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Why no mounts in "Orbital Stations"?


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I'm not sure I understand why personal mounts are forbidden in "Orbital Stations" when they're allowed while on the capital ships/station of the Imperial Fleet...


I don't mean to troll, but it's already a pain to have to run through the stupid station every time I want to get to my ship -- this would at least make it halfway bearable.

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I agree with this post. Being forced to walk/run/sprint, whatever you may call it, from the Spaceport to your ship and back every time you want to go to a different planet, really sucks. Letting us use our speeders would help a lot, and would be a better and easier solution than removing those zones, in my opinion.
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I agree with this post. Being forced to walk/run/sprint, whatever you may call it, from the Spaceport to your ship and back every time you want to go to a different planet, really sucks. Letting us use our speeders would help a lot, and would be a better and easier solution than removing those zones, in my opinion.


I was on Tatooine a few days ago and got dismounted in a random tunnel that connected zones.


It wasn't an instance-- just a pass from one zone to another. The game dismounted me and forced me to run through it.


I don't understand why devs ever dismount you anywhere. I mean what the heck is the big deal if I save 7 seconds going through that tunnel, or from the spaceport to the zone? Even inside instances it makes little sense. It's just annoying. I can understand it in majory population areas where there might be many, many players, but players don't gather in spaceports for crying out loud. And in the places where players do gather, like Fleet, you can mount up from the moment you get off your ship!!


No rhyme or reason to it.

Edited by Mannic
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Basically sprinting about 100 feet is too much work for you?


It's a needless annoyance. It doesn't help that mounting/dismounting is done with an effect (maybe it's the sound effect) that seems jarring and clunky, and having to mount/dismount all the time means your companion is also popping in and out of existence. It's just dumb and unnecessary, and things that are needlessly clunky annoy me far more than things that are designed a certain way for a good reason, even if it's inconvenient (like having a cast-bar and a CD on the shuttle.)

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Basically sprinting about 100 feet is too much work for you?


Maybe if I didnt have to needlessly zone twice in order to sprint that 100 feet, it wouldn't be so bad.


Arrive at Tython -> Zone in to tython station (why does this zone exist?) -> Zone through elevator to Tyton launch bay level (Why does this subzone exist?) -> Run on foot down Excessively Long Hallway to launch bay -> Zone again down to Tython Actual.


The orbital stations are a pointlessly bad design, but they're probably not going anywhere. Allowing mounting inside them would alleviate their badness a tiny bit.

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The one real complaint i have about this game, way too many loading screens while travelling.


From planet -> to space station -> to space ship -> to space station -> to planet.

And may the Force be with you if you need to go between several planets in small duration.


damn i'm glad i can use fleet passes to deliver dailies/get to flashpoints

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Nice troll post.




I agree with you op. Hopefully they allow speeders to be used to help transverse the airlocks faster in the future. Do what I do and put it on auto run then go grab a pepsi real fast :D


Not trolling, just speaking the truth. Its a waste of time to request this from BW.

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Not trolling, just speaking the truth. Its a waste of time to request this from BW.


Its a quality of life issue. Being dismounted in most buildings, or in instances is one thing, but making us dismount in areas we frequently travel is punishing us for not staying in one place.


If they want us to stay in one place, just do away with the personal ships all together :/

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