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For the Love of All that is Holy.....


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Put diminishing returns on CC. As a melee class, here's how a typical match goes when I go to engage and get focused:


- stun (full duration)

- stun (full duration)

- stun (full duration)

- stun (full duration)


and if I'm not already dead....


- knockback (with immobility after)



It's a ton of fun!

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I think they should just take all stuns out of the game and just give a 2 second stun to squishy ranged classes like smugglers/ agents and inqs/sages and give a 3 second stun to tank specced classes.


not every spec/class needs a stun. Ridiculous.


Dps melee will do just fine with interupts and slows


Dps heavy armored range will do just fine with snares, knockbacks and slows.


Not even a squishy class needs a 4-5sec stun its just to much i mean really.

Edited by Guardiansage
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~~my wish is your command~~




oh yeah, there already are DRs on CC. Do your homework before you post.



It's commonly known (if you'd do your homework and read what people are experiencing before creating a snarky/worthless post) that resolve doesn't work properly/is broken.

Edited by MasterRaistlin
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It's commonly known (if you'd do your homework and read what people are experiencing before creating a snarky/worthless post) that resolve doesn't work properly/is broken.


This. Along with the fact that the JK's (and SW's too?) stuns except Force Stasis don't work in pvp.

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The warzone levels are terribly designed aswell with heavy favour on ranged classes making it even more harder for melee which is utterly retarded can't believe how bad some design decisions in this game are Edited by dmcguk
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I think they should just take all stuns out of the game and just give a 2 second stun to squishy ranged classes like smugglers/ agents and inqs/sages and give a 3 second stun to tank specced classes.


not every spec/class needs a stun. Ridiculous.


Dps melee will do just fine with interupts and slows


Dps heavy armored range will do just fine with snares, knockbacks and slows.


Not even a squishy class needs a 4-5sec stun its just to much i mean really.


I agree, there are WAY too many stuns in the game, 4 seconds is a lot, and we need diminishing return.


Edit : while I'm at it, the kick ( spell cast interupt ) is a joke too in this game, because it completly sucks. It prevents casting the very same spell you interrupted only for 4 seconds... That's ridiculous, it doesn't even prevent from casting this spell school fof the duration, and every class has many heals / dps spells.

Edited by kraycobra
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It's commonly known (if you'd do your homework and read what people are experiencing before creating a snarky/worthless post) that resolve doesn't work properly/is broken.


lol i can safely say i put people into resolve with only my harpoon + stun on my vanguard.

Yet i can get foce gripped / whirlwinded or wtfever by inquis 4x in a row.

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Maybe its coz im pro, but... i dont seem to have problem with stuns, there have been times where people have stunned me multiple times and i havent died.. maybe its because im full champions? But im guessing your not.. so before calling something broken, please get 50 get geared and see if you have the same problem... DR was always focused around endgame in wow.. thats why low level BGs were so unbalanced. Its most likely the same in here...


If your still getting focused, maybe you should think about your fights and not go charging off into multiples..

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Maybe its coz im pro, but... i dont seem to have problem with stuns, there have been times where people have stunned me multiple times and i havent died.. maybe its because im full champions? But im guessing your not.. so before calling something broken, please get 50 get geared and see if you have the same problem... DR was always focused around endgame in wow.. thats why low level BGs were so unbalanced. Its most likely the same in here...


If your still getting focused, maybe you should think about your fights and not go charging off into multiples..


try being the ball carrier in huttball. i was snared, knocked back, stunned, everything. im guessing roots dont count for cc or something because my resolve would never go up. its ridiculous.

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hey folks i'd rather not learn about positioning as a melee class and i just want to sit on top of people all game with 0 counters


this is my idea for video games PM me if you like it i'm working on it right now


try my alpha and i'll make you an ascii signature for the forums! ! !

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hey folks i'd rather not learn about positioning as a melee class and i just want to sit on top of people all game with 0 counters




Yeah because positioning totally matters when a person can spin on a dime and pop off an instant cast spell and/or completely negate any positioning with a channel that follows you.


Oh I know the positioning you're talking about. It's where they can't hit you with spells at all; half-way across the field. It's unfortunate that, as melee, we would do 0 damage that way...but keep on doing your thing there brah.

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