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PvP gear too easy to get.


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PvP gear is too easy to get IMHO. I just hit 50 two days ago and (with pure luck?) I already have my 3 out of 5 set bonuses, two implants, a weapon, boots, relic, and earring from opening bags. I even got two extra chests and a helmet which I stole the mods out of. I haven't even done any flash points or hard modes yet.


I remember Vanilla WoW with the retarded decaying rank system where you had to grind HARDCORE just to get the best gear and even after changing the system around it still took you a while to grind the basic gear. Other games usually made it take a day or two just to get one piece of gear. It wasn't fun, but it helped drag out of the longevity until the next tier of PvP content came out.


I already know we're not a month into the game, but I'm going to get bored fast if I get completely geared out in just one month.

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You were lucky that's it.


From 40 bags, i got 1 wrist and 4 relics, i'm starting to really dislike MMO devs always picking the simple way of coding things with the RNG.:rolleyes:

Edited by Fufy
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Champion gear is fine it's rate of attainment should be fairly simple so new 50s can get them quickly so they have a chance later on against the better geared veterans. BM gear is not so easy to get other than the level requirement those bags are far and few between and based on the dumb luck principle of looting it can take forever.
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