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EU competitive PvP server


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The English EU PvP Server initiative will be all going Tomb of Freedon Nadd. the spanish and anyone else can stay on there own server. most of the initiative was already selected for tomb of freedon Nadd.


Try explain that to the spanish people where the majority lacks the will and ability, to communicate in another language than their own..

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The English EU PvP Server initiative will be all going Tomb of Freedon Nadd. the spanish and anyone else can stay on there own server. most of the initiative was already selected for tomb of freedon Nadd.


Both spanish and italian communities seem to be heading there. Big queues incoming?

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Si quisiera hablarle en inglés. Los pequeños niños asustaron sobre conseguir sus egos lastimados siendo ignorantes.


Or better yet...


Если я хотел поговорить к вам в английском, то я. Маленькие дети вспугнули о получать их эга ушиблено путем быть невежественны.


QQ me a river about not being able to understand another language when most that complain barely understand their own.:D

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i heard ruscorp play on this server with 300 member(empire side) i mean Tomb of Freedon Nadd


No RUSCorp's going on another one, partly to avoid the big Russian alliance blob thats far more than just a few houndreds. And that said blob is going to Tomb of Freedon Nadd.

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Try explain that to the spanish people where the majority lacks the will and ability, to communicate in another language than their own..


Well, french people are even worse.


I also want a server with well written english people, but hey, we live in Europe...


PS: Spanish guy here ;)

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Guilds confirmed and added via server selection.


quakenet #tofn.pvp


My original post.




Hello Euro pvp players/guilds.


Setting up a competative pvp environment for swtor. top guilds from many mmos down the line.


Server mission statement:


English Speaking! - Euro Timezone


What type of guild will want to play on this server?


Guilds focused on all forms of pvp, from organized 4v4/8v8 fights to 24v24 and zerg vs zerg orvr. general full on rvr chaos.


While no doubt we will all be pve roleplaying to 50 but once done. Any pve would be mainly to better themselfs in rvr/pvp. to clear this will not be a pve server. full on rvr!.


Hopefully once this is achieved there will no doubt be alot of players in the orvr zones. and im hopeing even tho like myself i do all forms of rvr from 1v1 to 24v24. that the bigger guilds will respect that there will be 8-15 man hardcore smallscale guilds. that will want to roam in orvr looking for equal numbered fights. once game is settled maybe having certain parts of the orvr zone for just that. but till then not having 40 guys roll over 2 teams having an 8v8 fight etc. common sense prevails.


If in future there is esports involved, or a type of arena system. this would be the server most of the people would welcome it to take that next step. read more here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=590648




With the above in mind. we will want to try keep the server numbers and guilds on either side fairly balanced. that said, if you think this server is for you. and the criteria fits you then continue.


Msg to Devs.


After playing many games and having been on these initiatives for other games. the server will be fairly crowded so lets hope you will give us a beasty server that can cope. also trying to avoid ques with big stable capacity, puts alot of people off. a few spring to mind. war - karak eight peaks. and rift - whitefall. a decent server name wouldnt go a miss also


*How we will try make this work*


We will be using the Allies/Adversaries system. bioware have said its not garenteed you will get on the same server. they will try the best. they will put you on a server but i understand you can move your guild to another server. you dont have to select the placement they give you. and if all else fails. if this is the server for you. we will be putting the name of the server out. so if the startup guild system fails you can easily create it by just logging on the server normally.


We could use multiple guild to use allies/Adversaries too but using one will be much easier so hopefully once devs choose server placements for guilds they will see most have allied/adversaried to <Red Guard> in order to get on this type of server.


Let your guild leaders know. i will try to keep a big list on this post. i will also report when i can the number of ally/adverseries that have chosen us. also if you want to get your guild leaders to add there guilds on this post so everyone can see that would also be good. as in:


Red Guard


40-50 members

and link to swtor guild page if they like.


you can contact me on here. or i have setup an irc room @ Quakenet #swtor.eupvp




Red Guard - 50

Hand of Blood - 25

Exodus - 15

Radiant Knights - 100

Nil Desperandum - 25

Coral - 50

A priori - 10

Guerrilla - 25

Bohemia - 35

Unknown - 20

The Unnamed - 30

Ventures - 20

Black Company - 15

Tainted - 20

VAY AK - 25

Trümmergruppe - 10

The Skirmish - 20

Orbit - 30

Itchuta - 5

Afterlife - 100

Equilibria - 5

MASC - 10

BSB - 20




Best Friends - 15

Pixel Concept - 10

Sarkany Lovagrend - 25

yur mad cuz yur bad - 20

KDS - 200

Ithilmar's Chosen - 25

Svea Ulvar - 35

Sed de Sangre - 20

O K R - 15

Nightfall - 25

Unbroken - 40

Kill Frenzy - 15

Vodka is life - 10

Blood - 30

It's a Local Shop - 10

Megalomania - 20

Cyrus - 50

Aeon Knights - 25

Aftermath - 10

Undergo - 10

Imperator - 10


Hope that gives some idea the amount planning to play on server.

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