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Posts posted by DratsaBlive

  1. It's a pretty cool idea. You could even make it a staggered legacy unlock to have a character encased in carbonite to be found in your ships hold. On unfreezing, you choose race/gender/class/crew skills (each option unlocked seperately via legacy?). Of course they wouldn't have a companion storyline as such because of the variations of characters but I think most people could live with that.
  2. When you log out, don't do so in a rest zone. Your xp will find its level soon enough. And skip space while you're at it, unless that's something you really enjoy, running the space missions everyday goes some way towards over-levelling.
  3. What would people think of HMs for the current implementation of space? As it is, to get your quota of daily fleet comms, you have to run through all levels of missions as they are now (i.e. easy). I'd suggest 'locking out' these missions at level 50 and replacing them with scaled-up versions, and give equivalent/better comms for these. The last 3 missions are probably fine as they are (though I can't recall the last time I failed one), but the rest can be done with your eyes closed once your ship is geared up. Obviously the 'duplicate' missions only need be upgraded once, and I'd omit the initial escort mission, so there'd be fewer of them hence the greater number of comms rewards.
  4. How about giving a greater option of rewards from the dailies? As it stands, I don't need any of the armours/mods that are given out as the rewards as I already have these or better equipped. However, my companions (or alts even) certainly could do with them, but they're no use to them with my classes stats.
  5. There is still a secret "space project" going on somewhere with a team that was put together just after launch to work on something to expand space play.


    There was a poll a few weeks back which pretty much determined that full 3D space combat was wanted by a majority of players, and something like this is most likely working its way into the game.


    We've also had mentions of guild capital ships and capital ship combat.


    Open Space and customisable ships would make for a lot of very happy bunnies. SWG, despite it's many faults, had the space thing down pretty much perfectly. I doubt TOR would ever go for that degree of complexity (in terms of component stats/loadouts/handling) but anything would be an improvement on what we now have. The 'on rails' thing is tedious. The only reason I'm running some at the moment is to get the comms for crafting boxes, won't bother again after that.

  6. Sorry, but I hate that idea. Datacrons on a 2 hour timer? That's just asking for the farmers to take control of them - see the eggs for an example of this.


    I have lots of issues with the datacrons and the mechanics to get them, but having to actually go and get them isn't one of them.

  7. I've just been going through getting them all (the ones I missed while questing) and to be fair some really are annoying. Jumping in this game is far from accurate and leads to much frustration, especially when you have to wait a long time to get another crack at it. I've said before, the Jawa Balloon ride (buggy as hell) should be supplemented by a MGGS point on top of the crawler - waiting up to 40 mins for the balloon and waiting another 20 to reach where you're going is not gameplay - and that's if you're lucky enough not to fall through it.


    The one on Hoth for Cunning is another tedious one. Miss the jump, have to wait another 5+ mins for the crates to make their way back to where you can start again. We get how to reach the thing, why not speed up the movement of the crates a bit? This one seemed buggy too, once I was teleported back across the room to where the gold enemy stands after failing the second jump.


    The Green Matrix on Corellia is actually a good example of how it should be done. The jump is a little tricky, but the spawn point if you fall is a short ride away and it takes only a couple of minutes for the droid to come back round again. I died 7 times getting this, but I didn't mind as it was easy and quick to get back again (2 of the deaths were after having made the initial jump on to the droid but then clipping my foot on the rounded 'wall' of the droid when jumping off, causing me to change jump angle...)


    In short, the trick should be more about finding them than pulling your hair out to reach them.

  8. I never had problems before either on the 2 previous toons I did this with. For some reason now it just keeps failing. And when I was on it yesterday, both times there was at least one other person on there, they fell through (at different times) too, so it's not just me.


    Attempt #4 in progress... :sul_frown:

  9. I thought this thing had been fixed? Twice yesterday I fell through it to the surface below (the first time through some griefer giving me the plague just as I was about to board and the feverish animation causing the drop, the second time for no reason). So I logged out there, and on logging in today waited for it to turn up again. After watching it crawl towards me, it then just disappeared before getting here. No idea if it'll come back.


    Seriously, just put a damned MGGS point on top of the datacron sandcrawler, this balloon thing is NOT gameplay.

  10. As much as I liked what I saw of the event (but missed a large chunk of it being away), I was more than a little annoyed that last night I was waiting around for the Jawa balloon (again) and just as it arrived, some players rolled up, one exploded and wham! I have the plague. As I didn't have a vaccine on me, 10 mins into the balloon ride, my state changed and i fell through the balloon to the terrain below. The fact that the players didn't stick around for the ride showed they were simply griefing. I'd probably have tipped my hat to them if they'd been opposite faction even, but nope, they were just idiots ruining someone else's gametime (two of us actually).


    And as an aside, i thought they said they fixed the balloon ride? I waited for it to turn up again, and again fell through the floor (no state change this time). Just put a grappling hook panel on top of the datacron sandcrawler already!

  11. As well as the look of the UI, I hope they change how windows open and close in groups - e.g. if I close the cargo hold, please don't close the inventory as well!


    Also, by scaling down the UI I hope I can have more windows, not just smaller ones. At the moment, it is impossible to have the GTN window and the crew skill window open at the same time, which can make buying schematics a nuisance if I haven't memorised all the ones I already have.

  12. I know in beta you could drag the lower right hand corner down to make it bigger. I have not played with it since the game launched though.


    I don't mean resizing the window, I mean the actual number of entries in the log. At a guess it's about 200 messages, and space missions will use all of that in no time.

  13. Is there a way to increase the size of the chat log? If I run a space mission, the XP spam for each kill and mission stage soon pushes everything else out of the log. I have a tab set up for guild/party/whispers and after a space mission the tab is empty as it's all been pushed out of the buffer. If anything has been discussed while I'm flying, it's lost to me.
  14. On my Consular I completely skipped through both Tatooine and Alderaan, running only the class quest, because of this issue. By the end of the Alderaan class quest I was about back to parity, but I'd missed out on two entire planets worth of content - there's just not much fun in hammering grey mobs, even if you do miss out on rewards/credits as well as gathering resources.


    I'd also skipped most flashpoints/heroics along the way, done no pvp and only done space dailies along the way.

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