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4th Jan Maintenance day.


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They will announce "huge changes" (actually things that should have been there at launch) for after free period is over. I am sure of it. You will get NOTHING before. They will not give the chance for the people to decide by actually playing a game with just bugs and not MAJOR bugs. Bugs will always be. we can live with it. MAJOR bugs and flaws... well ... this is another story.
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Im wondering whats up with those large 8hr maintenance shifts?



I have to criticize that yet again its so unfitting for us Europeans (+2GMT).


Are you going to die if you can't play the game for 8 hours?

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Correct me if i'm Wrong. But wasn't Bioware so proud when they announced and described the hero engine a long time ago, stating that downtime would be insignificant because the Hero engine allowed patching on the fly, that is no need for bringing the servers down...


Granted, the game is new, but 8+ hours downtime is way to long. Underestimated the business of running an MMO have they, hmm...? ;)

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Are you going to die if you can't play the game for 8 hours?


Maybe you don't have time to play at this hour, or maybe you just don't mind... Well, I do.


I paid for the game, and would like not to be robbed of eight hours of gameplay, especially when I can and am willing to play.

Last time, it was offline for almost whole day, I couldn't play later, so I wasted another day of my sub (first was due to problems with subscription, but Bioware don't care).


As someone not sky-rocketing with level, this feels even worse, as I can't progress the story that really interests me.

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