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Posts posted by Enginer

  1. I am actually beginning to think that Ilum is the issue, not the brackets. In my humble opinion, fewer 50s are queuing on my server because they think that valor progression is higher outside of war zones. (And by the time you hit the valor 50 bracket, you are dying for something other than war zones to do on a repeated basis).


    You are right on the money, most of the Republic on our server do NOT Q at all anymore, which means you get Suck Ball over and over!

  2. Those numbers don't prove anything about your server population except that at the time you did your /who that 89 people were on the Republic Fleet and 255 were on the Imperial Fleet.


    For example, there could be 1589 Republic players on your server and 1500 Imperial players. At that momment in time 89 Republic players are hanging out on the Fleet, while the other 1500 are out in other zones leveling, running FPs or OPs, playing an alt on Coruscant, and some just decided to do something else that night. Yet at the same moment 255 Imperials are hanging out in thier fleet while the other 1245 are out leveling, running FPs or Ops, etc.


    I'll say it again, your numbers don't prove anything. It is like claiming all people own jetpacks and can fly because you once saw that guy with the jetpack fly into a sporting event or on TV.


    What is needed for an accurate census is an actual running audit of all zones for both factions over a minimum 2 week period.


    So your saying doing a /who of an area that is the main hang out for a faction does NOT give you some sort of feel on server pop?

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