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Posts posted by Desmosedici

  1. All I can say is that anyone with less than 600-800 expertise will get their faces melted off in 2 seconds.

    Saw a Tanksin with 0 expertise do 300k+ damage and 100k protection in Denova. FYI this was in the Shadowlands after the server transfers.

  2. There's two classes that need a boost and a lot of crying about nothing IMHO (and those two classes are operative and merc, not sorc). Sorcs are fine, stop crying already.

    Really? Ops & Scoundrels can at least vanish during a fight or come stealthed and attack you from behind. What can Sorcs/Sages do? Speed force away only to be grappled back? Or apply another bubble that will be popped faster than Lindsey Lohan's cherry?


    I can't complain though, thanks to the nerf on Sorcs I've switched to PT and I'm happy with my Pyro. And if they nerf PTs again, I got my Tanksin and Gunslinger ready to be taken to 50.

  3. The nerf bat of 1.2 is only part of the problem. The mage-like archetype character that Bioware created within the Sage/Sorc talent trees is (Seer/Corruption, Telekinetics/Lightning) are both trees based around channeling times and build up time towards heals/damage - anyone who played WoW - imagine playing a mage without having blink. That's what we deal with.


    What became apparent pre 1.2 was that most newer/undergeared/solo queuers came to the forums and whined about the Sage/Sorc's potential for damage. I say potential because that's what it realistically is. Leaving a Sage/Sorc alone to do their job is a fatal mistake; one that people didn't seem to understand pre 1.2. The amount of heal/damage that could be put out was fantastic. Do note, though, that the DPS is primarily sustained as the class lacks the kind of burst that is required to compete for the "burst dps focus fire and melt faces" role on the team.


    The Sorc/Sage has great base abilities and as such they over-performed during the grind of 1-50 during launch. They excelled during this time period appearing to be quite over the top indeed. The issue was that as soon as people started gearing up the Sorc/Sage was pretty much left behind pre 1.2 because their abilities scale poorly compared to the other classes. They could not keep up and any competent Pyrotech/Vanguard Marauder/Sentinel Operative/Scoundrel would say that the Sorc/Sage is the easiest class to kill in the game.


    This far it will seem like I'm agreeing with you indeed: problem arises though. Players are bad/new/undergeared/egoistic/frustrated. After 1.2 everyone in a warzone immediately rushes the Sorc/Sage to kill them because its simply so easy to do so. Pre 1.2 no one did only that the same remained - they were just as easy to kill and they had at least some sort of presence on the battlefield. If you let them do their job the're going to wreck havoc with pressured AoE, healers are obvious - much healing done.


    They were easily shut down.



    I'm a Sage on my main and while we are indeed UP now I don't see us getting back nearly as much power as we lost because Bioware is balancing according to overall metrics/less than average players/solo queue data. Which means if you give a great player great potential and let him face bad players he's going to wreck havoc giving the impression that the class is OP. Before we were easy to kill but at least we could fight back to some extent when being focused (obviously preferably we'll stay in the background and lay waste to our enemies) but now, post 1.2 you stay in the background and if you're focused you might as well run. No point fighting back cause our DMG potential simply isn't high enough in relation to our extremely low survivability. We have nothing.


    Top that with a third spec Madness/Balance which primarily focuses on using DoTs that are spread over 15-21 seconds. A huge misstake on Bioware's part in this game, the damage ticks are simply too low. It would be necessary to lower the duration of the DoTs by half but keep the same damage (and possibly add a "lockout" mechanism similar to the Force Armor/Static Barrier) - would give at least some damage when necessary not pointlessly spread out over time.


    I'm apathic to my Sage, I will most likely keep maining my Sage but I do not expect to be able to 100% compete with other classes for a very long time...

    Couldn't be more right.

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