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Healing Bug - Unable to Heal anyone but self?


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This has happened to me a few times now; even when targeting other people/companions, the heal only effects myself. Anyone have an easy fix for this besides logging out / in? It's kind of a critical issue when your in a battleground and your heal specced...
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happend to me on narshadda i think during bonus there, i became unable to heal anyone but myself. could select portraits and what not, but just not heal them all heals targeted myself was almost like they were treated as hostiles very odd bug but yes a quick relog fixed it.
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just happened again, it seems like it happens alot in bgs. I've tried everything to fix, only thign that works is changing zone or relogging.


The UI stuck bug is completely different. Cntrl U + Cntrl U will fix that. This bug you can click on everything, but no matter what you can't target or do any abilities or heals to ANYONE but yourself.

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Ok, i think i narrowed it down. Seems to happen quite often now in pvp. Not sure what it is...possibly some of the buffs i use? Hyper battle attack adrenal, Relic of the fallen warlord, grab the PVP buff, heal self. Locks on to me and i can't do anything beneficial to anyone else on my team. I can however, still damage others.
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  • 2 weeks later...



Been experiencing this throughout the 40s. I have no idea if this is based on a skill or the most recent patch. I've made a couple of bug reports. Lost a lot of XP in warzones basd on metals or just plain old loss, watched my companion die a few times to easy elites. I only run each flashpoint once so I haven't had any problems there. This strikes me as the kind of bug that should have had a hotfix within 24 hours.


Anyone besides Mercenary had this issue?

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I had a guildie experience this in a Warzone the other day while he tried to heal me over and over throughout the match. But he was able to heal other people in the warzone.


Maybe it was just something he was saying to me though since I died too much XD

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I've had it happen a few times, for some reason the UI becomes unresponsive, and I cannot click on anyone's portrait or character ingame. CTRL+U twice real fast fixes it.


Yep, this fixes that. Control+U twice will reset the mouse and all that.


Just another bug that needs to be fixed

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So i had a post automatically edited by the forum master because I used a bad word. I apologize for use of such a terrible and shameful word. But now i know you've read this post and you know this bug exists! Fix it!


FYI guys i found a work around for this bug. A UI reset unfortunately does not fix this bug. however on my keybind settings in prefs, theres something that toggles self casting modifier. It seems to be automatically bound to home. Anyways, i'm not pushing the home key, im just running around doing DPS when nessesary, self heals when I'm in trouble, and Healing my team mates when they're taking damage. Home isn't near any important buttons so im sure im not hitting it by accident. Well anyways. I pressed home and then I was able to heal my team mates again.


I appreciate your concern about forum ettiquette Bioware. But you're game has much more pressing matters at the moment and I speak for every member of this forum community when I say you should get your act together.

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  • 1 year later...


Been experiencing this throughout the 40s. I have no idea if this is based on a skill or the most recent patch. I've made a couple of bug reports. Lost a lot of XP in warzones basd on metals or just plain old loss, watched my companion die a few times to easy elites. I only run each flashpoint once so I haven't had any problems there. This strikes me as the kind of bug that should have had a hotfix within 24 hours.


Anyone besides Mercenary had this issue?


Assuming they know about it. I know you said you sent in bug reports but if they haven't been gotten to yet or if they were this weekend they probably haven't seen it yet

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  • 3 months later...
Did anyone get any response to this? I still get this in warzones. Ctrl U U doesnt fix it. I start off healing fine but then halfway through the match I only heal myself even though my teammates are targeted. This is starting to get annoying
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