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The "Clean Up The Forums" Initiative


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Hello fellow MMO players, RPG players and others who were attracted to SWTOR,


I am a fan of this game. It has flaws, but none of the flaws have caused me to become frustrated or put the game down, so I consider the flaws pretty minor.


Problem is, these forums make the game look like it's a burning car careening into the ditch.


This is a common sight in MMO forums of all games, successful or not. If you read the forums, ever MMO from WoW to UO is dying the minute it's born. People write giant diatribes about why this game will die, and well, no MMO has died yet other than Tabula Rasa. Hell, even APB rose from the dead and now enjoys pretty decent monetary success.


So, keeping in mind that the gnashing of teeth is just that, gnashing of teeth, and considering we players who couldn't care less about "Why SWTOR will fail" can't ban/remove posters, we're stuck... but are we?


Let's start bumping posts that actually talk about worthwhile subjects. Just rifle through the first 5 or 10 pages of General, find a post without teeth gnashing, and bump it.


SWTOR will be "dying" for the next decade, just like WoW has been "dying" for 7 years if you read their forums.


The complaint posts serve no actual purpose, so let's drown them out.


Also, if you're with me, don't even reply to this post. Go find a better one and bump it up.

Edited by Yfelsung
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Against the forum rules first off and secondly why would you care if you enjoy the game so much? Why even come here to start yet another pointless thread?


I'm stuck at work for 10 hours, so cleaning up the forums gives me something to do.

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Not only will I ignore the OP's requst and bump this thread (..for great justice!). But in a few hours I'll create a positive post talking briefly about how I enjoy space combat as a minigame.

My sugestion is if you dont see something positve ...make it. Lets show folks that there are people who actually enjoy this game.

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Against the forum rules first off and secondly why would you care if you enjoy the game so much? Why even come here to start yet another pointless thread?


Not everyone who enjoys this game spends countless hours playing it.


I myself force myself to take breaks that sometimes last a day or two. This way I dont burn myself out on something I really enjoy. And I can take time to find out what is in the pipe for the game.

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SWTOR is going to fail before the year is up if Bioware/EA doesn't fix their terrible customer service.


Thanks for contributing to the thread :D


The interesting thing is, that exact sentence has been said about every MMO ever.


Even WoW.


It's a little known fact that MMO forums are actually fueled by tears.


Happy Yule :D

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Thanks for contributing to the thread :D


The interesting thing is, that exact sentence has been said about every MMO ever.


Even WoW.


It's a little known fact that MMO forums are actually fueled by tears.


Happy Yule :D


Except Blizzard has excellent customer service, with representatives that actually communicate with the players. Bioware's CSRs just delete our in game tickets or reply with a copy + paste response saying to wait until the next patch.

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But you have no power to do so, so please tell me how you can clean up something you have no control over?


By starting an initiative to bump positive posts from previous pages so as to cause whining posts to fall to page 2.


It's not perfect, but it'll clean the place up a bit.

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Except Blizzard has excellent customer service, with representatives that actually communicate with the players. Bioware's CSRs just delete our in game tickets or reply with a copy + paste response saying to wait until the next patch.


You could find just as many people on the WoW forums with stories about Blizzard CSRs being terrible.


This is the same song, just a new band.

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By starting an initiative to bump positive posts from previous pages so as to cause whining posts to fall to page 2.


It's not perfect, but it'll clean the place up a bit.


But how do you decide which is worthwhile thread, and which isn't?


All opinions are equally useful and equally useless.


I would rather a rage-quit whiner had a place to vent if it means Bioware gets another $€15 from him.


It is also not your place to safeguard Bioware's image, nor police their forums. If they don't want any opinions, all the need to do is turn off the forums.


Which is similar to what I suggest to you: just don't read the negative threads.


If you don't want to do that, then perhaps look at a 'whine thread' and take some time to consider WHY the person feels the way they do. Then, if you're up to the challenge, converse with them and try to debate their arguments with the aim of bringing them over to your way of thinking.

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The complaint posts serve no actual purpose, so let's drown them out.

Complains do serve at least two purposes:

1. It shows that we are interested in the game, if we weren't we would just go and don't bother posting here.

2. It tells the devs what issues we have and what they should look into.


I think both reasons to complain are valid.

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Not only will I ignore the OP's requst and bump this thread (..for great justice!). But in a few hours I'll create a positive post talking briefly about how I enjoy space combat as a minigame.

My sugestion is if you dont see something positve ...make it. Lets show folks that there are people who actually enjoy this game.


Gaaah, and those of us who love the game but feel that the space combat should be an arcade machine in the cantinas?

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But how do you decide which is worthwhile thread, and which isn't?


All opinions are equally useful and equally useless.


I would rather a rage-quit whiner had a place to vent if it means Bioware gets another $€15 from him.


It is also not your place to safeguard Bioware's image, nor police their forums. If they don't want any opinions, all the need to do is turn off the forums.


Which is similar to what I suggest to you: just don't read the negative threads.


If you don't want to do that, then perhaps look at a 'whine thread' and take some time to consider WHY the person feels the way they do. Then, if you're up to the challenge, converse with them and try to debate their arguments with the aim of bringing them over to your way of thinking.


I'm not safeguarding Bioware's image, I'm turning the general forum into something I want to read.


I could care less if everyone hates Bioware and SWTOR, I LIKE IT.


I'd like a forum to discuss the game positively, so I will attempt to shape this forum into that.


Since I have the power to bump posts I find positive, I will do so.


All opinions are not equally useful or useless, an opinion is worth however much power you have to enforce that opinion.


But thanks for the feedback :D

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While I'm posting - thus causing this thread to get bumped yet again, I have to say:


The very idea of "silencing people who don't agree with my opinion" sickens me.


What're you, following the Sith code in real life?


Sorry, the game is a bug-filled mess. People should be able to know that (and find that information), before they're suckered in to slapping down at least 60 bucks (as I was, more fool me).


Seriously, think about it.


What you're attempting is just a form of dystopian censorship and, as such, this thread should be removed by a mod.

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Hi everyone!


We appreciate the thought and we thank you for trying to help us make these forums a happier place. :) However, we ask that threads in the general discussion forum be related to Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Since this one is off-topic, we're going to close it.


In the future, please create threads that encourage gameplay discussion and not ones which criticize the community. It would help us greatly if everyone could keep these forum rules in mind before posting:


  2. No insults, name calling, or personal attacks
  3. Please stay on topic.
  4. Please express your opinion and thoughts in a constructive, respectful manner.
  5. If someone violates the Rules of Conduct, please flag it instead of replying to it.
  6. Keep in mind that everyone has different viewpoints. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're trolling. If you believe someone is trolling, please use the Flag function to report their post.



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