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Posts posted by Cadiva

  1. honestly I could care less


    The phrase is "couldn't care less" if you could care less then that means you currently have some care :D


    As for the rest, PvP is not the central core of SW:ToR so while they continue to focus on the PvE and story arc aspects of the game it's always going to be the secondary aspect to consider.


    I do agree with someone who mentioned earlier that you should try another server. Ours is a PvE server but is still active for PvP.

  2. As a note; at this time the Group Finder feature in development is limited to searching on a single server only.


    I voted for no preference/all of the above and I am glad to see this is how it's been handled as a single server only search. I'm hoping it's going to be similar to the one used in Dungeons & Dragons where you can specify which quests etc you're after and what role you expect/want to play. I agree that Flashpoints should be the priority and would prefer not to have Operations included and I'd prefer it if there was no fast travel option, getting to the Fleet really isn't a massive hassle in SW:tOR.

    I do also have to say I don't understand why people can't/don't use the existing LFG tools in the game already, there's plenty of times I hear people asking in general for groups and they're not on the LFG list.

  3. Hi I have recently noticed that game in uk have dropped the price of the collectors edition to 49.99, I was considering getting this but my only concern is that I can actually use this to upgrade my account from the standard edition and have access to the extra digital goodies, I know I can upgrade digitally using the site but was looking for the other extras the collectors edition provides.


    Does anyone have any idea if i can but the collectors edition and upgrade my account with it?


    I bought the digital upgrade, entered the code and voila, got all the extra items in the post no problem. I would think the same thing would apply for the Collector's Edition as well.


    There's no way they're selling the CE for $50 unless it's some kind of mistake.


    You're right, Game is a UK store and it's selling it for £50 not dollars.


    poor Game, they recently went into administration in the UK, mabye they are dumping out all the stock they can, coz that does seem very cheap.


    They've got new owners and are trading as normal again now :) OpCapita bought them out about two weeks ago although they're not planning to reopen any of the closed stores atm.

  4. Despite the fact that i didnt like the "world" of wow i remember the gameplay was much better then tor's. I had hundred times more open world pvp playing wow to level ~35 (a month or two), then i had here from the head start. The only things BW did better is vo qests, lack of grind and gfx. The rest is crap.


    I'm not sure why you think there would be loads of open world PvP, they've never said it was a PvP focused game. You want open world PvP then go play Dark Age of Camelot, a game that was created for that purpose.

  5. Blizzard gave out three days at the end of week one of release because the servers were down for most of that first week as they struggled to fix the dozens of errors, bugs and glitches they'd gone live with.

    Since then they have issued an odd additional day, usually when they've had another whole day server downtime.

    Having looked at your list, mine would read pretty much exactly the same and there's been nothing since 2009.

  6. Anyone whose been playing MMOs since the days of EverQuest knows stuff like this happens. I don't understand the whining to be honest. When Dark Age of Camelot launched Shrouded Isles, their first EP, you couldn't actually log into the account servers to register it and that went on for at least a day that I remember, if not longer. It was utter chaos. They also had the whole Prydwen debacle (which they handled superbly imho) when there was much more than a bad patch at fault.

    The first week WoW launched the servers were not only unplayable, they were offline for days at a time. I think I ended up with something like six days additional time at the end of the first couple of weeks.

    Mistakes happen, unforeseen problems arise, it's how a company deals with them that decides whether I'm getting irritated or not and so far I haven't seen anything from BioWare to make me irritated.


    You can defend them for breaking their patch the day after releasing it.


    I can't defend them for declaring that I am not a valued customer and stating that they don't appreciate my support and loyalty.


    Then don't, this thread has nothing to do with the additional 30 days subs. That's been given as a thank you for those players who hit level 50 and stuck around when there wasn't a vast amount of content at end level. People who haven't hit 50 yet still have content they're playing with.

  7. I'm a casual player, I don't have a level 50, I'm not whining about not getting a 30 day extension on my sub, I could have got to level 50 if I concentrated on playing one character but I've had fun doing loads of other stuff. Four months is plenty of time, even for the most casual of player, to have got at least one level 50 if they wanted to imho.
  8. I do not play so-called "end game content". I loathe PVP and hate raids. Leveling and questing is why I play. In 5 years of WoW I never got a single character to top level.


    Any questions?


    tl;dr Your opinion is not absolute truth.


    I agree, although I have got chars to max level in most other MMOs I've played, so that's the only bit where we're not the same.

  9. I remember when MMOs had no "end game" and were much more game then many of the latest MMOs. Many players were so busy having fun playing the game that none thought about the end of it.


    So true.


    The last 10 levels of DAOC before any of the expansions. 2 spots to do that in the whole world with QUEUES of people waiting to get those spawns (and that's in a relatively low pop server). It could take up to a month of farming depending on the queues. And I mean, back to back pulls with downtime pauses after each one. Slow respawn too.


    Compared to that, 40 people MC farming is "YUPPIE! VACATION!"


    Argh, lets not go there. I refused to give in to "the list" for Malmo because it was utterly soul destroying.

  10. In my opinion. This game will be free to play at best in 5yrs if they do not do a massive overhall . With the legitimate effort being made by other mmo companies this year to make a game that will last 10yrs its shocking that this game has not come out with the 1.2 patch yet.

    For them to say this game will last 10 years is interesting. I hope they live up to the hype.


    Why wouldn't it be, Ultima Online is still going, Everquest is still going, Dark Age of Camelot is still going. It's incredibly rare that an MMO actually closes. Of those, only Everquest is free to play and that has only happened after 12 years.

  11. I seriously don't understand the issue with guilds. We've got our main guild on Luke Sene where everyone has their Empire characters and then - oh my God shock horror! - we've got an alts guild on the Republic side as well.

    Not sure how having the alts guild run by and containing the same people has a negative affect on our main guild to be honest and seriously couldn't understand the guy who was complaining about it and saying it would be detrimental to the game at the summit.

  12. If we have a choice between all the features we expect in an MMO or slick voice over cinematics for the missions then I choose the MMO features.




    Then go play one of the dozens of MMOs which already caters for your preferences. SW:tOR is built around the inclusive and immersive VO driven story quests and, for one, that's why I'm playing it and not another generic fantasy RPG MMO.

  13. So she gave a valid response (named an MMO that has the option to avoid damaging the other faction in AoE), and you dismiss it because you don't agree with their decision? :rolleyes: Sorry, doesn't work that way.



    And please tell us, why it was a dumb move? Explain why it was stupid to allow people to avoid PvP in this way.


    It's also incorrect as you could turn your PvP flag off in closed beta.


    Longest thread I have ever made and still no response from BioWare, it's not like its a hard question.


    Do you plan on leaving the mechanic in place where you can get PvP flagged unintentionally or not?


    I am not asking for an immediate fix (I actually understand priorities!) but please just answer this before I hit 50.


    You're unlikely to get a response in the forums, send in an In Game Ticket as they said it was a bug and needed fixing. The more bug reports they get, the higher the chance of it being fixed.

  14. No.


    WoW is MUCH more polished / better:






    BG manual selection, SWTOR DOES NOT!


    Good Combat , SWTOR DOES NOT!


    An endgame , SWTOR DOES NOT!


    More zones to level in, SWTOR DOES NOT!


    More replay value, SWTOR DOES NOT!


    Day / night cycle, SWTOR DOES NOT!


    an MMO feel, SWTOR DOES NOT!


    bosses that are a challenge, SWTOR DOES NOT!


    no game breaking bugs, SWTOR DOES NOT!


    Haven't you left yet?

  15. Only reason wow was so successful was its amazing and totally revolutionnary gameplay in its time.


    You lost any credibility with this statement, there was nothing revolutionary about WoW's gameplay, it stole everything it had from pretty much every other MMO out on the market at the time.

    The reason it was so successful was because Blizzard marketed it well, they targeted it at people who've never played an MMO before and they made it easy to get into and work out what you needed to do.

  16. No, because unlike other games Bioware has two tiers of specialization instead of one. This game gives you 4 classes per side, each with 2 subclasses to specialize in, each with 3 trees to further specialize in. It's like comparing apples to oranges. And debating the wording of what is an "advanced class" is silly and dumb. We all know it's a specialization of the primary, overall class.


    No they don't, they have THREE.


    Base Class (Story you follow), Advance Class (what you pick at level 10 determines armour, weapons, skills) Skill Trees (determines where you put your SPECIALISATION points).

  17. There's a simple reason SW:G "failed" and that's because its subs had been declining and Blizzard launched WoW and Sony though "ooooooooh lets have a bit of that".


    If you were in a guild on SW:G then you were okay, if you were a solo player it was a nightmare. Yes crafting was fantastic, as was the character creation scheme, but they also lied about being able to level up without doing any combat because other players wouldn't actually do the things they needed to do for you to level.


    Want to roll and Entertainer and dance in the Cantina to help heal people, great, but half the time the other people would simply come in, park up afk and not actually target you and /watch therefore you got NO experience gain from performing.

    I ended up having to get a level of Rifleman (or Bounty Hunter can't remember which it was) so that I could get out of the towns and run missions (fetch and carry) and not actually get slaughtered by the mobs outside the door for having NO combat skills.


    There were as many faults with it as there were good points and anyone who says it was a perfect game has rose tinted specs on.

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