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how to cancel pre-order


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How do I cancel my pre-order? This cluster**** of a head-start is not something that I simply will take and brush off as a "noble" attempt to maintain server stability during your launch.


On a post i just read completely infuriated me that most people will likely get just (1) day head start?!?! I might as well not have pre-ordered if that is the case. Not only was this information not provided from the get go, it was not released until TODAY. Total horse sh*t


I do not care what excuses make you folks feel better, but the fact is I pre-orderd to participate in the HEAD START. I don't care about your influx in purchases or any other excuses you throw out to the community.


You have the numbers of pre-orders and you should have planned better, simple as that.


Its not my job to figure out how, but when you gloat to have such a successful last beta weekend, boasting the millions of hours players put in and the million+ players you saw through your doors. . . there is no excuse for this staggered start.


Tell me how to cancel my pre-order through EA

Edited by Aurrelio
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Regardless the day he joined, if they offer a 5 day early game access without any further information he's on his toes to stand up for it as a scam.


Everyone payed the same amount of money for the early game access, there was no information or conditions comming along with it.


I don't have access either but I don't really care, still feel a bit "assaulted" especially with the lack of support by the customer service, forum devs and phone assistant which are inexistent.

Edited by Smilfink
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On a post i just read completely infuriated me that most people will likely get just (1) day head start?!?! I might as well not have pre-ordered if that is the case. Not only was this information not provided from the get go, it was not released until TODAY.


This is not entirely acturate. A large amount of people preorder the game in the first 72 hours, possible over 100,000 people base on my estimation. True most player who got in today did preorder in the first three days.


Bioware will probably will be adding more and more people in the next few days, its always best to start slow to make sure that server load balance is not upset. Otherwise there could be bigger problems than a few player whining about not getting in on the first day of Early Access. As an experienced MMO player, I feel that Bioware is doing the right thing here. Its better to have the game up and running for some people than to have the game not running at all.

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I don't particularly like the way they're handling the launch. I've been part of quite a few betas, head starts and trials. This staggering is the lamest way to "ramp up" their servers. Its just sugar-coating that they're not ready for launch, end of story.


If you advertise a head start, it should be that. If on average everyone is only going to get 1 day, state that. I'm not asking for much in all honesty.


They want the pre-orders and they want my money. Its a business and I get that. But I am definately noticing very sad similarities between these folks and the "game that shall not be named" (WoW) woopsie. . . . Vague, nontransparent babble. . . I wish there was more honesty from the start. I am not impressed by ANY means.


I am not looking to cancel solely on the grounds of not being in the headstart which was outlined in the pre-order. I would like to have no further dealings with them (Bioware/EA) for their poor planning, poor customer service, poor communication and overall poor atmosphere.


You dont have to share my thoughts or ideas, I am just inquiring here in the customer service section for a way to cancel my pre-order.

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You didn't pay extra for the game. The total is still the same whether you preorder or not. You just paid $5 in advance and pay the remaning $55 when the game is released. They said MAY so you know when you bought the game that there's a possibility you won't get the full 5 days.
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Regardless the day he joined, if they offer a 5 day early game access without any further information he's on his toes to stand up for it as a scam.


Everyone payed the same amount of money for the early game access, there was no information or conditions comming along with it.


I don't have access either but I don't really care, still feel a bit "assaulted" especially with the lack of support by the customer service, forum devs and phone assistant which are inexistent.



Really? Because when I ordered it clearly said up to 5 days early access... with a big * next to it... apparently you didn't read it... aLso as of now its 7 days early, so why are so many people crying... grow up...

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Regardless the day he joined, if they offer a 5 day early game access without any further information he's on his toes to stand up for it as a scam.


Everyone payed the same amount of money for the early game access, there was no information or conditions comming along with it.


I don't have access either but I don't really care, still feel a bit "assaulted" especially with the lack of support by the customer service, forum devs and phone assistant which are inexistent.



What part of "Up to" do you people not understand...? Christ almighty.



Edited by iain_b
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Regardless the day he joined, if they offer a 5 day early game access without any further information he's on his toes to stand up for it as a scam.


Everyone payed the same amount of money for the early game access, there was no information or conditions comming along with it.


I don't have access either but I don't really care, still feel a bit "assaulted" especially with the lack of support by the customer service, forum devs and phone assistant which are inexistent.


They clearly established the conditions to which you accepted when you preordered the game.

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This is not entirely acturate. A large amount of people preorder the game in the first 72 hours, possible over 100,000 people base on my estimation. True most player who got in today did preorder in the first three days.


Bioware will probably will be adding more and more people in the next few days, its always best to start slow to make sure that server load balance is not upset. Otherwise there could be bigger problems than a few player whining about not getting in on the first day of Early Access. As an experienced MMO player, I feel that Bioware is doing the right thing here. Its better to have the game up and running for some people than to have the game not running at all.


That information was taken directly from a post from Bioware. Unless you work for them I'd be taking what they post closer to heart.

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You cancel you pre-order with whomever you bought it from.


Please do hurry up and do cancel, I'm sure it won't bother anyone one bit.


The game doesn't launch until the 20th. All that Bioware promised was that if you pre-order you will get to play UP TO 5 days early. They didn't have to give us any early access. Blizzard didn't offer anything for pre-ordering WoW or any of their WoW expansions. I really don't get all these idiots ************ and moaning cus they didn't get in on the first day of early access. Seriously, GROW UP, and quit your ************. Bioware is being nice here by letting play before the launch date. Hell they decided to be even nicer by extending the early access to 7 days instead of 5.


I didn't pre-order until Nov 29th and personally I don't expect to get in before the 19th, hell I don't even care if I have to wait til the 20th. My reason for the pre-order was so I could the collector edition before they sold out. I would love to get early access just as much as the next person, however it isn't the primary reason I pre-ordered.


Now if Bioware is reading this I would love to get in on the 17th since it's my birthday.:D

Edited by vaelyan
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You cancel you pre-order with whomever you bought it from.


Please do hurry up and do cancel, I'm sure it won't bother anyone one bit.


The game doesn't launch until the 20th. All that Bioware promised was that if you pre-order you will get to play UP TO 5 days early. They didn't have to give us any early access. Blizzard didn't offer anything for pre-ordering WoW or any of their WoW expansions. I really don't get all these idiots ************ and moaning cus they didn't get in on the first day of early access. Seriously, GROW UP, and quit your ************. Bioware is being nice here by letting play before the launch date. Hell they decided to be even nicer by extending the early access to 7 days instead of 5.


I didn't pre-order until Nov 29th and personally I don't expect to get in before the 19th, hell I don't even care if I have to wait til the 20th. My reason for the pre-order was so I could the collector edition before they sold out. I would love to get early access just as much as the next person, however it isn't the primary reason I pre-ordered.


Now if Bioware is reading this I would to get in on the 17th since it's my birthday.:D


THIS....ALL OF THIS! Made me smile!

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I don't particularly like the way they're handling the launch. I've been part of quite a few betas, head starts and trials. This staggering is the lamest way to "ramp up" their servers. Its just sugar-coating that they're not ready for launch, end of story.


If you advertise a head start, it should be that. If on average everyone is only going to get 1 day, state that. I'm not asking for much in all honesty.


They want the pre-orders and they want my money. Its a business and I get that. But I am definately noticing very sad similarities between these folks and the "game that shall not be named" (WoW) woopsie. . . . Vague, nontransparent babble. . . I wish there was more honesty from the start. I am not impressed by ANY means.


I am not looking to cancel solely on the grounds of not being in the headstart which was outlined in the pre-order. I would like to have no further dealings with them (Bioware/EA) for their poor planning, poor customer service, poor communication and overall poor atmosphere.


You dont have to share my thoughts or ideas, I am just inquiring here in the customer service section for a way to cancel my pre-order.


From what I have seen, most MMO launches are usually bad (crashing for most of the first week or so), so far this one has been smooth on the server side. So they did there job. On the planning side, this is Bioware first MMO plus the fact that this is the biggest launch in record history of any game. So problems with customer service should be expected. I work in customer service, its a no joke job. People yell at you all the time if they want to. So my best advice is to be patient with Customer Service and to give them some time to adapt to the new situation.

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I've had my collectors edition pre-ordered since day one and I hate that BioWare hasn't let me in yet. I also hate them because Dragon Age 2 sucked. It didn't go well with what my expectations were for it. I hate that Mass Effect is an RPG. It should be a FPS like Call of Duty. I hate that they take so long to make their games good. Why can't they make them good faster!? I hate that I wasn't put into SW:TOR a week earlier than the game comes out because I wanna be level 50 first so when I get there I have nothing else to do and I can laugh at people that are still trying to level.


/rant of lameness


....Keep it up BioWare. I love you <3

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How do I cancel my pre-order? This cluster f*ck of a head-start is not something that I simply will take and brush off as a "noble" attempt to maintain server stability during your launch.


On a post i just read completely infuriated me that most people will likely get just (1) day head start?!?! I might as well not have pre-ordered if that is the case. Not only was this information not provided from the get go, it was not released until TODAY. Total horse sh*t


I do not care what excuses make you folks feel better, but the fact is I pre-orderd to participate in the HEAD START. I don't care about your influx in purchases or any other excuses you throw out to the community.


You have the numbers of pre-orders and you should have planned better, simple as that.


Its not my job to figure out how, but when you gloat to have such a successful last beta weekend, boasting the millions of hours players put in and the million+ players you saw through your doors. . . there is no excuse for this staggered start.


Tell me how to cancel my pre-order through EA


Did you bother "reading" all the "sticky" notes? It said: "You MIGHT have up to 7 days to play before 12/20." There's that important word: MIGHT -- get it now, kiddo?:rolleyes:

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you joined 3 weeks ago and you're complaining about not getting in on Day 1? On Dec 13th which they just announced last week (which is 2 days earlier than the initial report? You are funny...


I joined in Dec, 2009 and my date changed to June 2011 or something. Something weird happened when they merged in Origin accounts I think.


So don't assume :)

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I pre-ordered the Collector's Edition in March. Should I be upset that I'm not in the early access? I feel like something has gone horribly wrong.


Possibly. I have a couple friends that ordered in the beginning of July that have not received their access yet. There is obviously a glitch somewhere in their system that is going to lead to poor customer satisfaction.

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