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Posts posted by Urdnaxela

  1. just unsubscribed.


    i don't get a kick out of saying this because i do like the game and i still think it has potential (after all, in another mmo i also took a break from it for about 6 months yet after that returned an played for another 2 years).


    1. dead servers. can't really stand doing more dailies and space missions.


    2. crafting. again, why can't i RE my own crafted custom lightsabers? you promised a lot, then came and gave "clarifications" that what you promised was misinterpreted. well then - ok, i misinterpreted, so i really don't like the limited and unbalanced (some professions are worth a lot more than the others) crafting system. i like the core, but it needs a lot more work. also, on dead servers, crafters cannot benefit from their time invested simply because there are no customers, no raw materials and so on.


    3. customer service. no need to expand here i believe.


    4. QA/Testing. It's unacceptable for you to ignore PTS, for a product with 160+M $ to have such an incompetent development/testing/QA department. not once very visible and easy to spot bugs passed to the live servers.


    5. maintenance. it's not acceptable to screw customer's prime times, be them NA, EU or AU&OC. you guys need to find a way (and there are several suggestions) to improve on this.


    6. beautiful scenery (except ilum and maybe hoth - just to much white and it really hurts my eyes, although i admit it's not unlike i would have imagined it from the movies) but static. too static. nothing ever changes. you do the bonus quests and - nothing. the enemies are still there, you don't have any feeling of achievement (for example, in WotLK there was this quest line in which you had to liberate some zones in order to get to the Champion's Arena (or whatever it was called) - which was intense and nice).


    7. "highest quality of service". i can't shake this, really. you justified a lot of your decisions with this. now, where is it?


    8. did i mention... dead servers? i'll buy now a single player game with a co-op option, without a monthly subscription and with a universe i love nearly as much as Star Wars. SW:TOR was meant to be an MMO. dead servers != MMO.

  2. just unsubscribed. have 35 days left, but will most likely not use them all, if any.


    feel really sad, but i will not wait for god knows how long 'till they start on improving my (yes, my - because it's my money i pay the subscription with) game experience.


    for the record, in case any EA/BW comes across this, it's really because of the dead servers. and a single server LFG tool prospect is not helping in any way whatsoever.


    will keep an eye on the forums and on the patch notes.

  3. LOL thanks for scare me even more with this! i guess im gonna be alone in my server now...

    your so good at cheer peeps man! <3


    well, i'd like to cheer you up but i;m depressed.


    you see, contrary to what people might think i really like this game. i love the swtor universe (really, when i was a kid i was "meditating"and hoping to make things fly around like luke - weirdo kid) and i was so excited about it and really want to see it grow and succeed. unfortunately it's getting harder and harder...


    nevertheless, i like the diablo universe too (been through d1 + d1 hellfire, d2 + d2 expansion and now d3 testing) but i decided that the only thing that;'s going to prevent me from playing it is to... not buy it. and that is a hard decision to stick with since i do own my CC (but my wife will own my butt if i buy yet another game after the 120$ swtor...)


    P.S. while i do like the diablo universe too i realize that sticking a stone in my head would rather kill me than give me superhuman powers and stuff, so for all concerned, i won't do it :p

  4. we all agree LFG tool that is server only , its something we Dont need, with the current population of the most realms

    a LFG tool wont do anything for anyone.

    i hope BW understand this too and its trying they best for work the real top issue of the game



    D3 tomorrow and i am freaking scared if i am gonna be alone now in the dam realm...

    and this is not a joke, wish it was, i am really in panic for tomorrow, hope BW do something soon...


    well, i'm not really panicking but nevertheless i''m curious. also, tomorrow is a great excuse to start playing D3 since swtor will have maintenance. 4 hours is more than enough to make you not wanna leave the D3 world, i played the open beta test like a madman :p

  5. I stopped playing Tera. That lineage wannabe sucked.


    So where does that leave us?


    :( really didn't want to spend another 60$ for a game (D3), especially after spendin 120$ on this one (monthly fee not included - yeah, i was the sucker that bought the CE from overseas...) but i''m not the kind of guy that goes to bowling on a saturaday evening either, plus a lot of my real life friends (some of them being friends with for over 20 years) are spread all around the country and the world. beside meeting them 2 or 3 times per year, for easter/christams/summer holiday, the only realistic way i can spend some 2-3 hours with them on a regular basis, once per week or so, is an online computer game or just skype. we'd prefer the game where we can chat and do something fun too. (we were all geeks at some point lol).


    any suggestion? almost all of them already got d3 and moved from swtor.

  6. Only 3pm in the afternoon here. I play on Jedi Covenant which is the 2nd most populated server behind Fatman according to http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us.


    People in Fleet Empire Side: 70

    People in Fleet Republic Side: 54

    People in Stormwind on Lightbringer Server which is listed as a "Medium" population server: 147


    Thats just pathetic. A medium population WoW server has more people in ONE capital city than Empire and Republic have in Fleet combined. I would also add in people in Org and Ironforge but I dont wanna make this game look more dead than it already is.


    WOW (not WoW)! 70/54 people on fleet? nice. and it's 3PM? i'd love to see that on my server too...

  7. You're giving WoW a hard time for having empty zones? That's funny.


    Fortunately WoW has X-server LFDs so lower level players can still run dungeons (good luck on that BW).


    Also, Blizz is implementing X-server zones in MoP as well. Imagine, in TOR, if planets were shared by other servers. Maybe finding groups for Heroics will be.......possible?


    When it comes to features, WoW is the iphone and TOR is like Indian Smoke Signals or something.


    the analogy, albeit a little excessive is worth +100 Presence ;)

  8. Sounds like it. If anything xfers will come well before 1.3 IMO. They said transfers are coming in "early summer" no? Well we're pretty much 1/2 a month away from summer and there is hardly even any news on 1.3 going around, much less anything on the PTS so ...


    Unless they plan on hardly testing 1.3 out (hoping they learned their lesson with the 1.2 mess we had which was only tested for about a month) and barring any delays to their development ... we SHOULD see transfers happening sooner than 1.3.


    yay, actually a response.


    thank you, i didnt make the connections.


    i reiterate: without transfers, the LFG tool (single server) will be kind of useless to people on low population servers so for me this is a must (transfers/mergers whatever + LFG or x-realm LFG, preferably the first).

  9. So for your own selfish greed you want the RPG aspect removed, cool.




    False accusation



    What facts? That WoW has become a barren wasteland except for the citties?


    1. I really don't understand how would an x-server LFG tool would prevent you from LFG. Do the FPs, HC quests, OPS with friends. Nobody FORBIDS you to do them with a pre-set group. NOBODY forces you to use the LFG tool.


    2. maybe, maybe not...


    3. And SWTOR is a megapolis... at 10 PM there are a grand total of 30 people on the fleet (which should be the equivalent of Stormwind, Dalaran and all the other major cities put together), out of which about 10 are level 50. 10 PM! In WoW, at 10 PM i would have been able to find at least 2 PuGs raids and i could have ran HC all day long. That was in WotLK, since i quite before Cataclysm (although i was a beta tester...).

  10. lol, did you really just say that?? Rofl. Thaty just proves how bad the game is. They have to give incentives and bonuses for people to run the dungeons. Jesus, they were handing out free copies of D3 just to keep players.


    erm... really...


    i never ran hc's in WoW for the buff/incentive. i always tried to ran them with guildies or friends and if none or to few were available i would just hit the LFG tool.


    i never saw anything wrong in encouraging people to run them. yes, give them a bit of an incentive - which should compensate for not having a homogeneous group (because you know, usually when playing with guildies and/or other friends you kind of know what the other person is going to do, you know what to expect, things go more smoothly and so on).


    and another thing - you start to sound just like a l33t that denies other people's chance to run content simply because they would be able to get the rewards from that content. yes, don't give them for free, of course, but why moan and whine over something that does NOT affect your experience but lets others, less fortunate (they might not have such a PVE strong guild, they might be in a roleplay guild) to experience the same content by giving them a slight advantage?

  11. 1. Mention at bottom.


    2. Have not gotten him yet on my Knight as a Consular was my main, but there are certain companions that would not make any sense becoming a particular class.


    3. Actually yes, I have run into a common speaking Twi'lek. A BUNCH of them in fact. In reality, the mayor person on Taris is a common speaking Twi'lek. You also have Mission Vao (or however her name was spelt) from KotOR who was a common speaking Twi'lek. The story does exist. Simply because you do not like it or care about it does not mean it isn't there.


    5. True statement. Everyone is expecting a Star Wars Galaxies type space flight, and I just do not see that happening in this game. It is possible, but not very likely.


    Now as for the cross server LFG tool. I have a friend who works at Gamestop. When people come in and buy SW:TOR, they ask her if the game has a cross server LFG system similar to that of WoWs. And they are not asking it in a good way seeing as they buy the game when she tells them no. Now, I may be wrong, but to me, this says that the people still buying the game do not want a cross server LFG tool. I also know about 30 people at my college who all stay on this game because it does not have a cross server LFG tool. Not to mention how many people go and complain on every forum post that asks for one. All the people who want a cross server LFG tool are already gone seeing as they have said so in their forum posts. The only people still remaining in the game are here because we like the fact that Bioware chose to not do a straight WoW clone. Yes, the game is a "clone" of WoW, but no more than WoW is a clone of Everquest. They are all MMOs and will all have certain concepts that are standard for an MMO, persistent world, lots of players, chat, etc. This does not mean that they should all have the same in game systems/tools.


    1. cross-server LFG or transfer/mergers + LFG. I do not advocate cross server LFG, i simply said that in the absence of transfers/mergers at the same time the LFG tool is implemented, single server LFG will be useless for all the people on low population servers (albeit it might just improve the game a bit)

    2. i do wonder if that friend of yours also tells the people he sells the game to that there's only 2-3 servers with high population for each region, and than half of the servers are technically dead. so if they want to experience the end game content they should be careful where they end up... or better yet that they can find themselves on a dead sever after two or more months of playtime, with one or more level 50 chars. but yeah, i bet that people who hear that a game has cross server LFG would have no objection to the latter.

  12. Server transfers/mergers still require people to not be A-holes because the server can put them on ignore and they won't be able to do anything. Sort of like I have done with a particular guild on my server due to ninja looting and other such stuff. Cross server LFG just allows people to click a button and not worry about anything because the people they get paired with will just have to put up with them or wait another hour.


    The point is this:


    If they release 1.3 with single server LFG but won't let people transfer from the low population servers then those people will benefit only so much from this tool simply because there are no people to group up with. As for the people on servers with good population the LFG tool will improve the already much better game experience (than of those from the low population server).


    Want to see what will ruin community faster? People leaving because they are bored and the "tool" BW provides cannot be used (duuuh! there are no people to team up with) or some cross server LFG that, when voluntarily used (nobody asks you to use it - if you feel you can get a group now through the means that are now at your disposal then what will prevent you to use the same methods in the future?) might mean that you will meet some jerks.


    EDIT: Yes, cross server LFG is bad. But dead servers are even worse. A lot worse. And while a LFG tool, cross server or not, can be refined so that it will prevent abuse, dead servers cannot be dealt with unless:

    1) poople re-roll (start from scratch, leaving maybe 1 or 2 level 50 toons, legacy, time spent leveling and so on and so forth)

    2) transfer

    3) merges


    That (cross server LFG tool is bad) is my opinion and i'm not saying that this is what destroys the community but it sure helps because people are inherently selfish and jack arses, and the anonymity a cross server LFG provides releases the player from a lot of constraints. Nevertheless, except some 10 (are there still 10?) servers a lot of them cannot even speak of a community (well... mini community?) because there are to few people.


    And what's worse is that each day the numbers gets thinner and thinner.


    Breathing (O2) is inherently bad for you, you know? It burns your cells. You oxidize. And, after a while, it burns more than what your body can replenish. You die. Still, you can't live without it...


    This game looses people, it will choke. A cross server LFG tool OR a single server LFG tool coupled with transfers/merges will give it more air to breath. In the end, this game WILL die, and you know what? It will die because PEOPLE will LEAVE, no matter the reason. So the priority right now is not people leaving because of a poor community (which will eventually happen, cross server LFG or not, in case the game succeeds - funny how this happens, the more people you have, the worse the community gets DUH!) but people leaving because they don't have access to content that they play with - and not because of lack of skills.


    So thanks for the LFG tool, but either make it cross server or at the same time allow transfers (or merges or whatever). Otherwise, thanks for nothing.

  13. So you want Bioware to sacrifice community, which is something they have stated several times that they want, for your own benefit? Cross server LFG tool would destroy this game the same exact way it destroyed WoW.


    Although I do not want a LFG tool period, I am willing to compromise with a single sever LFG tool to satisfy you anti-social people. I just hope this does not lead into any other simplifications for the sake of bringing in more people or keeping those who do not care about the game anyway.


    Are you kidding me?


    People ruin community. People.


    Community? You call a 30 peolple on fleet at 22:00 PM a community (out of those only ~10 being level 50). I remember in WoW, at 22:00, on my servers, there were the usual guild raids and the "letf-outs" were usually running PuGs. Not to mention daily HC or whatever. Point is that there was something to to. At 10 AM, at 10 PM, at 04 AM. No matter the hour, there was something to do (in regards to group play).


    And on another note, while i do agree the this tool can be abused (and yes, it will be - in the sense that if it won't have good rules about who can roll on what, there will be "loot dramas") i never said that there needs to be a coss server LFG tool (while imho it will help more than it will hurt), i just asked if this 1.3 patch includes BOTH the single server LFG tool AND the transfers.


    In case the transfers will come at a later date, and with a single server LFG tool i will unsub and wait for the transfers. For me there is no other choice simply because there is little to no one on my server to group up with, LFG tool or not.


    As for stating that i'm expecting BW to sacrifice the abstract notion of community for my own sake... You clearly don't read the forums that much. People, dare i say a LOT of people, rage and whine and YELL because they are on dead or dying servers. Why? Solo content can be done SOLO, so the level of population on a server has no impact on that...


    All those people are raging because they have no access to GROUP CONTENT - there's nobody to group up with. Will an automated system find them a group? Hell no, there's nobody on that server. How hard is it to understand?

  14. The are doing transfers, pretty much every server will have a good population or will be totally empty. If you're on a low populated server after the first few days of transfers, it's your own fault for not moving.


    again read


    i am aware of the transfers and of the LFG tool.


    i was asking whether they will coincide or not (and transfers will be allowed AFTER the LFG tool)


    if not -> LFG tool will be useless for people on low population servers 'till transfers are allowed.


    why care? well, i will unsub now and (maybe) come back when the transfers are allowed, because transfers are more important than the LFG tool as without transfers the LFG tool will be useless for me (i'm on a low population server and got quite tired of space missions and dailies).


    simple now?

  15. With transfers it will - for the ppl that don't want to communicate the one's that do will continue to use general chat. There's absolutey no need for xserver when realms have good population.


    erm... an option to look for group on the same server or cross server would solve the problems for all servers. People who don't want cross server will not chose that option while in the mean time allowing people on low populated servers to play with each other.


    on good population servers grouping was not that difficult compared to low population servers anyway, so the "solution" (LFG Tool) will simply fail because it will be useful only for those on good population servers.


    interesting that your response simply ignores the problem. i haven't seen that many people complaining about not being able to find groups on good population servers - so that is not the problem. the problem lays in the inability of people on LOW population servers to find groups - and it will remain so (although maybe a bit better) after implementing the LFG tool as it stands now (without cross server).


    the only way that this will help the low population server players is if they allow transfers at the same time.


    even more, if they postpone transfers and let the LFG tool be used it will create an even deeper gap between people who are able to use it (because there are people who use it too on their servers) and people who are not able to use it (because there are no people on their server).


    P.S. as some other poster have stated, a cross server LFG would also improve the game experience for people that play at non peak hours, be it on a good population server or on a low population server.

  16. Whats the big deal? People wanted LFG, they will get it, people wanted transfers they are coming. So both problems will be solved in the near future. If you have no population atm, then just wait for the transfers and tada problem solved.


    Cross server LFGs would take a LOT more time, and a lot of people (myself included) don't want that, so this is the best action for now.


    Read again. I am not arguing against or for LFG cross realm or that they should come now and whatever.


    I am asking if the 1.3 Patch (with LFG Tool) will coincide or not with the transfers. I understand that you and oh... so maaany people don't want it (although you have no argument really against cross server realm except the vague and irrational fear that a cross server LFG tool would destroy the abstract concept of community).


    Glad you feel everything is ok, but i do not. ATM i am stuck at doing the same dailies or space missions and if the warzone finder is anything to look at to see what the LFG will be, on a low population server, than it will benefit me not.


    As for Cross LFG tool taking a LOT more time - care to provide any proof to that? What is this, the contest where people come up with statements out of their arses and call them truths? I can play that game to, and believe me, i would have a much more educated opinion/guess about how hard is to implement such a functionality.


    So thank you for stating the obvious (that the LFG tool is coming, the transfers are coming) while not adding anything to answer the question whether transfers and LFG tool will coincide. It makes a difference for me (and BW for that matter) simply because i can "wait for it" subbed or i can "wait for it" unsubbed.

  17. "SWTOR doesn't even hold a candle to how much one can do in an hour in WoW."


    And herein lies the problem with modern mmo audiences. Expecting a launch title to have the same features and content as an almost 10 (7) year old game...


    Yes, you're right, because it's normal to expect to pay the price for a product that has the same features as it's main competitor had 10 (7) years ago.


    SWTOR does not compete with what WoW was 10 years ago, it competes with what are GW2, Aion, Wow TODAY. At least we still pay the same price.


    Yes yes... mmo audiances, what are they thinking (like a normal customer would...)?

  18. Hello,


    From what i have learned so far it seems that the promised LFG Tool will come with 1.3 but it will not be cross realm. First of all i would like to mention that i like this game and would really like to see it succeed, and while i admit i have been an avid critic, my observations have been aimed mainly towards BW/EA's handling of the game and of the customers.


    On another note i understand (while not completely agree) with the people arguing against a cross realm LFG tool as i have seen the effects it had on another game. Although it let people insta-group, the community feeling took another decisive blow (keep in mind that there was a community to speak of in the first place - a thing the smaller servers of SWTOR cannot brag about). Nevertheless, i consider it to be just one of the several factors that destroyed the community in that game and frankly it wasn't the most important so please spare me the "dread" attitude and try to bring arguments instead of a panicked and irrational response. A LFG tool is an important "must have" in today's MMOs and the fact that it's cross realm has it's upsides and downsides. Try to recognize them both, instead of just one of it...


    BUT if you release the LFG Tool as it stands now the only people that will benefit from it are the people that are already on more lively servers, those of us that currently find it hard to say the least to form a group will not benefit from the group finder simply because there are no people to group up with, be it in the old fashion spam-the-general-chat-on-the-fleet or with an automated group finder.


    So, unless you allow transfers at the same time this tool is released i will have no other choice but to unsubscribe at least until transfers are a reality since a LFG tool restricted to one server without the possibility to transfer my chars to a server that will allow me to use it is equal to zero.


    I would really like to know if patch 1.3 (with the added LFG tool) will coincide with the transfers.


    Thank you.

  19. honestly i think the problem is bioware uses the pts to test, they should hire professional testers to find the bugs.. if the pts is anything like the beta servers.. the average player was just playing the beta so they could see how cool the game was. if they were going to play it...id wager the pts is used to see the cool new stuff comming out soon..which is a shame, but not totally biowares fault..


    ironically they did not use the PTS. that's not functional since 1.2 released (afaik). even more, it's hard for players to find some bugs (like the ops/FPs/HC quests bugs) since they are not allowed to transfer chars from the live servers so everyone has to level up (and for example this bug affected most lvl 50 chars and only few below 50 lvl since before 50 usually you don't usually have and/or use the matrix relic).


    i agree with you on the professional testers, but they should not overlook PTS as this is a very powerful tool and trust me, when you have 20k users (my case) you'd be surprised what kind of bugs they can find. sometimes the power lies in numbers and even if the massive numbers of public testers would not rise to the level of a professional testing department it sure would not be a bad thing, wouldn't it?


    overall they should not rely on PTS and public tests, especially given the budget, but they are stupid for not using it nevertheless.

  20. actually i do, I worked in the industry for nearly 5 years in the military, as a system administrator, part coding monkey for small programs the military needed , nothing big or fun sadly. and I am returning to school to further my education in computer networking and coding, so ya I have a bit of experience in the field.


    I also co developed a mud in the 90s (ya i am old) and i learned a bit more about game based coding there.. though sadly didnt pan out as well as i would have liked. lol


    i do too and let me tell you this bug crap should not happen


    i work in ERP development for 8 years now, going through all the steps (analysis, functional design, technical desing, development, internal testing, documentation, client testing (going back to development if necessary), implementation, maintenance). you said you worked for the military? heck, there are a lot of responsibilities were it comes to an ERP like the one i'm involved (some 7-8 million people are affected by it, having around 20k concurrent users) but i cannot even imagine what kind of responsibility must be when working in military projects.


    when you have a project that took anywhere from 160M to 300M (speculative) well sir, let me tell you, that implies a great degree of responsibility. BW development department, or BW Testing/QA department clearly lacks. This bug should have never been on the live server. period.


    as for coding? yes, some bugs are really hard to solve even when they are easy to replicate (had one like this myself this week. it took pure luck to find the cause, after more than 3 days of analysis, debug, blind trial and error modification and so on) but the point is that this bug of mine was detected on a pre-live version by the testing team. it wasn't even obvious - it required a set of conditions and actions that are, to say the least, infrequent. yet they found it.


    few bugs ever get to the live version, none of them being major or critical, none of them being obvious (like the relic bug is) be them minor or major or even critical.


    they are lacking a lot, which is disappointing to say the least. they give the impression of amateurism, a team of undergraduate students - that although have great ideas or ambition or enthusiasm lack experience and, dare i say, competence when it comes to... "coding".


    and all of this in the context of 400k subs lost. let's say that some 75% of the would have left anyway and that only 25% of them left because of the bad patches, bad maintenance schedule, bad customer support and so on. that still adds up to 1.400.000 USD each month lost because of incompetence. quiet a lot i'd say. EACH MONTH!


    P.S. i bet that neither "your" military project(s) nor "my" ERP when summed up don't even come close to the conservatory 160.000.000 $ spent developing this game. Not even close. Nor do the revenues (don't know if in a military project we can speak of revenues but just for the sake of it). Yet, for my part, we don't use lobotomized monkeys as testers, nor do we use the clients as guinea pigs (well... can't really speak for the military here :p).

  21. you know how long it takes to fix a bug because .....what? you are a coder? a dev? a game designer? have worked in the industry? have more of an idea besides I put my dvd in and game plays?



    really , you can say it shouldnt. but unless you know anything about coding and developing you are just talking out your behind..


    and you do?

  22. I think it's interesting that all the haters are calling any realistic post a "fanboi" post, don't you think? I mean, it really shows how deep the pessimism runs on this forum when reality is so far above their heads. It's fascinating to watch, truth be told.





    Thank you for illustrating my point beautifully. ;)


    really? there have been threads about the population drop for some months now. truth? how many fanboys came on those threads and accused everyone that they are just haters, that the population is GROWING (there's still a thread with this... how ironic) and so on and so forth, even though most people complained about the fact that they play this MMO ALONE.


    a couple of months later BAM! -20ish % lost subs. i agree that it's not that much (about 40% and i would have unsubbed, wouldn't want to invest more into a dying game anyway) but it's not looking good either, especially considering those 30 days they gave for free (free? ha! i expect even more considering the **** they pull with those patches...).


    truth? you can't handle the truth! :p


    don't defend the fanboys. they do as much, if not more, damage than the haters (because i admit, there are haters). it's much better to call things by their name, which, imho is that this is a good and promising MMO, in which people scream to play together but the developer and publisher seem to make all the wrong moves.


    if they keep it this way there's won't be long 'till not even the force will be able to save this product (which i really want to play, especially since i gave 120$ for that useless CE... now i'm not even asking them to do something about the CE owners - to give some update for the CE vendor, i only want this game to be OK).

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