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What would go well with a Imperial Operative?


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I'm thinking of lvling a Operative and would like to know what class would go best with it, since I'm going to be playing with another person and they want to know what class to be. We'll be doing PvP and PvE so would like to know what other peoples thoughts are. Thanks.
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It really depends on what you want to be doing, if you want to be healing or dpsing, and what your friend wants to be doing. There really are no wrong choices but he sholud take something that he enjoys (or she).


I'm playing the game with two friends. I play a Juggernaut, a friend heals on his sorceror and the third makes my life difficult with Bounty Hunter AoE. The Bounty Hunter is a tremendously fun class to play, but the story is quite cheezy.

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It really depends on what you want to be doing, if you want to be healing or dpsing, and what your friend wants to be doing. There really are no wrong choices but he sholud take something that he enjoys (or she).


I'm playing the game with two friends. I play a Juggernaut, a friend heals on his sorceror and the third makes my life difficult with Bounty Hunter AoE. The Bounty Hunter is a tremendously fun class to play, but the story is quite cheezy.




Ops are best at healing and DPS, and can even tank a bit. But you won't be particularly great at all three.


My OP was primarily spec'd for DPS until about level 29, and until that point I had been able to heal every FP I had done with only 5 or 6 (can't remember) points into the healing tree.


Probably a real tank would be best of all so, Powertech or Juggernaut. Then you can DPS stuff down and throw heals on the tank.


Don't forget though that your partner's companion will also factor in to the equation. If he goes Bounty Hunter, for example, he'll have a companion with small heals, and between the two of you you'll be able to do many Heroic 4-mans because you'll be able to CC 2 mobs for a minute each. (Being able to mez two mobs at once pretty much constantly if you keep track of it is very powerful in heroics.) An inquisitor has similar CC abilities and a tanking companion that is a pretty good tank if you keep them geared.


You can also gear up your companion to be a ranged-tank. So I guess, in reality, it would be hard to go wrong.

Edited by Mannic
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