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Posts posted by Tristan

  1. I am going to guess they are going to use or create a basic tank/healer/dps skill set for the companions. What they wear, weapon, etc. will not matter. It simplifies it. Its not really difficult to understand, their gear simply does not matter. They can taunt, heal, strike regardless what they are wearing or weapon they are using. Only the animations will be different.
  2. Restricting a class to starting at level 60 and missing out on all the story content before KotFE would be insane, though.


    Yes it would. I am saying start at 60 and no 1-60 class story. Class story. All other content accessible. Heck, with the direction Bioware is taking with Republic/Empire joined together, why not give the new class access to both fleets and all content on all planets. There are a lot of possibilities.

  3. again it would depend on what type and if they had to make all new weapons and armor for it...


    I assume you mean a new classification of armor/weapon and not what is currently in game. I am more speaking of creating a class that uses current stats and already established armor stats. More so a new class or classes based off HK-51 and Treek's skill set. Animations might be a hold up though.

  4. Just to add this, i haven't joined any Warzones or Flashpoints so i wouldn't ruin anyones game time, the only thing i ruined is my sanity for the time it took to get through Voss and Corellia :D


    I have done the same thing with a trooper to 55, solo. I already have a vanguard and commando max level so it was just something fun to do. Just think of it as another challenge and keep at it.


    When I get the motivation to level him to 60, my wife has said she ready to jump in and assist if needed. Maybe you can find a guild member to help you through the tough times. Though, I respect wanting to attempt it all solo. I have found having maxed presence and using Treek helped a lot to 55. Keep at it.


    I always thought it would be great to have to have a guild full of no advanced class characters and name it "No Class". Just saying :)

  5. Member #20506 checking in. Think I signed up for the original forums the second day they opened in October '08. Very much the forum lurker as I check them everyday, but rarely post. Beta tested as well. My squadron number is in my sig. Keep my sub up but currently taking a break waiting on new content.:D
  6. Tough to have any sympathy honestly. When I had to move from Master something or another server to Drooga's I lost all my names. Then another server merger from Drooga's to Harbinger happened. I thought, "Great", I actually had placeholders with my original names on Harbinger that I created during early access.


    Welp, come transfer time I lost all the placeholder names I had on Harbinger, but did get to keep some of my renames. Yeah, that pretty much sucked.


    Oh and the name, Tristan (my forum handle), you cannot have in game as it come up invalid. Go figure. But as a bonus, since Bioware switched log ins from email to forum name, I get around 5 emails a week where someone is trying to reset my password. Thanks for that!

  7. Avoid the fireballs. One person is marked when the boss vanishes and that is who the fireballs are drawn to. When he gets ready to vanish, a red flash/circle thingy is placed on one person.


    That person needs to run to one side behind the statutes and play peek-a-boo with the fireballs as they gather and come towards them. They will eventually dissipate when the boss returns.


    The others should go to the opposite side until the fireballs are gathered and chasing the marked person on the other side.


    My wife and I two manned this around level 24. Sith Jug and Sorc. We used companions Khem and Quinn. Of course when the companions get marked they dont move. Khem died. Quinn survived with him and my wife healing him though the fireballs. That is how we did it.

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