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PvP: TOR vs WoW


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If anyone think that ALL the balance problems in WoW where mistakes you are clearly delusional !!


Blizzard is rotating the "OPs" and the "Nerfed to the ground" cycle to make the FOTM kidos spend more time lvling new chars thus more money for Blizzard. Instead of making new content worth playing in they just rotate the nerfs making ppl reroll and pay for few more months before they they nerf his new char or over buff some other char.


Didn't you notice ? After 7 years they still can't understand that buffing someone who is only slightly UP by 20-35% damage is dumb. All the OPs are well known on the forums even before the changes hit the live. Most of the changes are so clearly OP that ppl can see it from the Patch notes alone . Yet it still hits the live and the Fotm cycle of money making continues !!

Edited by Equilibrio
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If anyone think that ALL the balance problems in WoW where mistakes you are clearly delusional !!


Blizzard is rotating the "OPs" and the "Nerfed to the ground" cycle to make the FOTM kidos spend more time lvling new chars thus more money for Blizzard. Instead of making new content worth playing in they just rotate the nerfs making ppl reroll and pay for few more months before they they nerf his new char or over buff some other char.


Didn't you notice ? After 7 years they still can't understand that buffing someone who is only slightly UP by 20-35% damage is dumb. All the OPs are well known on the forums even before the changes hit the live. Most of the changes are so clearly OP that ppl can see it from the Patch notes alone . Yet it still hits the live and the Fotm cycle of money making continues !!


No, that is not the reason, its the fact that they can not actually balance the classes around PvP at all. Its not even the fact that they nerfed my class, its the fact that they dumbed it down to the point where making clutch stuff no longer mattered, because someone just pressing 1-2-3 did the same things I did, which is pathetic, and the reason to why I quit.


I never rerolled once and I wont do in this game either, I stick to my class. Only people who cant adapt reroll.

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Comparing a game that has been tunned for 7years + development to a game that was released 15 days ago gives me the following data:


1 - you are an idiot

2 - you are an idiot

3 - you are an idiot


to sum up you are an idiot

Edited by hypnose
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Comparing a game that has been tunned for 7years + development to a game that was released 15 days ago gives me the following data:


1 - you are an idiot

2 - you are an iditot

3 - you are an iditot


to sum up you are an iditot



Yeah those iditots annoy me. :D

Edited by Zetara
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For me at the moment WoW has better PvP. I am not giving up on SWTOR and intend to be here for the long term but it needs some fixes to make it more playable. Mouseover macros would go a long way to making PvP more fun for me here, I have played healers in most PvP environments and no mouseover macro or a tickbox option to cast a spell on mouseover is a bad move. I even found Rifts PvP more fun than what I get here and Rifts PvP balance was awful for a long time and it may well still be, I havent played Rift for a few months.
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Considering that in SWTOR a Merc can be top dps by only spamming The One Ability, (everyone should know which one I'm talking about), a Jedi Consular who focuses solely on healing is as killable as a War Priest in WAR back in the day (immortal), and a Sith Assassin has no stealth openers whatsoever, I think I'm gonna have to go with WoW (before Cata).
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As a 6 times Gladiator i have to say that SW:Tor has the better PvP. If they will fix the Ability Delay, improve Ilum, Improve Tatooine and introduce new Warzones there is no reason someone should Play WoW over SW:Tor, unless he really enjoy Arena. Abilities and Classes in SW:Tor are just much better, deeper and way funnier to play Edited by Teabaker
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No, that is not the reason, its the fact that they can not actually balance the classes around PvP at all. Its not even the fact that they nerfed my class, its the fact that they dumbed it down to the point where making clutch stuff no longer mattered, because someone just pressing 1-2-3 did the same things I did, which is pathetic, and the reason to why I quit.


I never rerolled once and I wont do in this game either, I stick to my class. Only people who cant adapt reroll.



You miss understood me, i was not talking about YOU i was talking about that other guy who plays wow -.- . I was just stating a well known WoW fact that is no news to any seasoned wow player. If you do not act this way doesn't mean its not happening so ......... saying "No, that is not the reason" is a little presumptuous aint it ?

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For me at the moment WoW has better PvP. I am not giving up on SWTOR and intend to be here for the long term but it needs some fixes to make it more playable. Mouseover macros would go a long way to making PvP more fun for me here, I have played healers in most PvP environments and no mouseover macro or a tickbox option to cast a spell on mouseover is a bad move. I even found Rifts PvP more fun than what I get here and Rifts PvP balance was awful for a long time and it may well still be, I havent played Rift for a few months.


if you need macro's then you are bad.

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You miss understood me, i was not talking about YOU i was talking about that other guy who plays wow -.- . I was just stating a well known WoW fact that is no news to any seasoned wow player. If you do not act this way doesn't mean its not happening so ......... saying "No, that is not the reason" is a little presumptuous aint it ?


But you grasp this out of nowhere, thats the thing.

You assume that Blizzard would keep making changes so people would reroll, although in fact more people are quitting each and every day just because the PvP is so attrociously bad. If the system is decently balanced noone would be forced to reroll and people would be happy with the PvP.


So your logic is extremely flawed.

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I don't know how a being with a SLIGHT bit of intelligence would even consider SWTOR to have better PvP.


What does SWTOR have? Bad Warfronts=check, bad gearing system=check, bad open PvP=check, laggy PvP=check, imbalanced classes=check.


WOW is better in every regard and it has Arenas+Rated battlegrounds. I really don't know what you people are smoking.

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I don't know how a being with a SLIGHT bit of intelligence would even consider SWTOR to have better PvP.


What does SWTOR have? Bad Warfronts=check, bad gearing system=check, bad open PvP=check, laggy PvP=check, imbalanced classes=check.


WOW is better in every regard and it has Arenas+Rated battlegrounds. I really don't know what you people are smoking.


Gearing system is just as bad in WoW.

Anyone can get the best possible gear by doing absolutely nothing, its the exact same thing.

The imbalances on classes in WoW surpasses the imbalances in this game, BY FAR.

I prefer these Warzones to the BG's in WoW definately, but this is just a question about taste.

WoW has **** world PvP aswell because of flying mounts.

Laggy PvP is because of the ability delay, which they are currently looking in to and will fix, as they have stated before, so this wont be an issue for long. And honestly it doesnt effect your gameplay that much.


The only thing I really miss is arenas, since RBG's has been an utter joke since the release of it.

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if you need macro's then you are bad.


Baddie who thinks all macros are castsequence. Focus macros for example are insanely clutch in pvp. Why would I tab target, use an interrupt, tab back then attack. Especially since targeting in general is bad in this game atm.


This game's pvp is a long ways off because it isn't fluid. I press a key and it won't work numerous times, damage goes off after animations are played, animations often stutter and further delay damage, oh and strafing around targets that cast is completely pointless since their body automatically faces you.

Edited by Nashi
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I don't know how a being with a SLIGHT bit of intelligence would even consider SWTOR to have better PvP.


What does SWTOR have? Bad Warfronts=check, bad gearing system=check, bad open PvP=check, laggy PvP=check, imbalanced classes=check.


WOW is better in every regard and it has Arenas+Rated battlegrounds. I really don't know what you people are smoking.


go back to wow then, lol.

im sure they need the subs.

Edited by Scotland
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Baddie who thinks all macros are castsequence. Focus macros for example are insanely clutch in pvp. Why would I tab target, use an interrupt, tab back then attack. Especially since targeting in general is bad in this game atm.


l2click target frand.

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Stated them tons of time on this forum already, but ok. Darkfall Online, Mortal Online, Eve Online.


I've played them. I actually liked Eve somewhat, but would never in a million years call it balanced.


Mortal Online and Darkfall were awful IMO. Clunky. Grindy. Balanced only because every person was exactly the same and could do everything.



I suppose if this game or WoW had one class, PvP would be balanced. I personally don't like that kind of PvP. I prefer variety. But everyone feels differently of course.

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You're asking which is better... a game that hasn't screwed up its mechanics up via overflowing feedback... or a game that completely messed up with feedback by making healers able to tank several DPS at once.


Must be bad at dps and arenas. Grats on 1400.

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Click target is bad too, nameplates are untargetable, also click target is slow as **** compared to macros, don't be so ignorant.


im not being ignorant, im just stating you do not need macro's to compete in this game, adding them would not bother me all so much but you dont need them!


crying you want something added to the game cause it makes you play better is just silly.

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i must say pvp in swtor is really balanced. I prefer pvp than raiding in wow, and i loved wow pvp. This game has the same fluid like motion as in wow pvp, but more balanced. You dont get one shotted by friggin frost mages.


Ever char has a purpose on this game, makes it feel epic.

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