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Healing castbar bug.


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Class: Sith Inquisitor

Spec: Heal

Que timer: 0.25sec

Spell Buildup: Resurgence > Dark Infusion > Dark Infusion.


What should happen: Cast a HoT that reduces the cast time of your next Dark Infusion by 1 second and then a normal cast time on the 2nd Dark Infusion.


What the game tells me: Cast HoT > Dark Infusion with 1.5sec cast time > Dark Infusion with 1.5sec cast time.


What actually happends: Cast HoT > Dark Infusion with 1.5sec cast time > Dark Infusion with 2.5sec cast time.


What is wrong: The cast bar of the second Dark Infusion tells me that it only takes 1.5sec. While this should be 2.5sec.


Frequency: 90% of the time when i do this.


Caused by: Placing your 2nd Dark Infusion in the que while the 1st one is still casting!


This feels as lack of responsiveness, but in reality it is just the game giving you wrong info while acting 100% correct. Hope it helps Bioware and fellow healers out there!

Edited by ShaggyShow
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Indeed just a minor thing when you know it. But untill i realized it, it was driving me nutz tbh.

Seeing all the posts about the responsiveness, including me ;), i think it is pretty usefull to share this and find some more of these kinda bugs.


Seeing that the game gives you a wrong timed castbar just because the 1st dark infusion is not done casting, there is a high chance more classes have this problem with certain abilitys and followups. Since it seems to be a small issue about how the game registers if you should have a proc or not and what it feedback it gives you about it.


Just hope this prevents some poor innocent mouse flying through someones room :D

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