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Posts posted by Kulis

  1. <Section XII> would be a good home for you and your friend. We have a core of 55's and a good population of members that are leveling up. We run group pvp, plenty of flashpoints and we will be starting Operations soon for those interested. We use mumble for voice and we always have a good crowd of people hanging out in mumble while they go about their day ingame!


    There is no requirement for pvp or ops, your play time is your own! Contact Kuliss, Conndo or Emeon ingame if interested or if you would like to talk about your situation!



  2. Section XII was founded by a core group of friends that have been raiding and pvping together through Everquest, Star Wars Galaxies, WoW, Rift and TOR. We are a mature guild, most of our members are 28+, some of us are married and/or have kids.


    We cleared 4 SM Ops in our first week of raiding. We are looking to grow our West Coast Team to a 16m run. Our East Coast Team will start Ops this week! We hope to move into HMs very soon! We also accept casual members, there is no level requirement, just looking for good people! We use mumble for voice and always have folks on running warzones, leveling or grouping for fun! We will be starting Operation runs in the next two weeks!


    Recruitment Needs as of 821/14:


    6 DPS (Open to all advanced classes)


    If interested, please contact Kuliss or Kullis ingame!


    At the end of the day, we all play this game to have fun. When the game or the guild ceases to be fun, people will move on. Myself and the other officers are invested in creating a fun, light hearted atmosphere to enjoy the game through Ops and PVP. We have some fantastic people in this guild that make the game worth playing day in and day out.



  3. I am a newly returned player and I am rebuilding my pvp gear set back up. I think relics are next on my list. Which relics would you guys recommend?


    The Ephemeral Mending seems like a no brainer if it has a high proc rate. For my second, which is better these days, the Serendipitous Assault for power or Focused Retribution for the aim?


    Also, for any of you that have Brutalizer gear, it seems like such a small statistical upgrade from the Obroan gear. Have you guys noticed a difference in survivability and healing output?



  4. I guess I was wrong, I did hardmode denova last night and was seeing between 3k and 3.5k crits on my tracers. On a boss with bloodthirst and a rakata attack adrenal they do go over 4k though ^.^




    So with an exotech stim (128*1.14=146 aim, and 46more power) I have around 2180 aim and just over 1200 power. To be honest I should probably use more than one crit mod/enhancement but with the 1.3 changes IMO full power is really nice, since crits aren't essential any more.


    The thing that really annoys me is that I am now forced to use an accuracy enhancement in pretty much all my gear, and even with 340 accuracy rating I only have 101% ranged accuracy (which is kinda crap). At the moment I can't get higher than 101% without going below 70% surge, and I like having between 73-75%.


    I just run with 285 accuracy. That gives me 99.89% ranged and 109.89 tech accuracy. I have 57 accuracy in each of my implants and 3 57 accuracy mods spread across one weapon and 2 pieces of armor. I haven't had an issue with misses on boss fights. I would pop put one of your accuracy mods and replace it with crit or surge.


    What kind of dps are you pulling on a training dummy with that very heavy power build?

  5. I am a bit torn right now on relics. I am not a fan of the on equip damage proc relics. I am using the War Hero power relic and the matrix cube. I just picked up a second War Hero relic, I am tempted to use it. I am going to run some dps test runs on the dummy and see what happens. I too am seeing some massive increase in Tracer Missile crits, I have seen up to 3700. If I use another of these relics it will push my power up over 900. I am still using the alacrity build, but after reading some of these posts I am tempted to try a new build.
  6. That's our window period for when updates will occur. I can tell you that this is the last update for today.


    Can you share with us if any of the remaining servers will become destination servers, or have you and the team already set up all of the destination servers for the free character transfer service?


    My server is in a very shrinking list of pve west servers that has not been assigned as origin or destination.



  7. To preface this, I am a guild leader, on a pre launch server. I am also completely behind the success of The Old Republic. I am enjoying the PVE aspect of the game and finding Explosive Conflict challenging and fun. I haven't pvp'ed much because the server I am on is pretty beat up. If we are lucky, we might see 60 at Imperial Fleet during Prime Time hours.


    I was very excited about the prospect of server mergers or transfers to help boost the population and save the game. From day one Bioware has kept Community and Player experience in the top three of it's goals for this game. What I am very unhappy about is the new server transfer option. It takes a TBD number of servers and designates them as Origin Servers and point them to an individual Destination server. If you are on an Origin server and wish to transfer, if your Character Name, Legacy Name or Guild Name is already in existence, you have to change them to something else.


    So in one fell swoop, my digital identity can be rejected and I have to start over with some new name, legacy name and/or guild name? That's unacceptable. Some people might not be bothered or care about this, I do. I would rather delay transfers and have them take a step back and work on a Guild Transfer Service. Where they could find you a destination server where you can keep your guild name, character name and legacy name, along with the members of your guild. I would be willing to limit the naming parameter to your two top characters. Would it take more time, yes. But if I have to change any of the above, transfer is just not an option.


    In the meantime, Cross Server Warzones would alleviate a lot of the lack of pvp on my server. As for PVE content, we have a strong guild and two ops groups running weekly. That hasn't been a problem, yet!

  8. I don't know about some of the folks posting here, but I am in Campaign gear and Rakata gear modded with Blackhole Arsenal gear mods. I only have 1 point put into Advanced Targeting and am running the alacrity build. The 1% is a drop in the bucket to pick up for increase armor pen on Unload and Rail Shot.


    Looking at my parse from Firebrand/Stormcaller and Toth/Zorn from last night, 28% of my damage came from Unload and 11% of my damage came from Rail Shot. I see this as a dps buff. It will be interesting to see how Terminal Velocity works out. Also, crit might become less important for us. From what I have read from others and experienced personally, the amount of crit we strived to achieve was all based on Terminal Velocity and the need to vent heat as soon it was off CD.


    I look forward to what Aerro and Myk have to say about this after some testing. The two top Arsenal Mercs I have been following and trying to mirror. (at least in my humble opinion)


    So some of this lost power you speak of, might just be rearranged from some crit that we may not need to carry. Also, right now I sit at 99.82% accuracy. When I remove 51 accuracy, I drop down to 98.32%. So it won't take much in the way of mods (57 accuracy on the blackhole and campaign mods) to make up a loss of 1%-3%.


    So for the Arsenal guys that are freaking out, don't throw the baby out with the bath water. I think this will be better than you think it will for us.



  9. What blog are you quoting 8 heat from? If this isn't a typo we just got a giant nerf to the face lol. I imagine we will find out pretty quickly if it's a typo, it's a pretty big one imo.


    Based on those notes, I am not seeing the improvement to arsenal dps that were quoted by a dev in an interview recently.

  10. Question for you guys that are in HM EC, my guild just killed Toth/Zorn on hm this week. When the campaign offhand drops from Stormcaller/Firebrand, if I pick up the campaign eliminator offhand weapon, am I able to pull the barrel out of the gun and place it into my mainhand weapon? Thus netting a mainhand weapon upgrade?
  11. Can't we all just get along lol. I think Aerro is the man when it comes to PVE and Arsenal, which is the way I raid. I think the OP has some valid points when it comes to Merc vs. Pyro PT in pvp as well. Pyro PT reminds me of how overpowered Operatives were before the Surge and Operative nerf.


    If you got hit by a geared Operative, you were stunned and dead in about 4-6 seconds. Right now, a good to decent Pyro PT can kill just about anyone in 4-6 seconds. I believe they are spamming flameburst, but when it happens to me or I see it happen to someone else, they are moving and spamming a flame thrower like effect about 4 times and the person dies. You can't cleanse it and heal through it, you just die.


    There isn't any other class/advanced class combo that can kill me like that in the game right now that fast. To preface, I am Bodyguard healing for pvp.


    How do you fix it? I don't know. Merc need an interrupt and an adjustment to our damage output. Luckily, the Arsenal spec didn't get the heat generation issues that Bodyguard has now in PVP and PVE.

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