own language and throwing in the occasional "oops, wrong chat" when they get called on it. A few guys actually said "i speak in whatever language i want". And with the amount of glitches, exploits and other stuff now, and for quite a few weeks from now, handling reports like "player X refuses to speak english in general chat" will surely be at the bottom of the GMs lists.


After reading this thread and other i was swaying to TOFN, but after experiencing it, and its lovely 2hr queue, maybe playing with a-holes i can understand (like Realz) is better than a-holes i don't. I never played on servers chosen by non-english communities before, but after seeing this for myself, i tend to agree with people saying the pvp innitiative will get overrun. If it seems bad now, during early access, i don't even wanna know how it'll be like at launch, when the rest of the spanish/italian community gets in.


Sorry to people i offended with this, just wanna give a non-biased response to what i said earlier. And sorry to the pvp initiative, but it really does seem you're doomed on that server; i really do wish you guys all the best though. If only you had chosen a different server...

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... who cares



Chances are, regardless of which server, and which side you roll on, there will be a guild that can organize a decent PvP group.



Tbh, I'd advise everyone not to roll on any of those self-proclaimed "pro PvP" servers, unless you'd like to read text from smack talking kiddies 24/7.



Rolling on one of the newly opened servers myself, so that I ain't too far behind everyone else...


No queues, no unofficial non-anglophone server...


And when / if the server dies, there will probably be enough cries on the forum to give me a free transfer, and by then I'll truly know which servers to avoid. :D

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Saying WoW players are just "bg queueing noobs" to paraphrase is pretty ********. 99% of wow players are PvEers who never left a city regardless, and only ran BGs for fun. The 1% of decent PvP players who played wow would probably have OWPvP'd if it had existed.


What I'm getting at, is that the onus is on the game to drive open world PvP, not the players. I've never seen an "open world PvP initiative" that was actually any good. Rewards motivate people to play, even though many people claim to be motivated by PvP. No matter how you cut it, Bioware need to fix it, because people never will.


Good post. TOFN will have a good start because of the initiative populating it with warhammer players whos bread and butter is open world pvp. But if the game mechanics and incentives don't drive people there naturally owpvp will decline. The game needs to make sure participating is opvp is profitable in terms of character development. No doubt there will be incoming posts about playing for the thrill of the kill should be enough but in the real world it isn't. If you want to get the masses into those zones to provide the numbers for regular and epic opvp then ultimately it's going to be the game mechanics and incentives that will decide it.

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