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This game has a short shelf life - PvE and World PvP are colossal failures


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That video made no sense to me, all I see are people letting him blow stuff up, and comments about how Bioware screwed up because nobody is trying to fight him? I'm confused.


That was my response, I'm still not sure if that is the whole map or Ilum or just one section.

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I won't be renewing my subscription for this game, I very disappointed with it. They advertised the game as innovative and won't be the same old MMO....yet thats exactly what it is. It is WoW with boring cutscenes. I am level 15 and I am already skipping through ALL of the dialogue besides the main class quest. The game started fine, I loved the starting area, then I go to Coruscant and its like....okay....so I am killing bandits for the next 10 levels? Its just the same old crap, yet the quests take longer cause I have to either sit through this boring dialogue where people complain about bandits taking over, or talk to them once then press space 10 times so I don't have to deal with that crap.
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You finally figured out this isn't a PVP centered game. Want a cookie?


Frankly I'm glad and don't give a bantha's arse about PVP. Oh joy another little pest running around me flagged trying to get in my AOE. Thanks but no thanks.


Your PVE problems are not mine. I'll maybe run a FP once or twice and be done... FP/Dungeon grinding will always be boring. What were you hoping for?


It's hard to let go of the WOW model. That doesn't mean we all want this to become WOW with mindless and meaningless grinds. Or screwing PVE class balance over for the sake of PVP. Go play a PVP oriented game- heard EVE has great space PVP - but I hated that game within 30 mins.


Well said.

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Please quit .. your epic dissatisfaction and post reflecting such would indicate that this game is not for you.


Your post is worthless. Why bother? If you can't take criticism against the game then you shouldn't be on these forums.



Well said.



Really? You quote someone who just said that he hates every aspect of the game and say well said and then tell me to quit because the game is not for me?



Edited by Zingas
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You finally figured out this isn't a PVP centered game. Want a cookie?


Frankly I'm glad and don't give a bantha's arse about PVP. Oh joy another little pest running around me flagged trying to get in my AOE. Thanks but no thanks.


Your PVE problems are not mine. I'll maybe run a FP once or twice and be done... FP/Dungeon grinding will always be boring. What were you hoping for?


It's hard to let go of the WOW model. That doesn't mean we all want this to become WOW with mindless and meaningless grinds. Or screwing PVE class balance over for the sake of PVP. Go play a PVP oriented game- heard EVE has great space PVP - but I hated that game within 30 mins.



So flashpoints are boring and PvP is bad. This you admit.


What is good about this game? What is the point of playing this game?

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Took everything out of context.


Why are you still here? Obviously no one cares that you are here.


No, that is in fact, the very definition of IN CONTEXT.


You finally figured out this isn't a PVP centered game. Want a cookie?


Frankly I'm glad and don't give a bantha's arse about PVP. Oh joy another little pest running around me flagged trying to get in my AOE. Thanks but no thanks.

Your PVE problems are not mine. I'll maybe run a FP once or twice and be done... FP/Dungeon grinding will always be boring. What were you hoping for?


It's hard to let go of the WOW model. That doesn't mean we all want this to become WOW with mindless and meaningless grinds. Or screwing PVE class balance over for the sake of PVP. Go play a PVP oriented game- heard EVE has great space PVP - but I hated that game within 30 mins.

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So flashpoints are boring and PvP is bad. This you admit.


What is good about this game? What is the point of playing this game?


"Grinding FPs is boring" = "FPs are boring."


Let's use that logic in other situations.


"The Lord of the Rings novels are boring because I didn't want to read through them all three times."

"Cheesecake doesn't taste good because I don't want to eat sixty pounds of it."

"DA:O is boring because I don't want to play it for three days straight."


Everything is bad in excess.

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No, that is in fact, the very definition of IN CONTEXT.


Wrong, everything I quoted was taking out of context.


He never said PvP was bad, and suggested that after spending a lot of time doing FP's that they would eventually get boring.


The person I quoted took the words out of context to try and prove his point.



After reading your highlighted part, I believe he meant to use " ", but we will never know.


Let me get the meaning:


"The practice of quoting out of context, sometimes referred to as "contextomy" or "quote mining", is a logical fallacy and a type of false attribution in which a passage is removed from its surrounding matter in such a way as to distort its intended meaning."

Edited by darthdoll
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"Grinding FPs is boring" = "FPs are boring."


Let's use that logic in other situations.


"The Lord of the Rings novels are boring because I didn't want to read through them all three times."

"Cheesecake doesn't taste good because I don't want to eat sixty pounds of it."

"DA:O is boring because I don't want to play it for three days straight."


Everything is bad in excess.


This game is bad even in moderation.

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You lost all credibility when you said this.


PvE is outstanding in comparison to PvP where both lack of bracketing, the unresponsive controls, the animation cast time glitch, and other factors become front and center issues.


Illum is a joke and easily exploited.

What he really ment to say is:

I have fun roflstomping lvl 10's in Wz's with my 4 level 50 friends

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I find it worrying, I often hear.



"So now you get it, this isnt a pvp based game." (republic vs empire? Jedi vs Sith? erm???)


And then you get "This isnt a game for you hardcore elitists" in regards to top level endgame pve raiding.



So then what are you left with? Those 2 things are what has fueled the successes of all themepark style MMO games, especially that of WoW, the game that SWTOR has strived to copy and compete with.





It is a sad truth but this game is a year + away from being ready to compete with WoW, but like many before it, the chances it will last that long without taking a massive dive are almost none.

Edited by Bigbazz
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"Grinding FPs is boring" = "FPs are boring."


Let's use that logic in other situations.


"The Lord of the Rings novels are boring because I didn't want to read through them all three times."

"Cheesecake doesn't taste good because I don't want to eat sixty pounds of it."

"DA:O is boring because I don't want to play it for three days straight."


Everything is bad in excess.


Oh wow that is some terrible logic. FPs should not be boring after one run.

Edited by Zingas
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*Shakes head* Some people still have way, way too much time on their hands. But I suppose one character in 20 days is reasonable, though anything below that is simply insane.


Guess I am super insane since I have two 50s now, thinking of making a 3rd one.....


Some of us are retired, don't need much sleep, and have nothing else to do. Assuming that all people who hit 50 in 20 days needs 'help'....is laughable; this game is EASY to level in. Safe to say, probably faster than Rift since it's actually fun to level in TOR. ;)

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Yes you CAN blame Bioware for the lack of WPvP in this game...there is simply NO incentive to kill someone of the opposing faction, even on Ilum on PvE servers, it's not like you get any valor from kills, only from Warzones, which is, imo, a huge farse. Even in WoW, where world pvp is pitiful, you'd at least get some honour points for world kills. In this game, nothing.


As for PvE, the whole thing is backwards. The operations are easier than the hardmode flashpoints, someone in my guild said earlier that you do the operations first THEN you do the hardmode flashpoints? Totally ridiculous if you ask me. The flashpoints should be a stepping stone to raiding, not the other way around. Not to mention it can take up to 3 hours, sometimes longer, just to complete one hardmode flashpoint. Mixing trivial operations with extremely long and somewhat difficult flashpoints will only make this game bleed subs from both the hardcore and casual players. Just watch and see. Don't say I didn't warn ya.

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Because players won't attack each other it's bad design? K.


I'm all for constructive critisism, but at least make sense.




No I'm pretty sure it'll have a short shelf life, period. PvE is the only reason WoW has retained subscribers over the years, Blizzard graduated from these pathetic mechanics back in vanilla.


It took WoW how many years to mature these types of mechanics? Give TOR time... the game hasn't even been out a month yet.

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If PvP is balanced then why are no melee classes ever top dmg.


Oh because of PvP global lag and EVERYONE has 5-6 stuns and cc abilities...


I get top damage all the time and I'm melee. Even in Warzones with level 50s. Just stop being bad.

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It took WoW how many years to mature these types of mechanics? Give TOR time... the game hasn't even been out a month yet.


And by mature you mean it took a group of people a lot of time observing and making adjustments based on the results.


Obviously, a new dev team can't just trust in the judgment of another team that implemented a successful recipe for success. No, the wheel must be re-invented, starting with the square wheel.

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people don't want them to allow us to have world pvp, you see arguments an spam in game allk time, if anyone dares to voice their opinion on having progression for real pvpers. They are abused an ridiculed by the Battleground farmers, because they know if world pvp becomes popular thye will have to go out an work for kills/shinys...


It's the biggest thing wow destroyed in MMO's is drip feeding them shinys everyday for nothing...

When MMO's were not about gear, pvp was incredible, easily outshines any type of game play...

Then wow destroyed it, an this is the result we have today.

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It took WoW how many years to mature these types of mechanics? Give TOR time... the game hasn't even been out a month yet.



No it didnt, combat mechanics, character responsive and action delay was better since launch than it is in this game 7 years later.

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