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Cross Faction griefing.


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If you don't like it go away, you and people like you are the cancer that destroyed WoW for me, and I don't want you destroying this game too. The tools are there for you to use. Ignore him.


Wow is all I got a say, how does this destroy how to enjoy the game?


I don't think anyone get the point.


Why make a channel you know people are going to primarily abuse?


Why put that burden on you GM staff?


again, you can't enjoy something with out having the ability to slander / cuss someone out over the internet?


Would it really bother you kids if you if you had one less outlet to harass people with?


Really? Why have it? Give me a good reason other then, " I Want it"

Edited by Mardox
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So the pass few WZ I've been getting opposing faction member spamming derogatory statements the entire match.


Is this new? I don't recall being able to /say to talk to opposing faction members.


If its not new, Did Bio really think this wouldn't happen?


Why waste the man hour sifting threw countless reports of harassment?


Is this why my 2 week old ticket has never been responded to?


Honestly, This is a terrible idea.


Trying to stop people from griefing is like the war on drugs, you will never beat it and never win.


Grow the **** up.


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Please do not remove this FEATURE, yes thats right i think its a feature.


Even though you can hear some pretty nasty stuff you can also read the good stuff others write to you from the opposing faction. AND theres the chance of cross faction RP!

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I am on an rp server. And with my experience from other mmos, rp servers have a lot of drama for gms already because of all the rp rules that need to be followed. I really think that there should be cross faction communication but only in /say chat. I don't see any purpose for a specific channel that people can connect to anywhere in the server, that would be social communication suicide. Arguments galore. Being able to rp with others on a different faction would be ery exciting for me as well as other fellow rpers. And as for the trash talking there is an rp code of conduct to begin with. So if they are going to have cross faction communication at least have it for rp servers and only in /say chat. You got a problem with someone mute them. If they bother rp then report them.
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So the pass few WZ I've been getting opposing faction member spamming derogatory statements the entire match.


Is this new? I don't recall being able to /say to talk to opposing faction members.


If its not new, Did Bio really think this wouldn't happen?


Why waste the man hour sifting threw countless reports of harassment?


Is this why my 2 week old ticket has never been responded to?


Honestly, This is a terrible idea.


Trying to stop people from griefing is like the war on drugs, you will never beat it and never win.


Yeah, let's make World PVP and Warzones even more boring by removing cross-faction communication.


Shut up please.

Edited by Gestas
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So the pass few WZ I've been getting opposing faction member spamming derogatory statements the entire match.


Is this new? I don't recall being able to /say to talk to opposing faction members.


If its not new, Did Bio really think this wouldn't happen?


Why waste the man hour sifting threw countless reports of harassment?


Is this why my 2 week old ticket has never been responded to?


Honestly, This is a terrible idea.


Trying to stop people from griefing is like the war on drugs, you will never beat it and never win.


Was it mindless swearing? Or did they have a ring of truth to them?


Generally people complain about this when the latter occurs.


You are making an assumption that they are children or you yourself are being degratory in this thread. Pick one.


Then go to therapy and cry there. Sheesh.

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saddly is going to happen and probably get factions unable to talk but frankly your being childish... sorry OP but you are. Seriously are you going to lt childish banter bother you? its pvp... it will happen if not verbally then they will tea bag your corpse...


communication allows us to bash one another, which promotes anger, which promotes revenge which promotes pvp x3

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Personally, I find it very easy to ignore. In fact, I like to hear it (unless it has really objectionable swearing/comments), as it often means I'm doing well. Now, if I got facerolled and am dead, well... the enemy got the better of me. I'm not going to sweat about them laughing, spitting on me, or making snide comments. Punks are going to be punks. Edited by Bamajawn
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Personally, I find it very easy to ignore. In fact, I like to hear it (unless it has really objectionable swearing/comments), as it often means I'm doing well. Now, if I got facerolled and am dead, well... the enemy got the better of me. I'm not going to sweat about them laughing, spitting on me, or making snide comments. Punks are going to be punks.




I 2v1'd a knight and a scoundrel yesterday. Both of them 50 and in full pvp gear. The cries from them were glorius. Calling me a "circle strafing f******" and tellign me to use more consumables.



They were really angry when i ran into them on ilum and their group of 9 jumped me. I tanked the 9 for long enough to say "USE MOAR PEOPLE". The tears of your enemy are the greatest rewards to pvp.

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My whole point was why even bother to have a channel that I'm only going to have to /ignore?


Because you aren't the only person in the world? Because over a million other people are playing the game and a lot of us actually ENJOY cross faction smack talk in PVP?


Seriously, do you think your preferences are universal? That everyone wants the exact same features and experiences that you do? Well, a lot of us don't.


People have already told you the answer: use /ignore. If you want to get fancier, set up a chat window that contains only the OP channel and use that during PVP. It would take you all of a minute or two, probably less time than it takes to make one of these posts.


But instead of going off and actually solving your problem using the tools the devs have provided, you keep returning here and saying that the devs are fools for for trying to accommodate all their players, instead of the limiting themselves to making the in-game experience perfect for prigs and virgin-eared children who want to PVP, but are too lazy and/or stubborn to use /ignore or set up a custom chat window.


You've got a lot of nerve complaining about the quality of the "Community", given how self-centered, thoughtless and downright bossy your demands are.

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