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Posts posted by Aikon

  1. I'm probably the odd tank here, but I only used 1 alacrity enhancement (248). Everything else was just boosting DPS or Endurance.


    "Pure" tank Guardian is supposed to be a little slow'ish, IMO. But that's just my preference. I would advise just adding small amounts of alacrity til things flow better for you, maybe start with an couple augments or an enhancement, and then adjust accordingly til you feel comfortable.

  2. I'm not a fan of this idea for regs, just because there are too many factors at play (people trying to queue with their friends, people recognizing their team isn't geared at all and wanting to leave, etc. etc.).


    For ranked, I think this could be a thing. Say if you leave a ranked match for whatever the reason, you get a debuff that doesn't let you queue for 5 minutes, but the debuff stays on for 1 hour. On top of that you lose rating for that character. If you get in to another ranked match and purposefully leave within that hour debuff, the debuff goes to level 2, which doesn't let you queue for 15 mins, and the debuff re-applies itself from 1 hour to 3. Again, you would lose rating for only that character. Then If you leave a ranked warzone again within that debuff window, then the debuff reapplies again, and the consequences increase.


    Maybe at 3 or 4 stacks, then have ranked warzone ratings decrease for the entire account. Of course, there will be folks who have legit issues with their computer and their connections, and what not. But that shouldn't matter because if they have issues for 2 or 3 matches, they should know they need to correct an issue on their end before queuing up again. And it won't entirely solve the problem as I'm sure some people have "dummy" accounts, though I think it still may help.


    I don't know if that makes sense, but with something like that in place for ranked, I think it would have some folks hesitate before "win-trading" or whatever kids call it these days.

  3. Hopefully someone can help answer this question.


    Sith Darkness Assassin.


    I'm familiar with balancing shield and absorb ratio's appropriately


    However -- both shield and absorb enchants comes with either

    High endurance / low defense


    High defense / low endurance


    Where is the sweet spot for endurance / defense? Do I go all high endurance on my enchants or max defense? or some hybrid (what ratio)?


    Wrong class section of forums? Or...?


    I'm not sure about exact numbers, but checking out the TORcommunity website might help.

  4. Solo reg queue. Not ranked, then I would have said ranked :p


    Day time, it's more miss than hit. If you happen to go through 10 matches, all 10 have a high chance of being losses. This is primarily due to the fact that a lot, not all, but a lot of Pubs who PvP during this time are just looking to get their rewards (UC, conquests) in. There are a also a couple of players who will just go in to a PvP zone, and sit there, doing nothing aside from leaving the spawn point so they don't get booted, and then talk non-sense to the team.


    There are players who actually attempt to play, as well, but a lot of them don't know how to improvise their rotations nor play objective PvP . For example, in a Huttball, players get too focused on kills and not moving the huttball, leading to quick defeats and shutouts. In Voidstar, you may have as many as half the team trying to plant the bomb on the door, when maybe a few of them should be trying to CC opponents leaving spawn. In Novare, you might have players who don't call incomings, or say anything when they get attacked while guarding. Or if they do, the entire team responds, leaving a node under-guarded, which then gets capped by opponents. Arenas are arenas.


    Now that's daytime during the week, usually. During the evenings and weekends, it's a bit more balanced. You do have more players who are adequate at PvP, play more objectively, communicate efficiently, and have a bit more of a positive competitive attitude.


    If PvP is something you enjoy doing regularly, this goes without saying (and this is not directed at you, since I'm sure you know this, but to any Pub PvP'er looking for a group to run with): Find a Pub guild that best supports you, and how you like to play. There are a few of them out there with different personalities, and although some may be exclusive, if you ask around and talk to specific guilds, they usually are pretty friendly and will let you run with them for a trial run.

  5. In fiction, In one of the "Legends" novels (I don't recall which), they speak about how a lightsaber is an extension of the body, and the only weight it has is in it's hilt. The blade itself when ignited weighed nothing. There was also a show some time ago on Science Channel (in the United States), which showed how one may construct a modern day version of a lightsaber. I think it was "Physics of the Impossible."
  6. My Questions:


    1. Does a Skank tank utilize a shield or focus?


    2. What type of armorings, mods, and enhancements does it utilize?


    3. Crit, End, or Power crystals?


    There are different preferences about this, and you will likely have to try different things and see what you like. But there are significant overlaps.


    1. Shield - with DPS modifications.


    2. Armorings - tank set. .. Mods and Enhancements - Pull them from the DPS sets and try them out, and then adjust as needed/your preference. Naturally, this will give you a little extra accuracy and a little alacrity, which you can experiment with.


    3. Mastery, IMO. All Mastery augments, as well.


    Not everyone will agree, but I find this kind of set-up working for me right now, though I still need to do some tweaking myself.

  7. Personally, I think server merging should be a "last resort" type of option. Cross-server queues would be interesting (and fix a lot of things), but I imagine that would be limited by region, or even where in the region you might be, right? Say for example for servers in the U.S., cross-server queues would be separated by West coast and a East coast from each other, due to server locations.


    Or would it just make sense to have cross-servers queue no matter where in the region they may be? Not sure how it would work with tech, since I don't know where servers are physically located and I'm no expert.


    If server mergers are bound to happen at some point, then I would suggest creating a RP instance for all servers (at all open locations - fleet, planets), and see if folks naturally migrate over time, say 90 to 120 days.

  8. Rage/Focus is a very, very fun spec. Though that is subjective, I am speaking as a former Vigilance/Vengeance player. I find Rage/Focus burst to be pretty fun in PvP (and some PvE), but as with most specs, you may not see the results you desire until you are at decently geared and have the set bonuses.


    With the CXP event going on, I was able to get up to 242+ with all my gear, and I'm finally seeing some significant burst in PvP. Of course, PvP isn't a good measure just because everyone plays differently, different play styles, different skills, etc. etc. PvE, I do just fine.

  9. Hey everyone,


    We are quite a few weeks away from publishing the next 90 day update for our SWTOR Roadmap. We solidified our content plan and release schedule, so I’ll include all those details in the update. But, as you know, we’re really trying to provide you with more insight than ever before, and I’d like to know what other information you’d want to see in the Roadmap. Obviously, I can’t promise to include everything, but will do my best to address a wide variety of your requests.


    Many of you read the SWTOR roadmap (http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20170531), and realize I had left you with an elusive “and more to come…” in the Game Update 5.4 section. I thought this would be a good time to let you know what will be released on August 22nd with the next game update. Here’s a few highlights of what you can expect:


    • Crisis on Umbara – Our story will continue in a new Flashpoint coming on the planet of Umbara. This Flashpoint will launch with all 3 difficulties, Story, Veteran and Master. For Umbara’s Master Mode we are trying something new, and depending on how well it goes, we may do something similar for all Master Mode Flashpoints. Specifically, a player will need to have an average gear rating of 242 to use Group Finder. We won’t prevent pre-made groups from going in directly, but this will prevent under-geared players from slowing down your group. We’re adding a new average rating identifier on your character window which will be based on the items you have ‘equipped’.
    • Umbara Stronghold – This is the most unique stronghold yet, as you will be able to decorate your own moving train. You’ll need to complete the flashpoint a few times to gain access to the stronghold. Look for more details about the Stronghold in an upcoming post.
    • Companion Customization – Senya Tirall can now have her weapons and armor customized. Also, Lana, Koth, and Senya’s hairstyles are available for purchase to customize your character.
    • Quality of Life – Companions can now be summoned while moving.
    • A new feature on the in-game Preference screen has been added for higher graphic settings to improve the realism of contrast and shadows.
    • Class balance – The following Disciplines are receiving changes (details will follow in the next few weeks):
      • Lethality / Ruffian
      • Concealment / Scrapper
      • Medicine / Sawbones
      • Fury / Concentration
      • Carnage / Combat

      [*]Season 8 will be coming to an end! We will post the full breakdown of rewards with screenshots in the coming weeks but in the meantime… the top rewards include a full weapon set and a new Ember Makrin Mount.

      [*]We are making changes to daily and weekly mission rewards for PvP with the intent of substantially improving Unassembled Component gain for players who complete both Ranked and Unranked missions.


    Back to the Roadmap update for a moment as I’d like to provide some guidelines about the feedback. Be concise and specific. Think how it will affect other players, fairness, progression, impact, to help us truly understand and weigh your thoughts against the entire plan/direction.


    Keep in mind, our goal for this year was to put us on a track of providing new and challenging multi-player content, while addressing all the gameplay systems in SWTOR. It does mean spreading content out over the year, but I still believe having access to content sooner is more desirable than having to wait a year to get it all at once.


    Chat with you all soon.




    Weren't all melee classes, Guardian and Juggernauts included, also supposed to have their classes addressed? Or are we now on the back burner? I thought all melee classes were supposed to get a 5% DPS boost through adjustments, among another things.


    Maybe I'm wrong here, and I just need to roll FOTM/FOTY Merc/Commando and L2P.

  10. Thanks!! Got crap ton of cartel so token for main on pub and probably spend token for imp for kicks. Love to revive pub again imps been dominating for too long. I know how it feels to love a faction and see it go under been there done that from beginning of this game on fatman, from po5 to bastion, and harb. When my old guild We are KAPPA got assembled we really put pub on map for a good time as well I took reign leader of FIGHT and our premades was strong. Look forward bringing that back with help of my boys and I humbly want to reach out to all pub for support and communication to balance what is left on pub and harb to give some balance back. :)


    I'd be interested in a joining a group of Pub PvP'ers on Harbinger. I returned to the game as a sub about a month ago (after over an year off) and my guild, FELL, has fallen victim to the times and unfortunately mostly inactive at the present time. I am a casual player, but I like running with a group who is interested in PvP, always looking to get better here and there, and play objectively. Of course I enjoy random PvE here and there, too.

  11. Command Rank being legacy wide -while that would be awesome, it would allow me to max out my alts quicker with gear, and leave me with little reason to run PvE content after running new content a few times for the story/experience (don't really care for achievements or titles, or go out of my way too often for cosmetic/decorations). But I do think that every time a character has maxed out their Command Rank that it should/could trigger a legacy achievement, and perhaps provide a small boost to CXP. Each time you max out, another boost is added. Say, an additional 5-10% each time. Maybe have this max out at 200%.


    I know there is a legacy perk to buy, to speed up CXP gains, but I think having Command Ranks being an achievement and boost sort of thing would be more helpful. I also think this could also be applied to Valor, maybe.

  12. For PvP and PvE you should always have 737 accuracy because this means you can never miss an attack. You should be aiming for about 1700 critical and 1200 in alacrity. Critcal helps because in Rage you have a lot of 100% critical chance attacks, and alacrity just helps with attacking faster in less time. Power and Mastery should not be neglected though. All the defense stats should be kept at 0 because you are playing a dps and not a tank. Hopefully this helps you, have a nice day.


    This is helpful! Thank you. I started messing around with Focus/Rage as Vengeance/Vigilance isn't as effective as it once was, at least for me anyway.


    I am enjoying Focus/Rage and tweaking my gear here and there, even though I'm not maxed out on gear.

  13. Lower or Remove the bolster


    We spent a ton of time and effort to gear up and have the best advantage over other players but instead you bolster them so high that they don't even need gear to compete. We pvpers in all min-maxed 248s worked hard and earned our gear. Your bolster and tiered geared are contradicting too. Why even have tiers of gear if your just going to bolster as high as you do?


    This would be OK for me, only if they have separate PvE and PvP gear again.

  14. Long-time player, and on and off subscriber for the past couple of years. Some folks have brought up this topic before, but to beat the horse a little more, would it be such a bad thing if for non-ranked PvP we were given the option to select queuing for arenas (4 vs 4) and warzones (8 vs 8)?


    Some people prefer arenas and some (or most I speculate) prefer warzones. I imagine this would allow PvP queuing times to actually speed up a little bit, too, as this would allow folks the option to queue for their preference and avoid having folks leave warzones and arenas after entering, leaving the rest of the team waiting before a match begins for backfill. Or starting a match down a few players.


    8 vs 8 Ranked PvP would be nice to have again, too, but I know that's frowned upon with the devs nowadays.


    @Musco and/or @Keith, is something like this difficult to implement?

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