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PvP: TOR vs WoW


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TOR by far. When it comes to class balance wow is so far away from the mark it's funny, even after 7 years. I played wow for 6 years and I lost count of the amount of times they failed to balance classes. They made arenas to try and get wow accepted as an "e-sport" along side games like CS, but as they couldn't balance it no one accepted it.


But then neither are pvp focused games, if you want a proper pvp "MMO" then play something like global agenda or Eve.


Plus Huttball just blows away anything wow has had to offer for pvp content.

Edited by NasherUK
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if you need macro's then you are bad.


Do you know what my healing macro in WoW is?


/cast @mouseover Flash Heal


It casts Flash Heal when I move my mouse over a player in the raid frame on that player. It does not play the game for me, it does not kill you instadead, it does not make me a cup of tea, It does not kill everything in the zone you're in while I pop to the kitchen to make more tea, it performs a simple function that should have been implemented into the game from the start instead of taking me back to the old ways I had to work with in FFXI.... Get over your hate of macros, they will not hurt you.

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Sadly WoW did have pretty good balance once, too bad big changes screwed it over.


I think that S3/S4 was the most balanced seasons, along with S8. There was alot of fotm comps etc all these seasons, but you still had the fact that most people on the top were still great players, regardless of what comp they were playing.




Warrior/druid completely dominated s3/4, and s8 was wizards...


IMO these were some of the least balanced seasons.

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Do you know what my healing macro in WoW is?


/cast @mouseover Flash Heal


It casts Flash Heal when I move my mouse over a player in the raid frame on that player. It does not play the game for me, it does not kill you instadead, it does not make me a cup of tea, It does not kill everything in the zone you're in while I pop to the kitchen to make more tea, it performs a simple function that should have been implemented into the game from the start instead of taking me back to the old ways I had to work with in FFXI.... Get over your hate of macros, they will not hurt you.


it makes the game easier for you to play, but really isnt needed.


what's wrong with clicking on the target and pressing your heal?

is that too much to ask for?

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Obviously WOW


they have arenas and rated battlegrounds and don't have severe glaring balance issues like a bh or an operative killing someone in 3 seconds (not an exaggeration). Atleast in wow when fast kills like that happen good players actually have the tools to stop it from happening in the first place. The only big problem they are faced with atm is end game pve gear causing problems this season.


Can't even argue with the fact that there are delays in actions in swtor and gameplay in wow is smooth. Definitely a high priority problem that needs to be fixed soon.


A frost mage is more OP than a BH. Just going to inform you of this.


Also look at vanilla warlocks.


*Cant do that while feared*

*Cant do that while feared*

*Cant do that while feared*

*Cant do that while feared*

*Cant do that while dead*

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it makes the game easier for you to play, but really isnt needed.


what's wrong with clicking on the target and pressing your heal?

is that too much to ask for?


PvP is about reactions, wasting a second clicking on your name in my raid frame to target you means you die faster than you needed to, if I need to get that heal off now moving my mouse to target you wasted time.

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Both are kind of crap. Healing is wayyyyyyy to op in both games, but at least tor has fewer healers and its not quite as big of an issue.


My biggest problem is that all 3 bgs HEAVILY favor ranged classes (who are already incredibly strong). That and operatives being horribly OP.

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PvP is about reactions, wasting a second clicking on your name in my raid frame to target you means you die faster than you needed to, if I need to get that heal off now moving my mouse to target you wasted time.


it works for both sides.

so argument = invalid.

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it works for both sides.

so argument = invalid.


I could sit here and argue about it all day but there is no point, you have a problem with a simple function most MMO's supply which helps your healers and makes their job easier. I don't have a problem with this simple function.

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I could sit here and argue about it all day but there is no point, you have a problem with a simple function most MMO's supply which helps your healers and makes their job easier. I don't have a problem with this simple function.


i previously posted i dont have a problem with them adding it, i played swg, you could do anything in that game with macro's, i always performed better in pvp without them tho as i could perform actions faster myself.


all im saying is you do not need them, but you would like to see it added so your play is improved from an AI perspective.


no reason to come to the forums demanding it :)

Edited by Scotland
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i previously posted i dont have a problem with them adding it, i played swg, you could do anything in that game with macro's, i always performed better in pvp without them tho as i could perform actions faster myself.


all im saying is you do not need them, but you would like to see it added so your play is improved from an AI perspective.


no reason to come to the forums demanding it :)


I never demanded


Mouseover macros would go a long way to making PvP more fun for me here, I have played healers in most PvP environments and no mouseover macro or a tickbox option to cast a spell on mouseover is a bad move.


I stated they would go a long way to making PvP more enjoyable from my perspective. I also suggested I felt it was a bad move to not implement them from launch. But there are bigger issues facing the game at this moment in time that others seem to be suffering with that require attention. Still I hope to see them implemented in the future when they do work with the UI and hopefully make a few changes.

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I never demanded




I stated they would go a long way to making PvP more enjoyable from my perspective. I also suggested I felt it was a bad move to not implement them from launch. But there are bigger issues facing the game at this moment in time that others seem to be suffering with that require attention. Still I hope to see them implemented in the future when they do work with the UI and hopefully make a few changes.


all in all, not needed.

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SWG had a great dynamic pvp system (I stopped playing post NGE though), only problem was the old TEF system which I got used to.


WoW's pvp isn't that bad but it's not that great either, it used to be incredibly imbalanced favoring warlocks and hunters but it's better now these days. Dealing with twinks in the 10-19 and 20-29 brackets were a pain in the arse while leveling an al since fury warriors and rogues were dominant, but going into 40 and higher brackets were a much better experience, I pvp'd alot with a shaman and occasionally a priest.


In SWTOR, I think pvp is decent, I'm just tired of huttball and would like to see a WZ selection option, I bet NOBODY would pick huttball if that selection option was added, Voidstar is my favorite so far. Also encountering opposite factions while questing is pretty rare, only on Tatooine I've seen so far. After the patch from the other day, I lag so badly in Alderaan, I hope BW fixes that.

Edited by Sookster
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Warrior/druid completely dominated s3/4, and s8 was wizards...


IMO these were some of the least balanced seasons.


Well, in S3 and S4 warlock / druid dominated 2v2 un-contested, only thing that could stop it was a really really well played rogue / druid, thats it. So that shows how much you actually know.


And S8 was wizards mostly, yes.


But I am talking about high ratings here, and skilled players always making it to the top regardless of class, thats balance to me. Balance is not people at 2.4k rating whining about how OP some other comp is.

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SWG had a great dynamic pvp system (I stopped playing post NGE though), only problem was the old TEF system which I got used to.


WoW's pvp isn't that bad but it's not that great either, it used to be incredibly imbalanced favoring warlocks and hunters but it's better now these days. Dealing with twinks in the 10-19 and 20-29 brackets were a pain in the arse while leveling an al since fury warriors and rogues were dominant, but going into 40 and higher brackets were a much better experience, I pvp'd alot with a shaman and occasionally a priest.


In SWTOR, I think pvp is decent, I'm just tired of huttball and would like to see a WZ selection option, I bet NOBODY would pick huttball if that selection option was added, Voidstar is my favorite so far. Also encountering opposite factions while questing is pretty rare, only on Tatooine I've seen so far. After the patch from the other day, I lag so badly in Alderaan, I hope BW fixes that.


the last year of swg pvp was by far the best pvp to be had in any mmo.


the most balanced pvp ever.

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WoW has terrible pvp.


A fully geared player can easily kill someone in two seconds, even at the same level- compare to this where I can be effective in pvp at low levels- even against 50s, as a 34 BH I can get 4 huttball caps alone, and in many games.


WoW- pvp is nothing but BGs and horribly balanced arena, BGs have hour or more queues- TOR, next to no queues.


The class balance in WoW is absolutely awful- look at Arena statistics, and you'll see classes like warrior, pally, druid and mage with 15% of the ratings above 2k... and then you'll see hunters with 1%.



And speaking of bugs, since that's a popular issue. Hunters- get one CC break, which you need your pet to use- and only gets rid of snares and slows... however, if you can LOS the hunter from his pet with a snare or slow- which in arena is very easy with all the pillars and platforms- you can prevent a hunter from using their snare or slow break WITH A SNARE OR SLOW!


It's the only class which can be CCed out of their CC break with the very CC that it's meant to break. But that's not all, not only is there that, but the hunter has no stuns- with exception of their pet- so let's look at the pet and bugs.


In the summer 2011, Blizz had known about a bug for over a year, in which a hunter pet spawns with 2% of their max health, and stays like that for up to 10 seconds. This means, if you rez your pet, take it out after it vanishes due to being too far, or use your instant rez talent- your pet can be one shot by any aoe or auto attack for up to 10 seconds- and remember, hunters need their pet to use their one CC break... in the case of BM hunters, they need their pet to do anything at all.



That wasn't fixed after a year, during Cataclysm, when the game's been out for years- I don't know if it's still broken now, but you want an obvious game breaking mechanic? Look at WoW.


WoW- same pvp matches, over and over- AB is Gilneas, WSG is the same as Twin Peaks, the siege ones were once good, but are now races- AV was once the best pvp ever, hands down, but is now a race where pvp is discouraged- EotS is just WSG and AB put together. Years of time, and they're doing nothing but repeat the same thing.


TOR we only have three, but they're considerably different- we have one like AB, one like Rush mode, and one which is more like a deadly basketball game- so far.



Which is the other thing. TOR has the potential to grow- they have the chance to show they can add more, and they haven't had years to do so yet. WoW has had years, and the pvp has steadily declined- a very tiny amount of people actually like arena, the new world pvp zone is garbage compared to Wintergrasp, and their battlegrounds become more and more watered down as people start whining for them to be less for pvp and more for grinding tokens.




TOR is better pvp, no question... but, you're also comparing TOR to one of the worst pvp games on the market- compare TOR to WoW's pve if you want a challenge.

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I think most of you are just being fan boys and not looking at it objectively. If you compare both games in their current state I do not see how you can compare SWTOR to WoW ESPECIALLY for the responsiveness issue alone. PvP is about fast reaction and fast targeting and when you can keyboard macro your partners targets or abilities of your partner as can you opponents the pace gets much faster.


I do not entirely understand how everyone complains about arena and I am very impressed with the number of gladiators that seem to show up in SWTOR but for the most part arena and classes are balanced meaning a good player can run a decent comp that is not just completely illogical and still get up the ladder to a decent level. And hell ATLEAST they offer the ability to play arena... no comparison in SWTOR because there is not even an option to do so... Honestly though from my standpoint class balance in this game is not an opportunity area from what I have seen. I think many players are still learning what each class does in this game so the arguments of x class is overpowered are still kind of new.


I think SWTOR is fresh and I like the concept of some of the new warzones like Huttball the problem is the game play is just blatantly less responsive then a more polished MMO at the moment that I do not see it as competitive unless your just looking to trash on WoW. I think World PvP is an area that SWTOR has a HUGE opportunity to shine over WoW at the moment but have not done so. If you are comparing these two games then having a solid successful world PvP event that draws your players consistently together, then you have a solid advantage. That being said I have seen nothing from Bioware to do that yet....but this game has been out for not even a month so figuring out answers to these questions is definitely something that can hopefully happen before too many subscribers grow bored of the content.

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