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Insta-Travel cooldown timer(30 mins), shoud it go away?


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I know this will be a contentious post but think it needs to be addressed


Should Insta-Travel between Quest Hubs have a cooldown?


I honestly cannot see any type of exploit, maybe others can see it.


I just see it a an obvious attempt at, another, timesink. One that , really, doesnt need to exist. It's very convenient at times but very annoying when its badly timed.


Its a small thing but still an annoyance and this game has more then enough "small onnayances".


Just food for thought.

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I would try to explain that limiting travel is necessary to creating a more immersive world, but every time anyone tries to explain this to someone who doesn't already understand it seems to fail miserably.


But it's better that it's limited, you'll thank me later.

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I want to go even further.


I really don't like that I can call for a friggin shuttle several stories down in an underground base. This also breaks immersion. Go outdoors if you want extraction. Levels can be designed so that there is a handy exit if it would take too long for you to go out the way you came.


I don't mnid travel times in an MMO. It's part of what makes you immersed in the world, but there will always be those that just want to teleport around everywhere they go. This isn't Star Trek. We aren't in the business of beaming people :).

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Besides breaking immersion....I really dont wanna feel like a mge "porting" to every outpost.


With this game, how would it be "Breaking Immmersion"? I rarely see other players hor after hour, how would constant Insta-Travel be wrong?


WIth the way "Sectors" and questing are designed, its not like anyone will be using it every 1-2 mins. Its just those few times where the timing is off.

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I want to go even further.


I really don't like that I can call for a friggin shuttle several stories down in an underground base. This also breaks immersion. Go outdoors if you want extraction. Levels can be designed so that there is a handy exit if it would take too long for you to go out the way you came.


I don't mnid travel times in an MMO. It's part of what makes you immersed in the world, but there will always be those that just want to teleport around everywhere they go. This isn't Star Trek. We aren't in the business of beaming people :).


Ya know what, dont give me the "Immersion BS", its nothing more then a "Timesink".


I dont know how much time you have to play this game every week? I work a full time job.


I have been playing since Release and character is only 25.


Screw your "Immersion". I am getting, very, annoyed at "Timesinks" for this game.

Edited by Kunra
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Its a small thing but still an annoyance and this game has more then enough "small onnayances".


Just food for thought.


It's fine. MMO's are always full of what you call "annoyances," and they should be. Any game that focuses completely on instant gratification for everyone... well, it's going to suck.


Part of the point is that you're supposed to get out there and, you know, do stuff, and explore, instead on constantly teleporting from place to place. There's no need for it, and there's certainly no need to cater to people who are just too lazy to actually move from one place to another.

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Ya know what, dont give me the "Immersion BS", its nothing more then a "Timesink".


I dont know how much time you have to play this game every week? I work a full time job.


I have been playing since Release and character is only 25.


Screw your "Immersion". I am getting, very, annoyed at "Timesinks" for this game.


My max level currently is 21 and I have been playing since the 16:th. This might give you a hint of how much time I have to play.


I will take Immersion over QOL any day, within reasonable limits (this is a game after all), but shuttlecraft navigating the corridors of military bases is something I would dearly like to se removed from the game. It's not a hearth stone or a transporter.

Edited by Eegorr
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I want to go even further.


I really don't like that I can call for a friggin shuttle several stories down in an underground base. This also breaks immersion. Go outdoors if you want extraction. Levels can be designed so that there is a handy exit if it would take too long for you to go out the way you came.


I don't mnid travel times in an MMO. It's part of what makes you immersed in the world, but there will always be those that just want to teleport around everywhere they go. This isn't Star Trek. We aren't in the business of beaming people :).


Yup, I agree with what you say here. Make the gaming world more of a "world" than just a lobby for action.

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No. that level of access to fast travel would be abused.


Not to mention that a timer on abilities like this encourage you to be thoughtful about when you use it and how you use it to your best advantage.


I don't think we need a game so dumbed-down that all need for thought and tactics to move through the game are done away with. If you do that, might as well just put a /50 button you the spell bar along with a /I-win and a /I-quit button while you are at it.


/two cents

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Once you said "Screw your immersion" in the most juvenille and antagonistic way possible you probably lost the sympathy of almost everyone here while proving the point of everyone who posted before you.


If you can quick travel everywhere why even have a world at all? You could just have quest rooms and eliminate travel all together. Why have graphics? They up computer requirements and take up bandwidth; text would be quicker. It worked for Zork.


I could go on about things like missing bonus objectives and missions and about a dozen other things but it's clear you aren't actually interested in reasons and discussion.

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What I would like to see fixed (if at all possible) is all of the loading screens. I know this is a problem, but there are techniques to dynamicaly load content. I'm pretty certain WoW uses them to not load Ashenvale while running around in Orgrimmar. I'm also certain that the devs know about this and that it would be a feat to pull off. Still, if it could be done it would add to the immersion even more.
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Ya know what, dont give me the "Immersion BS", its nothing more then a "Timesink".


I dont know how much time you have to play this game every week? I work a full time job.


I have been playing since Release and character is only 25.


Screw your "Immersion". I am getting, very, annoyed at "Timesinks" for this game.


Then you should stop playing mmo's. They are all time sinks.

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