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I am quite tired of starting EVERY match being 3 people down than the imperials. Sometimes the match starts with us only having 4 or 5 people. By the time it fills in the gaps it's over.


It doesn't seem to be based on any time of day it's almost every single match played the imperials are full, the republic is down a couple people.


There needs to be something to prevent matches from starting when they are not even.


I'm sure this isn't a problem to any imperial because you guys enjoy being able to steam roll us all day long but dang I am really tired of this unbalanced teams.


Please give us brackets and full team starts.


NO level 10 is going to beat ANY level 50 EVER!!!!!! in a warzone, so why is it allowed.


Brackets and full teams....GO.

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Oh Hell no, HELL NO, no brackets. It's already hard enough to find 10-20 people to do a warzone, do you realize how hard it would be to find 10-20 people for EVERY LEVEL RANGE?


Tell me you are trolling, for real.


I find this rather ridiculous considering the number of people complaining about "lowbies" ruining their games and how they shouldn't be allowed to queue cause they're useless.


A majority of my games so far has been consisting of 10-30 and then a group of 50s that roflstomp things.


Again with the whole "brackets?! OMG DON'T BREAK IT UP INTO 10 LEVEL GAPS!!". This is not WoW. Not every game that uses brackets breaks it up the same way as WoW. Please get that out of your head and then rethink about the idea of "brackets".


brackets are a bad idea as has been said before. but what to do about balance? that seems to be a persistant issue as the majority of players are rolling sith.


As for this I've been wondering this lately. The mechanic for Huttball honestly seems..rather amazing and I wonder why they didn't try to incorporate it into other gamemodes. Nothing says instanced PvP has to be strictly against the other "faction". This would solve all imbalanced population issues associated with PvP. Sure the whole "shoot the enemy ship down" mechanic or "steal the enemy factions info" setup wouldn't work but that's a fairly easy solution to design around.

Edited by Bdrewsy
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