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PvP: TOR vs WoW


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do you need a poll to compare the best mmo of all times (WoW) with one of the ****iest ever (obviously SWtor) ?


Best, defined as... active accounts? Income? Sales? Probably. It's been running for seven years now and they've been able to overcasualize the game to make it appeal to even the derpiest of derps who spill their drool cup back onto the keyboard trying to login. That doesn't mean that their gameplay is enjoyable for people who have half a brain.

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Ummm WoW by Far. Fast controls, perfect camera, heals that matter, so much more strategic than SWTOR where you mostly just dmg while the other also dmg. and whoever does better dmg wins T_T. No delay lag issues, no FPS drop issues, more PvP maps, no animation bugs and bugs like not firing skills at all.


So how in the hell you can say SWTORs pvp currently is better ? ***. I still have fun currently PvPing in SWTOR dont get me wrong but to say SWTORs PvP currently is better than WoWs is just a lie.


Seems to be a sport these days to bash WoW and everything it does just for the sake of bashing.


EDIT: Oh an I forgot, even the tiniest obstacle will cancel your spells in SWTOR if someone is running behind it and also TAB targeting issues in PvP and small hitboxes.

Edited by Nadeya
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Once they are able to work out some issues i will say TOR.

Class balance makes almost every single class able to pvp efficiently. They are pretty much only mmo soo far where tanks are actualy usefull and viable.

Some clases might require to be looked at. Especialy the marauder and its republic counter part.

Warzones are much more rewarding in terms team play than wow propably ever was (excluding old days of alterac). I saw more than several times wins where teams that had not even a 45+ players won vs teams having like 2-4 50s due to superior team play.

Bolster system is doing its job but might require a bit of tweaking soo it would avoid if possible to match players with more than 20 lvl difference.

We need a biger amount of warzones and more of them allowing same side players.

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Seems to be a sport these days to bash WoW and everything it does just for the sake of bashing.


EDIT: Oh an I forgot, even the tiniest obstacle will cancel your spells in SWTOR if someone is running behind it and also TAB targeting issues in PvP and small hitboxes.


That is a phenomena that happens in just about every new MMO to come out.


People feel needed to justify their purchase by saying how bad they think WoW is, how if any feature from WoW implemented in that MMO will ruin said MMO.


Then whenever somebody points out a flaw in the game, the most common response against it is to leave the game and go back to WoW.


I've seen it happen in other MMOs such as Aion, Rift and Star Trek Online and I see the same behaviour happen in SWTOR too.

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Ok lets break this down in terms of specifics.


1. Balance by design, winner : WoW.


Wow, may have some classes be easier and some harder. But they don't put level 85's with full end pvp gear, and just raise level 10s to 85 and call it even like TOR does.


By DESIGN wow's pvp is 10x better then TOR.


2. Balance by class, winner: WoW.


Wow has something special in its class design, and that is that its classes LOOK a certain way, PLAY a certain way, and ARE a certain way. STOR puts specs that just DO NOT make sense(*side look at assasin tank*), And you can't tell the difference between them! The ONLY way i can tell the diffence is their weapons, since half the animations outside of maybe 1-2 are the EXACT same as the other ones. Event then its hard to see if an assasin is a tank or an actual assasin, if the sniper is a marks or eng, its just silly.



3. Balance by gameplay: WoW.



Say what you want, WoW's pvp is still waaaaaaaay more balanced than the warzone fest in TOR. Lets take.....maurauders? They are trash in pvp by design, and especially on huttball. Which if you play one, is what you are most likely to get.


WoW on the other hand, doesn't make you play a game for 85 levels and just say "oh re-roll somehting because your ENTIRE class is trash" no, wow always has an option.


Also, WoW didn't have a useless trees on certain classes *sniper*.



4. Actual depth: WoW.


3 warzones with really just bland ideas except huttball. On small maps, with small numbers. This stuff isn't hard people.


The pvp gear is random drop........

The gear is a few stats off of pve.........

The gear is only available at 50 with expertise........

It actually looks worse than wow's, and especially now with transmog.


I can go on.


There really isn't even a contest.





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People who think its hard to gear in WoW lol.

People who think TOR pvp is the best lol.

People in this thread debating the science of WoW and ToR are cancer.


With that being said, go enjoy the game. The game is brand new and doing a great job fixing issues. PvP will get better, more maps and gametypes will be avaliable, interface/bug issues will also be fixed.

Give it time.

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Ok lets break this down in terms of specifics.


1. Balance by design, winner : WoW.


Wow, may have some classes be easier and some harder. But they don't put level 85's with full end pvp gear, and just raise level 10s to 85 and call it even like TOR does.


By DESIGN wow's pvp is 10x better then TOR.


2. Balance by class, winner: WoW.


Wow has something special in its class design, and that is that its classes LOOK a certain way, PLAY a certain way, and ARE a certain way. STOR puts specs that just DO NOT make sense(*side look at assasin tank*), And you can't tell the difference between them! The ONLY way i can tell the diffence is their weapons, since half the animations outside of maybe 1-2 are the EXACT same as the other ones. Event then its hard to see if an assasin is a tank or an actual assasin, if the sniper is a marks or eng, its just silly.



3. Balance by gameplay: WoW.



Say what you want, WoW's pvp is still waaaaaaaay more balanced than the warzone fest in TOR. Lets take.....maurauders? They are trash in pvp by design, and especially on huttball. Which if you play one, is what you are most likely to get.


WoW on the other hand, doesn't make you play a game for 85 levels and just say "oh re-roll somehting because your ENTIRE class is trash" no, wow always has an option.


Also, WoW didn't have a useless trees on certain classes *sniper*.



4. Actual depth: WoW.


3 warzones with really just bland ideas except huttball. On small maps, with small numbers. This stuff isn't hard people.


The pvp gear is random drop........

The gear is a few stats off of pve.........

The gear is only available at 50 with expertise........

It actually looks worse than wow's, and especially now with transmog.


I can go on.


There really isn't even a contest.







1. The reason they do this is because they have too in the start of the game or they would seriously punish people leveling quickly, which just does not work in an MMO since that would just destroy the logic behind the game. So obviously brackets works in WoW because there is enough players at level85 to actually do BG's with.


2. You can not say this yet unless you know the ability of every class and know what the animations actually does. In WoW this was easy simply because of the fact that the game has been out for so long and everyone know every ability, SW:TOR is a brand new game.


3. The balance is actually better in this game then what it is in WoW. And seeing as you talk about Marauders as underpowered I do realize that you really have no clue. I am completely rolling everything and everyone I meet in WZ's, regardless of level/gear on my Sentinel.


4. The bag system is pretty bad if you are unlucky, I can agree with this to a 100%. Although I do not agree with the gearing system in WoW being any better at all since anyone can just casually do some RBG's and get the best possible PvP gear by actually not doing anything at all. Also the three WZ's are very fun imo compared to the BG's in WoW.


Obviously the game is lacking content at the moment for PvP, I can agree to this. Although I still prefer this PvP to WoW's any day of the week as it is right now.

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The mere fact that everyone is comparing a 2 week old game to an 8 year old game speaks volumes.


Those very same idiots making the comparisons probably never saw WoW beta, TM/SS 'World PvP' and the MASSIVE issues WoW had during its launch.


WoW set the standard sure - but it took years to get there.


Just to refresh everyone's memories who were there for WoW launch...remember the frequent CTD's? Remember the constant server crashes? Remember the 2-3 hour queues to get back in? Remember that on launch...WoW never had ANY Battlegrounds/Arena/PvP Objective Zones?


The TM/SS Zerg and lag fest, solo/small group ganking at Cross Roads/Menethil Harbor was all we had...till TBC (or thereabouts) was released. That was at least 8-12 months after vanilla folks.


Lastly if you truly did miss WoW quite that much...then hit the road jack and head on back to Azeroth where you belong looool.

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For me at the moment WoW has better PvP. I am not giving up on SWTOR and intend to be here for the long term but it needs some fixes to make it more playable. Mouseover macros would go a long way to making PvP more fun for me here, I have played healers in most PvP environments and no mouseover macro or a tickbox option to cast a spell on mouseover is a bad move. I even found Rifts PvP more fun than what I get here and Rifts PvP balance was awful for a long time and it may well still be, I havent played Rift for a few months.


Macros are a crutch.

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Anyone that have played both games and actually know something about them would agree.


everyone 2 shoting eachother or CC'ing the other until it die is not "balance" yes wow has several ***/OP class like sub rogue or frost mage but SWTOR feel like every class is a mix of Fmage, Sub rogue and elemental shaman fighting in the middle of eye of the storm.


I could easily say "Anyone that played both games and actually know something about them would agree WoW has better PvP" without any proof whatsoever

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The mere fact that everyone is comparing a 2 week old game to an 8 year old game speaks volumes.


Those very same idiots making the comparisons probably never saw WoW beta, TM/SS 'World PvP' and the MASSIVE issues WoW had during its launch.


WoW set the standard sure - but it took years to get there.


Just to refresh everyone's memories who were there for WoW launch...remember the frequent CTD's? Remember the constant server crashes? Remember the 2-3 hour queues to get back in? Remember that on launch...WoW never had ANY Battlegrounds/Arena/PvP Objective Zones?


The TM/SS Zerg and lag fest, solo/small group ganking at Cross Roads/Menethil Harbor was all we had...till TBC (or thereabouts) was released. That was at least 8-12 months after vanilla folks.


Lastly if you truly did miss WoW quite that much...then hit the road jack and head on back to Azeroth where you belong looool.


A game that comes out nowadays is expected to be at a higher level, don't you agree? Come out more polished, better BG's/WZs/Scenarios/whatever the name.


Or you expect every game to launch with same problems from 8 years ago? and it's ok? because WoW had problems at launch?!? This is stupid.

Players pay and demand a new game to come out better that any previous game.

It's a fact of games industry even any other business nowadays.

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wow has no pvp system :p

wow pvp system is grievous bodily harm


swtor pvp system is close to this but at least it has more structure than wow system


ok i throw in a new comparison


just compare swtor/wow pvp with daoc

guess who will win ^^

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wow has no pvp system :p

wow pvp system is grievous bodily harm


swtor pvp system is close to this but at least it has more structure than wow system


ok i throw in a new comparison


just compare swtor/wow pvp with daoc

guess who will win ^^


DAoC ofc

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When melee doesn't get crapped on for merely seeing a ranged class, SWTOR PVP will be better. Right now? With the innate ability delay and WZ lag ( which , admittedly, has gotten better) that melee suffers more because of, sorry, have to give it to WOW for now.
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WoW- same pvp matches, over and over- AB is Gilneas, WSG is the same as Twin Peaks, the siege ones were once good, but are now races- AV was once the best pvp ever, hands down, but is now a race where pvp is discouraged- EotS is just WSG and AB put together. Years of time, and they're doing nothing but repeat the same thing.


And SWTOR doesn't repeat the same matches?:rolleyes:

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Let's arrive at a balance agreement shall we for each period of WoW history - most of the high ranked WoW veterans can tell me if I'm right or wrong.




Tarren Mill


PoMPyro mages

Random, unbreakable, infinite fear (50% of the time to death, 50% of the time to casters death)

Geared Berserker Warriors

Reckoning Paladins

Stunlocks - real stunlocks, ie, you die before you escape


30s+ CC





Immortal, unkillable healers were the general problem here.


S1: Holy paladins in full PVE shadow res gear fighting shadow priests and warlocks. Comedy 2v2 glads


S2: Resto druids


S3: Resto druids, disc priest manaburn


S4: Rogues with glaives. Windfury stacking





S5-S8: General one shot fest.


S5: Ret paladins, unholy DKs


S6: Unholy DK, frost mages


S7: Caster cleaves


S8: Super caster cleaves, Shadowmourne cleaves





S9: Resto shamans and the general state of the game


I didn't even play S10, I was so irritated with the state of WoW PvP. The above problems are just the ones that were so outstandingly imbalanced that they were virtually uncounterable. Anyone who played against a Ret paladin (and I should know, I was one) in S5 knows what I mean by uncounterable.

Edited by Bakarn
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I've played them. I actually liked Eve somewhat, but would never in a million years call it balanced.


Mortal Online and Darkfall were awful IMO. Clunky. Grindy. Balanced only because every person was exactly the same and could do everything.



I suppose if this game or WoW had one class, PvP would be balanced. I personally don't like that kind of PvP. I prefer variety. But everyone feels differently of course.


Exactly, if PvP would be balanced, that means all classes are same and have same abilities.....Thats sounds realy fun.


This game kick asss, every class is OP, its like mma, everything is allowed! I love it!

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