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This game has a short shelf life - PvE and World PvP are colossal failures


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I don't think it is fair to compare TOR launch to WoW launch. First of all, WoW launched in 2004, and it's main competition was EQ, which had like what, 100,000 players? MMOs weren't exactly popular back then. Secondly, WoW didn't have nearly the budget that TOR had, and yet TOR still has less features than WoW did on launch. Just saying.
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I don't think it is fair to compare TOR launch to WoW launch. First of all, WoW launched in 2004, and it's main competition was EQ, which had like what, 100,000 players? MMOs weren't exactly popular back then. Secondly, WoW didn't have nearly the budget that TOR had, and yet TOR still has less features than WoW did on launch. Just saying.


Thank you. It's not often that reason can be seen among the swarm of apologists and fanboys.

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I get top damage all the time and I'm melee. Even in Warzones with level 50s. Just stop being bad.


I have to agree with this.


I am a marauder and I usually get top damage.


One of my most recently successful warzones was where I got 205k damage.

Edited by darthdoll
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If you want to use the "WoW at launch" arguement.


Take a look at Rift, don't come in with "oh rift sucked bla bla". Just take a look at its launch, it was a fairly low budget game (compared to SWTOR) and it had nearly everything functionality wise that SWTOR misses, including a delay/lag free combat system, customisable UI, macros and dynamic world events, a combat log, target of target, outfitter system and many more quality of life refinements where they went one further and improved on what they had taken from WoW.


Rift was a game with shorter development time and a smaller development team, a much lower budget. Their game wasnt as big or flamboyant as SWTOR is, but it was working at launch with almost all the features that many people consider important, such features that you would find in the 7 year old polished WoW.






The only arguement I will see, and I ever see is that people will come in troll mode "Oh but Rift SuXx".

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Care to elaborate what WoW had over TOR at WoW launch? Because I could tell you you are wrong.


Irrelevant. WoW was a small fish in a very large sea. Today, swtor is a small fish in a fish tank with sharks. The same conditions do not apply.


Also, BW had plenty of examples and features to steal from wow as well as rift. They did not, most likely due to lack of time, yet they still pushed the game on the market, despite of the game being ill equipped to face the competition, just to make the Christmas sales.

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Irrelevant. WoW was a small fish in a very large sea. Today, swtor is a small fish in a fish tank with sharks. The same conditions do not apply.


Also, BW had plenty of examples and features to steal from wow as well as rift. They did not, most likely due to lack of time, yet they still pushed the game on the market, despite of the game being ill equipped to face the competition, just to make the Christmas sales.


Not irrelevant because he stated his opinion as fact by saying WoW had more features at launch.


Fact of the matter is, if you dont release a game, you wont sell it.


They HAD to release it to make profits, you cannot keep a game in development for years and expect a big payout, look at Duke Nukem, need I say more?

Edited by darthdoll
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Really? Compared to what?


WoW is way worse.

Rift is mediocre, havent played that since the free month.


WoW PvP is by far superior. There aint no global lag in PvP, characters respond almost perfectly and its still considered fairly balanced game even that there is few classes above some others depending on season. This game is simply impossible to be ever seen on any tournaments played by pros due very bad combat mechanics and action delay. It cant be fixed in patches, they need to replace whole outdated game engine and very bad coding.

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Not irrelevant because he stated his opinion as fact by saying WoW had more features at launch.


Fact of the matter is, if you dont release a game, you wont sell it.


They HAD to release it to make profits, you cannot keep a game in development for years and expect a big payout, look at Duke Nukem, need I say more?



Although nowdays its 30 days of make it or break it. Releasing beta phase game is bad economics unless EA was just making fast cash from selling boxes. Most people that leave the game in first month aint ever coming back as we seen in other new and innovative MMOs which this aint even is and by prediction that this goes to same bin with other "wow killers" in few months.

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WoW PvP is by far superior. There aint no global lag in PvP, characters respond almost perfectly and its still considered fairly balanced game even that there is few classes above some others depending on season. This game is simply impossible to be ever seen on any tournaments played by pros due very bad combat mechanics and action delay. It cant be fixed in patches, they need to replace whole outdated game engine and very bad coding.


Then you dont know anything about coding?


WoW is not superior, its inferior by far. Arenas are a joke, BG's are even worse than Arenas. What tournaments has WoW been in? MLG is all I know, thought they removed it.

Edited by darthdoll
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I have quite enjoyed the world pvp and have seen many an empire player, especially on alderaan, tattoine, and Hoth. What i like is that right now its not so common place to make it expected and boring, its at that sweet spot where I am leery as I travel as I know I may or may not see someone. If I saw someone all the time I dont think Id like that, and vice versa. So far Im pleased. Im just a regular gamer though, I dont get too wrapped up in percentages and balance and all that. Not yet anyways. Each time I do engage in world pvp I have enjoyed myself immensely.
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Then you dont know anything about coding?


WoW is not superior, its inferior by far. Arenas are a joke, BG's are even worse than Arenas. What tournaments has WoW been in? MLG is all I know, thought they removed it.



Arenas wasnt a joke at its peak, its competetive game and it paid good to the pro gamers. Aside from some class balance issues its most stable and challenging PvP ever seen in mmorpgs. You can see 2 full threads that got to limit with 5 starts rating and 3rd going for it about how **** character response and global lack is causeing action dleay. There cant be any serious pve or pvp when your character doesnt do what your trying. We saw with GCD hack that even 0.1 secs is gamebeaking difference when using abilities. And in this game action delay is 0.5-2 secs.

Edited by Forsbacka
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Then you dont know anything about coding?


WoW is not superior, its inferior by far. Arenas are a joke, BG's are even worse than Arenas. What tournaments has WoW been in? MLG is all I know, thought they removed it.


Haven't played WoW in a year, but thinking of re-subbing just for PvP. I miss large scale BGs like AV and world PvP where you can fight along side and against 100s of players in the same area with next to no lag what so ever. In TOR, once you get passed 10, it really starts to deterioate. Plus actions are instant and not suffering from weird delays; TOR is not that smooth combat wise.


Whatever, still enjoying the game. I really hope they improve it and fix all these issues...plus add in a AV type BG where I would pretty much live 24/7. Current BGs are shoeboxes, which is kinda disappointing. ;(

Edited by fixit
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WoW PvP is by far superior. There aint no global lag in PvP, characters respond almost perfectly and its still considered fairly balanced game even that there is few classes above some others depending on season. This game is simply impossible to be ever seen on any tournaments played by pros due very bad combat mechanics and action delay. It cant be fixed in patches, they need to replace whole outdated game engine and very bad coding.


WoW is at no point considered balanced. Especially not now.


In case you hadn't noticed, WoW is no longer at any Tournaments either(not counting blizzcon), because it's PvP is a joke.


SWTOR has a chance at decent PvP because it's classes are balanced, if they improve animations and responsiveness it would be a very good PvP game. At least as MMOs go.


Also you have no idea about coding, they can actually fix those problems in a patch.

Edited by Zingas
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Arenas wasnt a joke at its peak, its competetive game and it paid good to the pro gamers. Aside from some class balance issues its most stable and challenging PvP ever seen in mmorpgs. You can see 2 full threads that got to limit with 5 starts rating and 3rd going for it about how **** character response and global lack is causeing action dleay. There cant be any serious pvpe or pvp when your character doesnt do what your trying. We saw with GCD hack that even 0.1 secs is gamebeaking difference when using abilities. And in this game action delay is 0.5-2 secs.


At it's peak it was competitive. Now it's a complete utter failure. An absolute joke of a system.

It's filled with MMR bugs, exploiters, wintrading, glad carries for cash, gold carries, ridiculously imbalanced 2s and 5s, not to mention 2s and 5s are worthless.




The ole 'Overemphasis your problems, but cover mine up!' trick eh?!

Edited by DigitalDreamz
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Not really true, although you are right on one level, Warzones are a big reason people dont bother trying to World PvP. But it is also the developers responsibility to encourage World PvP through rewards and well designed objectives, isn't it?


And I don't mean half-assed terrible rewards like WoW tried, I mean fully-fledged armor sets, titles, objectives.


Hell, one PvP daily that told you to infiltrate an enemy base and kill X amount of players and gave you an actual good reward would be enough to ignite a fair amount of World PvP.


They just haven't bothered. Segregating PvP to Warzones and Ilum seems to be a-ok with BW.


But Bioware is shooting itself in the foot when it doesn't include instanced PvP. I can assure you more people would be upset if there was no instanced PvP compared to WPvP. They may not know better, whatever the case may be that is the score.


It's a catch 22 really. It's made worse by the fact that Bioware has to contend with the terrible faction imbalance in a more real way when it comes to WPvP. It's one thing to be forced to do Huttball over and over, it's another to never be able to engage in Ilum PvP because there literally are no republic side fighters.


And I mean, they sort of have to segregate the two. Instanced PvP is the exact opposite of WPvP. WPvP must be segregated from warzones or else it's no longer WPvP. This seems really obvious so I feel like I missed something. Want to take me to school?

Edited by Excedrin
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WoW is at no point considered balanced. Especially not now.


In case you hadn't noticed, WoW is no longer at any Tournaments either(not counting blizzcon), because it's PvP is a joke.


SWTOR has a chance at decent PvP because it's classes are balanced, if they improve animations and responsiveness it would be a very good PvP game. At least as MMOs go.


Also you have no idea about coding, they can actually fix those problems in a patch.


Fully agree with this, but the posts above:


The only BG I liked was AV because on my server Alliance always won.


But the balance is horrid. If you think cc in this game is bad, WoW seems worse. Maybe its because I was a paladin and always got the short end of the stick.

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At it's peak it was competitive. Now it's a complete utter failure. An absolute joke of a system.

It's filled with MMR bugs, exploiters, wintrading, glad carries for cash, gold carries, ridiculously imbalanced 2s and 5s, not to mention 2s and 5s are worthless.




You mention faults of SWTOR but try so hard to cover WoWs up. If you enjoy WoW, go to WoW.


3s is imbalanced too. Just saying.

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