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This game has a short shelf life - PvE and World PvP are colossal failures


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Let me start off by saying that I love SWTOR. It's already provided me with hours of fun. The stories for every class are so engrossing and fun that I had to reroll 3 times and level all the way to 20 before I stuck to one, and I will definitely be leveling every class to 50 for that story.


The combat is exciting to watch, and I love that there are different animations for most abilities.


PvP is the best balanced I've ever seen in an MMO, which is probably going to change given the amount of terrible players complaining on the PvP forums right now.


Now for the bad, Flashpoints are a joke, they are boring, even by PvE standards. The story's are weak and dont even warrant paying attention for even your first run-through. Which is sad, I could forgive the copy-paste wow dungeon format if they contained a well written story or tied into the overall story or my classes story. But they don't. They are tacked on to a silly dungeon.


Bosses are unimaginative and too easy, I haven't seen one single interesting mechanic. Most of the encounters have stuff that I see in low level WoW dungeons. Nothing but tank and spank with a few "don't stand here" abilities, or something to interrupt. Flashpoints are also loaded with pointless incredibly boring and non-engaging trash, Boarding Party has been the worst of this so far, it's absolutely filled to the brim with the most excruciatingly boring trash.


World PvP is a failure from what I've seen so far. Maybe Ilum will be different, we'll see, but as far as I've seen in the rest of the world, it's a fail. The biggest reason for this seems to be faction imbalances and instancing. There are so many private instances that you barely ever see the enemy. I'm almost level 40(with two level 20s), and I have seen a grand total of ONE republic player outside of Warzone. I'm also playing on one of the most heavily populated PvP servers. There's no incentive for world PvP. No points of interest to draw people to engage in World PvP. Maybe it's because I haven't leveled as Republic, but I don't even know where any republic bases even are on any of the planets.


So I will continue to play TOR for the story and the very balanced PvP, but if the PvE and World PvP are not changed heavily then TOR will not keep subscribers once people have leveled to 50 a few times.


PS: I won't go into it, but there are a few other problems, ability delay is frustrating in PvP and combat seems clunky, this can easily be fixed. Mods and macros need a place. Half of the reason I find myself bored out of my brain in these Flashpoints is because I don't have a damage meter my progress, I can't even tell if I'm doing good. What's the damn point? I don't care about orange pixels. I care about beating other people.


PPS: there's a LOT of bugs, get fixing.

Edited by Zingas
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way to early in the game for anyone to even know what PvP is like..Its just a bunch of pissed off level 30s with no expertise crying...I have 475 expertise rank 63 battlemaster and i premade 4 against other bm's on my server and the PvP is well balanced nobody is dieing in 1-2 globals etc...If you can't dedicate the time to level and gear then i hear world of pandaland is for you, you can roll a rogue do 1 raid buy vile of shadows and faceroll your way to 2400 because your items procced and globaled kids...have fun. Edited by warkat
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PvP is the best balanced I've ever seen in an MMO, which is probably going to change given the amount of terrible players complaining on the PvP forums right now.

You lost all credibility when you said this.


PvE is outstanding in comparison to PvP where both lack of bracketing, the unresponsive controls, the animation cast time glitch, and other factors become front and center issues.


Illum is a joke and easily exploited.

Edited by Darren_Kitlor
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PvE = awesome. PvP = needs some serious balancing.


I played one PvP match, watched my team of level 19/20 getting butchered by level 35/38/40+, and decided that I would not be queueing for it again. Total joke. Hell, you can't even choose the kind of PvP match you want to play, and that alone is a killer for me.

Edited by DarkZenith
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People...People. It's not like this game was made by a huge design company with a budget of millions and millions of dollars, ok?


There were obviously many, many shortcuts and design options that were put in to make it easier to program. Small companies often have to rush games out the door knowing they are not 'finished' because of budget constraints. If the game doesn't crash and burn in the first few months, they may be able to hire a few more people to design and program in things like animation options that they had to leave out because they ran out of time or money. It's not uncommon to see so few choices in a new game, especially one made on a budget or with an understaffed design team.


Keep in mind that if we are patient with the game, they may be able to afford to staff up to a point where they can...


What? This game wasn't made by a small independent company? What's that? Budget of hundreds of millions of dollars? Really? Well.. Oh, that's how many people were involved in making this game? All those... wow


Umm... never mind. ..

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PvE = awesome. PvP = needs some serious balancing.


I played one PvP match, watched my team of level 19/20 getting butchered by level 35/38/40+, and decided that I would not be queueing for it again. Total joke. Hell, you can't even choose the kind of PvP match you want to play, and that alone is a killer for me.


then hit level 50? it only takes 5 days /played time...

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No, that's called "garbage design."


No its called your server being carebear. on my server theres 3 guilds on each side who roam 20 deep and gank people doing dailies...Death Wind Corridor PvP east are you on a PvE server? and if so give it time the people ganking people already have like full champion+ so gear / dailies isn't a big concern give it a couple weeks and it will be a warzone out there.

Edited by warkat
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You lost all credibility when you said this.


PvE is outstanding in comparison to PvP where both lack of bracketing, the unresponsive controls, the animation cast time glitch, and other factors become front and center issues.


Illum is a joke and easily exploited.


Afaik Balance >>>>>>>>>>> Combat/controls etc. Thinking this doesn't make me lose credibility. I'd rather be on an equal level to everyone than have the classes clearly imbalanced.


The lack of bracketing is flawed, but it's a double-edged sword. I'd rather not wait for hours for a Warzone once I get to 50.


I mentioned both the controls and the animation delay so I don't see what you're saying, these things should be easily fixed, but they don't destroy PvP. Despite those issues I still find PvP incredibly fun, mostly because it's not imbalanced. That's more than I can say for PvE which is the most boring grindfest.

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What is your experience with PvE and PvP like since your not even 50 yet...I mean seriously people on this forum taking jabs at the game when they aren't maxed level and not even semi geared...oh and please list these class imbalances:rolleyes: Edited by warkat
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No, that's called "garbage design."


Because players won't attack each other it's bad design? K.


I'm all for constructive critisism, but at least make sense.


These are all your opinions. The game will have a short self life for you. There's a key distinction there.


No I'm pretty sure it'll have a short shelf life, period. PvE is the only reason WoW has retained subscribers over the years, Blizzard graduated from these pathetic mechanics back in vanilla.

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Because players won't attack each other it's bad design? K.


I'm all for constructive critisism, but at least make sense.




No I'm pretty sure it'll have a short shelf life, period. PvE is the only reason WoW has retained subscribers over the years, Blizzard graduated from these pathetic mechanics back in vanilla.


A microscopic flat area where the objective is to click on the 3 walkers on each side, and the sides are like 20 meters away from eachother?


How is that not gutter-trash bottom of the barrel design? This is the worst design I've ever seen for any PvP event in any game.

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People...People. It's not like this game was made by a huge design company with a budget of millions and millions of dollars, ok?


There were obviously many, many shortcuts and design options that were put in to make it easier to program. Small companies often have to rush games out the door knowing they are not 'finished' because of budget constraints. If the game doesn't crash and burn in the first few months, they may be able to hire a few more people to design and program in things like animation options that they had to leave out because they ran out of time or money. It's not uncommon to see so few choices in a new game, especially one made on a budget or with an understaffed design team.


Keep in mind that if we are patient with the game, they may be able to afford to staff up to a point where they can...


What? This game wasn't made by a small independent company? What's that? Budget of hundreds of millions of dollars? Really? Well.. Oh, that's how many people were involved in making this game? All those... wow


Umm... never mind. ..


lol so true.

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A microscopic flat area where the objective is to click on the 3 walkers on each side, and the sides are like 20 meters away from eachother?


How is that not gutter-trash bottom of the barrel design? This is the worst design I've ever seen for any PvP event in any game.


That's the whole planet of Ilum?

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cant comment on pve as im not quite lvl 50 yet and havent been doing flash's for awhile until 50. but world pvp does suck hard but, hasnt been supported as in no rewards for it and there is way to many instance areas plus ppl running to npc's to get into convo to become invulnerable, waiting until you go or jumping on chat for backup. though on the other hand, any kind of reward whatsoever for open world pvp would see lvl 50 champion equips farming every other lvl on every planet *sighs*...
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