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Posts posted by JediMasterSarynn

  1. My guild is exploring merging into another active, primarily Republic focused guild (having Empire sister guild is fine). We are a small, active guild with nightly PVP'ers and a few HM (almost NiM) raid teams.


    You can read about our guild and our principles here: http://www.aethereal.club/


    Why are we looking to merge? Quite frankly, myself and other longtime Officers just don't have the time to dedicate to recruit against the churn that occurs in SWTOR, especially on the HM/NiM raiding front. Our standards are and have always been quite high for guild membership. Not in terms of player ability, but in terms of social fit. We want to ensure that our more casual base has opportunities to run more casual content consistently while still being social in GC and/or VOIP.


    If we pursue this, we're looking for a guild that can accommodate our mix of players (PVP/PVE, casual and hardcore, theorycrafters, etc) and is not looking to break up our raid teams or schedules (one is full, others have spots open and we can help gear and guide anyone). This may sound silly, but major preference giving to any guild that uses Discord or plans to move to it for VOIP. Aside from SWTOR, we play other games together and this has proven to be a superior communication program at the PC and on the go.


    If you're interested and think we're a match, send me a private message on our website or show off your Discord-yness and send me a private message there.

  2. With the instancing technology already in the game, there is no real reason to have more than one server for US/APAC and one for EU. Yes, I know from a PVP standpoint this eliminates open world PVP as people would have to flag themselves, but most PVP happens in warzones anyway.


    They'd have to figure out how to get guilds, houses, and ships transferred but having one mega server would take care of any population issues.

  3. Oh, you bet there is. It's Return On Investment, and it's literally the only factor EA weighs when making decisions.


    As a longtime former EA employee, I can confirm this. Believe me, I'm not optimistic that this is even on their list or they'll ever do this. I just want to call it out to them that older MMOs are continuing to evolve technically and deliver MMO content to their fans, regardless of player base size. In this game, you have an amazing IP that is being squandered, yet again (Sony did it first).


    Without this IP this game would definitely be shut down by EA at this point as I am fairly confident the appeal wouldn't be there for us unless it was Mass Effect or Dragon Age. Even then, those are more niche fan bases and don't have the mass appeal of Star Wars.


    Regarding Rift specifically, I think feature-wise it was an amazing game and still is today. Sadly, I can't get into it. I just don't care about the story, the world, or my characters as a result. As a game to just pop in and do some raiding or super fun dungeons, it's amazing. But it just doesn't have that "stickiness".

  4. Having 4 sets of gear on the go seems a bit excessive. You only mention doing tank or DPS - that would only be two sets, unless you are getting really anal about the exact configuration and carrying 2 sets of tank gear and 2 sets of DPS gear. (Perhaps you have some with expertise and some with other stats>)

    If that's the case - multiple sets of DPS or Tank - surely there are ways to reduce the number of pieces you really need to switch. Particularly, is it really necessary to have 4 bracers and 4 belts?


    You might be better off creating insta-60s for the various roles rather than trying to make one toon a jack-of-all-trades - or at least, one character for PvE and one for PvP. They could be essentially the same - same look, class, etc.


    Basically, given the current state of making new content and trying to fix some of the bugs, something like you suggest is probably very low on the list.


    Not really excessive at all. Two tank sets, one for PVP and one for PVE. Same with DPS. All are completely optimized. I do a mixture of all content type in the game and don't want to run to my cargo by constantly, I'd rather be ready for whatever I or my group feels like doing at the moment.


    Creating another Shadow just for the purpose of slotting him as a specific spec is just...dumb. I say this as someone who has a guildie who does this (he actually has a character for each spec in the game, a bit "excessive"). I'd rather work one character. It's bad enough we can't switch AC's like we can AC specs, resulting in my having 8 characters just on the Republic side. But that's a different topic all together...


    While this feature may be low on their list, and we don't know - it would be great if they can communicate their plans for the year and/or for them to comment on threads like these so we, the community, know where they stand on things.

  5. I am astonished by the numbers of players that are so brainwashed by EA/BW greed that they would happily pay cartel coins or credits for a basic feature that should be in game from the very beginning and completely FREE for all subscribers. Yes, you can charge preferred or f2p for it, but not subscribers in a subscription based game! And god have mercy on your soul if you think otherwise.


    Believe me, I'm not brainwashed. I just know how to speak Bioware's language at this point. They're not going to do any enhancements or features to this game unless it is directly driving revenue in some way. Building this feature as a nice convenience feature for free is never going to happen. Therefore, just drive it the same way they did the wardrobe feature. Done and done.

  6. Read about it here:




    I can't help but think, "*** Bioware!". :mad:


    A game slightly older than SWTOR and it continues to evolve content-wise, and now tech-wise. Yeah, I know all about SWTOR's engine. Still, would be great if Bioware could make these improvements to this game as well. Definitely needs it.

  7. And yet another reason why I only use CC to change my character's looks or to unlock an outfit. You're making the gambling system even worse for your consumers, but I know that you know that. I'll keep staying away from the Cartel Market until you start putting better business practices in place. Just look at your competitors for a reference.
  8. Hello,


    I am currently looking for an end game guild that is EST prime time zone. I love doing PvP and would like to start end game raiding again. Let me know what guild is recruiting and is active.




    Assuming you're looking for a Republic guild, check out <Aethereal> at http://www.aethereal.club/. We're both east and west coast US, and have raiding teams for both time zones. Our east coast team actually could use a reliable tank or DPS. Learn more at our home page, as it will give you schedule and everything else you need to know. Feel free to jump on our Discord at http://discord.aethereal.club/ to ask us any questions directly. Most of us have it on our phones so we'll be quick to answer. :)

  9. Welcome, cbcullen!


    I invite you to check out <Aethereal>. We are a US based guild with east and west coast raid and PVP teams. We have quite a few current and ex military (mostly ex) in our guild. We are a social, casual, but serious guild with a friendly and fun environment. You can learn quite a bit about us from our home page (great FAQ) here:




    You can also jump in and join us on Discord during prime time hours at http://discord.aethereal.club/.


    Talk to you soon!

  10. token 216, the comms ones are still not that good compared to pvp stuff. you get more endurance and mastery but lose power and set bonus


    I wrote that if all things were equal (that is, set bonus items since PVP items are set bonus items), then 216 gear is better, which holds true. I'm not referencing comm gear as there is no point in wearing that stuff.

  11. Unfortunately Legacy names are not unique anymore. They changed that a long time ago.


    What would help a lot is if we could have two word names separated by a space. I almost never ran out of names on City of Heroes and I just started playing FF XIV and was able to get my first choice of name that way.




    We don't really need a name purge. We need an overhauled character naming system.

  12. Still don't understand how this isn't part of the respec ability. Has absolutely no story impact, only gear. And guess what? Respecing within an AC also carries a gear impact most of the time. I don't want to manage multiple versions of the same class for different AC's. I just want to have 8 characters, one for which class.


    Bring this feature into respec and I will be releasing several names into Harbinger. Yoda knows that server needs it.

  13. I play PVP and PVE a lot. If you have a fully geared (208), fully augmented and optimized PVP set for your class and know how to play your class well, you're going to have no issues doing SM Operations and HM EV/KP, probably more. It really depends on the group you're with. Tactical and HM FPs aren't a problem either.
  14. I've been looking for a good guild for awhile now and yours seems like about the right fit for me. I've been raiding off and on with a tank and would love to start raiding consistently again. I've got a guardian tank or I could level a shadow tank quick like. I'll look for you in game tonight.




    Thank you for your interest, Embrey! Just a note as it wasn't clarified, the 8PM TUE/THU group mentioned is our east coast team, so it's 8PM EST. However, I'd love a steady tank for my 9PM PST TUE/THU group as well. :D


    See you in-game!

  15. Over the holidays I took unusual (for me) route of purposely joining many PUG PVE and PVP groups. Not really surprising, there were so many different TeamSpeak, Mumble, Discord, and even one Ventrilo invites sent out it was a bit mind numbing. There were also many times, mainly in PVE, where there was no voice communication.


    In an effort to help provide voice communication in Harbinger, or really for any SWTOR player, I've created a server on Discord for PUG members to come together. It even has an easy-to-remember URL:




    If you've never used Discord before, it's an outstanding product (read more about it here). My guild moved to it a few months ago and haven't looked back. Outside of the great voice quality, the persistent text chat, being able to easily embed content and links into chat is awesome. The free iOS and Android apps that accompany it keeps you connected. It's very impressive - and free.


    Hopefully this can help groups on Harbinger and elsewhere in this game. I've added several text channels (general, trade, LFG, PVP) and many voice channels for grouping. Any feedback would be appreciated! If you're also interested in helping me manage the server (mainly just creating channels if needed), let me know.

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