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This week's patch is horrific.


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I'm not hater enough for "OMG GAME SUKS" or fantboi enough to think it's all good. I love this game but it has serious problems. Fixing these can take a good game to great, or medium game to good, etc.


My guild really loves the game, but every night on Mumble we hear game-ruining bugs from each other:



  • Class quests that can't be turned in
  • Can't see party or guild chat
  • Companion or class plotlines completely blocked
  • Unable to send companions to craft (after it was working fine for a level 40+ player)
  • Crashes from space combat



This is not comprehensive, and I know not every bug can be fixed every patch. But an indication that SOME or ONE major bugs are being fixed -- or even being worked on for another patch -- would be worlds better than this.




The current PTR patch notes include such major issues as performing emotes from vehicles. I can't remember seeing one post on the forums about that, compared (for example) to this:




Any forum-goer has a sense what's missing and critical (or at least wanted) in the current game, and Wednesday's patch -- if it's even released Wed, that could be for next week too -- addresses none of it.



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I'm not hater enough for "OMG GAME SUKS" or fantboi enough to think it's all good. I love this game but it has serious problems. Fixing these can take a good game to great, or medium game to good, etc.


My guild really loves the game, but every night on Mumble we hear game-ruining bugs from each other:


  • Class quests that can't be turned in
  • Can't see party or guild chat
  • Companion or class plotlines completely blocked
  • Unable to send companions to craft (after it was working fine for a level 40+ player)
  • Crashes from space combat


This is not comprehensive, and I know not every bug can be fixed every patch. But an indication that SOME or ONE major bugs are being fixed -- or even being worked on for another patch -- would be worlds better than this.




The current PTR patch notes include such major issues as performing emotes from vehicles. I can't remember seeing one post on the forums about that, compared (for example) to this:




Any forum-goer has a sense what's missing and critical (or at least wanted) in the current game, and Wednesday's patch -- if it's even released Wed, that could be for next week too -- addresses none of it.




Bioware is clueless

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  • Crashes from space combat


Did you even read the patch notes or were you just in that much of a rush to start dogging the patch before it was even released?


"Space Combat


Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue that caused a client crash if a space station was destroyed in Space Combat."

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They are fixing what small things they can as QoL improvements, while working to fix the larger bugs. It's a very complicated process, as any software engineer will be happy to tell you, as changing one line of code can have far-reaching and unseen ramifications.


All of these issues have been acknowledged by BioWare, and Stephen Reid has said they are working on fixes for them. Again, these things take time to reproduce, isolate, fix, and test.

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They are fixing what small things they can as QoL improvements, while working to fix the larger bugs. It's a very complicated process, as any software engineer will be happy to tell you, as changing one line of code can have far-reaching and unseen ramifications.


All of these issues have been acknowledged by BioWare, and Stephen Reid has said they are working on fixes for them. Again, these things take time to reproduce, isolate, fix, and test.


And where did Reid say they are working on these? Cite it.

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They are fixing what small things they can as QoL improvements, while working to fix the larger bugs. It's a very complicated process, as any software engineer will be happy to tell you, as changing one line of code can have far-reaching and unseen ramifications.


All of these issues have been acknowledged by BioWare, and Stephen Reid has said they are working on fixes for them. Again, these things take time to reproduce, isolate, fix, and test.


Except if a real software developer is informed about a bug, they don't sit on it for 6 months doing nothing about it.



Most of the real big issues were let known in early beta. They just never did anything about it.



GTN UI was made well and clear it sucked in beta as well.


Bioware just doesn't listen to anyone, as they feel it's their game and they'll do whatever they want with it. In reality it's a terrible MMO, decent single player game if it was one. However makes for terrible MMO.



It's like if they just all of a sudden made Dragon Age into an MMO with very little change.

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And where did Reid say they are working on these? Cite it.


He acknowledged several of them here:


While I'm not fond of reddit being the chosen venue for communication between BioWare and customers, he does acknowledge several of the issues here.


As for the space combat issue (which I didn't see when I first read this thread), there is a fix in the upcoming patch that will remedy the issue of crashing out when a space station is destroyed.

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I'm not hater enough for "OMG GAME SUKS" or fantboi enough to think it's all good. I love this game but it has serious problems. Fixing these can take a good game to great, or medium game to good, etc.


My guild really loves the game, but every night on Mumble we hear game-ruining bugs from each other:


  • Class quests that can't be turned in
  • Can't see party or guild chat
  • Companion or class plotlines completely blocked
  • Unable to send companions to craft (after it was working fine for a level 40+ player)
  • Crashes from space combat


This is not comprehensive, and I know not every bug can be fixed every patch. But an indication that SOME or ONE major bugs are being fixed -- or even being worked on for another patch -- would be worlds better than this.




The current PTR patch notes include such major issues as performing emotes from vehicles. I can't remember seeing one post on the forums about that, compared (for example) to this:




Any forum-goer has a sense what's missing and critical (or at least wanted) in the current game, and Wednesday's patch -- if it's even released Wed, that could be for next week too -- addresses none of it.




Its fixing a game breaking bug for IA / smuggler

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He acknowledged several of them here:


While I'm not fond of reddit being the chosen venue for communication between BioWare and customers, he does acknowledge several of the issues here.


As for the space combat issue (which I didn't see when I first read this thread), there is a fix in the upcoming patch that will remedy the issue of crashing out when a space station is destroyed.



You're best off looking at twitter. Reid posts on twitter about game updates more then the game forum.



And that reddit thing was a complete waste of time.



Q: anything about legacy

A: we're working on it.


Q: anything about ability delay?

A: we're working on it.


Q: anything about adding pvp brackets?

A: we're working on it.



see a trend there? That whole thing should have been renamed: Ask a developer anything but get nothing as a response.



I've almost had it with bioware completely, like never gonna buy another bioware game had it. This is gonna be the most epic failure of an MMO to date, if they don't get their *** in gear and start fixing stuff.

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He acknowledged several of them here:


While I'm not fond of reddit being the chosen venue for communication between BioWare and customers, he does acknowledge several of the issues here.


As for the space combat issue (which I didn't see when I first read this thread), there is a fix in the upcoming patch that will remedy the issue of crashing out when a space station is destroyed.


> Bioware answering basic questions to reddit instead of to the subscribers that are making threads in their own forums.

> MFW I realize they didn't actually answer anything besides 'Get back with us later."

Stay classy! :cool:

Edited by McAvinue
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It's because despite what they tell you, most internal resources are devoted to churning out new content for next months big patch. The game feels completely unpolished and buggy and instead of fixing real problems they are giving us a new operation.


Funny part is how the bioware fanboy defense force will say that the game is about the leveling experience, not the endgame, and to be patient for fixes - yet ignore the fact that a lot of people's leveling experience is terrible due to these bugs and bw's response is more or less "uhhhhhmmmm yeah we are looking into it.....but hey did you see we are giving you a new raid next month? What's that? Are we going to fix the current raid first? Uhhhhhmmmm yeah we are looking into it......"


Now let's sit back and watch all the fanboy mindless talking points roll in. "the game has only been out X days!!!!!!". Uh yeah but it was in dev for 6 years and most if not all these issues were reported early in beta.


I want to make this my main mmo so bad but if they don't prove they are in this for the long haul by fixing a handful of the more glaring bugs before churning out even more buggy content I'm just going to lose confidence and move on. "go back to wow". Ugh nah I am sick of wow and so far this is just 2006 wow with voice acting and tons of bugs.

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Client instability, random crashes, and all this stuff should have been done in beta. Thats what Beta is for. Testing, then fixing things that went wrong.




Honestly beta has become, hyped period of early play.


They've just accepted that they can put things off and people will settle with bugs at launch and they can fix stuff latter when they get around to it.



I won't settle with it. The story line isn't that good, come back to me when this becomes a real MMO.

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Client instability, random crashes, and all this stuff should have been done in beta. Thats what Beta is for. Testing, then fixing things that went wrong.




Honestly beta has become, hyped period of early play.


They've just accepted that they can put things off and people will settle with bugs at launch and they can fix stuff latter when they get around to it.



I won't settle with it. The story line isn't that good, come back to me when this becomes a real MMO.



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I mean, having a buggy game that makes people not want to subscribe isn't in Bioware's interest. You guys act like they want the game to be buggy on purpose to screw the player base over, which doesn't make rational sense. In the patch notes there actually are several bug fixes that seem pretty important to me, if you took the time to read them, and they're aware that there are issues. Relax.
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see a trend there? That whole thing should have been renamed: Ask a developer anything but get nothing as a response.



I've almost had it with bioware completely, like never gonna buy another bioware game had it. This is gonna be the most epic failure of an MMO to date, if they don't get their *** in gear and start fixing stuff.


Except Reid isn't a developer. He's in charge of community management, which is the forum presence of BioWare. And no MMO developer will ever give an exact date for anything. Just look at Blizzard's Developer Q&A they ran awhile ago. Most of those were just statements of awareness, or clairification of design intent. They can never commit to a hard and fast date for anything, as any number of complications could arise (again, coding is complicated) which would delay the release of something. It's the same reason Blizzard has never annouced the release date for a patch until the day before it releases. If they fail to meet a deadline, the community would riot, despite any provisions they threw in.


If he was to say: "We hope to have a fix for x issue on y date," the community would assume date y to the be the date that it would come out, and as soon as it 12:01 AM on that date, they would be screaming about why it wasn't fixed yet. I believe he even alludes to that exact situation in that Q&A. Besides, it's usually just comforting to hear that the company is aware of the bug and is working to fix it.

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