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10 Good
  1. The premise was good. The execution was not. There were some fun times in the game... the bad times far far outweighed the good though. Nostalgia glasses on even.
  2. Anyone remember another overly hyped game called All Points Bulletin? I do. I remember how things were bad. There was nothing to do outside of farming missions. There were OP weapons. OP Camping points. OP money making. Give them time, said the forums. I remember how there was no "end game", you did the same thing all the time. with 300 "levels" of advancement where truly nothing changed between the levels save for the types of weapons. Give them time, said the forums. I remember the doom sayers. I remember the fixes users posted on the forums. I remember punkbuster reducing frame rates, I remember that people still managed to hack even with punkbuster. Give them time, said the forums. -taken from wikipedia- "On 17 August 2010, six weeks after the release of APB, Realtime Worlds entered administration. Former APB staff spoke to the press about the development process, including a lack of management focus and desire to ignore negative comments from beta-testers, and the substandard quality of gameplay including poor driving and shooting mechanics" "On 16 September 2010 Realtime Worlds announced the shut-down of APB" ................... All that being said, I like the game. I do. I'm just kinda bored at the moment. Read the post about how long is "give them time" is... Apparently for Realtime Worlds it was 10 weeks. We've passed that point, so all is good right?
  3. It depends. Which stance I'm in. His actual spec, gear. ect. In a straight 1v1 fight against mercs. I can't interupt at all usually for a seemingly long time. I can't heal myself outside of stims or my temp boost to health... the fight might take a long time. But they win. Sorcs... Its about the same. heal to full. can't push, that gives them what they want... range. Force speed away, lightning to slow me. roots that ignore resolve. I die alot faster to them. Ops/scoundrels... I usually don't get the drop on these guys so I start the fight at half health if I'm in any other stance than defensive. 3/4th if in defensive. I usually can do well for a time on these guys.... then they stun me or something, run los of my charge, heal up and re-engage for the kill. Sometimes I win, sometimes I don't. I have to rely on support to get kills on those classes. I can hold my own against pretty much any other class. Sometimes I win, sometimes I don't. Its never a 1v1 situation though. My options are focus the healer only to have him heal through all the damage or focus a dps instead of the healer and let him keep the target alive instead. You know what they say though... Cows go Moo. Dogs go woof. MMORPG players go the PvP in unbalanced. I'm just looking to see if there is a way to keep them disabled from healing long enough to take them out in a group setting. Not to 1v1 beastmode them.
  4. I could use some... Either I'm using my rage spec juggernaut or my 1/21/19 Guardian... The fights always end up the same. I can't kill the healers. I dunno if its a lack of focus fire on them. I dunno if I'm mistiming my disrupts through lag, I just don't know. Along with two other people, I'm guarding a door, a point, the ball, whatever... Three enemies charge in to contest. When one gets low, I notice the healer starting to do his primary job. I leap to him, disrupt the first heal... Immediately he starts either casting it again or maybe just another heal, I dunno... my disrupt is now on a 8 second cooldown. So I push him. throw saber, charge back to him. Burst him as he runs back in range to heal again. Stasis/choke. he breaks it and now is full resolve. disrupt again, and he casts the same or another heal immediately. I'm out of options, I just attack and attack him while he now is just healing himself. This goes on until his groupies take notice and focus me. Any tricks, tips, anything to help?
  5. Oh wow... Complaining about Juggernauts and guardians... Charge is a class mechanic. We use it as an opener for rage and as a gap closer. If we use it in huttball we better have all our cooldowns ready for when we land, because now we're isolated. Tell your team not to stand on the ledge after you knock us into the pit... As for intercede... It does the same function as passing the ball. complaining about having a friendly on the ledge, or on the goal line... seriously...
  6. I don't understand these posts. They're worthless. The steepest learning curve? Everyone learns things at different rates. There is no one way to play a class. You should play what class you find fun. Bottom Line. I do not like ranged classes. They're boring to me. I'd rather leap into the middle of the action and scatter the enemy group. I play a Jugg and a Guardian. I prefer those classes. They're the weakest in Solo PvP, but in a group I can hold my own and get a bunch of medals... even if we don't win the warzone gives me just as much for a reward as it would if I won. I don't think that if I played a class that I hated I could say that I would have as much dedication to it as I do the melee tank/dps class. That being said. The most over powered classes that dominates PvP are: Tracer / Grav spam Troopers and Bhs. 0/21/20 Sorcs/sages. Which ever side has the most of these classes, wins.
  7. Ceid

    Dealing with KB

    I use my talent ability to negate all CC for 4 seconds after a charge... Then again, I am not a sorc nor a bh/trooper.
  8. I think there are options in the game menu under keybinds that allow you to set or change keys to: Closest Target, Previous Target ect. Just a work around... I usually just end up clicking on the target I want or repeatedly tabbing until I get the target I want to attack...
  9. So what you're saying is. You alone, are fighting a group of 2 tanks, 4 healers, and an undetermined amount of DPS classes. They are using CC, but you're not. They are using their class abilities, but you're not. You make it sound like you're trying to emulate a pve encounter during PvP rather than focusing the more deadly of targets. So... it must be OP? Let me tell you how this OP tank does in PvP... Civil War, I stand at a point. No one comes to attack that point and I get 3 medals for objective / defender. OR, we get crushed and I end up trying to get everyone to rally instead of running in one at a time. Huttball (most common) I get to guard one player and hope they don't get pulled, pushed, or the ball. If they get the ball... Then I die quickly with everyone focusing on me instead of him to get my guard and taunts down. If I get the ball, I walk across the map for 12 seconds before getting killed. Seems like your issue is with premades vs. a pub moreso than the tank class.
  10. Endure Pain, Intercede with set bonus, Unleash with talents. I get the 2.5k and 5k heal medals for using Endure pain with my 19k hp.
  11. Started heavily tanking hard modes last week. I can't raid with my guild, so I help the newer members get some columi pieces in order to be ready to raid. In a few days, I have all but my pants in columi and have begun to gear my quinn and vette in columi. I pvped before hand and I have all champ gear but the pants... two main hand sabers too. I had to make my own dps and tanking pants using mods I pulled out of warrior columi and champion I have doubles of. I need a new pair of pants. To bad, I hear dir 7 is bugged.
  12. No. I am saying that having "tradeskill users only" items is a detriment. I'm saying that crafting is all or nothing. I'm saying that regardless of bioware's intent, the players are the ones who determine the overall usefulness of items and tradeskills. Biochem is not reasonable. The reason the prices of "raw" are so high is because people believe they have to grind biochem for these stims, adrenals, and medpacks. If they were all consumed on use, you would have less people demanding biochem as a profession for raiders / pvpers at endgame. Any edge will always be 'required'. Having stims and such in the game in the first place means they are now required.
  13. This is a response to: I've played a bunch of different MMORPGs, all of them had some form of crafting. Some did it better than others. Some it was just something to do with no real impact on the game. I'm going to compare this game's crafting system to others and show how Bioware failed, and offer suggestions on what they could have done, or could do to improve it. 1.) Alchemy. (biochem) This has always been a staple in MMORPGs, and pretty much a requirement for end game raiding. The items don't have to be "crafter only" nor do they have to be reusable... In WoW everyone who played it in vanilla should remember the flasks. Not presistant on death, and they were bought and brought to every new or difficult encounter. In SWG: Everyone had doctor buffs and entertainer buffs before any type of PvP or PvE. Where bioware failed. It was going to happen. Stat boosts, self heals, immediate but temporary boosts. You added three new abilities to anyone with biochem as a trade skill. How did you think this was not going to become a requirement for end game? Needed or not, people will and have always viewed them as the edge needed to get things done. Worst offense is that they are reusable. What could be done to fix this. Remove the reusable aspect, and the requirement to be a biochemist on all consumables. They will still be "required" by some groups of players, but there will be no incentive to have everyone with biochem... Just that they have a supply of the items in time for the raids. 2.)Armorsmithing In all games with crafting you have to consider the fact that if people can just craft items better than can be found from quest rewards, what is the point of questing? If they're weaker than the items found from quests, then what is the point of crafting? I think that there is no way to balance this. Especially at end game. You end up having to have some sort of gimmick in order to get players to have use of the profession. I.E. Dark Iron armor for the main tank for the fire resist in WoW. On the polar opposite, games where crafting is the only way to obtain items (SWG, EQ2) crafting armor comes into its own, though players with the better generated results are often found having a monopoly. I can't say bioware failed, or what they could do to improve this. Either everything is crafted, or nothing worthwhile is. Why should I buy a piece of armor from the GN for 100k. when I can get better armoring, mods, ect. from dailies and quests? 3.)Weaponsmithing I can't really say more about this than I already have in the above section. If you can craft weapons better than raid items or quest items then whats the point of raiding or questing... Closing Crafting is an all or nothing system. Any type of "edge" that requires use of certain trade skills will become required to have. There is nothing you can really do about it other than not having tradeskill restricted items.
  14. Ceid

    Why to Reroll to Empire

    I won't disagree with you. I'm on the mind trick server as well... the issue is that when the exploits for ilum turrets on the day of the patch were found out, bioware did not immediately take down the servers. This created those empire battlemasters you see. The only one I know for a fact that obtained it legitimately was Remorseless... I'm only valor 35, and I refuse to participate in exploits such as the one you've listed. I could've been a battle master too, and looking back there are more rewards than risks for exploiting. What did Bioware even do to those who got battlemaster from farming the pubs turrets all day? NOTHING. They got a free ride to battlemaster. Every match I've played this week was in huttball vs. other empire. I'm sad to see the pubs not queueing... Not because you're easy kills because I got lucky and have most of my champion gear from bags, but because a premade pub group was always an interesting fight in civil war... And yes, I did trade points in ilum back when that was an option... however, I have washed my hands of that planet and its pvp weeklies and dailies until its fixed for good.
  15. Oh, and if you don't like raiding, then PvP. Valor 30 and I have two main hand sabers, and all other champion gear save for my chest and leggings. (I have good luck and bad luck at the same time.) Otherwise you're asking to be rewarded for doing nothing but soloing easy content. Grouping is what and will always be the focus of MMORPGs.
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