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Recent actions against some customer accounts


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Why so expensive is mount?


Because exploits like this were not squashed in beta....slicing should have been nerfed in beta 6 months ago. Prices for things are determined by seeing how much money someone is able to get, easy money means higher prices.


Good for the crackdown bioware, a little late but please don't let this become a gold farmers moneymaker.


Sorry ... but pricing should NEVER be based on the ideal that there are tons of exploits available to get the credits. This is just BEGGING for folks to look for short cuts even more. I'm suggesting to make it cheap or necessarily easy .. but don't go to the other exteme either.


The simple fact is that we can all post until we turn blue in the face yet there are simple facts to consider:


1. There was an obvious abuse that has been going on and it needed to stop.

2. There is a difference between "grinding" to gather mats or credits in order to purchase items.

3. The Dev team and or those responsible for policy has obviously seen something taking place that went beyond grinding in order to earn credits.


Bottom line: Don't be abusive. Camping and repeatedly using exploits to gain a few million in credits will cause trouble ... for everyone.

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Second, a smaller number of accounts were warned or temporarily suspended for exploiting loot containers on Ilum. To be completely clear, while players may choose to travel to Ilum earlier than the recommended level (40+) and may loot containers if they can get to them, in the cases of those customers that were warned or temporarily suspended, they were systematically and repeatedly looting containers in very high numbers resulting in the game economy becoming unbalanced.



Do you know how stupid this sounds and how stupid it makes Bioware look?


So I can go to "place" X, but if I loot boxes there I'm doing something bad?


No offense intended but this is sheer idiocy.

Edited by Volki
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Do you know how stupid this sounds and how stupid it makes Bioware look?


So I can go to "place" X, but if I loot boxes there I'm doing something bad?


No offense intended but this is sheer idiocy.


It doesn't say looting containers. It says exploiting.




An exploit (from the verb to exploit, in the meaning of using something to one’s own advantage) is a piece of software, a chunk of data, or sequence of commands that takes advantage of a bug, glitch or vulnerability in order to cause unintended or unanticipated behavior to occur on computer software


Going there and looting is no problem. How are so many people taking this the wrong way?

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It doesn't say looting containers. It says exploiting.






Going there and looting is no problem. How are so many people taking this the wrong way?



Well, exploiting is another matter. If these people are tuly cheating, then I would agree that it should stopped.


I just don't want to get a message saying I'm making too many credits playing normally.


But what they wrote about the game economy is bunk. They can't control the economy in RL; to imply they are trying to do that ingame is bunk.

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It doesn't say looting containers. It says exploiting.






Going there and looting is no problem. How are so many people taking this the wrong way?


he explains what the exploit they were doing was: "systematically and excessively looting" aka farming the containers. no where does it say they were using an exploit to loot the containers. later he explained that the team decided that the players were exploiting the containers. not that they were using an exploit.


Read the OP and the response to a post a few pages later.

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Listen, i'll say it again, notafanboy is a troll, either that or just really stupid.


They just mean you can't hack the game to wear equipment or stats higher than your able to obtain them.


Yes, a lvl 50 can obtain lvl 10 items easily, so yes, lvl 10 items are appropriate for a lvl 50, though not suggested.



notafanboy, didn't i tell you to get back under your rock?

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Do you know how stupid this sounds and how stupid it makes Bioware look?


So I can go to "place" X, but if I loot boxes there I'm doing something bad?


No offense intended but this is sheer idiocy.



While it does make them look stupid, it is exploiting. It's their fault for it even being able to be exploited and the banned/suspended accounts fault for continuing to do so knowing it was an exploit not fixed yet.


Hell, you can kill bosses in flashpoints by only pulling em to zones, it's still there now, but you should be banned/suspended for doing so untill they fix it.

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They just mean you can't hack the game to wear equipment or stats higher than your able to obtain them.


the OP has nothing to do with what you are talking about. the things you are talking about are banable offences. the OP only mentions looting loot containers systematicly and repeatedly(farming). they are blaming players for finding an easily accessible credit grind that is within the general rules of the game. it is ok to open loot containers.


long story short they decided to warn/suspend low level players for farming an area that had little to no mobs, and gave them high level loot and credit drops. so instead of fixing the area by stopping chests from spawnig the sent out warnings and suspending players.

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People going for containers above their level isnt a crime. Farming them *For the intention of selling credits to other gamers in exchange for actual money* is. Please learn the difference in what is being posted.


Ignore the crybabies in here. Thanks for the post, Stephen. I'm damn glad to know that farmers are actively being punished from the beginning. Last thing I want is a message every five minutes from someone offering to sell me credits or powerleveling.


you missed the part about them warning and suspending players for farming containers with no evidence of selling.

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I watched in Orgrimmar every day someone taking a bunch of level 1 orc toons and bending them into shapes to spell out the name of some .com to go and buy gold from.


Seeing BW being proactive instead of reactive is a nice change of scenery. You can read the first page of this thread and see the that dev was not talking about banning people for looting stuff, but that someone(s) was playing outside of the mechanics of the game. And if BW has found something that wasn't intended, they can message you and say, 'hey sorry, we didn't mean for it to be like that, please stop or we will take action against you.' If you continue to do the thing, and you get suspended or removed, that's your fault.


And to be quite frank, if the 200 people or so that have posted on this thread whining about metagamers getting their pee pee spanked were to quit, it wouldn't hurt my feelings one bit. If I'm doing something that would bring down the enjoyability of the game for someone else, then I am not being fair. Buying this game does not give you the right to play it, buying it gives you the privilege of playing it.


The thing that really bothers me about all of the 'metagamers' is the premise that just because you can means you should. I can shoot and kill someone, I can drive drunk, I can do lots of things, doesn't make it okay or right to do. Yes this is just a game, but it's a game that a lot of people put a lot... or little amount of their time into playing.


And if Bioware has decided that your fun is ruining the fun for others, then they have every right, and in my personal opinion, every obligation to do so.



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A question to StephenReid. Answer please.


Second, a smaller number of accounts were warned or temporarily suspended for exploiting loot containers on Ilum. To be completely clear, while players may choose to travel to Ilum earlier than the recommended level (40+) and may loot containers if they can get to them, in the cases of those customers that were warned or temporarily suspended, they were systematically and repeatedly looting containers in very high numbers resulting in the game economy becoming unbalanced.


Please describe the exploit. Just found this one in a dev tracker and now i am rly scared or disappointed. As a harcore player i like to explore high lever zones or zones that no one can access. And i like loot and loot boxes ) Thats bad for this game? o.0


If i sell the loot from a raid zone in SWTOR? It's bad too?


In EQ2 my raidmembers was banned alrdy for some stupid reasons (actly there was 20-30% server ban) and i never want this in another MMO. So to be clear: we cant loot alot? We cant sell alot?

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I've done a little checking into the matter, and from what I can understand some of the people that were banned were using programs to automate gameplay in one way or another.

(Farming these chests while at work or sleeping - simply AFK)


People that farmed with slicing weren't doing anything wrong technically, but I guess they don't want us to be able to do this, since it eliminates the need for legitimate money gain.

Edited by imsohot
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Blizzard would never do that... Thats why when it happens in World of Warcraft, they FIX the bug rapidly but dont ban anyone, why? Because its THEIR mistake. Problem resolved.


EA BW need to be more professional... If those players got a lawyer, they would won.


Thats why Blizzard is famous to be the best support team on games in the world. They just do it right. Hopefully EA learn something with them since SWTOR is 75% based on WOW. :cool:

Edited by Pablo_Ferreira
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well that is actually a very easy fix you just make it so that the damn container does not repop untill the mob gaurding it does then you wont have to worry about some low lvl person comming there and waiting till someone who can beat the mob does so. since when the container comes available agin it will be along with what ever you have to kill to get it. ther simple solution to that issue.Why do people always say everything is based on WOW? i will honestly never understand this. I do how ever find it laughable that so many seem to think WOW was the first rpg to ever come out. Edited by DraconianWinter
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well i don't think its really worth the time and effort to camp the security chests, unless the ones on the planet in question give an insane amount of loot...


i have had a go at chest farming myself trying to get the full set of those common useless cloths just because i like to collect stuff.. found it super easy, being a sith assassin i can just stealth and mind-trick the person guarding a chest if its just one guy. mind-trick lasts 60 seconds on the target, has instant re-use and my force regens almost faster then i can cast it to begin with.


cant even remember what planet i was on lvl 30-40. the chest i found had one guard and a set respawn time of about 7 minutes.. just kept on casting mind-trick on the guard every 20 seconds or so while waiting for the chest to spawn, i gave up after about 5 spawns.. was not getting what i wanted, and was also not getting any xp.


the 1-3k credits and random item worth maybe 1-2k each spawn was ok, but i would of made more credits and XP from killing all the mobs in the room near the chest.



chest farming is boring as hell and i wont be doing it too often, but on the chance i do feel like doing it for maybe an hour or 2, possibly watching a tv show/movie while making some credits... i should be able too :D


if people want to make credits that way, and sell the gear then let them... i thought this sort of thing would of been expected anyway.


however if using automated programs and/or selling the credits for real money is the only issue, then hell yeah.. ban those people.

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Blizzard would never do that... Thats why when it happens in World of Warcraft, they FIX the bug rapidly but dont ban anyone, why? Because its THEIR mistake. Problem resolved.


EA BW need to be more professional... If those players got a lawyer, they would won.


Thats why Blizzard is famous to be the best support team on games in the world. They just do it right. Hopefully EA learn something with them since SWTOR is 75% based on WOW. :cool:


WoW misses you. I hope BW tells your kind the same thing.


Read your TOS (for the first time cause I'm sure you have not read it yet). Lawyer?


"Yes your honor, my client was exploiting an MMO and the company that has a full right to revoke service for people doing that revoked service from my client, but my client is QQing pretty hard about it, we would like to sue BW for damages done."



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So farming boxes/nodes over and over is exploiting? People were warned/suspended for sitting on nodes and looting them. If they want to do that they should be able to do so. There is no mechanic being abused.


People should be playing the game, not hogging one container's loot all by themselves. Why do you think they do that? It gives them an unfair advantage over the people who do play the game like it is intended to be played. It's akin to gold farmers killing all the good mobs for loot while the normal player is left standing empty handed.

If you condone this, soon no normal player will be able to loot any good stuff cos every node or special mob will be camped by some credit farmer. Is that the way you want the game to be? I don't.


Addition to the blizzard fan who posted somewhere above me:

In Wow there was a time you couldn't farm any good materials because there would be 5 bots swarming the area cleaning out all mobs and loot 24/7. And after reporting them, it sometimes took months before they were gone. And then the next week, new ones would appear. Those bots were there for almost a year. And remember the people mining nodes underground in WotLK? So stop telling that blizzard has the solution to all of this. They don't either cos ppl are still botting battlegrounds etc. They just have had more time to contain it.

Edited by hushia
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